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Chatty Member
I am SO TIRED of being told every day to educate myself on Palestine and that silence is equivalent to murdering Palestinians myself. Not that I am anti-Palestine; what's happening there is fucking terrible and I am in no way pro war. But it is incredibly, deeply complex and - crucially - one of many atrocities. The same women donning keffiyehs (whitely) and 'refusing to stay silent' on this have said and continue to say precisely nothing about anything else. It feels trending? Obviously it's shit and I understand wanting to get eyes across it, but why this and only this? And why do they genuinely think resharing Instagram stories is going to make a difference?? By this point I think it's clearly obvious you aren't going to make any difference beyond causing yourself and your immediate contacts a whole lot of stress and discomfort?

Just me and who I follow??
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Chatty Member
war genocide. The journalists currently their (and the ones who left) are begging the world to keep sharing & talking about this….
I understand that. I just don't understand what they expect it to do? Western civilians sniping at each other for not sharing 'enough' on their social media won't stop Israel, and cutting actual friends and loved ones with culls preceded by "YOUR SILENCE TELLS ME ALL I NEED TO KNOW" just feels ... I don't know; it's sweeping through in weird ways. Assuming people don't care or aren't discussing it and taking what action they can elsewhere just because they're not being noisy online seems like a weird take. There's a certain population of people who are posting every single day, openly carrying that pain and misery with them every day, having their lives deeply affected, and harshly judging anyone who doesn't do the same. It feels like it's crossed (with some) from raising/maintaining awareness to lashing out and creating conflict of their own; obviously not the type of conflict they're sharing about, and comparatively it's nothing, but maaaan it is this constant bombardment that ultimately probably won't influence anyone who could actually make change. This is all way, way above our level.

I mean, they're backed by the fucking US. Circa 38,000 Palestinians have died so far since the Hamas attack - the US were responsible for something like 300k civilian deaths in the Iraqi war (and resultant deaths throughout the Middle East in the years since are over 4M). Conflict is a HUGE industry for them and they've always, always valued money > people. And been racist. Etc.

I guess I am just feelin' futile and tired of being barked at for not doing enough when I can't realistically change anything. (Trying very hard to word this without sounding like "it's all about meeee" because it obviously, heartbreakingly so, so isn't - just needed a whinge / to verbally bang my head against a wall this morning.)
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VIP Member
Look at us go with our third thread!
See we’re not all bitchy TCs! Lol we CAN talk about things other than loser influenzas! 😂
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VIP Member
It might not stop Isreali soldiers in Palestine, but Palestinians do use social media and say they are happy not to be forgotten about, so that's worth it for some people.

I do understand the fatigue too though. It's hard to feel bombarded and also helpless.
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VIP Member
I have a question for you all.

If you dump your dishes in the sink at work, and the office lady does YOUR dishes... do you expect your sistema/plate etc to be pristine clean, or be given a good rinse and swish round with soapy water for you to take home and put through your own dishwasher at home.

Just something I'm pondering as i do my workmates dishes.
Neither? I do my own and wouldn’t expect anyone else to do it.
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Chatty Member
It might not stop Isreali soldiers in Palestine, but Palestinians do use social media and say they are happy not to be forgotten about, so that's worth it for some people.

I do understand the fatigue too though. It's hard to feel bombarded and also helpless.
Yup. I share this sentiment. I don’t think it will directly “help” but it’s definately educating and that’s big. Myself as well as others I know would not have a clue without it on social media (ashamedly) but I just don’t do news etc.

But it is heavy and I do think for certain influencers it is a “do good/look good” scenario but for others you can see they genuinely care and are affected.
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Chatty Member
I always do my own dishes and would NEVER expect anyone else to do them for me!
IIIIIFFF by some freak accident I left my dirty container in the sink and someone kindly washed it for me, I would never be annoyed it wasn’t cleaned pristinely!

Are you saying someone had a bitch that THEIR container that YOU cleaned for them wasn’t up to their standards???
Noo, not at all.
Just wondering if I was being judged for giving it a less than 100% swish around with hot soapy water. If it was work plates etc they'd be clean, but your take home plastics are getting half arsed job from me.
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I understand that. I just don't understand what they expect it to do? Western civilians sniping at each other for not sharing 'enough' on their social media won't stop Israel, and cutting actual friends and loved ones with culls preceded by "YOUR SILENCE TELLS ME ALL I NEED TO KNOW" just feels ... I don't know; it's sweeping through in weird ways. Assuming people don't care or aren't discussing it and taking what action they can elsewhere just because they're not being noisy online seems like a weird take. There's a certain population of people who are posting every single day, openly carrying that pain and misery with them every day, having their lives deeply affected, and harshly judging anyone who doesn't do the same. It feels like it's crossed (with some) from raising/maintaining awareness to lashing out and creating conflict of their own; obviously not the type of conflict they're sharing about, and comparatively it's nothing, but maaaan it is this constant bombardment that ultimately probably won't influence anyone who could actually make change. This is all way, way above our level.

I mean, they're backed by the fucking US. Circa 38,000 Palestinians have died so far since the Hamas attack - the US were responsible for something like 300k civilian deaths in the Iraqi war (and resultant deaths throughout the Middle East in the years since are over 4M). Conflict is a HUGE industry for them and they've always, always valued money > people. And been racist. Etc.

I guess I am just feelin' futile and tired of being barked at for not doing enough when I can't realistically change anything. (Trying very hard to word this without sounding like "it's all about meeee" because it obviously, heartbreakingly so, so isn't - just needed a whinge / to verbally bang my head against a wall this morning.)
You wrote this really well 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼
I totally get what you’re saying.

And to just touch on one of the areas you spoke about, people cutting their friends and family off for not sharing or speaking up gives me the ick.
It reminds me of Covid times when people were cutting each other off for getting vaccinated/not vaccinated (not opening a discussion on that, just comparing).
Let people live their lives the way they want to instead of trying to turn us all into cookie cutter human beings 🙃
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Chatty Member
I have a question for you all.

If you dump your dishes in the sink at work, and the office lady does YOUR dishes... do you expect your sistema/plate etc to be pristine clean, or be given a good rinse and swish round with soapy water for you to take home and put through your own dishwasher at home.

Just something I'm pondering as i do my workmates dishes.
I try rinse out my own dishes, but if I forgot and found it had just been swished around with soapy water I'd be okay with that lol
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VIP Member
Is anyone else actually really sad newshub/AM show are finishing tomorrow?
I feel so bad for everyone who's lost their jobs, also I can not stand the breakfast hosts on tv1 soooo now what 😭
I think that form of media is dying, adapt or die is really their reality. I mean of course sad for the people impacted but they are paid really well and have the luxury of probably not having to stress immediately about money. Probably feel more sorry for blue collar workers losing jobs with minimal prospects in the small towns they live in.
Agree, Breakfast is shit
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Ok so
I just caught up on the last thread and saw the chat about WDG.
I’m so glad I’m not the only one that feels the same about KB and WJR 🙄
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VIP Member
Noo, not at all.
Just wondering if I was being judged for giving it a less than 100% swish around with hot soapy water. If it was work plates etc they'd be clean, but your take home plastics are getting half arsed job from me.
SO fair! They’re lucky to get a rinse out! Take your shit home and wash it yourself lol
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One of my friends 'invested in' a Healy recently and has been sharing loads about it on her socials. I'd never heard of Healy before - it's a 'bioresonance device' that uses electricity to modify a user's 'personalised frequencies', essentially repairing cells etc just by wearing the device and tuning into your frequency to adjust it ... a bit too woo even for me (generally quite woo) but whatever, you do you boo.

Nek minnit she starts inviting people to "join her lineage" and other such stuff that felt suspiciously MLM-y. Sure enough, a lil jaunt down Google Lane and I found Healy have a global "distributor network" and what appears to be a totally batshit product offering. Like. You'd have to be woo AF AND a bit simple to think this works? Surely??

Anyone else had this ✨come into their sphere✨ recently and had the same vibes? Am I being unnecessarily harsh? Does it actually work?!?
IMO there’s no such thing as too harsh when it comes to MLMs.
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Just jumping on the washer dryer combo, we had one and had nothing but issues and the wash and dry used to take FOREVER so we ended up getting an old school vented dryer for like $100 off marketplace and it was epic but then that broke so we recently got a Electrolux heat pump dryer when harvey Norman had their sale last weekend and omg it’s the best thing ever!
We are on solar too (no battery) and I have been doing a load a day in the dryer (about 2hrs) and it’s not made the solar go overboard or anything which is awesome.
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