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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
My fella was changing the babies nappy last night and he goes ‘what’s this blue line for? Sure it was yellow before’ and I told him it starts off yellow and it turns blue when it’s full and babies had a wee. Wow. Should have seen his reaction. He was absolutely flabbergasted. Couldn’t get his head round it. Haven’t seen him so amazed by something since the nuby rapid cool 😅
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Omg hi can I join in? My fellas second home is the bathroom, he’s spends 90% of his time on the toilet 🥲 He gets in from work and just runs up the stairs. I just say to my four year old ‘go annoy Daddy’ and he’ll go upstairs and shout through the gap of the door to annoy him whilst he’s on the loo 😌
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Mr fudge this morning was still in bed, I woke him up and said I need to leave for work soon are you going to get up??? He said have I got time for a 5 min snooze, I said no because I know you’ll want to go sit on the toilet for half an hour!
I then heard him ask Alexa for a 5 min timer and then he was in the toilet for ages and I was 25 mins late for leaving work!
Why do they always choose to go and the most inconvenient times?!
Decided to treat myself earlier and have a poo like my husband. Was in the bathroom for about 10 minutes scrolling through tik tok enjoying some peace and quiet. Husband comes and knocks on tne door and says "are you giving birth in there or something you've been ages". Coming from the man who takes about half hour each time 💀
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Definitely sitting here munching my way through a share bag of Magic Stars (best chocolate, fight me, IDGAF). I've had a really awful week and it's not getting any better.

Found a little cyst on my groin just over a month ago, thought nothing of it but considered it irritating. About three weeks ago I then realised there was a bigger more solid lump underneath it that's slowly getting bigger. Went to the doctor and they gave me some antibiotics but largely as it was a bit itchy 🥴 and uncomfortable. They don't seem to have had any effect. Having previously worked in oncology I've spent a lot of time with people who've not known they've got awful widespread cancer until something like this crops up and I've fully convinced myself it's some kind of lymphoma and I'm going to keel over in a matter of weeks. Eurghhh.
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Chatty Member
Hello!! This thread title reminded me of this that I sent to my husband the other week and he was…unimpressed

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VIP Member
That poll has me crying 😂 why are men all the same? It’s my life’s mission to make sure my 12 month old son doesn’t take as long as his dad to take a dump
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VIP Member
Definitely sitting here munching my way through a share bag of Magic Stars (best chocolate, fight me, IDGAF). I've had a really awful week and it's not getting any better.

Found a little cyst on my groin just over a month ago, thought nothing of it but considered it irritating. About three weeks ago I then realised there was a bigger more solid lump underneath it that's slowly getting bigger. Went to the doctor and they gave me some antibiotics but largely as it was a bit itchy 🥴 and uncomfortable. They don't seem to have had any effect. Having previously worked in oncology I've spent a lot of time with people who've not known they've got awful widespread cancer until something like this crops up and I've fully convinced myself it's some kind of lymphoma and I'm going to keel over in a matter of weeks. Eurghhh.
So sorry you've had an awful week. I hope things improve for you soon. I just wanted to reassure you about the cyst. I've had two or three of these in my groin, the first being in my late teens. The doctor reassured me that it is basically your glands down there filling up, much like the ones in your neck or behind your ears (I have issues with these too). Like yourself I freaked out but he assured me it would go away on its own and it did in about a week or so. I've had about two since then and they are annoying but those also went away on their own so please try not to worry. It good that you went to get it checked out and if course if it gets bigger, more painful etc then definitely go back and have it checked again but try not to worry too much as it may be because you are run down and your body has just reacted to that. Sending you love ❤
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VIP Member
My fella was changing the babies nappy last night and he goes ‘what’s this blue line for? Sure it was yellow before’ and I told him it starts off yellow and it turns blue when it’s full and babies had a wee. Wow. Should have seen his reaction. He was absolutely flabbergasted. Couldn’t get his head round it. Haven’t seen him so amazed by something since the nuby rapid cool 😅
My fella saw me washing all the bottles together in the sink one day and he was mind blown, i was like how are you washing them? And he was like eh one by one 🤣
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VIP Member
Mr fudge this morning was still in bed, I woke him up and said I need to leave for work soon are you going to get up??? He said have I got time for a 5 min snooze, I said no because I know you’ll want to go sit on the toilet for half an hour!
I then heard him ask Alexa for a 5 min timer and then he was in the toilet for ages and I was 25 mins late for leaving work!
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VIP Member
Mine hasn’t changed a nappy since the first week. But having seen him change a nappy and the state of the one he puts on it’s probably a good thing. He doesn’t even pretend to go for a poo anymore, just hands the baby over and starts his tiktok scroll 🙄
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VIP Member
I'm so sorry ❤ could it be something completely harmless like a blocked sweat gland that's got irritated? Can you go back to the doctor this week? My friend went to the doctor with a lump and got a specialist assessment within a week, hopefully you can get seen quickly to rule out anything nasty ❤
They did some swabs (apparently undetected STIs can cause it too) which I haven't heard back from yet so I need to ring them tomorrow/Tuesday (they often only do same day appts and I have LO all day tomorrow) and see if they can fit me in again. Bit tricky with the drs strikes here atm, our surgery is super short staffed at the best of times.

@justonemorepage thank you, if it was anyone else I'd be telling them not to worry, don't think the worst case scenario etc. but I can never take my own advice 😅 😅
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I get told off if I load the dishwasher because I "do it wrong". But if I don't load and unload it, it sits for days and we end up with a kitchen full of dirty glasses and dishes 🤦‍♀️
This thread and the main one have to be my favourite on tattle 🥰

My fella is the same, if i dont do it it never gets done but then i do it wrong 😂 alright pal you do it every evening so and we wont have an issue
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VIP Member
They did some swabs (apparently undetected STIs can cause it too) which I haven't heard back from yet so I need to ring them tomorrow/Tuesday (they often only do same day appts and I have LO all day tomorrow) and see if they can fit me in again. Bit tricky with the drs strikes here atm, our surgery is super short staffed at the best of times.

@justonemorepage thank you, if it was anyone else I'd be telling them not to worry, don't think the worst case scenario etc. but I can never take my own advice 😅 😅
Oh I understand completely lovely, and it's always best to get checked out ❤ women's health is often overlooked so it's good to keep on at them to take things seriously too.
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Chatty Member
Might sound harsh but is anyone else’s kid an absolute arsehole when they wake up in the night?She screams and thrashes and throws herself about no matter what I do, seems to hate me.
My threenager has been an absolute dickhead to me whenever he's awake recently, it's been delightful 🤦‍♀️ Fortunately he doesn't wake in the night, even when the baby wakes up in a rage because he's not being fed 🤣 I wish you luck and hope that it's just a phase and she'll grow out of it soon for you!
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VIP Member
Definitely sitting here munching my way through a share bag of Magic Stars (best chocolate, fight me, IDGAF). I've had a really awful week and it's not getting any better.

Found a little cyst on my groin just over a month ago, thought nothing of it but considered it irritating. About three weeks ago I then realised there was a bigger more solid lump underneath it that's slowly getting bigger. Went to the doctor and they gave me some antibiotics but largely as it was a bit itchy 🥴 and uncomfortable. They don't seem to have had any effect. Having previously worked in oncology I've spent a lot of time with people who've not known they've got awful widespread cancer until something like this crops up and I've fully convinced myself it's some kind of lymphoma and I'm going to keel over in a matter of weeks. Eurghhh.
I'm so sorry ❤ could it be something completely harmless like a blocked sweat gland that's got irritated? Can you go back to the doctor this week? My friend went to the doctor with a lump and got a specialist assessment within a week, hopefully you can get seen quickly to rule out anything nasty ❤
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My fella was changing the babies nappy last night and he goes ‘what’s this blue line for? Sure it was yellow before’ and I told him it starts off yellow and it turns blue when it’s full and babies had a wee. Wow. Should have seen his reaction. He was absolutely flabbergasted. Couldn’t get his head round it. Haven’t seen him so amazed by something since the nuby rapid cool 😅
Tbf that line is great. We got w packet of Tesco or lidl nappies I can't remember but one of them didn't have the blue line I was like pass on those
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