Lily James

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Dominic and his wife pictured jogging. He’s making her run in walking boots too, poor love
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Dominic and his wife pictured jogging. He’s making her run in walking boots too, poor love
omg if there was ever a telltale sign that these 2 have never jogged together and it's all a photoop on top of him awkwardly telling her to keep up and their haggard running forms
Reactions: 15
I think she may have some issues... Her dad died when she was young (19 I think) and I can't help but wonder if that somehow plays a part.
I think she does. When she did Cinderella everyone thought she was seeing Richard Madden but she had a thing with Ben Chaplin, who played her father. He is also far better looking than DW and was single, but she seems to like the older man.

omg if there was ever a telltale sign that these 2 have never jogged together and it's all a photoop on top of him awkwardly telling her to keep up and their haggard running forms
He needs to stop dragging the poor woman out on photo ops and just lay low!
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omg if there was ever a telltale sign that these 2 have never jogged together and it's all a photoop on top of him awkwardly telling her to keep up and their haggard running forms
Omg just looked at the photos and his ankles are all over the shop!! Looked like he was gonna break one any second bet he can't believe its come to this tbh, embarrassing for all involved
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It makes his handwritten 'our marriage is fine' note look a bit embarrassing now. He comes off looking pathetic here really, imo.
Way worse than the statement was the photo-op they did when he came back, because why the F didn't he change his clothes???? Instead there's now pics of him in those clothes with Lily hanging off of him and his wife next to him. How she could bear to kiss him then is beyond me.
That photo-op was the worst in the history of damage control, just for the clothes alone.

Edit: And this photo op is really bad, because she isn't even wearing running shoes, making this look like an obvious set up.
If they want these photo ops, why not set them up to make sense? Do the old fashioned grocery shop, go for a walk, do something that makes sense for you, not an activity you otherwise never do! What next? Fake a pottery session?? (I assume they don't do any pottery!)
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omg if there was ever a telltale sign that these 2 have never jogged together and it's all a photoop on top of him awkwardly telling her to keep up and their haggard running forms
Just seen the pics, she looks uncomfortable!
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Those two have some of the worst staged paparazzi photos that I’ve ever seen
Why even bother?! Just lay low ffs! Its like he has such an overinflated sense of his own importance he thinks every story about him has to be couteracted by him dragging his wife out for a photoshoot! If I was his wife, Id be giftwrapping him and sending him to Lilys front door. The probable look of horror on her face would be revenge enough
Reactions: 12
At first I thought this was another Ewan McGregor situation, where he remained pretty much discreet with all his cheating over the years, until he 'caught feelings,' and decided he wanted out of his marriage. Now, though, with these cringeworthy photo ops, I don't know what's going on.

All I can say is they should have gone for a nice country walk instead of that awkward run!
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I do wonder if it is pap shot one upmanship- Lily tried to force his hand with the Rome paps, then he did the Tory MP shots then she tipped off the press that he was in love with her, then he counteracted with the running shots. Maybe we are just onlookers in a bizarre lovers tiff, where they just send each other passive aggressive messages via the media!
Reactions: 9
This made me really laugh! With all this it's turning into a full-on Greek tragedy or something like that!!

Who knows, that's fully possible. The media doesn't have much to go on anyway with the pandemic and all these lockdowns, I'd imagine the newsroom is fairly quiet these days compared to the world when it's normal...

After all, Dom is speed dialling the paps day and night! This time he's even alone!! (Wife probably told him to F off and leave her alone!)

How are we going to cope when all these updates stop???
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dont worry, their film will be out in about a year probably. We can watch the shennaegans of the promo trail
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Imagine how their poor kids must feel watching all this unfold and seeing their parents make total tits of themselves.
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The mother in law has weighed in now. They really either know he has got off scot free so are using this now for publicity for the castle or they are all desperate for the marriage to survive and are all publicly putting pressure on Catherine to save it. I know Lily was incredibly stupid and/ or calculating, but fancy someone you've known 10 years and who you had an affair with ( so presumably had feelings for) not only throwing you under the bus but running you over again and again? Hopefully she's learnt her lesson.
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Ahahaha lawnmower updates! Brilliant!
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Her romantic choices should have absolutely no bearing on her career, especially as the men never seem to suffer. I wouldn't respect a colleague any less if they were having affairs - none of my business. & I don't care who someone is boffing if I enjoy watching their artistic output.
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I get what you are saying but I was thinking of the spouses of people who might work with her in the future - some might surely be a bit wary. Men definitely need to feel the heat too. I'm not saying her career should suffer, but I'm saying it might, because she is getting a bit of a reputation.
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Isn this what happened to Sienna Miller. She had that affair with Balthazar Getty and it basically eviscerated her career. His wife worked in the industry and a lot of friends in it too. It’s begun to recover but if def had an effect. Although maybe the fashion designer wife of an oil heir has more clout than Dom’s wife.
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I think if people are that insecure in their relationships that they think that someone who has form for having affairs might entice their spouse into bed has issues at best.

I mean, if this all starts affecting her output and ability and she starts becoming unreliable then yes, her reputation will (rightly) suffer, but there's little evidence of that yet.
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I agree, though people are flawed and so some people will be insecure around people who have form for a pattern of behaviour, and people in the 'biz might now have an influence on her career depending on how they feel about the situation. Some people are a lot more upset and wary about this kind of behaviour, and some people simply don't care. Of course in an ideal world no-one should care what she does apart from the spouse at home. However, she (and the men of course) have done this a few times now and have been caught by the paps, so people will talk, and the paps will always be interested in catching her out again, unfortunately. They tend to fixate on certain celebs and follow them again and again.

In all, I think Dominic is behaving tragically, and I hope Lily can let this blow over and carry on acting.
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