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Other bankrupt people aren't allowed to keep enough to buy something modest. It should be sold and the creditors paid. If there's any left over then of course that should be hers but if not she should have to walk away with fuck all like the rest of us would have to if we were bankrupt!
I went bankrupt nearly 8 years ago. It was a business that went down the loo and I wasn’t mentally well enough to cope. I also had staff robbing me blind whilst I went off to have my baby so when I returned, there was nothing left.

The immense shame I felt was beyond words. I sat in the court, with my father at the back, holding my newborn son, sobbing before the magistrate. I cried so much she got out of her chair to see if I was ok and give me some water. She even came to find me in the canteen after….I’m tearing up reliving it.

They discharged me after a year and were particularly lenient on me, probably because I was so remorseful. They even let me keep my car but I voluntarily gave it up, as I felt I deserved to experience it as a lesson. Dad bought me a cheap old banger, which I felt I shouldn’t take from him but he convinced me to for the sake of my baby.

I’m in a good place now with a new career (I went to uni when I had nothing and retrained) with a house and a recovering credit score. I’ve forgiven myself.
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Pink Squirrel

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I don't want to upset anyone but I feel Monsieur Crumble should be honoured with a title. And I would like to think that this would have left tears running down her legs 🤭

KATIE PRICE #70 Our darling Crumble flying peaceful on high, dropping shit bombs on Skanky from up in the sky

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Are they still umbongo'd from talking about it in the media if she's admitted it?

Guy on Talk radio last night said they were and his heart went out to her in such a time for all she's going through 😐, think it was James whale.
Do you mean embargoed? Umbongo was a fruit drink wasn’t it?
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Pink Squirrel

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Sending you & your family huge hugs @Kensfrillyend May your many happy memories carry you through the difficult days ahead. Thank you for letting us know. I have tried & failed several times to put up a post over the last couple of weeks to ask how things were. Whatever I put just didn't seem right so I deleted. But please know that Monsieur crumble was missed. I hope we managed to provide some light relief in the difficult times. I always refer to this lovely bunch of strangers as my Tattle family. Tonight I shall raise a glass & light a candle for our family member, Monsieur crumble ❤
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I’m watching Ambulance, there’s an 18 year girl with MH problems and she’s just tried jumping off a bridge.

Knowing this KP is hauled up safe and warm with all the help should could ever need and will no doubt use this situation to manipulate the press & media for money and new teeth and this poor young lady, who has her whole life ahead of her will be churned out and left to fend for herself has fucked me off royally 😡
I saw the Liberty X Michelle's post the other day, which said something like ask for help, there's plenty.

I have PTSD, Anxiety, Depression among my issues and I asked for support back in February this year (locally you get a 6 week session, one hour per week, so actually 6 hours in total).

I've done this 3 times in 5 years (twice got missed off the list and had to start again at the back) - rang today as comments like there's sooooo much help out there just dig at me and I'm 3 weeks away from getting to the top of the list again.

So it's just bleepin' great to hear that a person who took drugs, took alcohol and took car keys willingly, then ended up in a car wreck of their own doing has been gifted a red carpet to be in care less than 48 hours........... :mad:

Yeah no words really, it's just :poop:
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Cloud Chaser

Well-known member
Katie took the £50.000 advance fee for the MM show KNOWING a foreclosure hearing was imminent!
Allegedly Kieron sent several thousand overseas pre bankruptcy. Katie was asked to provide details and crime numbers to substantiate this claim but hasn’t done so.
Amy is on the Pricey payroll so Katie can create her storylines as she sees fit.
The court allowed her to rent Ashstead property to enable her to have a secure property fitting for her needs and to provide bedrooms for the children on access visits. Although security fencing was fitted a corner section was left open for pap shots.

Katie has plenty of money! The gifted car most definitely was paid for by Katie in cash.

She has earned considerable amounts over the past two years but to date hasn’t paid anything towards the creditors since July 2020.

The amount in “the pot” leaves a massive debt owed to the agency dealing with the bankruptcy therefore reducing the final amount awarded to creditors as the agency are first in line.

Some creditors will never see their money as they have had to go bankrupt which means Katie will be paying their creditors.

Unfortunately the judge may refuse to hear the case in her absence which will delay proceedings and cause further loses to creditors!
As for the Autism documentary I would propose they approach the families involved in her bankruptcy and investigate how they and their children have coped with day to day life with Autism and education due to the inaction of Katie.

I noticed her real hair was longer in the Turkey video. I suspect she hasn’t had a hair sample taken for some months! Although there are other places they can collect samples from if needed!

@Binfest The courts were made aware of the narrative Katie would use leading up to the hearing. To date she has followed this narrative.
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Super lurker here and jumped across from halfway through last thread. Apologies if others have pointed this out already - I live very close to the MM and to have got to the road she crashed on from the MM, she would have had to cross four lanes of fast moving dual carriageway and a two way central reservation. She would either have travelled north for several miles up the unlit a24 to where the road she crashed on joins it, or had to weave through an incredibly narrow, dark, tree-covered and crooked single track lane which starts directly opposite the entrance to the MM and eventually (after about 4 miles of very challenging driving) joins with the B road she ditched her car on. Terrifying, whichever way you look at it. The A24 is very busy from 6am, lots of commuters heading up to London at that time. She is unbelievably lucky not to have hit anyone.
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I’d love it if some of the tattlers on here are actually celebs in rl who really cannot stand her and can freely say what they think….I guess we’ll never ever know 🤣
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I am a mixed bag on this now. I remember when everyone was going on at Amy Winehouse and the state she was in. Turned out she was really mentally ill and needed help badly.
I know kp is a huge asshole and idiot, and Amy only did did damage to herself, but maybe kp really is fucked up?
I don’t know that she will be open to getting actual help or making any changes. She is an absolute CASE. But her dying wouldn’t be a win imo.
*not excusing her behaviour and driving drunk and drugged and being a horrible mum*
Amy Winehouse didn’t have any kids. Amy Winehouse also wasn’t out committing crimes weekly or robbing people on Insta (or IRL via bankruptcy) and selling lies to tabloids.
I agree that for their sake, jail and or death would be truly awful. I have sympathy that she is a horrible mess who has ruined her career and looks but I also think she needs to be held accountable for her actions. She was well enough to get on a plane to have hair extensions put in. She’s not like Amy who was a recluse in her own house and visibly neglecting her health. Katie is able to go see doctors when it suits her for vanity reasons. Katie is just reckless and doesn’t care who gets hurt in the process.
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I’m going in with a thread suggestion. Hope it’s not too early?

Katie Price #70 They tried to make me go to rehab and I said oh ok if I avoid jail
They tried to make me go to rehab but I said no, no,no . Yes I’ve been bad , I did it coz I was sad , but I’m stil a Ho , Ho, Ho
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Hampshire Hog

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I just feel I have to say this…….my heart broke when I heard about crumble 💔 I was sad and near to tears, then I remembered the amount of times I nearly spat my tea out at crumbles posts, when my OH looked at me when I could no longer contain the laughter I was trying to control😂 and for that I will always be grateful ❤

When people point to tattle and say we are nothing but trolls on the KP thread I would disagree I feel we are a family who care about each other andhave found a safe place to communicate with each other and respect each other’s views.
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
Bless you, this has really saddened me tonight, she was such a lovely, warm lady .. I looked forward to her comments on here .... Im so sorry, sending much love to you all ... I will never forget her 😪 🙏💔💔💔
The lovely Monsieur crumble drew my avatar. And also Dolly's avatar. I shall forever treasure my pink squirrel ❤

The only positive thing I have to say about Skanky is that she has bought together our Tattle family xx
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I am just so shocked about monsieur crumble 💔 would she laugh when I say I am crying when I type? But I am crying..I'm so sorry xxx

Welcome kensfrillyend❤
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It's frustrating to see so many of the newspaper articles are still trying to paint her in a positive light; 'poor Katie, she has so much going on and she's been dealt a tough hand but she's a trooper and will pull through'

I truly truly hope that after all this someone is going to write an honest exposé about her and the trail of destruction she has left behind her, how many lives she has messed up etc
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It’s so refreshing to come on here and not see fricking sympathisers!

I hope she gets charged and ROTS in prison, she’s playing the mental health card to avoid taking responsibility for the fact she could of killed someone on her drunk joyride.

She’s just a repeat offender and needs to serve time in prison rather than a cheeky stint in rehab.

No doubt she’ll be doing an interview with ITV in 2 months and back on instagram exploiting her children.
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