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“I thought this forum was a place to let off steam about arseholes and their bullshit, not a place to personally attack people and their families. I watch Nadia and mark et al and I cringe but this forum makes me uncomfortable. It gives me no pleasure to attack someone’s sobriety nor their marriage. Yes they talk shite but so what? It costs me nothing. Literally, if you’re that invested, get a life. This is supposed to be fun”

I agree, although it might not be popular. I’m happy to comment on their lies, bullshit and the subs, who I pity. But I don’t think comments about their family life, children, sobriety, mental health etc are appropriate. Maybe there are other sites for that?
Welcome to the forum @Greencandle
The Sawalha-Adderleys run a "family youtube channel" in which they spend a significant amount of time discussing family issues, similarly they spend a huge portion of their vlogs discussing their mental health and even more time discussing Marks alleged sobriety and his lifetime of drinking stories and memories... They open the conversation every single day... They usto invole their children and encourage thousands of strangers to follow their children online until youtube said channels with children would have their comments turned off.

This forum allows people to discuss people who monetise their channel, the Sawalha-Adderleys MAKE MONEY discussing the very topics you mention and as a consequence we comment in a place specifically set up to discuss said issues.

We endeavour not to comment on their children as they are under 18, there are the occasional slip ups as concern for them grows re their parents behaviour.

However we are all here to comment on the adults of the family who lie, cheat, deceive, exploit and who devote the majority of their lives to selling their souls and their dignity for thumbs up and the associated cash the thumbs up generate...

We are not here to censor each other, we're all grown ups.

If they didn't want a conversation about the issues you raise they'd talk to each other and not into a camera several times a day...

Mark regularly threatens anyone with a different opinion to his, he's threadened to track people down and use violence on more than one occasion...

Mark and Nadia are very outspoken about the issues you raise when it comes to people they deem suitable to mock, patronise and "be very unkind to."

Similarly some of their subs have a very nasty streak which they use to swear at others, name call and try to intimidate anyone who isn't a sycophant. They are not all vulnerable and delicate. Loneliness is no excuse for some of their followers behaviours who themselves try to threaten and intimidate others. There are no threats of violence here, just differing opinions and moral compasses pointing a different way to theirs.

Like I've said, there wouldn't be any conversation about said issues if they didn't open them up by talking into a camera rather than privately amongst themsrlves. Once you start discussing issues for profit it attracts comments from people who both agree and disagree. The majority of us here were banned from their channel because we had valid but opposing opinions to Mark.

Conversations are two way, otherwise it becomes a dictatorship.

Perhaps one day they'll stop conversing for profit and exploiting vulnerable people and focus on their many issues half as much as they spend time talking into a camera? I know that would end the conversation for me 👍
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I was just thinking, the Sawalha-Adderleys love gogglebox, a show that is famous for "talking about" people on TV. The goggleboxers all share their very candid views on familiar entertainment shows and that's OK...

However, people who have valid comments about people who monitise their channels are trolls?
Hmmm double standards once again...

We watched the Sawalha-Adderleys last night with their freebie plastic fantastic decorations.

Nadia ridiculously implies "she's helping a small business out" by receiving their freebies??? 🤣

Are we supposed to watch such hypocrisy and stay silent? I don't think so... What the small businesses don't realise is we won't buy anything from them BECAUSE they are happy to throw freebies at these people who are utterly greedy. We comment on such things because they are blatantly wrong,

Send your freebies to a care home and guess what, people would respect your kindness and repay it by buying from you.

Nadia works in Loose Women, a show dedicated to discussing the antics of others, her vlogs are based around discussing what other people are doing, but that's OK?

The real problem people have with tattle in my opinion IS...

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He said in the HTSM he knows if he had a drink he would be off looking for younger women. What an awful thing to say to your wife, just about sums up the state of that marriage. Wow if my husband said that I would be straight up to the divorce courts.
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I’m struggling everyone because since I’ve been in this group and since I’ve been watching them which in reality is less than a month or so I have realised that my husband is very abusive to me but I never realised.

I am finding this very hard to post and I know he has always been very up and down, a bad temper etc etc I’d never realised it until now. I feel like I’m living with Mark. A very sad realisation for me x
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This is a long one guys...
I'm not one for adding to their viewing figures but if you ever wanted to see narcissistic Mark in a prolonged attack on Nadia, this is the vlog...

NADIA, if you see this, take it to your solicitor as proof of the emotional abuse you and your children are suffering at the hands of your narcissistic husband and file for divorce immediately.

He looks like he's on the verge of doing something really really nasty... HE CROSSED SOOOO MANY LINES TONIGHT, IT WAS SHOCKING in my humble opinion.

You all know I'm no Nadia fan but tonight's vlog was an upfront and personal view of a toxic relationship and was an absolute guide to emotional abuse... HORRENDOUS...

Imagine having to be in the same house and then have to get into the same bed as narcissistic Mark Adderley who has as just spent 30 minutes humiliating and emotionally abusing you live on youtube 😡

9.21 "Why do you try characterise me as a total cock?" Said Mark who went very angry red faced when Nadia pulled him up on his his smuttyness.

9.45 "And I don't like Judy when she's been a miserable old cow" (Referring to Nadia being like Judy from Richard n Judy and calling her a miserable old cow.

12.15 Starts referring to his children as dolphins, one of them walks past the screen covering her face, you can tell that REALLY annoys him so he repeatedly keeps calling them dolphins INSTEAD of not mentioning them at all like they've REPEATEDLY asked their parents to do.

Mark says the word Dolphin 20 plus times in tonight's vlog. His children ask to be left out of their you tube channel and he calls them a name and overuses throughout the whole vlog!

13.45 Mark REPEATEDLY tells Nadia she's saying a subs name wrong, trying to belittle her once again.

14.00 Nadia start some silly singing where she rhymes licka ticka licka ticka licka ticka... Mark trys humiliating her once again by singing Lick a dick a, lick a dick a 😡

15.10 One of the girls walks past them coveting her face again, he calls her a dolphin 4 times then VERY INAPPROPRIATELY suggests that Dolphins enjoy sex with humans!!! What kind of parent not only fails to ignore their child's request not to be mentioned on their vlog BUT then goes on to give them an inappropriate nickname which he then links to beastiality whilst said child is in the room, and finishes with "apparently they are quite randy, randy dolphins" ?????? 😡

17.11 Mentions one of their children again, Despite them asking not to be mentioned, he, for the 3rd time since his birthday, singles one of them out for giving him "such an emotional present", thus repeatedly inferring one child's gift was better than the other as he keeps mentioning one but not the other. So not only mentioning them as they've asked him not to, but lowering the self esteem of one of them in the process!!!! ABSOLUTE W*NKER!!!

21.37 Humiliates Nadia again by attempting to pull a hair out of a mole on her chin whilst live on Youtube, whilst highlighting she has a hair growing out of a mole on her chin.
He concludes said humiliation by shouting "it looks like a witches mole"

23.17 In response to a question from his wife Mark replies "I think you should shut the fuck up, I'm sick of your rancid voice"

24.15 Upon hearing a noise they decide its a dolphin (one of their children who's asked to not be on youtube) on the toilet so they decide to share that live on youtube with Mark commenting... "Dolphins don't know how to use toilet seats"

26.00, Nadia dreamily says, I really want to go to Cornwall for New Year... Mark snarkily replies "I really want YOU to go to Cornwall for New Year, I really do" and then whispers "could you go now"... Nadia looks really hurt and her eyes fill with tears....

I genuinely wish there was somewhere official we could report this as it was disturbing viewing and if it was me, I wouldn't feel safe in that house tonight. Youtube never seem bothered by their violations but personally I think this crossed a big line.

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I find it hard to think how Mank will be able to fit in time training to be a counsellor and his other full time occupation of being a cunt.

But seriously, wtf.........
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I'm annoyed they never go fully in to their sex lives on HTSM so far. I particuarly want to find out how she holds on to her bag of crisps.
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Anchorman Mark today tells us his morning moan show is actually a "news digest" programme 😂

In his head he obviously sees his purpose in life to be his very own little news presenter 🤣

On reality he falls of of bed, often in yesterdays clothes, he bypasses the bathroom, does no technical preparation for going live on youtube like plugging in his computer /phone or cleaning the screen, everyday he sees he forgotten to brush his hair through the reflection in the screen so tries to titivate the grease slick with his grubby hands...

He wastes a few minutes calling out people's names pretending they are part of "the family", slips coffee and pulls a few faces, says "Erm" in between every other word, he tries to hide his receeding hairline for the 100th time, he mocks today's victim whoever he's deemed mockable, he wallows in the despair of covid, reminds everyone to give him a thumbs up, he makes umpteen false promises about what he's going to do today. He manages yo mock either his mother or Nadia, today it was his mother who he states lives in a hobbit hole, he regales in a Walter Mitty story from his past (cow tipping etc) today's story was a new book he bought a few years ago that someone had written the word "dick" in... Oh how he laughed and wished he'd kept it to show us??? He has a room stuffed to the gunnels with crap, a garden full of old nappies, but he expects us to believe he threw away a book he'd bought!?!?!

He talks about yesterday's news that we've all read online as it happened and tells us how they are wrong and he's right, he pretends he's interested in what his submissives have to say, he tells everyone he loves them and how busy his day is going to be, he pulls an ugly face and he's gone, back to the imaginary grindstone (which in reality is his gaming room for a hard day gaming)

There are so many things I could call what he does everyday but "news digest" is not one of them 🙄😂
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He came onto the zoom call with the winning sub without even considering a quick shower, he was sweating and filthy, why doesn't Nadia give a little nudge sometime about taking a shower? Isn't she embarrassed?

His fingernails are grim.

View attachment 322783
my god, are they his nails? Men with long nails really disturb me,, - turns my stomach and scares me!!
the lazy filthy git
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Miss LDN

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I think their skin conditions are largely due to poor hygiene and dirty towels. It's vital that each family member has their own fresh towels. Which should be washed at a high temperature. Since Mank does his own washing (badly) and leaves it to dry in a heap on the floor. Nits does no washing so it's a perfect storm for dermatitis. If you have to announce on social media that you have bathed then there's no hope.
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Same here,I get my updates for insta on here,blocked from mankys aswell,cant even remember why 😃
I criticised the state of Nanny Di's 70th birthday cake! He blocked me within 30 mins, and i found this amazing site, so he did me a big favour cos I love it here, I'm not very good at expressing myself so don't post much, but I appreciate everything you lovely tattlers post, so thank you 🥰
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Clarity seeker

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The amount of stuff they were #gifted is disgusting.
I agree.
All that stuff.
Not just the decorations but the Ninja’s (plural,) clothing, £600 worth of napkins, expensive mugs, make up, bags, tv and film packages, kitchen equipment, food parcels, hot tub. Garden furniture, etc etc etc. And that’s just stuff from companies.
Then all the stuff the Subs send them too.
Then there’s the endless amazon stuff which they buy, like it’s the end of the world and they need it all right now or they’ll not survive without it,
It’s a big house but we’ve seen it is filled to the rafters with stuff.
Mountains of unnecessary stuff.
Boxes and boxes of stuff which they’ll use once or maybe even NEVER and he says he gave loads of old decorations to the charity shop?
(Just like he brought the garden furniture in when told by subs it was wrong to leave it out?)
Don’t know about where they live, but our charity shops in Cheshire have been closed since the first lockdown.
It’s OBSCENE the amount of stuff going into that house to end up piled high in every room and it’s even more obscene the amount of packaging which eventually comes out of it.
Greed. Pure and simple.
In no way does this help anyone.
Maybe accept the #gifts, use once, review, and pass onto people less fortunate or have the small companies donate stuff to charities (women’s aid, nursing homes, adult learning centres for vulnerable adults with special needs/learning difficulties, single parents etc£ and have the charities review and recommend?
Far more ethical and much less crass.
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The weekend Vlog is up. Mark goes to Di’s flat 22 mins in . How on earth do they let her live like that! I appreciate she probably wants her independence but she’s clearly struggling and they could help her. Her flat is in a worse state than their house. It’s unbelievable and quite frankly disgraceful that they don’t sort things out for her. . The leak she’s talking about has been ongoing for quite some time. Must be very distressing and depressing for her to live like that. But all they’re interested in is sitting in front of a computer talking to make believe friends and pretending they’re kind. They disgust me
Thanks for putting video up in here for us.
It’s so sad to see Nanny Dis home being recked by water... water destroys everything in its path 😞. Not only that, it DANGEROUS: WATER plus ELECTRICITY!!!. Mark should visit the council for her and demand help. I feel so sad Nanny Di, she hasn’t got any energy to tackle it by herself it’s so upsetting.... Mark should not have used the footage of her flat it’s too personal 😢
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What a nasty cockwomble bastard he is. Cant stand his sweaty flaky face and droning voice. I think he resents brats been on the nightshift with him, he wants to do it on his own....he thinks hes the star 🙄
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OMG .. yet again Dr Sawalha & Professeur Adderley dishing out their great knowledge to their subjects ... 😡 he really does think he's a talented news broadcaster reading out headlines ... 🤮 and telling them what he thinks and what he knows! You know what I mean guys? 😉
Yet another member fed up here ...


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I know it's been said already, but I felt really sickened by the amount of Xmas decorations they've just accepted. That tree and all the decorations would bring joy to so many people in a hospice, childrens centre etc.
I really hope they consider re gifting them because they are wasted inside their house, they have the ability to pay for whatever they want.
I just felt disgusted at the greed 😥
You'd also think they would invest in a box cutter rather than blunting their kitchen utensils all the time....or are they waiting for one of those to be gifted too?
I sometimes think some of the comments on here are a bit harsh but the total greed in this last vlog has left me with a really bad taste in my mouth
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He came onto the zoom call with the winning sub without even considering a quick shower, he was sweating and filthy, why doesn't Nadia give a little nudge sometime about taking a shower? Isn't she embarrassed?

His fingernails are grim.

Screenshot 2020-11-24 at 19.46.14.png
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Nadia’s baby lispsy voice singing we wish you a merry Chrithmuth at this hour of the morning gives me rage 🤬. In fact pretty much everything she does, especially the stripping off to her grubby underwear in the pretence of body confidence gives me rage. The filthy hovel of a house makes me itch and feel physically ill. The greed of having three almost identical trees and wanting 18 makes me angry. Manky’s sweaty face and ridiculous gurning makes me sick. The ripping off of their vulnerable subs makes me furious. The continual pontificating and moaning from both them is tiresome. Vlogmas has nothing to do with the spirit of Christmas at all. Why do I keep watching their juvenile depressing sh1t show that is their chaotic, shambolic life.? How does she continue to get work? Why do brands send her gifted stuff? Thank goodness I can come here and realise I’m not alone. My fellow Tattlers you are so much more eloquent and observant than I am. Surely we can’t all be wrong.
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