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You see, to me, when I see shit like this, I actually feel sorry for the slut. She just doesn’t ‘get it’. She doesn’t know what it’s like to get that first line on that pregnancy test and bounce about all excitedly with your partner. She doesn’t know what it’s like to have a wanted child. She doesn’t know what it’s like to have a son who loves his father and knows his father loves him back. She thinks DNA is what makes a relationship when it’s probably the last thing that’s important,

She just doesn’t understand that level of bond and love. She thinks naming the kids KW prove something. She thinks putting their date of births on his boots means something, she thinks rocking up at football stadiums shows she’s part of something when she’s not.

I believe it won’t be all her nastiness to Annie that will be her downfall. Annie’s tough. It will be when her behaviour directly his sons. That hug was him reassuring his son after England’s woeful performance. And that boy was reassuring his dad too. Bitch can’t and will never be able to compete with that shit.
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Chatty Member
I’ve commented, I’ve lurked but this is by far the worst stunt she has ever pulled!!
Them poor kids… Kairo and non named child included!
Someone on the daily mail said if this was a man doing what she did it would be classed as abuse and it 100% is… she is manipulating and controlling everything to abuse him and the poor children are caught in the middle!
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Ok I never thought I would admit to having a degree of sympathy with Kyle but ….

Think of 5 lads you went to school with from really modest ecomically challenged backgrounds, give them £100k a week and adulation from fans.

Some would handle it great and some would go off the rails.

I’ve been around that world. It isn’t your boyfriend or husband just being a lad but there are people out to target him.

Kyle is acting like a dickhead but the fans are saying he’s a god and worshipping him.

It’s difficult to explain but if Colleen and Annie were just about the money they could walk with huge settlements now. There’s pressure to protect the asset from the club and expectations that are immense.

If they walk away, what will the men do and what impact will it have on their kids?

Being the partner of an elite footballer is not just Gucci and baubles and instagram pictures.

I’m not fan girling over Annie but she is being incredibly dignified and has my upmost respect.
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Wow. What she's doing is so very wrong, that poor lad must have been terrified. Him carrying that flag makes me want to cry - he hasn't got a clue what he's doing there.
I keep wanting to cry thinking about him in that massive chaotic crowd with his little flag smiling away not knowing why or what he is doing there. Just a pawn in his mums game and he’s clueless ☹
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I can’t get over her rocking up there. Paying for a ticket to Germany to stalk someone you’ve slept with twice is one of the craziest things I’ve come across. About time Annie and Kyle file that restraining order, I hope this is the last piece of evidence they need to do it.
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If crater face goes to the match on the 25th i hope to god kyle doesnt play that match 🤭🤣
Just a throw back - Thread 52; pages 20 - 21

And her response:

"Following is illegal."

Riddle me this:
If "following" the local slag (who has made her son's nursery and home address publicly available) when she hasn't colluded in pap shots, this time, is illegal then what in the Baby Reindeer is getting on a plane and following a man to his place of work?

I think the demented bitch will turn up and try to force Kerching on the Walkers. It worked for her last time.
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The article keeps adding different pictures
Doesn’t look ‘tense’ to me
So much more to all this no way is Sian hugging and supporting him after what he has done !!

Lauryn is mental that’s for sure yesterday was an absolute all time low and shows how obsessed she is
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Everything else aside she put in her blog Kairo cries for his dad. Why on earth would you take him to see the dad who doesn’t want anything to do with him and will ignore him???? She’s so fuckin cruel man. Her sisters and family need to step in now she’s mentally torturing that poor boy.
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99% of the population: OMFG Lauryn is an absolute weirdo and what she’s doing to her kids is disgusting

1% of the population: *ignores Martha Goodman’s repeated despicable behaviour* bUt KyLE cHeaTeD oN AnNie aNd sHE sTAyEd iT’S tHeIR fAuLT 🧌

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Just want to add my 2 pence, I can relate to this from RRRR’s point of view, my dad also had 2 other children and I have NOTHING to do with them, never met them, no interest to ever meet them or entertain the mother of those children, through my teens and early 20’s I was constantly shoved down my throat that they are “half siblings” and “blood relatives” and that there’s something wrong with me for not wanting to play happy families with them because “blood is thicker than water” but ultimately my loyalties lie with my mum, I rarely acknowledge them and if I must, I refer to them as my dads children, I feel not one ounce of anything towards those children let alone consider them family or a sibling, and I think it is up to Annie and the 4 R’s to decide for themselves on how they wish to form a relationship/no relationship with this psycho and the 2 unwanted, it’s not for Lauren to FORCE herself upon Annie and the kids who didn’t ask for this, and this is coming from someone who knows exactly how it feels, so perhaps feeling a bit triggered myself on reading this sort of language pan is sharing, but how dare she bad mouth Annie publicly on her stories, I truly hope the Walkers save all these screenshots for court, get a restraining order and shut that tramp up for good


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Active member
Safety is a real issue here, she's unhinged. She's also setting the seed of paranoia in Annie's head that she's there in the area whilst she jets back off to England.
Sick twisted fuck
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Shes in the denmark side 🤣🤣🤣
Thats how shes got tickets she wasnt allowed them for the england side how embarressing
Look at her all squashed in and look at all that space annie has and ofc the view 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Lizzy 93

VIP Member
There are six children in this foolishness who will have a high probability of hating their parents.
Kyle Walker's legitimate kids for him being an abusive slag to their mother.
Annie Walker's sons for her choosing to cleave herself to an abusive slag , modelling the worst of relarionship examples and womanhood to her sons for a lifestyle. Imagine the men that they will turn out to be. God help any of them who are emotionally intelligent enough to see past the financial security of their childhoods. Let's hope that they are as thick as their mother.
Lauryn Goodman for her attention seeking. However, rarely have I seen the children of a sidepiece turn on their mother for being a sidepiece.
It's not these children who have the burden of living under the roof of a couple in a fake marriage. Imagine the arguments, the STDs, the revenge cheating, the confiding in a chosen son about the father's bad behaviour, the high key encouragement to see the father as a victim of various "slags", the unexplained disappearances of said father.....and the fact that Mum chose to normalise sex offending by staying with a flasher and getting knocked up by him again.

Let's be really real. At least Lauryn is entertaining as well as trashy.
Kyle and Annie think that their wedding rings hide their inate trashiness. Nope!
Think you got lost
Delulu this way
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I have been a lurker so so long but this has made me want to comment. She actually scares me to death what she’s capable of! She is so unhinged! How is no one stepping in and telling her this is psychotic behaviour & so damaging to her kids! I don’t know who I feel more sorry for, her kids or Annie having to deal with this shit!
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