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Chatty Member
I used to love her, but the way she’s been flaunting her wealth recently has rubbed me up the wrong way. I’ve just watched her “let’s talk about money” reel, and it seems kinda braggy in a way? It seems very me me me. Not really any reference to Seth’s work ethic, or her siblings wanting to give their parents an easier life too. My family are of Indian heritage, so her parents’ struggles aren’t unheard of to me.

But she’s no longer humble; the cost of living crisis has impacted many countries, and she’s here flaunting her new Range Rover. Her biggest problem in life seemed to involve lacking a 3 row vehicle. It completely contradicts her ‘pockets of peace’ vibe. Her life seems to be a prim and proper showroom.

i probably sound super bitchy - sorry 😂
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Feel free to disagree with me on this, but I sometimes wonder why she doesn’t put more energy into getting healthier whilst planning these pregnancies. She’s definitely obese now which puts such a strain on your joints and organs, and then to add pregnancy on top of that…

I am not saying this to be hateful at all, but pregnancy is hard enough on a healthy woman’s body. Seeing her with a cane and struggling to move was awful.
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VIP Member
Just coming to see if she had a thread after Shabaz getting slated for using one of her videos on tiktok
The thing is, he was just making a comedy video and wasn't directly being rude about her, just things she was doing. But let's face it, she does do all this stuff to brag how she's rich anyway so he's not wrong. Nabela is also a narcissist and feels it's a direct attack on her and using her (what I think if fake) PPA/PPD to get sympathy for some harmless comedy.

She's probably also threatened that he is an enthinc minority who is getting popular and also has a personality. 😂
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Noticed this too. Went down a hole on the reddit thread this weekend at home with a poorly baby and just so much of what she says and does is superficial, materialistic and fake. I get having “grown up poor” immigrant parents value educational/financial success above other success (I’m first gen immigrant too) but surely her parents are wondering what values she’s retained from her childhood and that time when they had more financial insecurity? It doesn’t come through, she’s a carbon copy of the other instahuns (which is obviously her goal) but uses her Bengali-ness as a means to set her apart or use as a sob story crux *TW* about her mum’s child marriage and her love not being accepted for about the 1000th time.

Personally, it’s not her place to talk about her mum’s lived experience, especially on superficial social media. She doesn’t approach it in a very sensitive way - it’s all played up for the ‘gram. It’s inserted in and then it always comes back to her.

There’s so much waste and overconsumption in her life and the way she brags about her parents never being sent a bill kinda screams “don’t say anything about putting my kids online, I pay for your life” vibes and kind of controlling. I think she also flexes here success by how much she can spend, not a fabulous environment to bring up a family.
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i love shabaz he is so hilarious. so annoying that nabela's audience is sooooooo sensitive they can't even take a joke. his jokes are so harmless, he's not one of those creators who are just constantly shady towards influencers and he never targets or singles out any influencers. the povvo joke is just an ongoing joke on his page!
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i hate her all white instagram aesthetic. it wouldn't kill to have some colour other than beige
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Not bitchy at all - I agree with what you have said. There is recession where I live, and lots of people feel really irritated towards these influencers who live in a bubble/are out of touch with reality flaunting their wealth. I stopped to follow Nabela because I felt as though it has all gone to her head and she does not properly safeguard her child online
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VIP Member
Just coming to see if she had a thread after Shabaz getting slated for using one of her videos on tiktok
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There is already backlash in many of her comments from women who are mothers and feel inadequate with her Hallmark-like lifestyle, with other users comforting them (which is quite lovely because being a parent isn't easy). I used to adore her short home content during the lockdowns as it was so soothing, but like so many influencers it began to feel very artificial and sickly for me - you know when something is far too sweet and it leaves an acrid taste? I guess I got bored of the beige and every single moment being filmed and shared with the world - I worry for the baby being exposed so much online, as there are many perverts. I am happy she has had her baby and another one on the way, I hope they both grow up to be happy, strong and healthy!
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VIP Member
The thing is, he was just making a comedy video and wasn't directly being rude about her, just things she was doing. But let's face it, she does do all this stuff to brag how she's rich anyway so he's not wrong. Nabela is also a narcissist and feels it's a direct attack on her and using her (what I think if fake) PPA/PPD to get sympathy for some harmless comedy.

She's probably also threatened that he is an enthinc minority who is getting popular and also has a personality. 😂
It made me howl because he's been doing ybr povvo stuff for bloody ages 🤣🤣
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Everything about her life is aesthetic and for show. I find it all too much.
Even her child is basically used as aesthetic 😞
It also really annoys me that she also she's literally only a few months pregnant and rubbing her belly as if she's due to pop any day when it's actually because she's obese. I'm all for body positivity but not if you're essentially promoting an unhealthy lifestyle of hot chocolate stations and indulgent food on a daily basis!!
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So much of her recent posts are basically "content" ideas from what is mentioned in her reddit snark when she's being called out for things. It's pathetic.
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I'm just waiting for her sob story of being a plus sized, child of immigrant parents who had nothing when they moved to the USA for the American dream who had to fight for her love and making it all about herself and make her followers forget the big blunder she did......
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I originally really liked Nabela and was genuinely happy for her when they finally got pregnant. But everything is just so BEIGE now. I didn’t realise there were so many shades of white and neutral.

And the baby constantly in white, with beige toys - how is that realistic lol. Her and Seth seem kinda fun and the house is beautiful (although devoid of any sense of being lived in) but it’s like her life and her house are all so heavily filtered or beiged-down to meet a particular aesthetic which is sad.

The level of neutrals she is dedicated to maintaining in every aspect is actually quite impressive lol 😅
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