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Hello everyone!

I have been lurking for a while here now but had to finally create an account to say something!

I’m not going to lie, I used to be a massive Hinch fan. I remember when she started to become big and everyone around me (work friends, out of work friends & even family members) were all raving about her. I remember the minkys that she uses went mad and were flying off the shelves. You couldn’t get one anywhere which made me want one even more! I eventually got my hands on a couple and used them religiously for a good few months. Until I realised they were not all that. You couldn’t wash them as the went horrible in the wash (at least mine did) they lasted 5 mins and a normal dish cloth did exactly the same thing!!! Not to mention the cost of them. I was buying a new one probably around once a week if not more and it’s was just becoming ridiculous. I then have to admit I even purchased her little book of lists 😖I got it because I do generally use a day to day list as it helps me feel more in control and like I have my shit together when in all reality I really don’t😂I never do my lists how she does though so the book was pointless. I write a list day to day where as she does one for the month and writes “clean sink” so, is she only going to clean the sink once a month? Obviously we know she does it “everyday” but when does she tick it off? The first time she does it in the month or the last time she does it in the month? Strange! Anyway, I’m not really sure where I’m going with this but I think it’s very sad that’s she clearly has a lot of money in her bank, she also very clearly has a lot of followers and it’s awful to see everyone trying to keep up with her lifestyle. Getting themselves into debt to buy all the things she buys. I did it once, not any more. Im a lot more wiser now and I now realise that she’s she’s far from genuine. Anything she posts is because she’s been paid too or because she works with them. Even when she talks on her stories on instagram, it’s always the same. It’s like her vocabulary is about 10 words. Why don’t her followers see this? A product is always “amazing” and she “loves it”. She doesn’t even try to change her words to make it sounds that little bit more believable. It’s crazy to watch this woman do the same thing day in day out and yet people still follow her and love her? WHY?!?! I have a 6 month old baby and I’m struggling to make ends meet. Life’s tough right now for obvious reasons but as long as she’s in home bargains or B&M everyday and off on her holibobs every 2 weeks, all is well for her.

I also think it’s very sad that she feels the need to take pictures or videos of everything and everyone constantly. She sees life through a mobile phone and never lives in the moment. I hope she realises these are precious moments that she’ll never get back. Yes she’ll be able to look back at all these videos and pictures but it’s not a memory is it? She wasn’t having the best time of her life with her son and her husband she was just recording it and photographing in so she can post it to instagram. It’s upsetting to see and I feel so sorry for Ronnie.

Sorry for rambling on but it feels good to say this!! Xx
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watermelon sugar

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Four - Jamie

'Me and Jamie are like chalk and cheese. I was the office bimbo and an easy shag. Then I trapped him with a baby so he can't run off. Now he's fucked

The end'
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She's taken this "mum said...." too far now. It's absolutely ridiculous coming from a 30 year old women. I also suspect half of it hasn't even been said by Ma Barker and I'm putting her forward on Twitter for the 'Didn't Happen of the Year Awards.'

Also can anyone shed any light on what exactly she is having her say on??! Surely not Tattle... an internet forum where people come to discuss their likes and dislikes of 'celebs' who push themselves front and centre stage in a large public domain to be the centre of attention and spoken about?!?! Where people may claim to know said 'celeb' and may make claims which all other forum members know to take with a pinch of salt - whether we run with the theory or not. Those same 'celebs' who beg for freebies and flaunt their wealth and privilege at every single opportunity...even during a global pandemic?!?! 'Celebs' who claim to support poor mental health but are one of the biggest detrimental impacts on people's mental health?!?!
What a joke! She must have skin as thin as a sausage if we get to her so much she'd had to write a fucking book about it.

The only thing I am hoping she sheds light on, is who upset her a few weeks ago, who she should have trusted her gut about. The person that was so upset that Jamie had to go and actually walk the dog. That tea, I would quite like! ☕🐸
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Chatty Member
Things I want to know from this book:
1. Who pissed her off that she needed to “trust her gut” and toughen up.
2. How much she earns per sponsored post.
3. Did she get a bollocking for zoflora gate/when she took the top off the washing tabs box and encouraged people to do the same/diluted lenor in a spray bottle/inadvertently caused a fire by encouraging others to put flowers on her hob?
4. Why did Jamie reference PND on Stacey’s podcast?
5. How her and Jamie actually got together.

Things I’ll actually find out:
1. She will mention her “anxiety”. It’s called nerves and Everyone gets them. I’m absolutely sick of influencers self diagnosing and using it to up their engagement when it genuinely ruins other people’s lives.
2. She will mention tattle but not by name. She will have screenshots of some of the comments about her weight, height, cooking etc. And use those to say that’s what she receives online. When actually the majority of that kind of stuff gets reported and deleted. The majority of us are here to hold her accountable for the dangers she promotes. We’re all just picking on her and she’s one big victim.
3. Her bond with Ronnie and her bond with her mum being “like no other”. Here’s the thing though, you’re supposed to love your kids. You’re meant to do that. You don’t always have to like them but you are meant to love them and want to care for them. That’s what people do and she keeps quoting it to seem relatable. Most people love their children, you aren’t the only one.
4. How her and Jamie had a whirlwind romance, how he is her Prince Charming and the fact he was her boss was in no way unproffessshhional.

I’m going to keep thinking of more but this could be one hell of a bingo for me if it comes off!
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I’m kate to the party but I’ve been holding onto this rant for a while and I need to say it - why is she so fucking extra? Who the fuck puts dryerrr sssshhheeeets in with a packed suitcase to keep the clothhhhes freshhhh?! Especially when you’re travelling at most 4/5 hours? Not even on a plane?? Why is she such a twat? Why does everything have to have an overly perfumed smell (except her own creation of laundry detergent it seems)!! Is she so thick she thinks stuff is only clean if it gives you a headache from the smell? Fine have an odd candle lit, use the odd scented product but why does EVERYTHING have to smell? When I was growing up a friend of mine’s mum smoked in the house, yet she had all these candles and diffusers and plug in things to cover the smell and I feel like Hinch is the same. Open a few windows ffs and let fresh air in, she’s going to give her boy asthma!
no wonder Chicken Select goes bonkers when they take him away he’s not overwhelmed by perfumes.
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OMG! You guyzzzzzz!!! My first thread title! My mum said I must make you all a caramel croissant bukkake cake as you are all the best pastry trolls! I’ll get a little driver to bring it round with a bottle of harpic‘ll need it as it’s a bit undercooked! ATV!!! 😘
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Predictions for the weekend!

- The adventures of Hen and Ron 24/7
- family photos on a log
- her stealing twigs or leaves for a memory book
- Montages galore
- “We bought my mum and dad out here as it’s so beautiful I couldn’t resist”
- Slow mo for days
- Tinned soup/spaghetti in a jug or a takeaway for two that looks like a takeaway for 5
- Ronnie running through a field
- Swimming cozzie poses with Ron and embracing her bruises
- Pedalling Lenor because the devil never sleeps
- “it was the best time ever guyzzzzzz come visit here @/ I LOVVVVVEEEEE ITTTT! Were buying a field and acre of woodland now!!”

am I close?? will I get a bingo??
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Right, here’s my thread suggestion

Covid‘s rising but Zowf‘s feeling calmer - did she or didn’t she get a plane to Palma?

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Why are you sitting in the front hinch? It was only last week you said you always sit in the back with RonRon but you were fine back there because you had your ’ebayer rubbish bag’ apparently! 🙄

Is Ma Barker back there with Ronron today then soph? 🤥

*blocking out the MEmoir cover free advertising here 🤣🤣🤣

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Active member
I had a bit of a pity party on the last thread and had some really kind comments. There’s so much hate and judgement on the hinchers groups and yet I have had such wonderful kindness from the people accused of bullying.
You’re the best pastry trolls ever. Thank you xx
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Hello I’m new (I only discovered tattle whilst googling the MOD drama!) and then I fell down the rabbit hole of Hinch threads and I just needed to post and tell you all how much lighter I feel after reading them!!
I have depression and anxiety (real, diagnosed, medicated!) and when I discovered Hinch I bought into the whole ‘clean your anxiety away’ bollocks and I can confirm that it all made me feel SO much worse! The house was never clean enough, there are scuff marks and stains on my furniture, my kids toys don’t match the decor, I don’t have time to pine my toilet every day, there’s dust on the blinds ... I just constantly felt not good enough. Since discovering these threads I have truly seen the light and can’t believe I never saw how it’s all pre recorded and gifted and LIES before!
So thank you all - I’ve now tattled my Hinch anxiety away and I feel soooo much better :)
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I don’t hate her I’m just fed up with her tone deaf approach to life. A lot of people are like her she’s right, she’s not a one off. She’s not that unusual, she knows this and she’s got lucky to be fair without really even showing her face hardly at all. I think she’s just milking it now for all she can get. Would I do the the same? I don’t think I would. Would I like her lifestyle? I think I would feel grubby about how I got all the stuff to be honest. I am lucky to have a fairly good job and I am practical about what I buy and live within my means, I like what I have so I’m not jealous. Taking free stuff from B&M when you are a millionaire seems a bit shit in a pandemic when people are struggling

I used to really like her when she was more down to earth and just doing some cleaning with Pink Stuff. Granted spraying lenor around made me a bit uneasy but back before baby RonRon she just seemed pretty normal. She lives about half hour away from me, I like in a new build type house as well and before she did all the Reno her house was fairly likeable.

I noticed that unlike other influencers she never does give aways and then when the big stuff started rolling (pouring in) I felt more and more uncomfortable. She showed she had hoards and hoards of free products and then started getting all this expensive stuff that I couldn’t afford and clearly people end up getting on credit. Encouraging people to write list after list of daily jobs whilst looking after their kids - by themselves, which is not something she ever has to do.

i actually think her anxiety and poor mental health state is down to the fact she feels guilty and grubby deep down about what she is doing. I feel like her conscience is telling her one thing but the money and fame another. I think living this life every day knowing people on low incomes are paying for your extension and pergola must impact on your soul in some way.
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Jamie's ordered her to stay off her phone for the weekend? Fuck off! He couldn't order a pizza!
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Fairly new to tattle but so glad I found These threads you all opened my eyes to the reality of what grinch is really like
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