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I'm no expert by any means and admittedly I've not watched any of her lives, I've seen snippets here and there but even I can see that greenscreen she puts up is filtered to feck! She can't be bloody serious 😂😂

Anyway with regards her current situation...she has absolutely loved parading about splashing her cash, anti-gifting, manipulating the leaderboard, getting attention by acting the billy big bollocks and it's bitten her on the arse. If it wasn't PD it would be someone else.

She needs help.
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I honestly think at this point she has a weird obsession with the app & talking about the same things. Does she have anything in the real world? The way she lets her son speak online is disgusting for his age!
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Michelle a woman with too much money (or possibly debt now) nothing else better to do than try manipulate the men on tiktok. 🤣 shes seriously got issues to be gifting the way she does.. what we know shes an accountant.. a quick search of her fb will reveal her and her ex husband and the business..
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100% ive never said mr PD is the best person but Michelle is dodge 👀
She showed messages where she mentioned what pd had done to amber carson and he said the exact same stuff he’s now saying to her!! She still gifted him after all that
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She hasn’t learnt anything! She sent universe to Gracie today
and this is why i will never fully believe her stories about PD. She needs an intervention from someone in her family & whip access to her bank accounts off her, she is mentally not well!
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and this is why i will never fully believe her stories about PD. She needs an intervention from someone in her family & whip access to her bank accounts off her, she is mentally not well!
It’s actually ridiculous the fuss she kicked up about pd and she’s still gifting big
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Baffles me that this is the behaviour of GROWN ADULTS!!
It baffles me the amount of money they are throwing away thru tiktok 🤣 possibly up to 250k?
love bombed her apparently. Tbh, i find her quite manipulative herself so i am taking anything she says with a very large pinch of salt.
Im sorry but PD did not love bomb her.. she willingly spat 16k out on gifts before she received the money so PD would win the battles and climb the leaderboard to beat certain people. Any one with a normal brain would of waited until that 16k was in your account regardless.
P.s if you have a read through the latest comments on mr PDs thread you will understand the situation.
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Mr PD just said that Michelle and her ex hubby scammed someone out of 100k and he's gonna get them on tiktok to say there story 👀. Also Michelles account got frozen and she had a 24k wage bill to pay to her employees.. Mr PD said he'd pay the wages and she turned it down. Theres deffo more to the story about Michelle that meets the eye.
She’s on now scrolling through their whats app conversation! Definitely more to this woman!

I saw the screen recording of of saying about her and the ex husband scamming 100k of some man and this jan had threatened her son she contacted pd and he phoned him and sorted it out

Pds voice freaked me out 🤮
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There’s summat not adding up right enough and I’m no accountant
Even if she is re charging via vpn in other countries to get it cheaper, its still a hell of a lot of money she is chucking about the place. She keeps going into Dickadoras live & gifting someone above PD, she needs to get a grip! Dickadora is loving it mind you because he is taking a third of the big gifts she is sensing plus he has her on side now to gift in his battles 🤮
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Does she go live at all or just gift?
Never seen her live but i don’t follow her so can’t say 100% if she does or not. She gifted Speedo a hell of it a lot to get him to the top of the weeklys as well.
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This Clare Connolly who is chucking big gifts about like they are roses in the wolf’s lives is fast becoming the new Michelle 😳
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Did you see she was live last night when the box battles was ongoing saying she was gonna go in them so she could beat PD.. wolf was like don't bother whats the point. 🤣 then she was like no ur right i wont go. She always seems pissed to me though. there all as bad as one another, the top rankers and the top gifters, everything so they can show off the shiny gifting level badges 🙄🤣 imagine they had to one day get a real job in the real world ' gifting level badge 43 ' on there CV 🤣🤣 Very fishy when 1 certain person is constantly gifting so much. Theres a few of them at it aswell its not just Michelle.
Clare who gifts the wolf sends some amount of big gifts his way each night he is live. Even if you are loaded, why would you waste it all on work shy cunts on the internet? I just don’t get it. Lion King & Panda were the same, chucking his windfall about the app then greeting they were manipulated 🥴 between this week & last week alone the wolf has raked in over £50k 😳 mainly from Clare. That Alreadyclear who topped the rankings last week with 10m diamonds is another one who is dodgy along with his 2 big gifters Bobbedy & Shazzy. Tiktok are the real winners here taking 70% of the money 🫠
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Even if she is re charging via vpn in other countries to get it cheaper, its still a hell of a lot of money she is chucking about the place. She keeps going into Dickadoras live & gifting someone above PD, she needs to get a grip! Dickadora is loving it mind you because he is taking a third of the big gifts she is sensing plus he has her on side now to gift in his battles 🤮
Did you see she was live last night when the box battles was ongoing saying she was gonna go in them so she could beat PD.. wolf was like don't bother whats the point. 🤣 then she was like no ur right i wont go. She always seems pissed to me though. there all as bad as one another, the top rankers and the top gifters, everything so they can show off the shiny gifting level badges 🙄🤣 imagine they had to one day get a real job in the real world ' gifting level badge 43 ' on there CV 🤣🤣 Very fishy when 1 certain person is constantly gifting so much. Theres a few of them at it aswell its not just Michelle.
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She is a sad cow buying her way round the app!
What I don’t get is her house isn’t anything flash, normal middle class looking not enough to be wasting thousands. during the PD thing it was said she’s summat to do wi hotels and I really wondered if she’s defrauding the cash.
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Gcrew live and Michelle in his comments! Gcrew looking to meet her for food before he leaves Scotland tomorrow
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