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Well-known member
First of all, please stop putting all of this on you. You're shy and introverted, so what, that's you and no amount of being forced in to situations that make you feel uncomfortable is going to share that and just because his family share a view doesn't make it right. But truthfully until you get some support you are not going to see right from wrong or a way out of the situation.

Is there any way you could go and visit your family and friends? Getting out of the situation may just clear your head enough to find some resolution.

Also, please show this post to your husband. He clearly loves you and although he may be choosing to ignore what is going on, there is no way he can't see how everything is getting to you. 13 years is a long time and although you have had hard times there is obviously a connection between the two of you so please don't call yourself a rebound. Sure, he came out of a relationship but that doesn't mean a thing 13 years later.
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New member
Your post really resonated with me as I am in a very similar position. I've been with my husband for 14 years and his family have been awful to me from very early on.

Like you I can be quite shy around people I don't know & I'm not naturally a loud person; I'm quite happy to just enjoy myself in the background as is my husband. His family however, are not extroverted, but attention seekers who can't understand why he is with me and one family member said that I was taking him away from them and I was controlling over social media, just because I was happier on the sidelines when they met up 🤷‍♀️ It took me a long time to realise that this is their problem, not mine, but it doesn't make things any easier.

I made the decision to have no contact with his family and I'm much happier for it. At one point his sister physically threatened me and I was told to just forget that it happened! I'm sure they all talk about me behind my back still but I just remind myself that it reflects more on them than me.

Please talk to your husband about this. It's his family and I feel that he should be the one to pull them up on this; at the end of the day he chose to be with you, but he didn't choose his family and they should accept you as you are.
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VIP Member
I’ve been in this position. For me it was a clash of upbringing/expectations. My family get along and I’m close with my siblings but I don’t go on holiday with them and nor do I see them every weekend. My partners family were always like yours and to me it was too much. I was happy for my partner to go to these events etc but personally I did not want to spend every weekend at his parents’ house for example and that’s what they expected of us.
We are no longer in contact with them for various reasons, this was part of it for us. But you are not in the wrong here IMO. You don’t have to be best friends with your husband’s family and you don’t need to be in their pockets every weekend if you don’t want to. Your husband does need to step up and address this now though as it’s very understandable that you don’t want to be around them now and if you are to repair that relationship it takes willing and work from both sides, not just you
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I've been with my husband for about 13 years in total now. When we first got together, I couldn't believe me luck. He was so unbelievably out of my league; clever, funny, handsome. Truth be told he was rebounding out of a previous relationship, and that is probably the only reason he ever looked at me. But we have lasted and put the work in, through periods of long distance and difficulty, to where we are today.

I was so infatuated I made some mistakes in hindsight. I dropped my family and life at home to move across the country to be with him. I trained for a job I am poorly suited to, but gives me the ability to move locations easily, so we could make it work.

Fast forward to today. I am in a job I am poorly suited to and dislike, that leaves me emotionally drained. I am living away from my support network. I haven't developed a close network in this new location in nearly 10 years - I am introverted, and left so tired by work I struggle to make meaningful connections and use my spare time to rest. We live in this area because we are close to my husbands family - grandparents, aunties, mum and dad, sisters and brothers. He would never move from here.

It has been made apparent to me recently that these people do not like me. They have made excuses to not spend time with me on holiday and stay in close contact. After some digging, they wanted to meet. I texted to ask if there was an issue, and got a snappy reply that this was inappropriate to discuss over text, they wanted to meet face to face a week later. I met with my sister in laws alone, and they said that they find me rude, I make them feel uncomfortable, don't get involved with anything and that I have no relationship or connection with any of them, and make no meaningful effort to be a part of their life.

I am destroyed by this. I completely see where they are coming from. I am shy, socially awkward, and just drained by my job, so I do sit back and watch. I never realised we were on such poor terms though, embarrassing as that is. I am now in a position where I feel like my husband deserves better than me; someone who will fit into his life with his extroverted family and enhance it. I now am struggling to attend the (numerous) family events that crop up so often at the weekends. I'd rather not go now in all honesty; knowing everyone doesn't like me makes me feel so uncomfortable. However, they would consider this rude. If I go anyway, well; they already think me being my natural self is rude, so again a bit of a lose. If I go and put on a fake face, I would feel so false and unnatural, and already know I can't sustain this for too long.

They have been reluctant to tell me husband this, because they don't want to damage the relationship they have with him. He is now unwilling to register it as a problem and talk about it, because he finds it so uncomfortable. I'm struggling to get perspective on the a) severity of the issue b) the best course of action to proceed. This all feels so magnified because I feel very alone.

Any help would be so, so appreciated.
You are not to blame. The sister in law sounds like hard work. I think you need to tell your husband personally. Him ignoring the issue is not going to make it go away.

I would recommend couples therapy so you can have more support in trying to explain it to your husband.
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VIP Member
Honestly I think you need to work on building your confidence and self-esteem which is cripplingly low. You have to recognise that your husband chose to be in and stay in a relationship with you for several years not because of a rebound but because he loves you.

It strikes me that you’re worried about rocking the boat and being direct with your husband about how unhappy you are because you think he’s out of your league and he’ll find someone else if you do, or maybe subconsciously that he won’t actually do anything to change this situation because he’s not feeling particularly affected by it.

You’ve addressed the fact that some of these issues are of your own making - dropping friends and family to be with him, changing careers to one you not only hate but makes you mentally/emotionally drained and unable to spend time cultivating a social life or support network which incidentally leaves you more reliant on your husband to meet your need for friendship and a listening ear. They are not wholly your fault though and you absolutely should not be expected to deal with them alone.

I think you’ve been very magnanimous and balanced in your response to what your sisters in law have said, I would feel hurt by it too, especially since you’ve known them for so many years and one would hope in that time they recognise that you are introverted and overwhelmed in big loud groups rather than stand-offish and cold. One of them could have reached out before now to ask if everything was ok rather than harbour bad feeling and resentment and look to exclude you from smaller meet ups which I’m sure would have actually have been more manageable and successful.

You really do need to sit down with your husband and unpack all of these issues to try and find a way forward. Moving away may not be an option but a career change is not an impossible dream. I’m not sure how old you are but I’m guessing you must be in your 30s - could you stick another 30+ years of your current job?!

Your husband needs to speak with his family and help clear up some misconceptions, along with standing up for you and explaining that you struggle to have a voice in a room full of such dominant ones. I’m fairly confident but even I shut down in that sort of environment because I don’t have the energy to shout above it.
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I've been with my husband for about 13 years in total now. When we first got together, I couldn't believe me luck. He was so unbelievably out of my league; clever, funny, handsome. Truth be told he was rebounding out of a previous relationship, and that is probably the only reason he ever looked at me. But we have lasted and put the work in, through periods of long distance and difficulty, to where we are today.

I was so infatuated I made some mistakes in hindsight. I dropped my family and life at home to move across the country to be with him. I trained for a job I am poorly suited to, but gives me the ability to move locations easily, so we could make it work.

Fast forward to today. I am in a job I am poorly suited to and dislike, that leaves me emotionally drained. I am living away from my support network. I haven't developed a close network in this new location in nearly 10 years - I am introverted, and left so tired by work I struggle to make meaningful connections and use my spare time to rest. We live in this area because we are close to my husbands family - grandparents, aunties, mum and dad, sisters and brothers. He would never move from here.

It has been made apparent to me recently that these people do not like me. They have made excuses to not spend time with me on holiday and stay in close contact. After some digging, they wanted to meet. I texted to ask if there was an issue, and got a snappy reply that this was inappropriate to discuss over text, they wanted to meet face to face a week later. I met with my sister in laws alone, and they said that they find me rude, I make them feel uncomfortable, don't get involved with anything and that I have no relationship or connection with any of them, and make no meaningful effort to be a part of their life.

I am destroyed by this. I completely see where they are coming from. I am shy, socially awkward, and just drained by my job, so I do sit back and watch. I never realised we were on such poor terms though, embarrassing as that is. I am now in a position where I feel like my husband deserves better than me; someone who will fit into his life with his extroverted family and enhance it. I now am struggling to attend the (numerous) family events that crop up so often at the weekends. I'd rather not go now in all honesty; knowing everyone doesn't like me makes me feel so uncomfortable. However, they would consider this rude. If I go anyway, well; they already think me being my natural self is rude, so again a bit of a lose. If I go and put on a fake face, I would feel so false and unnatural, and already know I can't sustain this for too long.

They have been reluctant to tell me husband this, because they don't want to damage the relationship they have with him. He is now unwilling to register it as a problem and talk about it, because he finds it so uncomfortable. I'm struggling to get perspective on the a) severity of the issue b) the best course of action to proceed. This all feels so magnified because I feel very alone.

Any help would be so, so appreciated.
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Chatty Member
They sound like a nest of vipers tbh.

I wouldnt go to their get togethers and would make my husband go himself. I wouldnt feel obligated to be nice to people that have told me they dont like me.

I'm introverted too but not if in the right company. Some people are see you next Tuesdays. I tend to stay away from them.
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VIP Member
Hey! First off i get it. I moved away from family too and my husbands family also dislike me and I dislike them🤣

I think you should repeat your concerns to your husband and tell him again it is bothering you. I also think it sounds like your in laws have never made much of an effort either so I don’t think you can take all the blame for that. Lastly please do whatever makes you the happiest, if you feel your marriage is good then it does not matter what they think!
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VIP Member
Your post really resonated with me as I am in a very similar position. I've been with my husband for 14 years and his family have been awful to me from very early on.

Like you I can be quite shy around people I don't know & I'm not naturally a loud person; I'm quite happy to just enjoy myself in the background as is my husband. His family however, are not extroverted, but attention seekers who can't understand why he is with me and one family member said that I was taking him away from them and I was controlling over social media, just because I was happier on the sidelines when they met up 🤷‍♀️ It took me a long time to realise that this is their problem, not mine, but it doesn't make things any easier.

I made the decision to have no contact with his family and I'm much happier for it. At one point his sister physically threatened me and I was told to just forget that it happened! I'm sure they all talk about me behind my back still but I just remind myself that it reflects more on them than me.

Please talk to your husband about this. It's his family and I feel that he should be the one to pull them up on this; at the end of the day he chose to be with you, but he didn't choose his family and they should accept you as you are.
I NEEDED to see this. ‘its their problem not mine’ had completely changed my mind set. My FIL’s girlfriend and SIL also sent me vile abusive messages I got told to ‘forget about it’ and should think about apologising for upsetting her! They also refuse to see our son on the pure basis that they do not like me 🤣🤣🤣 I am really glad you have found some type of peace with your decision.