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Cloud Chaser

Well-known member
Wouldn’t it be in Katie’s interest to deal attend the public examination (online) whilst she is in the Priory. Wouldn’t that be seen as confronting her issues and making a positive step forward?

I have medical issues, I have Autism and I have have two children whom are also on the spectrum. I have no support, no extended family but we work hard to make a living. My saw Katie was in an accident and one of them had a meltdown as they knew this could potentially delay the case AGAIN. This isn’t a game to them. They have to deal with the frustration of being desperate to speak about their interest or confusion whilst being asked to please let me finish with paperwork or answer an email. They try to be patient, but it’s been over a year now that they’ve had to practice patience. A meltdown is imminent. I need to remove anything that can be broken or thrown. I try to placate them but we’ve all barely slept.. which isn’t unusual with ASD. Work is put to one side, I’ll have to catch up, but how, my whole life seems to be getting left behind, so much to do but physically I’m unable, my condition is worsening. I sit in the bathroom for a moment’s breathing space but the meltdown that was halted now erupts in full force as I’m not in view. A few weeks in the Priory feels desperately needed. I’m overwhelmed by pain, weakness and demands but I’m an adult and parent. I take a breathe and deal with the meltdown. It could simmer on for minutes, hours or days and other parents will know that one child having a meltdown will send a ripple and overwhelm the next. I do my best to focus but another email comes in…

Please don’t delay any more Katie, I’m appealing to you. Please deal with the bankruptcy. Please let me find some peace. Look through the threads I’ve never attacked you or commented on your body or looks. I’ve merely commented on your behaviour. You want freedom for Christmas? I want freedom from YOUR bankruptcy. Do you want to know the punchline? We’re probably not going to receive a penny for this case but have to finish the job as we have given our word and committed.

If I am approached by the media I will tell my story, as much as I am able, and I will accept a fee for which I will put in the pot towards the expenses that have accumulated thus far because you chose to ignore most attempts to communicate. The bill rises daily…hence, the amount available to creditors will diminish daily. You want to have power and be in control. Can’t you see you ARE in control. Please free yourself.. and us.
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
thanks @Pinkgreywhite very apt title. Thanks pink squirrel for starting it and the summery of last thread.
When is the cocktail bar open 🤣🤣

I’m so glad these threads are moving slower I have managed to do the housework, change the beds, and cook dinner. Unlike the last couple of days where I have struggled to keep up 👍😂😂😂
@oogling is bar manager. When are we opening??

I think it should be a member's only establishment. We don't want any old riff raff coming in to lower the tone 😂🤣😂🤣 I mean look at Sheesh, anyone can get in 🤷 No chavsuits & goochee babygros in our place 🥴

And of course we'll need a name....I propose we call it Crumble's Krusty Kabin.

The walls shall display an array of Kieran's finest pics.

Music will obviously be A Whole New World, Hurricane, Hano I gotchew on repeat. Maybe a bit of Mysterious Girl thrown in? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

We can have a daily inspirational quote supplied by Boyson & Crawl.

@Dollylovesshoes as Dave is rather dapper in his black & white fur, he can be the doorman. Keeping the undesirables out.

There will be a lifesize pic of Skanky on the wall with an assortment of body modifications available to add/remove.

Maybe a library corner? All of Skanky's books to read.

Specially designed toilet paper. Printed with the many, many stories of Skanky. To be supplied by The Fail & The Scum.

Yup, I think we've got a winner here 👍🤣
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
@Pinkgreywhite great title, well done! Straight to the point 👍

Skanky is downcast in The Priory 'allegedly'.

St Amy the Apostle uses the media to tell the media to stop spreading malicious gossip about her perfect innocent angel daughter.

The media are printing naughty fibs. There's a good chance that people other than Skanky may be benefitting financially from the fibs! How very dare they!

Boyson & Crawl are having a motivational quotes 'itsasham post off'. No clear winner at the moment.

We still don't know what happened on the night of slapgate. However we can be 100% sure that it was not Skanky's fault & she is in no way responsible for any of it.

Not much sadness for Skanky & her little drive out, despite the best attempts by some zelebs to drum up sympathy.

Kieran's hairy arsehole was waaaaaaay more interesting than Skanky.

We shall be opening a cocktail bar, also serving snacks. Fantastic suggestions submitted 👍
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Continuing the dm's choice of words.

The daily heil is a nasty piece of work. Obviously there's the govt mouthpiece aspect (when they criticise govt don't be fooled, it's orchestrated and usually a deflection from something much worse that's happening). It's 'our brave boys' (driving tankers) rather than 'brexit is systematically destroying this country so we need the army'.

However their attitude towards women is reprehensible.
The examples in the previous thread are a mix of lazy journalism and to encourage mockery (i make an exception for collins and vorderman who are desperate liars and invite mockery all on their own).

They focus on every part of a female body, with sarcastic or ambiguous comments, or the outright sexually menacing ones. And it's constant. And shameless.
So many breasts every day.
One day criticising OF workers, the next bigging them up.
Sexualising pregnant bodies.
Sexualising young bodies.
Sexualising everything, then encouraging mockery.

The dm is basically a sex pest, even a predator. They have zero respect for women. They are hugely to blame for naive (or dim) women who aim no higher than being a social media star.
After all being in the paper means success doesn't it?
Being in the paper because you have 'pneumatic' 'ample' breasts to 'flaunt' must be even better?
So gullible, naive, insecure women toe the line and the clothes get tighter and more revealing, the swimsuits become miniscule, until they're half naked performing pseudo sex acts on whatever is this year's trendy beach, surrounded by hundreds doing exactly the same. Same pose, same hair, same trout pout, same cheeks and noses.

But it's in the paper so it must be good.
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With Katie locked up in the Priory, will she at least have a decent meal today??

Like this one??

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Big speech on TikTok from Amy. Comments are 50/50 with some people saying they were a fan but no more after the crash 🙃. A lot of fans throwing the Ant McThingy drink drive out into the comments….like that is relevant. They are all idiots who get away with too much.

View attachment 796052

Hmm as if Skanky hasn’t fabricated a load of stories to get herself in the paper - the pretend pregnancy poses, the life changing injuries/illnesses/events she’s made up or seriously embellished.

If Skanky kills herself it will be because she can’t deal with the consequences of her actions, another way not to deal, it will only be the Skanky cunt’s fault. I’m fucking sick of Iron Lung evading her responsibility for the disgusting, amoral mess her daughter has become. She has a huge part to play in how her daughter has turned out, that bitches bad parenting has had a dire and highly detrimental effect on so many people’s lives and now she wants to blame the media? Fuck off.

Skanky is an irresponsible, selfish, egocentric, amoral, dirty bitch. I’ve never given two hoots about her sex life other than the manner of how she became a 3x5. Who she fucked should be none of my business, but she’s made it all our business. It’s her behaviour outside of the sack that pisses me off, her treatment of people, animals and property, she has no respect for anything. She’s a foul, crass, ignorant, vapid, spiteful, malicious, malignant vulgarian and these, along with the lack of respect, are why I am here and desperate for karma to do her thing, it’s long overdue.

Her bankruptcy really boils my piss with Skanky. Her poor creditors and the financial hardship they have endured, as well as her complete lack of respect or care for those she has wronged and the positions her non-payment has placed them in. My mum is an insolvency administrator, has been for over 20 years, the part that’s never reported on with bankruptcy is how it affects the people administering the bankruptcy. My mum has felt for every single decent person in bankruptcy proceedings, has stayed late to make sure things are done and done right. She has dealt with both sides compassionately and it has taken its toll. Bankrupts like Skanky cause a lot of stress to the administrators, they take irate, aggressive calls from both sides on times and do their best to do right by all. I know her creditors are the real and actual victims here, but the administrators are also a part of the list of wronged people too, just further much down.

This is what St Amy the fucking Apostle needs to remember, there are a trail of victims behind her daughter’s bad behaviour, ones she doesn’t have even consider; and how about we fucking #BeKind to her victims instead of Skanky the fucking perpetrator!

Rant over but this “Poor Katie” charm offensive bullshit is really grinding my gears.
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She’s never dealt with Harvey’s special needs though. She’s always relied on a succession of carers, her mother, his residential schools, her neighbours or her feckless ‘boyfriends’ to look after him. It’s an insult to those of us that actually do have to care for SEN children and young adults without praise, respite or outside help. If anything I think she exacerbates his sensory issues by constantly shouting and putting him in situations that will cause him distress.
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You know, I'm being reflective, I've had so much necessary surgery, hysterectomy, tumour removal, appendix, overies, rectum and most of my colon removed. Now got a stoma but worse things to live with.

As my son says, I'm like an Easter Egg inside.

I'd never have 'elective' surgery. It's madness in my view for girls to butcher themself like this.
I have a stoma too, I've had it since I was 27, I've got severe Crohns so I had all my large bowel out and some of my small, I was in hospital a year and was on a nutritional ward being fed through a Hickman line,(I'd just had my son too he was only 3 months old when I went into hospital) I had to learn to walk again as I'd been on my back that long, I'd been on life support and in intensive care on and off. I also now have osteoarthritis and just had 2 new hips I'm 50, Crohns has caused a lot of damage, but I'm glass half full and I'm a very optimistic person, if you don't laugh you will only cry, there are people worse off than me. You have to make the best of whatever life throws at you IMHO. 💙
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Well-known member
I'm a bit late to the party. I just want to chip in and say that that I used to feel a tad sorry for Katie because of having to deal with Harvey's special needs. But I think her recent conduct is a complete disgrace, and my heart goes out to her children. That's all.
Hi, first poster, bit of a lurker. Just got courage to comment in the scum, few weeks later, stopped allowing comments! Never felt sorry for her, I have a special needs child. He has attachment issues too. I have spent 3 full nights away in 13 yrs. That was so I could spend time with my daughter. He is home full time at mo because unlike skanky, took years to get diagnosis and still waiting for help. I have left the house a few times this year (litreally!) because he gets too stressed with anyone else, and two of those outings where for funerals. For genuine parents who care full time for special needs children, having time to make sure your top isn't on inside out (sooo many times!) and managing to wrestle a brush through our hair in the mornings is a beauty routine. I cant imagine having the time (or energy!) for a sex life, holidays, photo shoots and beauty treatments. This ‘woman’ may be fooling many but she isnt fooling most. As your lovely Dolly says, she boils my piss! So many issues she exaggerates are too close to home to accept. She is like a spoiled child that has never been told no. A spell in prison, not a luxury retreat like the priory, should be the only option for her! Just to add, got curious, googled the porno pics and was relieved I have no energy for that anymore!
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why does amy keep posting

she wants privacy well posting a long message is not helping
She wants privacy but also wants to ensure the KP brand stays productive during this time. It’s impossible for that family to blend into the background, they are incapable ( of wanting ) to do so.

I bet they are already in discussions with TV, Media, publishers etc to talk about her life, her remorse and how she plans to get back on track.
Once she knows her fate through the courts, it will be all systems go. One way or another she will use her situation to her advantage.

Katie Price #72 A stint in the Priory to avoid jail, she needs locking up, and not get bail!
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My experience of The Priory in North London .... it was similar to a five star hotel .... you wouldnt know it was a Mental Health facility from the outside ..... the NHS patients or ` clients ` as they like to call them, get excellent treatment, which includes one on one therapy, group therapy, there are many activities offered, Art, Cooking and such, the restaurant has its own chef, who produces, good quality food, which you eat in beautiful surroundings, a staff member is always on hand, they have A LOT of staff, who look after the ` clients ` needs, this shocked me to be honest, its run very well, and whether you're NHS or private, all are treated with the same respect.... those who do pay privately ... pay A LOT of money, a ridiculous amount, that no everyday, Joe Public could afford .... I experienced both ... the security is very good, guards and cameras watch and patrol 24/7 ... you have to be buzzed in at the door, and sign your name with every visit, no one can just walk in or out .... those who have been sectioned under the mental health act, by the NHS are watched very closely .. and can only go outside for fresh air, cigarette, or walk accompanied by a member of staff, are not allowed off the grounds alone ..... now most private patients, book themselves in, as out patients, which gives them more freedom than those who have been sectioned ... every client has their own fully furnished bedroom, with a bathroom .. and there is a kitchen, where you can stock your own food, if you get hungry, or want a snack day or night, they do supply the basic foods, bread, butter, coffee, tea, juices, cereal, milk, anything extra, someone brings in for you, is named and stored away in fridge, cupboards ... my experience was more with NHS patients, sectioned under the Mental Health Act, but I did witness many private patients as well, and they treated the place, like a hotel, were there for a break and rest from the outside world, they would come and go, as they pleased, had tvs in their rooms, some stayed for months, others would book in when they felt like it, they have a separate area for the private bedrooms, which were furnished beautifully, all were up to a good standard, but the private, were just that little bit more special from the few I saw, honestly just like a high end hotel, the surroundings were extremely quiet, big fields, a very calming relaxing atmosphere, therapeutic, there was a long drive way at the entrance, and you have to drive for a few minutes before you get to the place itself, which is well away from the main roads, and traffic or noise .... I have a feeling, she was not sectioned, and is paying privately, if so, she can choose to go to therapy, get involved with daily activities ... or stay in her room all day, or walk around the grounds .... someone not sectioned has far more freedom at The Priory ... I think she has paid for this, has not been detained, but will follow the programme in order to show the court, that she is willing to change .... ` sadly all complete BS ` ... but a stay at The Priory, holds alot of clout with the courts, in such serious circumstances .... again, her enablers ` family ` and solicitor, have advised her to do all the above to show ` remorse and willing `
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There there Katie, nicely tucked in The Priory at Roehampton 🏨

Just don’t feed the Pricey after midnight! 🐲

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I'm a bit late to the party. I just want to chip in and say that that I used to feel a tad sorry for Katie because of having to deal with Harvey's special needs. But I think her recent conduct is a complete disgrace, and my heart goes out to her children. That's all.
I think a huge amount of people ( that don’t really know too much about KP ) have empathy for her through her care of Harvey. But if you dig a bit deeper, you will quite quickly find that she is far from this caring Mum she portrays herself to be, she also has a disgusting track record with animals, and plays the system, media, public and the Police like a fiddle. If you think this is just tattle talk, do a Google search and fill in any gaps to find the true Katie Price.
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Good evening lovely Krusty Krew ❤ hope everyone is well 😘 apologies for my absence, I have been away for my son's wedding. ✈☀

I stand no chance of catching up but from what bits I've managed to see, our Skanky has kept you all amused suitably, not to mention the bum fun 🤣 oh dear, you lot cannot be trusted can you. Penis Coladas anybody? 🍹

I am so very sad to learn we have lost a much loved and valued member of our gang, the lovely Monsieur ❤ I missed what's happened, but have seen the lovely thread tribute and Vippy for her. What a fantastic lady, always kept her spirits up, and ours too, despite everything. She will be so very sadly missed and my love and thoughts are with her family, especially Master Crumble @Kensfrillyend 🤗 your love for your Mum was amazing, sitting with her and reading Tattle to her, I haven't the words really but I hope you will keep in touch on here. Bless you all and her courage and wicked humour won't be forgotten. Xx
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
i understand that but it's now blocking the thread and as before new threads have been made as to keep on topic and its not the topic that was started,i cant make people make a new thread about kieron so maybe the people that want to go back to katie including me should start a thread and leave this to the one's that want to talk about everything else :)
I'm not sure but I think there is a Kieran thread 🤔 And absolutely if you want to start another thread please do so. That's the beauty of Tattle Life, freedom of speech. Or there is the option to ignore posts if you don't like them. I'm not sure how that works but I think you just press the button?
I think we're just passing the time whilst Skanky's life drama's are temporarily suspended 🤭
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
They are still being advertised, including the hotel in Belfast which had asked them to remove all trace from the website...
Woo hoo eh? "The chance to take a photo with her" Well Hallow'een is almost upon us I suppose..........................................
£80 for a shit photo of the thing though
Looks like van dykes issued a statement of support calling her 'personable' 🤣 bad PR move if you ask me.

Much like forgetting to wear your trousers to your own event.

Personable before it got stuck into the evening's sniff-a-thon presumably?
That hotel has just lost a couple of *s now LOL

Wouldn’t it be in Katie’s interest to deal attend the public examination (online) whilst she is in the Priory. Wouldn’t that be seen as confronting her issues and making a positive step forward?

I have medical issues, I have Autism and I have have two children whom are also on the spectrum. I have no support, no extended family but we work hard to make a living. My saw Katie was in an accident and one of them had a meltdown as they knew this could potentially delay the case AGAIN. This isn’t a game to them. They have to deal with the frustration of being desperate to speak about their interest or confusion whilst being asked to please let me finish with paperwork or answer an email. They try to be patient, but it’s been over a year now that they’ve had to practice patience. A meltdown is imminent. I need to remove anything that can be broken or thrown. I try to placate them but we’ve all barely slept.. which isn’t unusual with ASD. Work is put to one side, I’ll have to catch up, but how, my whole life seems to be getting left behind, so much to do but physically I’m unable, my condition is worsening. I sit in the bathroom for a moment’s breathing space but the meltdown that was halted now erupts in full force as I’m not in view. A few weeks in the Priory feels desperately needed. I’m overwhelmed by pain, weakness and demands but I’m an adult and parent. I take a breathe and deal with the meltdown. It could simmer on for minutes, hours or days and other parents will know that one child having a meltdown will send a ripple and overwhelm the next. I do my best to focus but another email comes in…

Please don’t delay any more Katie, I’m appealing to you. Please deal with the bankruptcy. Please let me find some peace. Look through the threads I’ve never attacked you or commented on your body or looks. I’ve merely commented on your behaviour. You want freedom for Christmas? I want freedom from YOUR bankruptcy. Do you want to know the punchline? We’re probably not going to receive a penny for this case but have to finish the job as we have given our word and committed.

If I am approached by the media I will tell my story, as much as I am able, and I will accept a fee for which I will put in the pot towards the expenses that have accumulated thus far because you chose to ignore most attempts to communicate. The bill rises daily…hence, the amount available to creditors will diminish daily. You want to have power and be in control. Can’t you see you ARE in control. Please free yourself.. and us.
I really do wish the media would seek out some of it's victims just once and show the opposite side of the shit skanky creates in her "ME ME ME, Feel sorry for ME" bollocks. Why in God's name do they never look beyond what the old boot has put out there for them to lap up like stray cats? WHY??????

YOU media lot who come on here for a nosey about should stop wasting time pandering over that vile creature and see for yourself the damage it has caused, torn lives apart, created a nightmare for people she has ripped off and yet all YOU do is simper over it's 'pain and suffering'. Time you lot did the job you are supposed to do and report The Truth instead of her bullshit :(
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