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Report anyone engaging in this behaviour. They will be removed
I’m going to have to take a break from this for a while, this used to be funny. Laughing at her wanking taps and her stupid finger clicking to make food. But now it’s gone another level with people wanting to find out if she was online via her personal account and making fake Instagram profiles to add comments to people’s profiles to try and ‘catch her out’! Some of you have got far too much time on your hands and it’s got a little bit too vindictive for me.
I’ll be back when you’ve all calmed down
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watermelon sugar

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This Is Me Chapter 91 - My Trainers

Oh my God! GUYYYSZZ. This is the funniest story and I've been waiting so long to tell you this.
It was a rainy afternoon in July. I just had my sleepers done. I was enjoying a fag at the back door, scrolling through my enemy website, Tattle, when I seen Henry shitting in the sleepers
'For fuck sake Henry!' I screamed.
I launched at him and hushed him away from my beautiful, expensive sleepers. Even though I've seen them vile trolls imply my sleepers make my garden look like a bus stop, I simply don't give a shit. I just love them guys.
Ugh! I stepped in his dog mess.
I pulled my shoes off and stormed inside. Our lovely Ronnie was behind the sofa and Jamie was on his Bet 365 app (another conspiracy theory is he uses Willy Hill, but their wrong, he uses Bet 365)
'Jaymmehhh!' I whinged. 'My trainers are ruined
'Aw babe whack them in a 30 degree wash in the washing machine'
I laughed. 'No i won't do such thing. I'm gonna buy some new ones because I deserve it. I know its the middle of a pandemic and I've just spent a lot of dosh on the garden, but I'm gonna buy some new trainers'
I whipped my phone out and shut off Tattle. I'll go back on that later when I have another fag. I opened Net a Porter and there they were. My beautiful Louis Vuitton trainers.
'500 quid!' I exclaimed with joy. 'Perfect!'
'Awrite babe Well if you're spending that much on trainers, send us 20 quid to put on the horses wud ya'
'Oh of course I will Jamie. This is so funny! I just love them guys!'
And i was right. I did just love them guys. Isnt that so funny?

The end x
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Mrs H I know you read this forum!
So I (like others on here) are massively against trolling and if someone comments on HER posts being personal and just nasty then yes, that is trolling and just not nice.
I used to LOVE Mrs Hinch... I used to show my boyfriend pics she’d post and be like awww how cute is Ronnie/Henry and he’d just say “I’m saying nothing!!” He has a little girl himself and didn’t like that there were pics of Ronnie in a nappy , him smacking Henry’s face etc and at first I didn’t quite click on as to how bad it was...
And then a few things here and there didn’t seem genuine/ didn’t make sense/contradictory statements from Hinch/ I realised that hell NO these pics of little Ronnie are not good and I began to get worried that Henry would bite Ronnie or snap at him 😭
I found Tattle as Mrs Hinch shared herself and I came on here and have seen the light!
I’d never comment by making jokes about her appearance cos that’s too far in my opinion, but I can certainly mention an observation- that she looks very different on all photos and I’d like to see what she really looks like!!
And I’m guessing SO MANY HARD WORKING PEOPLE are really offended by her ‘tough week’ next week. Key workers, NHS workers, people working in PPE day in day out , 60 hour working weeks are desperate for a break. People losing their jobs cos of COVID, exams gone to shit... So much terrible stuff going on right now and she moans about going to ‘work’ for ONE WEEK! This forum is not trolling Mrs Hinch. If you have the right to post whatever you want on your Instagram to millions of people, others have a right to discuss the content of your posts, particularly when it is HARMFUL and you simply do not assume responsibly or have the correct knowledge handle 3.5million followers in there correct way . Over and out 😅
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Chatty Member
'Jaymeeee..make the boatman take his post down!! They saying all stuff about Me and I can't delete them 😭'

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Little bit of ☕ For you, me and my OH have used a supplier for our wedding that she used, we didn’t know this but when we met with them she got bought up as they have other well known customers and the salesman said she was an absolute nightmare to deal with
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Guyyyzzzzz, the trainer's are in the memwaaahhhh. I actually can't wait. And we were worried she had nothing to write* about! Ye of little faith.

*Be ghostwritten
Who reckons it will go something along the lines of this:-

“So guyzzzzzz....hilarious story to tell you. As you all know, I was 30 earlier in this year and because I haven’t treated myself enough with the Disney trip, the drive through, the Dyson hairdryer, the expensive make up (I was forced to buy after being influenced on Insta 🙃), the £200 sundress (for Tufty Manzzz 1st bday), the garden makeover, The short break to Kent etc etc. I wanted to get myself a little something. So I sat down one evening and said to Jay “right, I’ve decided I’m gonna treat myself to them Louis Vuitton trainers (that all the other celebs like me wear) I’ve wanted for ages as a belated birthday gift to myself!” all know me....Soph, from the little village of Maldon who loves a barg and is as relatable as they come. So I looked online and got a right decent barg. Normally £500 but I got mine for £150! And they only took 7 weeks to arrive!! They arrived and I had to shout Jamie in from the street where he was trying to find his flip flops that I’d lobbed out the door an hour earlier (think a pigeon might have swooped down and carried them off), to film the LV reveal. Anyway I opened them and honestly guyz we were cracking up! They only had LW all over them and it said Luis Wuitton! But you know was such a funny moment the way me and Jamie was laughing and crying and falling around that I’ve actually decided I LOVE EMMMM and nothing’s gonna stop me wearing em loud and proud. I can imagine you all now sitting reading this, crying with laughter thinking “yep...that’s our Soph.”

“And it’s actually a double funny story cos I’ve managed to troll those Tattle bastards myself. When I was on my holibobs in Kent a fan took a picture and you could see my Luis Wuittons and they all jumped on it and pulled me apart for having a £500 pair of Louis Vuittons. Little did they know the truth and the hilarity of the real story. So up yours mother fuckers.”
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Why is everything an emotional montage? Like a charity advert

Please donate £2 to sponsor a Ronnie, who gets lobbed behind the sofa 🙏
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Snazzy Cardigan

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I really don't think that people bombarding instagram posts of her with comments is a good idea. I think it's going to help her sell books. It makes all tattlers look like trolls to be honest. It's glaringly obvious they are from tattlers, and harassing a post by an innocent businessman isn't cool to be honest. You're all just giving people proof she gets properly trolled. Best to keep it on tattle. It's just giving her what she wants. Also I don't care how nice you think it is, interrogating her about her dog just comes across as a bit obsessive.
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Btw. I am things I saw at the shops. She DM’d me spouting crap about tattle being poison. I said I was putting my son to bed and suggested she might want to focus on doing the same thing and should enjoy her holiday rather than seeking out people who were just asking innocent questions. I don’t feel I was rude in asking whether Henry was dropped off before or after they went shopping 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
She didn’t reply to my suggestion that she focuses on enjoying her holiday. I was polite. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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Be kond

Chatty Member
Why does she go into so much detail when she’s been called out? This probs sounds ridic but little specific things like Tesco EXPRESS or Henry’s bromance with a dog named rio etc. In my experience when people are fibbing they go into a lot of detail. I know what I mean anyway 😂
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