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The 12 days of Hinchmas

the twelfth day of Christmas Hinchy have to me...

12 trolls she’s blocking

11 ads she’s hiding

10 fishies breeding

9 stories ranting

8 brands she milking

7 swipe ups skimming

6 morning lay ins

Fiiivvveee cheeese strings

4 pre records

3 treats for hen

2 begs to dove

And balsam hill she got for freeeee
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Cunt. It’s because of slags like you that we are now locked down again and Christmas has been cancelled. Don’t even pretend you’re going to start adhering to it now you vile Plague Rat 😡
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Yes, sorry it’s been long. Labour took three days to induce! He’s here. He was born yesterday at 14.50, 7lb4 & he’s worth all of the pain ❤
Thanks for all your lovely words! We’re doing ok x
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It’s because of the covidiots like Mrs Hinch and SS that we are in this mess! Doing what they like, posting stories showing themselves openly flouting Covid rules, meaning others will follow and copy!!!!!! - Gleam and anyone that supports these idiots should be deeply ashamed for protecting them and allowing them to get away with this.
It would appear that Sophie has a short and selective memory - so here’s just one reminder for you - there are more.. 😡 action for children should bear this in mind too for future reference and any other charities before deciding to use someone like this who feels they have no social obligation to follow rules that make others safe.


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It says support bubbles and childcare bubbles are exempt from the rules so she’ll be seeing ma barker
She has no need for a childcare bubble tho! That’s a f*cking insult to people who work and desperately need the bubbles! It actually enrages me that she thinks she’s entitled to a childcare bubble when Jamie is on a VERY public career break!! HE DOESNT WORK. JAMIE IS THE CHILDCARE🤬🤬🤬

Ma Barker isn’t in a single household. Dadapaputo still lives there. She isn’t entitled to a childcare bubble unless she bins off Jamie and becomes a single Ma. I just can’t with the silly mare bending the rules to suit her!!
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She was probably sat there watching the announcement WITH

Biggest fucking covidiot going! This does not change a thing for her. She will do exactly what she wants, as she has done since the start of this all in March. She is vermin
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Imagine being me, living in Kent, following lockdown rules and not seen my family since February. I send my kids back to school in September through no choice of my own. I get told “kids don’t spread it” kids catch it and spread it to the adults in my household. We went up really poorly. Kids practically have to fend for themselves for weeks. Baby is practically raised by incredibly amazing 6!!!! Year old daughter for 2 weeks due to adults being too poorly to get out of bed. We all recover slowly but surely. We are both out of work due to being self employed. Baby had a growth spurt and we can’t afford a new car seat. Can’t go out anywhere due to this. We start to look forward to Christmas (thank fuck we started buying early and had stuff out away, and thank fuck for family members sending Amazon packages to our house for us because we can’t afford anything) and finally being able to see our family and BOOM. Tier 4. Meanwhile zoph is doing whatever the fuck she wants, twice she has complained of having “flu” and she has never tested herself or isolated from others when she has had it. Selfish cunt.
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She is despicable. Words cannot express how utterly disgusted I am with the entitled attitude and complete disregard of other people.

it is selfish idiots like her that are causing this to spike again and put us all in this situation.

My mum was in the highest possible risk category , my children and I have respected the rules and have barely seen her since then . All she wanted was a hug and some company but we couldn’t do it and she was facing the prospect of spending Christmas alone. But if we could get through this next year we would all be here and make up for it . She died last weekend from something non Covid related but loneliness and sadness has played a part I’m sure. I’ve missed the last nine months because I abided by the rules and I’ll never get a chance to make up for it .

And she can fuck off with her I’m not ready for Christmas comments which are clearly a pile of shite. I’m not ready for Christmas either as I’m a full time working , single mum with two kids and I’m trying to arrange a funeral at the same time as Christmas.

disgusting selfish selfish idiotic woman
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I reckon she’ll have a ‘Christmas Break’ from the gram then as there is no way she’ll stick to the new rules and not see Ma Barker for Christmas.
Expect a meltdown from Sopha because she can’t get her own way very soon!
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Didn’t bother Sopha back when the rest of the Country were in local lockdowns and she was posting 30 stories a day going here there and everywhere. Suddenly she’s affected and she has no words...
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Anyone else still cringe when they walk past the tomato’s in the supermarket and remember when Soph tried to say she had grown one 😂😂😂 🍅
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Galway girl

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Queen Sopha of Maldonia has addressed her minions.... she has no words apparently. Fuck off into the nearest bin you attention seeking narcissistic cunt.
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I just can’t. Not today. My 82yr old mum in law has isolated since March. She’s lonely, depressed, in constant pain and in the last few weeks. Suicidal. I had my stroke in end February, I’ve done nothing, behaved myself, stuck to rules. Partner has been working but gets tested regularly. We’re both clear. Was spending Christmas with MiL. Then Nicola closed the border. My 3 daughters and grandkids are in bits as Scotland is all going into tier 4 and the kids aren’t going back to school. Had to tell my MiL last night we weren’t going to see her (she’s no internet neither so no FaceTime) and her words ‘well nows the time to join FiL’ he died 2yrs ago. We sent a good neighbour round who says she’s not good. And we’re stuck. This maybe her last Christmas.
Yes we have a roof, yes my partner still has his job, yes we are ok financially. But we STUCK to the rules, we DID as we were told. I spent all of last night crying so now I have a headache. I just want to hug my grandkids so much. So today I’m a bit broken. And then I see Soph. With her empty platitudes. Of course she’s allowed to feel upset, but it won’t be affecting her. She’ll still sneak them in. And it’s the likes of her, other Z list celebs, the Kay Burleys and Rita Oras, Dom Cummings, that SNP mp (sorry forget her name) The bloody protestors for every cause, they have caused this. Go fuck yourselves. The lot of you. Happy Sunday everyone ❤❤
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Now Stacey winds me the fuck up, but using her links with Dove to get all the toiletries for the homeless shelter was a nice thing to do, and even if her day of helping was filmed for publicity, she has raised a lot of awareness. What has Sopha done this year for others? Fuck all apart from film that ridiculous quiz, where she eye fucked the camera the whole time.

I really think anything she does going forward is just going to be too little too late. The damage has been done and that ship is slowly sinking
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If she has no words then she should keep her trap shut.
Her whole heart dropped. Fuck off!! She’s broke the rules from day one and contributed to this shit!!
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I’m not being funny but she isn’t exactly in for a bad Christmas is she? She’s got her son and husband with her. Food on the table. Presents under the tree. She really needs to start appreciating what she has. Her heart has dropped. Imagine how she would feel if she were alone, no food, no presents. She’s just one massive knob.
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