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VIP Member
I filled an online questionnaire at my GPs
He rang me the next day
last weekend I had an MRI scan, everyone was so kind at the hospital, everything was explained and their attentiveness was fantastic, before and since my GP has rang once a week to see how I am and frankly I'm amazed, just waiting to see what course of action they are going to take
I did think it would take months but the whole experience from filing in an online patient form to Medication, blood tests and scan has been four/five weeks 🤷
See this is exactly how the online form thing should work, and I'm so pleased that you got a speedy result.

I thought the online form thing was a great idea until I used it. I needed a contraceptive pill review before I could have my repeat prescription and it's impossible to get through on the phones. I noticed that you could fill in an online form for this, so I did. I supplied my BP, weight and answered a million questions about my health, my future plans regarding contraception etc, basically all the questions they ask at the review. Next day I got an email saying the nurse would ring me in three weeks time, could I please take a BP reading nearer the time!

So even though they have all the information they need, I am happy to continue and have no issues, they are prepared to waste my time (they didn't give me a specific time, just the day) and theirs going over the same information. Plus, because its taken so long to get a call back I will literally have 3 pills left so if there's a delay with the pharmacy then I'll have nothing. Of course I can ring up and change if it isn't convenient but I can never get through, which is why I filled the form in in the first place!

I thought the form was supposed to free up doctors time for patients in greater need but clearly not! They are just making twice the work for themselves 🙄


VIP Member
could you show me where I said things can’t change? Stop trying to read between the lines and read what I actually wrote. I never said don’t bother striking and I never said they don’t deserve a pay rise and bigger budgets . What I said was why are they striking and why are people still going into these jobs. So funny no one can have an opinion or question the the NHS striking but we can have a whole thread on NHS staff good paid and bad paid that are total an utter wankers to patients LOLS
And I already answered your question as to why people go into these jobs, and why they might go into them and strike at a later date, because things change.
So no, I can’t show you where you said “things can’t change” but I can show you where I said things can change and you repeated your question as to why people take these jobs. Perhaps you could read a NMC or RCN or a trade union website to understand real peoples reasons for wanting to enter nursing.


VIP Member
The bowel issues could also be ulcerative colitis or coeliac disease. Serology testing could find autoantibodies too.

She needs real treatment either way. Has she even had a colonoscopy done ?

Kim Mild

VIP Member
Received a text advising me to get my daughter booked in for a flu vaccine. 30 mins waiting on the phone for the GP surgery to answer and tell me ‘oh sorry those texts are from NHS England and we haven’t actually received the vaccines yet so we’ll text you when we do and can book you in then.’

I looked on their website before I called so they could have put that message there or as a pre record on the phone!
I've had one of those texts. A few minutes later got an email from school saying they are having a vaccination session at school.


Active member
Perhaps they shouldn’t bother.
I find it bizarre that you don’t think things can change.
could you show me where I said things can’t change? Stop trying to read between the lines and read what I actually wrote. I never said don’t bother striking and I never said they don’t deserve a pay rise and bigger budgets . What I said was why are they striking and why are people still going into these jobs. So funny no one can have an opinion or question the the NHS striking but we can have a whole thread on NHS staff good paid and bad paid that are total an utter wankers to patients LOLS


VIP Member
My husband has been referred for exploratory work. Gets a text today to call and book the appointment. Calls them and they spend 5 minutes asking all sorts of questions. She then proceeds to tell him there are no appointments this year and next years diary isn't open yet.

Why blood text him to book then!!
Maybe the answers to his questions dictated a urgent or more routine appointment. Only thing i can think of that makes this less bizarre! some people have a habit of not explaining the processes and procedures which they work to which makes things easier to understand for us, . Anything booking wise i have had with the NHS has been a pain though! My local hospital trusts organisational and admin skills are shocking


VIP Member
My sister has suffered a long 8 years of unknown bowel issues. They leave her in so much pain they often leave her really incapacitated and in hospital when an episode strikes. 8 years of various blood, stool and urine tests, probing, dietary monitoring, chronic pain relief techniques. Nothing has been found which constitutes episodes of severe abdominal cramps, bowel issues, vomitting and so much pain she goes weird and delerious. She has many a tale to share including being given wrong medication, to being left in trolleys, ignored, patronised, fobbed off.

She is pretty vocal about the NHS doing little for her in the long term, other than plying her with addictive, heavy duty painkillers which are mind altering rather than finding the root cause. She was my birthing partner and remarked even to the midwives, how respectful and friendly 'the other side of the NHS' is in comparison to what she had experienced. My birthing team were fabulous. I get that they underplay things that are potentially going wrong whilst mother is delivering, but the lady who carried out my episiotomy - and did a pretty botch job at it, was a terrible liar and was giving me mass anxiety, along with the man who gave me my epidural injection, he was pretty much a shaky old pensioner with a dark humour, taking extra time to remind me with great emphasis that it "can leave you paralysed" - I was absolutely terrified and even the midwife slightly bewildered. I gave birth to my son just fine but apparently he had the cord wrapped round his neck whilst still slightly stuck in my birth canal. The team afterwards (lengthy stay) were absolutely amazing. I couldn't fault them one bit!
Has she been tested for ehlers-Danos syndrome? I think that’s how you spell it. Sounds very similar to problems someone I know had/has


VIP Member
Have you tried talk therapy? Are there any local counselling charities you could jump on the waiting list for? So sorry you have been made to feel this way…..
Is Talk Therapy a company? I haven’t looked at local charities recently, I’ll give it another go, thanks for the suggestion :)


Active member
And I already answered your question as to why people go into these jobs, and why they might go into them and strike at a later date, because things change.
So no, I can’t show you where you said “things can’t change” but I can show you where I said things can change and you repeated your question as to why people take these jobs. Perhaps you could read a NMC or RCN or a trade union website to understand real peoples reasons for wanting to enter nursing.
But you find it bizarre that I think things can’t change? k beb …. Maybe have a nap and read posts before you respond to them . Peace and Love I really hope the NHS gets a massive pay increase for all the underpaid and over worked staff and my gas bill goes back down to £40 a month and my council tax doesn’t go up in April


Active member
If you don't already do so i would recommend to always do a subject access request before any complaint is made. It really does help you make your complaint and can stop things getting lost.....
I'm quoting an old post but this is great advice and something I didn't even consider so thank you.

I was in hospital very recently and want to make a complaint about a few things that went wrong. I'm just looking at subject access request long did it take before they responded with the information you requested?


VIP Member
I changed gp due to still not getting anywhere with my chest. Same bloody issue "its anxiety", "wait until you see the consultant " I've finally got a face to face gp appointment. Hoping they'll do more than chuck the same inhaler at me.
Still being told there's nothing wrong. And been told to give up running. I'm not a doctor but how will that help, if its anxiety? Makes me think they know its physical, they just don't want to say that.


VIP Member
Are we not the only country in the world with an NHS?? The great example that nobody’s ever copied

I pressed like for the above quote not that your grandpa was taken without knowledge to a nursing home and one owned by the doctor🤔
Thats OK, I'm not precious about stuff like that


VIP Member
I can sense your tone with your question marks ? I’m not looking for an argument I’m looking to be educated . I don’t understand why people still bother with NHS jobs when the pay is shit and then complain about it. As I have said, They should all be paid thousands more than what they are on and I agree that creating noise around it I.e striking is the only was to get noticed but I just don’t get how people still train , apply for and take a low paid job like that .
Perhaps they shouldn’t bother.
I find it bizarre that you don’t think things can change.


VIP Member
I changed gp due to still not getting anywhere with my chest. Same bloody issue "its anxiety", "wait until you see the consultant " I've finally got a face to face gp appointment. Hoping they'll do more than chuck the same inhaler at me.


VIP Member
No money for the disabled guys therapy but art yes:

And £160k + on Flags:

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VIP Member
Mine were born in the 70s and breast was actively discouraged "why would you even want to do that" "that's discussing" breasts seemed to be purely for display or to play with, don't even ask about BF if you were out because BF just didn't happen outside the home and even at home I was expected to go to the bedroom to BF if we had visitors. Was an awful time if you wanted to BF. I was patronised a lot in the hospital "aww bless her so old fashioned for such a young girl" both should be talked about and shown how to do.
I used to BF everywhere, shopping, restaurants, everywhere - even if front of my father in law; which beforehand I did not think I would be comfortable with. The thing is, you can be discreet and just use a musleen cloth to cover up with. The only place I did not do it, was when I took my baby into work. I went into the disabled toilet. Again, it is whatever you feel comfortable with.