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I don’t think there’s any big story left to tell; we know she cheats the tax man, cheats on her husbands, has abortions, takes drugs, drinks, abandons her children, cheats her fans, butchers her face and body, will fuck or bj any man she can, lies and exaggerates with every utterance, neglects her pets, drives while drunk/high/banned, abuses anyone she wants, uses her family for deflection……what in God’s name is left to take us by surprise? Katie Price donates £1 to charity? I don’t think so. Katie Price is kind to someone? Never. Katie Price puts her children above her boyfriend? Not that either. She’s a lowlife and what makes it worse is that she’s a noisy, vindictive, spite-filled lowlife. So let’s not wait for a big story, there's no surprises left in the Katie Price box, only confirmation of what we already know.
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I like to know when stories are set to come out as it often gives an insight into her behaviour. I think most of us are of the same opinion that there is something coming out hence her 'statement' last night.

I think there are all manner of reasons why this story hasn't surfaced yet. Firstly Dame Deborah's untimely death then all this hoohaa with Boris. Add to the mix, legal stuff, plus newspapers will have their preferred times/days to drop a story.

You soon get to know the sources you trust (@DC16 is very trusted on here) and those that should be taken with a pinch of salt!
Last I heard yesterday, was the story had been in the offing for a week and that is by 2 different sources and it was 'hopefully' going to be today (so it could be anytime). I do believe her actions yesterday of coming off social media is totally linked to what is coming out, especially when you are told that a request for a comment from her had been done, so she has immediately gone on the defence and posted that statement straight afterwards. However, she hasn't closed off her SM accounts, so people can still comment on any of her older/comments open posts.

I totally get people get fed up with waiting, I've got the popcorn at the ready and I've given myself RSI pressing the refresh button so many times. I'm just as impatient waiting for this tea as everyone else. BUT, I can only feed back what I've heard from those sources, I post in good faith on that information.
I really have no idea what the hold up, but I expect there are reasons. I also have no idea of the content, but we all know what we would like it to be and hope more people will decide to then speak up too. We obviously know from other posters who have given us the truth regarding slapgate and footgate, but this info isn't out there in the public domain and by that I mean across the media news outlets, not just on Tattle, so it will be good, if it is anything to do with that, for the general public to hear a lot more.

Will also be interesting to see what SB has to say about it all, especially considering he couldn't sell his black and white troof even.
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I stooped doing the spreadsheet of her visits to H, as I forgot for a few weeks when my Mac broke, had a backup but as she was hardiy seeing H, I got bored saying NO every week and stopped compiling it
Oh don't worry hun, I've been doing it for you in your absence, see need to thank me, it was a piece of cake, really

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Regarding Skanky and whether you should feel sorry for her, my thought process is always this….
1) It’s her cruelty to animals that brought me here, and so to snap out of any pity you may have, use these 7 words - ‘Rolo the puppy and other dead animals’ 🙁 Harsh but true!
2) Yes she has 5 kids, but 4 are with amazing parents/step parents and Harvey is in 24/7 care and she only sees him for publicity and deflection. Much as we take the piss out of Edna and AFP I believe they would be there for Harvey if needed.
3) Most of her vile behaviours I know from this thread are still not in the public domain or are unpunished. So any press stories dropping bombshells, and basically any karma at all is welcomed. What goes around comes around.
Exactly this.

I came across tattle when Rolo died, then watching all the lies about foot gate.
Just remember who we are dealing with here. She is clearly a master liar, can lie about everything and has chosen to stay with SB above making her kids a priority. 😡
She has had the Priory at her disposal for years, they are clearly useless or, she won’t admit to her faults and behaviour, so will never be able to get the help she needs.
She never sticks at anything for for than 5 minutes, for example, opening company after company, then they all go wrong and now she has to get other people to open them for her. Her work involves being photographed or letting people slap makeup on, that’s it….🤷🏻‍♀️ She gets everyone else to do the hard work. Someone mentioned the Depop…it’s probably now being run by Depop themselves, they offered in the beginning to run it, but were going to be taking a bigger % so that’s why she had others run it. People who think she is a good business woman are totally deluded, just like thinking she is being a great mum, or saying awww she deserves a holiday….🤦🏻‍♀️ She’s never off bloody holiday.
Everything KP shows or says on her social media is done for a reason. There is always a pattern with her behaviour, these photos are definitely orchestrated for the sympathy vote with whatever this story is that’s due to come out and her actions have shown that. She’s just getting in there first.

Looking at the photo on her first papped date with SB, she still had a good figure, (apart from the boobs) she likes to constantly eat junk food, sweets, was still drinking (again, she said she wasn’t) doesn’t work out, been doing the drugs, we see her sitting around all the time being driven or preened. It’s amazing how quickly that catches up on you as you get older, plus all the unnecessary surgeries and procedures, you have to work at it.

Katie chose to make all these choices and decisions, afterall, no one can force this woman to do anything. (Our wiki calls her lies out)

I’m fed up of reading her contradictory stories, just for a £££ like this old one…

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I'm off on holiday tomorrow morning and I'll be flying for about 4 hours. Please can someone arrange to get a message to the Captain of the plane if a story breaks and get it announced over the tannoy?
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Perhaps the family have all but given up . Look at how much she’s put them through & for how long - I’m sure that if she wasn’t also their gravy train conductress they’d have given up a long time ago .

My sister is an addict .

She has done nothing but cause continual trouble for the last 40 years . Men , criminal behaviour , losing jobs , having my parents financially support her , giving my parents her daughter . Rehab , rinse & repeat.

She COMPLETELY ruined my childhood .

Yet still we try& support her when she goes into an alcoholic binge .

Yes it’s by phone ( if she will answer) we no longer drop everything & rush to her house every time there’s trouble or she goes incommunicado .

We have discussed it rationally & coldly . She has tried & tried us all , wrung out emotionally, my parents financially . And she has never once acknowledged or thanked anybody .

Not once. She never will.

I believe Skank is exactly the same , selfish to the core & is incapable of changing .

They know this of course . They are likely at their wits end with her .

But of course they cannot show it too much because unlike mySister who has never contributed a single thing to the family , Price absolutely lucked out on average looks , the willingness to get her plastic tits out at any opportunity & her brash filthy & uncouth behaviour. And help give her family a life they could’ve never had without that happening . They must feel very compromised by her , if, indeed they have the capacity.

Yes , she got lucky with her timing ( red tops & lad mag culture) otherwise she’d just be another addict , single mother on benefits constantly in court …….oh yeah …..oooops 🤣🤣🤣🤣

She’s Vicky Pollard with plastic tits .

Sorry , dunno where I was going with that but I don’t half feel better for it 🤣🤣🤣
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Maybe this is exactly why these latest pictures have been released…. Look at poor me, please feel sorry for me, let me give you my best sad look…
Meanwhile, she is still bankrupt, still putting SB before her kids, still running away to another country instead of facing the music here, letting her ‘fans’ down cancelling the masterclasses by staying on ‘holiday’ or was it ‘work’ 🤔 still leaving her mum to be in another country, yet in another breath keeps stating she hasn’t got long, still doesn’t care about the mental health of everyone else she has hurt, especially her kids, still hasn’t publicly said sorry to MP. Still leaving Harvey, despite saying she visits him every week. Still leaving her dogs and horses. Still putting the same repetitive holiday shots out, bikinis, wedding dresses(WTAF), hairdressers, shopping for more 💩she really doesn’t need.
By continuing to lie, she is hurting her family and herself and she won’t change until she accepts what she has done and actually deal with it properly, as I can’t say I’ve really seen any evidence that she is dealing with her problems like she makes out. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Right, which tattler is responsible for this lol, taken from Twitter🤣

Hello Katrina "box like a butchers dustbin" thankyou for informing us krusties that we can finally have a break from your ridiculous woo-hooing and "I love it do you love it do you love me yes but do you really love me woo hoo please say you love me" nonsense. Love sink wanker x
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I’m 45 and my skin isn’t perfect but it’s a whole lot better than hers. In fact pretty much all 45 year olds I know have better skin than her.
My nans got better skin...she's been dead 10 years😬🤣

I know that's in bad taste but my nans sense of humour was as disgraceful as mine and she'd find that very funny🤣😘
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#189 Oh dear what can the matter be , Skankypants is stuck in the lavatory , she’s been there from Monday to Saturday & nobody gave a toss
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Pom Bear

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One pic for tonight 🥰 x

Katie been weighed...the scales are XXXXXXXXXXXXL industrial ones and taller then the palm trees 😄 x

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Pom Bear

VIP Member
Could they be the 'before' pictures?
Gone off grid to have more surgery so the 'improvements' are even more dramatic?
I sincerely hope the comedy norks have been enhanced still further to the point of each supporting an hot air balloon basket.
Come on Pom, you know you want to.😂😂

Loooool just made Love from Pom 😄😄🤭❤🥰🤗😘 xx.

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VIP Member
Last I heard yesterday, was the story had been in the offing for a week and that is by 2 different sources and it was 'hopefully' going to be today (so it could be anytime). I do believe her actions yesterday of coming off social media is totally linked to what is coming out, especially when you are told that a request for a comment from her had been done, so she has immediately gone on the defence and posted that statement straight afterwards. However, she hasn't closed off her SM accounts, so people can still comment on any of her older/comments open posts.

I totally get people get fed up with waiting, I've got the popcorn at the ready and I've given myself RSI pressing the refresh button so many times. I'm just as impatient waiting for this tea as everyone else. BUT, I can only feed back what I've heard from those sources, I post in good faith on that information.
I really have no idea what the hold up, but I expect there are reasons. I also have no idea of the content, but we all know what we would like it to be and hope more people will decide to then speak up too. We obviously know from other posters who have given us the truth regarding slapgate and footgate, but this info isn't out there in the public domain and by that I mean across the media news outlets, not just on Tattle, so it will be good, if it is anything to do with that, for the general public to hear a lot more.

Will also be interesting to see what SB has to say about it all, especially considering he couldn't sell his black and white troof even.

@DC16 - You are one of the most trusted sources on this thread. You do not have to justify anything 🥰
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Recap - they flew to Thailand right after the 3rd great escape from jail. insinuating theyre relaunching wish you were here . Had a cheaply shop in Thai Hn M bought matching mtv outfits in pink to sell the narrative if the show.
She paraded about in a gifted bikini no credit to supplier. Squashed herself into a couple of toilet roll holder dresses looking “ bedraggled”. Then radio silence for most of the holiday - until today when she states she gonna be off SM- speculation us rife - is it ( Soap theme tune ) Thee story
Krusties have been boiling the kettle all week in anticipation of some tea being spilled but Boris trumped her
Did SB lamp her
Did SB land in the Bangkok Hilton in porn charges
Did SB desert the sinking ship
Does she really have food poisoning
You just have to wait for the next episode of SKANK
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