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Dawn Dayn

VIP Member
Listen you bastard trolls, this is what happened. Katie was awake at 5am baking bread for her 5 kids breakfast, she took two aspirin as her feet had fallen off, and had a small sweet sherry. She went out to get petrol, and was chased by kidnappers/hmrc. Cole who wasn't there forced her to crash the car. She's making a 589425 part documentary for the BBC about erm, prison.
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Fucking prick. She should be made to come and work in A and E where we pick up the pieces caused by cunts like her 🤬🤬🤬🤬
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Oh, they are going down the mental illness route…oh I see how this will pan out.

This is the main reason I think she is a terrible person. I created a TL account a few months ago, made a couple of posts etc then had to stop as my (genuine) PTSD enveloped me for a period. Nothing brought me any joy, which reading the comments on here always did. Thankfully I'm now through the worst and smiling again.
I served in Afghanistan and Iraq as a Combat Medical Technician and I came home utterly broken.
I began reading these stories of KP's "battle with PTSD" etc etc and it sickened me.
Yeah, okay, she may have had some ups and downs (a great many in the bedroom of course) but the whole "my poor mental health" narrative has been nothing but a revenue stream for her.
Tell you what KP, try being a combat veteran, a member of the emergency services, a genuine DV victim, or victim of a serious crime. Those, and the many others who struggle day in, day out with the agony of PTSD are the ones who get my respect!
Not selfish imbeciles who sell their life to the press!
Apologies Krsties, rant over... 😔
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The family are so manipulative with that statement. She could have killed someone. If they want privacy then why post. Absolute enabling shower of shit.
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Chatty Member
The thing is.. katie does not need help or support and I'm baffled as to why people think so The reason I say this is that she does the things she does because 'She can' and there are never any consequences to her actions ... ever!! She has swanned around for years breaking rules, taking drugs, illegally driving, treating the children as a money spinning commodity.. the list is endless but she has her senseless PR team, a family that blame everyone and anyone that mentions her name...stupid x 's that refuse to publicly shame her, in favour of using the 'we want to protect the children excuse'... well maybe if they did publicly shame her she would think twice before she breaks the law!!

This woman does not need help or support ... she needs locking up like any other public individual who breaks the law... there has to be consequences for actions... and it's about time the courts act on this reckless, arrogant, selfish , deluded waste of space !!
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I’m going to leave off for a while I’m quite angry. As I’ve said I have suffered depression many years and other health problems. I have always been open and honest to all and taken responsibility for my actions.

They screw the press, use it, misuse it, twist the facts to paint a good picture of their daughter now they want to be left in peace. It’s hypocrisy at its worse and makes me so cross,
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What’s more disappointing is the amount of people on there who think her behaviour is ok. A lot of us struggle with mental health but don’t do drugs or go out drink driving.
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Mini recap:

Katie got punched in the face by (Carl) a mysterious attacker, her ring (oh missus) was stolen then wasn't, she got punched in the face by some make-up in various hotels with countless (seven) witnesses and now she has gotten herself punched in the face by a stretch of motor way. She has also launched a new venture with Laura Ingalls called "The little whore-house on the prairie" collection. So an average week so far really.
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Well well well, I’m sorry but all her family have been enablers apart from her children. They will not get sympathy from me, it’s too late.
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Dawn Dayn

VIP Member
It's interesting that the daily mail is going with the story that she was going to get more drugs. Exposes her drug issues, not just hinting. Maybe it is all over for her. Fingers crossed.
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New member
nothing makes me more angry than people who selfishly drink or drug drive. To know she’s got away with it so much already. Carl saying she’s a diamond in the rough??? She’s a smack head who could kill someone!! A country lane? What if someone was hacking out? Children walking to school? A family in a car. Would she be a diamond in the rough for killing any of them?? It’s disgusting. She has ‘help’ after every wrongdoing doesn’t seem to bloody help one bit so what’s the point.
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Chatty Member
I hate to say it, but in a way I feel for her family. Yes, I know they’ve enabled much of her behaviour but this latest story would have shaken me to the core if I were them. She’s 43 and has five children; look we all know that she doesn’t have primary custody, we know she has fucked up so many times in the last ten’ish years, but imagine being right on the edge of that and looking in. To all intents and purposes the rest of the family appear stable. Married, kids, educated (Sophie) and have put down roots and settled. Watching her put alcohol and drugs ahead of caring for her children must frustrate the hell out of them. They’re going to be devastated, not so much for her, but for the kids. I’m not going to knock them for listing mental health in their statement as I don’t know exactly what she’s told them. Addicts never give the people closest to them to complete truth, and it usually takes a real rock bottom moment for them to even contemplate turning the tide. Can she do it? Fucked if I know at this stage. She’s one of the lucky ones, I know many people in her situation who’s family have disowned them for instances similar to this. She’s lucky she didn’t kill anyone, or herself. I get the impression she’s been hurt in this accident for them to have taken control of her social media. For her kids sake, let’s hope this has been a wake up call.

I’m not interested in what Cawl has to say. He’ll be gone soon. Her family will make sure of it.
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Someone else mentioned it towards the end of the last thread but it was my immediate thought too that she has gone out and crashed on purpose to try and kill herself.
She’s lost her kids, she no longer has Harvey near, her mam, the bankruptcy, if it is Carl that hit her maybe the investigation isn’t going her way and she thinks she will lose him to jail etc or if it is true maybe she’s being blackmailed/bribed to stay etc and she feels it’s her only way out (I’ve been there and an abusive partner can genuinely make you feel that way)

This has to be a massive wake up call to her family/friends now, she needs serious help
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In any other circumstance Katie would of had her children taken off her and they would be given to the children’s Dads!
im fed up of her always getting off, she really does need to be taught a serious lesson, crack on with messing up your own life but your kids are innocent and shouldn’t be subjected to see all of this sh**e, it’s abuse!!
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The enablers are already trying to cover for her aren't they. They know exactly what she is and will do whatever it takes to keep the old dough rolling in. Where was the concern when her sister Laura Ingalls was setting up a company in her name so Katie could get around being bankrupt, that's not the actions of a concern family worried for a loved one spinning out of control, they can all get tae fuck.
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