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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
Given how invested we are with this shit show how the hell are Pete, Kieran, Emily & Michelle coping? How the fuck can they maintain any kind of their normal with this bollocks unfolding? They must be working overtime to care for the kids whilst pulling their own hair out.
There really are just no words. She is a sick poisonous creature. She is destroying the lives of those closest to her with zero fucks given.
At the moment I actually think that out of all her kids Harvey is the most protected. He's in a safe environment & unaware of the unfolding débâcle.
Pete has teenagers who are very well aware of what's going on. Clearly they will need a lot of support. I would also imagine it's affecting their school work. It's going to affect the 2 half siblings also. Surely they will pick up on it?
Kieran has the 2 littlies who we read are not aware she's fucked off to Vegas to get married. He wants to explain it to them in his own way. Given that, I would guess he has had to contact their school to try & ensure it's not gossiped about to the kids.
Her poison spreads far & wide & she couldn't give a fuck. She destroys anyone & anything to get a story.
This latest drama must be affecting the health of Amy fucking Price. I'll be Sophie Edna Everidge & her brother are trying their best to keep things normal. They'll be taking their kids to spend quality time with nanny. Obviously we've seen the pic of J & P with them. Peter is clearly keeping acces to nanny open with the kids. It's a desperate mess when the ex son-in-law is maintaining access because your own fucking daughter is incapable of doing so. I wonder what Kieran does? Maybe they face time 🤷

She is a fucking disgusting piece of low life shit in every single way. How can anyone honestly defend a single thing she does anymore? Surely even GMB, Steph's Sick Bag etc won't touch her now?.
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I have a 9 year old granddaughter who I love with all my heart. I would give her anything and refuse her nothing, I would literally die for her but there ain't no way she's getting this phone today! 👀😂
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Megan Bacon

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I can share what the ‘emergency’ was last night thanks to my well placed sources having the inside scoop. So here it is, fresh out the kettle so to speak...

The Luxor Casino in Las Vegas, famed for having the strongest and brightest light beam in the whole world was plunged into darkness last night as somebody forgot to put 50p in the meter. On hearing this, both K and C rushed to the aid of the casino and used their teefs to illuminate the sky’s of Vegas once more!

I have attached indisputable photographic evidence to substantiate this story!


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He has a team to handle all that, he's a big boy.
I'm not disagreeing, but he can shut the door, use his private phone and look after his family. And no reason to think he isn't, I'm not attacking him. (still think he's a prat though 😂 and those too long white trousers are still unforgivable)
I'm done with criticising Pete or Keiron. The pair of them have more dignity in their little fingers than her. Yes, OF ain't great. Mysterious Girl ain't great. But wow she's put them through hell and back. They have reacted way better than I would have done in their shoes.
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Chatty Member
Think exactly the same , he was never as premature as she made out, if she was term her dates placed her with someone else she was all over the papers with, a one date wonder. Think thats why they went to France in the horsetrailer, too late to fly, she wanted to be right out the way, neverdisclosed where he was born etc. Think this may be the hold she has over Kieran.
Jett is Kierans, I got shown the DNA to prove it.

I also found a picture of kieran as a child, jetts double, I actually thought it was jett!

It's true what they say, she really couldn't care less about him, only interested when the cameras are on.

'jett don't do that again or I'll blow your brains out'.... A quote once used by kp when he was mucking about and she was trying to do a zoom with jeyda.
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Kate Price #81 Holiday in Vegas then tying the knot, fly back to England and in jail you’ll rot.
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Pom Bear

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New thread and I'm still on thread 77 lol 🧵😄 I'm enjoying catching up and adding a pic along the way 🥰 x.

4 turkey teefs and a free extra large Colgate 😄..

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You actually said be kind.
I've edited this to be less biting.
But 'be kind' - possibly the worst phrase of recent years.
Agreed .... If there's one thing that pisses me off more than ... CRYPTIC SHIT AND CONSTANT COMMENTS IN RIDDLES ... Is this vomit inducing BE FUCKING KIND SHIT!!! ..... I find those that include this line, are in actual fact being patronising, in a sneaky underhand way ... which is an insult to those giving their opinion on here ` Who died and made them god? ` ... this is a gossip forum .... I DO NOT need anyone to tell me to be kind!! .... I WILL NOT BE KIND to price, who has in her 43 miserable years on this planet, NEVER showed kindness to all those she has hurt and destroyed, and all those unfortunate precious animals, she KILLED .... So please, take your " BE KIND SHIT " and stick it where the sun dont shine ... most of us here are more than capable of deciding who and where we show kindness .. and it is not to this thoroughly revolting ... self obsessed, selfish mess of a woman, who causes nothing but destruction wherever she goes ... that includes those poor children, who others are doing a fine job of raising, as their CUNT of a ` mother ` is NOT fit for purpose ... 🤬 🤬 🤬
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With the man child who knows how he would react if Jett did something to annoy him
It's quite telling IMHO about the character of CW:

1. Peter Andre and Kerian Hayler both sending her legal letters about their concern about the safety of their kids if she marries Cole.

2. She could well, again IMHO, lose all contact with them for a man she has known for just over a year.

3. Kerians friend stating that 'he can't believe she hasn't left him'. Why? He and Pete know something.

4. Why doesn't Jett want to be anywhere near Cole?

5. Who was the 32 year old who attacked her?

6. His tormenting a disabled young adult whilst she laughs. Harvey is her son!

I hate to think what those kids have witnessed.
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Of course, she looks tired, worried ... ( puffed up eyes from crying ... errrrr NOPE ... bloated is from the drugs and booze ) .... she never expected the two x`s to BITE back ... they have allowed her so far, to bad mouth them and their partners for years now, she thought this would continue ... in all honesty, both have had the patience and tolerance of a saint, to put up with the constant fucking shite that spews from that revolting GOB of hers ` unchallenged ` ... however both have now bared their teeth, and are showing her ... when it comes to the safety and wellbeing of their children, they WILL fucking rip her a new arsehole .. ( I'm not a big fan of either of them, but one thing I do admire, they are GOOD FATHERS .. offer their children, stability, a good family life, something their cunt of a mother DOES NOT .. I can't fault them in that respect ... the children are SAFE with their fathers and partners ) .... she can't deal with this, she has always had it her way ... because those who surround her, are enablers ... YES people, no one dares calling this gobshite out .... this is the face of someone who has just realised, that if she goes through with this marriage to a ` woman beating, drug dealer ` a ` man ` who scares her children .... she can kiss goodbye to her x`s giving her easy access from, here on ... Keiron was the one who made clear, it was arffaaa boy, who smacked her ..... took long enough, but both x`s have finally grown some bollocks ..... they have enough on MUG BOY " slapgate " to persuade a judge, that their children would not be safe around him or their ` mother `...... the bottom line ... she has chosen this sly, FAME HUNGRY creepy prick, over her children 🤬🤬🤬 ..... whoooooooooohooooooooooo ` mother of the fucking year!! ` :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


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I don't understand, the ` fear ` factor in those, who ` claim ` to have insider knowledge/information about this deranged skanky munter whore .... who the fuck is she? ... what exactly is she going to do, if people ` in the know ` come out, and expose her, and all her long list of dodgy as fuck dealings!! ... is she going to order a contract out on them? .... is she going to have them kneecapped? order them concrete boots? .... its all fucking ridiculous, she is not in the fucking mafia .... the triads ... a BAD BOY GANGSTA ..... she isn't SHIT ... cant do SHIT ... a NOTHING .... she wields NO POWER ... she gets away with things, because no one challenges her ... WTF is there to ` fear??? ` ... her whole life, is one big dysfunctional shitshow laid bare for all to see, you only need to google her, its all there ... so what's to ` fear? ` ...... she's a fucking washed out, aged badly, drunk, junkie ... BULLY media whore ` HAS BEEN ` ....... if I were in ` the know ` I would shout it from the rooftops, go to the media and make some good cash while I'm at it ..... I despise ` cryptic shit ` comments spoken in ` riddles `... its done to fuck with peoples minds ... If you know something, just come out and say it, otherwise, keep it shut .... this is an ` anonymous ` forum, which means, people can say things, without ` fear ` there are a few here, who are playing mind games, and that pisses me off ... If you know something, go ahead EXPOSE HER ... be anonymous if you have to ... If enough did it, this would destroy her completely ... Finally .... ` Pinch of salt `
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Katie Price #81 KP - Let's go to Vegas and get married I'm a trice? Over my dead body, says Amy Fucking Price.
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What a difference though..when last went to rehab ,lived near Pete and all the children wanted to be with her …seemed To get her act together before men for a change look at her ..tragic !
My mum was like that and I still have a lot of resentment now even though she passed away when I was in my 20s, she never came to any parents evenings, nothing I was in at school, I remember when other kids parents used to come and they were hugging them and I was on my own, she never took us on holiday but went away every year with the pub, I used to stay at my grandmas thank god I had her, I know my mum had it hard with my dad dying when I was 2 and my brother was 18 months she was only 24 but I mean...I don't know, I remember all her boyfriends were idiots hitting her and arguing, robbers and liars and all sorts, you wouldn't believe the half of it, I was always running away, then she met this great guy when I was 18 I loved him so much they were together 10 years then she died of cancer aged 48, she did apologise when she was dying but even still now I have so much resentment, I have 2 kids now grown up there's just my son at home now with me he's 23, but when him and my daughter did anything at school I was there, proud and crying I'm soo soft! I went to every parents evening took them on holiday on days out even though I don't drive I used to get Maine's coaches that was all part of the fun, I was a single parent but my kids always and still now come first, maybe I should of spoke to a therapist but I do have a lot of resentment then I feel guilty as my mums gone but we never spoke about it when she apologised she just said sorry but didn't actually go into specifics and I never said anything, I honestly don't ever remember getting hugs or anything it always seemed like we were inconveniences, I'm surprised I'm not a full blown nutter! I'm only half 🤣, KP doesn't understand the damage she is actually doing she has all the tools there and family to help her but she's just not interested. I'd bet my like on it there's no way Cawl is going to stay with her she thinks she's invincible and this will all blow up in her face, everyone but her can see this.
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