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VIP Member
If she wants to spunk some money away, feel free to send me some Sophie. My sister was killed by a drunk driver in December leaving 4 children who I’ve now got custody of, meaning I have 7 children to now care for in a 3 bed house whilst also working full time as a nurse.
And there’s this twat gloating over having two houses.
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Thanks to @Elle055 for the thread title.
Another days long thread, so what did she get up to?
Saturday began with a lie in after the previous evenings pity party. Sorry Soph-two-homes, we just can't find it in us to feel sorry for you.
JimbobNosejob then shared a photo from church, possibly having tea with the vicar in anticipation of an exorcism at Hunch House.
Eagle eyed tattlers spotted the LV belt, Hinch clearly continues to be relatable.
It was then a quiet day until 9:30pm, when we were treated to a shot of a basket of tat from Home Bargains. Just why she was there at that time of night no one can fathom, perhaps fiddle and Janine needed a bit of alone time and sent her off for a bird feeder and chocolate?

Sunday was a day for ads and an announcement of a forthcoming holiday. Possibly a safari to spend time with her own kind....
She summoned up the energy to have a roller rant from the sofa. Apparently Instagram should personally inform her if the music is not licensed. All that time wasted creating a montage to have it removed!
Finally, at the 11th hour on Sunday night we had a loving tribute to the queen from Soph. GSTQ indeed, but what does it mean?

Monday brought us carrot batons and more child endangerment pre-records. Inch exposed the true climate with a real time video of the fat dog taking a shit. Lonald was allowed to play at the top of the stairs as a desperate attempt to prove she does play with her children.
Jimbob spunked into a jar Soph discovered overnight oats but fuck that, just throw in a load of sugar and leave them in the fridge for an afternoon. Perfect 'desert', Mary Berry will be on the phone for a collab any day now.
Soph continued to prove how quirky she is by singing at the WWs. Tranq gun was loaded with the wrong drugs, clearly.
A stray sheep wandered into the thread and was quickly dispatched of.

Finally, Tuesday brought us proof that she can peel the black trainers off her sweaty size 5s. A quick tour of the house to prove it's taken 600 years to complete and that's why they can't move in yet.

And the thread ended on the proclamation that she just wants to give off country vibes innit hunnayz.

Wiki is the pink button at the top
Thread suggestions from page 30 - please write thread suggestion in the post!

Hunch/Sloth/Sopha - our lord and saviour queen Sophie Rose (added it herself!)
Fiddle/bitty - Sophs mum, Inch's sidechick.
Inch/JimbobSmallKnob/Jamie short for James - Soph's enabler.
Weeping Al/Gepetto - Sophs dad.
WWs/the Maldon 3 - Those fucking alpacas


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VIP Member
Why would you get a swing seat engraved with "the adventures of hinch farm"
1. Its not a farm
2. Hinch isn't your name
3. Is the farm having adventures?
4. Its not a book title

How strange? I don't get it at all
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If she says “I’m moving soon” one more bloody time I might have to abandon you nusty hens and fling myself off the nearest cliff!!! 😤😤😤
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“a bit scared” to move into a newly decorated throughout mansion? Give over!

Country Farm girl? You’re a 2 minute drive off an A Road you soggy wet wipe!
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Wize Owl

VIP Member
Could we please have a sketch of Sopha running after her 3 boyfriends in her shorts and top and wellies dancing and singing let’s all go to Tessschos where I buy my best clothes
Sopha’s 🎶 “Let’s all go to Tessschos” 🎶 🤭 (Volume needed)
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VIP Member

Thanks to @Elle055 for the thread title.
Another days long thread, so what did she get up to?
Saturday began with a lie in after the previous evenings pity party. Sorry Soph-two-homes, we just can't find it in us to feel sorry for you.
JimbobNosejob then shared a photo from church, possibly having tea with the vicar in anticipation of an exorcism at Hunch House.
Eagle eyed tattlers spotted the LV belt, Hinch clearly continues to be relatable.
It was then a quiet day until 9:30pm, when we were treated to a shot of a basket of tat from Home Bargains. Just why she was there at that time of night no one can fathom, perhaps fiddle and Janine needed a bit of alone time and sent her off for a bird feeder and chocolate?

Sunday was a day for ads and an announcement of a forthcoming holiday. Possibly a safari to spend time with her own kind....
She summoned up the energy to have a roller rant from the sofa. Apparently Instagram should personally inform her if the music is not licensed. All that time wasted creating a montage to have it removed!
Finally, at the 11th hour on Sunday night we had a loving tribute to the queen from Soph. GSTQ indeed, but what does it mean?

Monday brought us carrot batons and more child endangerment pre-records. Inch exposed the true climate with a real time video of the fat dog taking a shit. Lonald was allowed to play at the top of the stairs as a desperate attempt to prove she does play with her children.
Jimbob spunked into a jar Soph discovered overnight oats but fuck that, just throw in a load of sugar and leave them in the fridge for an afternoon. Perfect 'desert', Mary Berry will be on the phone for a collab any day now.
Soph continued to prove how quirky she is by singing at the WWs. Tranq gun was loaded with the wrong drugs, clearly.
A stray sheep wandered into the thread and was quickly dispatched of.

Finally, Tuesday brought us proof that she can peel the black trainers off her sweaty size 5s. A quick tour of the house to prove it's taken 600 years to complete and that's why they can't move in yet.

And the thread ended on the proclamation that she just wants to give off country vibes innit hunnayz.

Wiki is the pink button at the top
Thread suggestions from page 30 - please write thread suggestion in the post!

Hunch/Sloth/Sopha - our lord and saviour queen Sophie Rose (added it herself!)
Fiddle/bitty - Sophs mum, Inch's sidechick.
Inch/JimbobSmallKnob/Jamie short for James - Soph's enabler.
Weeping Al/Gepetto - Sophs dad.
WWs/the Maldon 3 - Those fucking alpacas
she will never be a country farm girl. Just a cuntry chav that can’t be arsed to get a job.
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Should it read ‘the adventures on hinch farm’
Or ‘our adventures on hinch farm’

‘the adventures of hinch farm’ just doesn’t read right to me 🤣🤦‍♀️ Like the house is going on an adventure. Ah I don’t know! Might just be me!
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Wize Owl

VIP Member
Had to be done..... Jimbobwibblywobblytinyballs Absolutely not fit at all 🤭 (Volume needed)

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Be kond

Chatty Member
The thing is, like most normal families, she should have a routine. I have a 2 monthsl old and a 3 year old, and if anything, I find it easier having two children, because of routine. Because I HAVE to do certain things at certain times, I HAVE to get my older child to their nursery for a certain time and I have to pick him up at a certain time. The new baby has had to work around that routine. I HAVE to make lunch, I HAVE to make tea. Usually my partner is home late too so I’m usually doing bed and bath on my own too.

What Sophie doesn’t understand is, as much as she says she has a career. Her and inch are unemployed. They have no job to get up and go to. The only job they DO have is being parents, and neither of them are doing a good job of that. The constant woe is me I’m struggling with two children, woild be believable if she didn’t have an on tap janine, on tap fiddle and Abi hanging around constantly. She would have a massive shock if she ever found herself single, without all of the on tap childcare she has. She wouldn’t know what hit her.

She needs to grow up, realise she is a parent, and realise ALL children need routine, stimulation and a parents love.
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So let me get this straight, they've had the keys since October 2021 and currently in June of 2022 they have a movie room, dog wash room, fully kitted out en suites for a 2 and 1 year old, 3 alpacas in the garden but no kitchen or carpets and they still live in their old house. Shes a fucking weirdo, how is any of this relatable??!!! I once moved across country alone with 2 kids and it only took 6 weeks from deciding to move to getting the keys ( granted I was renting but still ) this is madness, her shoppers must be absolutely brain dead not to find any of this abit odd 🤪
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Chatty Member
If (and let’s face it it’s not a very big if) these are all pre records and hinch not a farm has been finished for months then I hope she doesn’t advertise the builders! Not a great advert if its done and she’s making out it’s taken ages longer than it has and if it’s not done yet what the hell are they playing at?! Either way not a great advert for a company 🤷🏼‍♀️
Murals man Chris finished 170 hours of work 12 weeks ago and he’s not been able to show it off yet because he has to wait for her
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Little Miss Annie

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I honestly don’t know how the sheep can’t see her true colours even now 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m sorry but that woman is nothing but a lying fraud!

This whole anxiety ridden little housewife shit is absolute bollocks. Wake up and see the shit she’s drip feeding you all!

“I’m self conscious” -

• Parades her body to advertise self tanning products in a very risqué manner.
• Arms, legs and tits out (even pulling the top down) to sell her shit and filters the fuck out of herself to look like a doll.
• Photoshoots for magazines.
• Dresses up for a baby shower in a very revealing strapless dress. Tight waisted, boob enhancing, strapless wedding dress.
• Constant eye fucking every time the camera is on her.

Anxiety? Fuck off darling. You jumped on the anxiety wagon to try and be relatable, to gain sympathy and to hide who you really are.

I don’t use this word often but you are a CUNT Sophie Hinchliffe. Playing with mental health like it’s a trend! Putting your kids in danger with those alpacas 🤬 They aren’t cute, they aren’t floofies, they are livestock that can seriously injure and even kill an infant at the flick of a switch. Start looking after your children and their safety you stupid twat.

Also take a look at the world right now, the real world, not this filtered to fuck princess fairytale la la land you live in. Yes you may have money darling but you are so out of touch with the real world I actually feel sorry for you. Those kids deserve better. One day everything will come crashing down around you and you will have no one to blame but yourself.

Money can buy materials but it can’t buy happiness. Lies will always come back to bite you on the arse and you’ve told that many lies, I would hate to be in your shoes!

But until the money stops rolling in you will continue to fleece every last penny out of the vulnerable with no care in the world. You are an absolute disgrace.

The sooner the world wakes up to your lies the better. You should be ashamed of yourself!
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