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It’s the back home by 7pm 👍🏼 for me, I’d fucking hope so with a newborn and a three year old who has school in the morning, meatball head
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Oh NOW she’s grateful for the NHS. Fuck off Kate. And when you get there fuck off some more. She doesn’t deserve to have kids. There I said it.
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Why is she making out she spent easter at the hospital when 2 days ago she was posting wine pics on Snapchat? Is she OK? Maniac
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I had my own room, my partner was allowed to stay too....but that was because I delivered a stillborn. I'd have swapped places with Kate a million times over.

❤ I lost my little one at 30 hours. The worst thing listening to other babies crying on the ward. Then leaving empty handed whilst walking past everyone coming in with balloons and teddies. I wanted to die.

That’s trauma. Suffered for a very long time with PTSD.

Had other losses but then when having my gorgeous little one (by c section) by choice as I was still traumatised by the other birth, I PAID to go private as there is no way I could’ve been around other mums while I tried to process both my grief and my joy at the same time.

I’m so sorry for your loss ❤
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Also, I can’t actually wait for her “full post” about her time on the ward, all 24 hours of it. How can a grown adult not comprehend that being well enough to leave hospital 24 hours post birth with a healthy baby is a fucking privilege.

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Listen if you have had the worst week of you life and you are going to come on and say Barry was rushed to hospital or some other bull shit you would not be drinking red wine!!! Because I’m telling you now if I had been living in fear for either of my kids I wouldn’t touch a drop incase I had to drive anywhere!!!!! Regardless of having a fella who could!!!! we know what’s happened you spoke shit about having your own room you look and cunt now you need likes and people feeling sorry for you to get all you impressionable followers to keep feeding your ego!!!!
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She’s absolutely fucking mental, imagine complaining about the size of the space and the lack of natural light when you live in an upside down house, with a “snug” the size of a police cell.

Her use of inverted comas around ‘too busy’ has sent me into a spiral of utter rage, she actually has absolutely no idea. The NHS is on its fucking knees and this absolute monster complains that she had to be with the peasants. I feel for all those women in the bay that had to put up with her. Cunt.

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Bunny Rockard

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I think most people who work in the NHS, are angels, I couldn’t do it, and I take my hat off to them and I appreciate everything they do, every day, while being under paid, and under staffed and having to deal with Ogre Fiona and Lord Farquaad trying to intimidate NHS workers, they should be ashamed of themselves.

I don’t think any of the staff on the ward would (or should) share any patient information particularly on here, they have suffered enough simply being in the presence of those pair of cunts for 24 hours.

Imagine how sad the other mums would have been knowing their partners could not stay with them? How threatened and vulnerable the other mums must have felt knowing that there was a man behind the blue curtain who had been threatening/ intimidating staff?

I know Mr Rockard would have bounced up that hospital and wooled him out by his Turkey Toupee.

I hope the other new mothers on that ward were not too traumatised by the actions of The Make Ups. I hope the ward manager has filed their own massive heavy case as a preemptive strike. Read the wiki.

I am now a VIP Member! Read the wiki.
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The sensory cards is up there with when she sat olive at the desk at 3 months and pretended she was reading.
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Basically putting her baby’s health at risk to give a feeble 🖕 to strangers online.
A new born baby should not be ragged around bars and restaurants at days old for likes on Instagram.
Shame on you Kate and Matt.
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She still hasn't said it was Kate but Kate putting that post up confirms she's the Princess Fiona she was talking about.

Both their behaviour was disgusting. Like a pair of toddlers throwing their toys out of the pram because they weren't allowed a lolly pop. I'm told she even referenced her follower count on Instagram! She's a big deal on the Wirral... A big buffoon more like.

Another lady on the ward complained about her behaviour too. She even complained about the food.... Its not a 5 star hotel, its arrowe park you tit.

Even in my private room, crapbag wasn't allowed to stay overnight. Crapbag didn't argue the toss with the midwife and then eyeball them everytime they came onto the ward, refusing to leave. I encouraged him to go home and get a good night's sleep!

@ReginaPhalange4 did they behave really badly on the postnatal ward? I'm absolutely gobsmacked
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I loved filthyrich and her Chanel espadrilles
And her surgeon husband who wore jeans because he was just like us 🥺
Yep the baby’s been in hospital, it’s not Kate. Just can’t ask too much without doxing myself.

she wasn’t in nicu all I know is she went to a and e
Well realistically I'm not shocked. The kid was born Monday, passed around every family member Tuesday, out on the lash Wednesday and in the freezing cold with no blanket Thursday.....kind of like a fucked up Craig David sitch
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I honestly despise every fibre of her being. I can’t have kids due to endometriosis and it broke my heart for a while yet I see this cunt bang on about her infertility journey and 9 months of hell… I just can’t
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Just because I love reading restaurant menus (anyone else do that?) and I'm bored, I've just done a quick tot-up of what they had at RB&G. I make it £202.95, assuming they only had one cocktail/mocktail/very special bespoke berry-themed aperitif each, and she had one glass of the cheapest red wine. So it's quite likely closer to £250 if there were a couple more drinks or a bottle of wine. Wouldn't you feel ashamed?
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Chatty Member
So…. Your baby gets taken to hospital for stopping breathing, you get results that nothing could be found so your first thought is come home and have a wine….. yes because that will really help you focus and pay extra attention to the baby in the hopes it doesn’t happen again. Imagine it did and she’s either too intoxicated to notice, falls into a deeper sleep than normal (because alcohol does that) or is over the limit to drive if something did happen. Some priorities then Kate!!! Fucking fat selfish dog. She’s waited until bank hol Monday where she knows most people are lazing round on their phone to post to get the most engagement. She’s took endless photos when her baby is in hospital which is fucking sick in itself let alone to post them on A MAKE UP ACCOUNT TO 180k STRANGERS! someone needs to call ss on her she is not fit to be a mother at all
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New member
Right she’s really annoyed me… go and play happy, perfect families, whatever is going on in that head that will think youbut don’t..
1, film in a hospital where other woman are either in a same position or vulnerable and don’t want to be on camera!! 99% won’t have had a manicure blow dry and took a 2week travel case!!
2, Film where staff are about pretty sure she has had no permission to film any content in a unit where woman are at the most vulnerable!! (We leave all dignity at them doors!!)
3, Edit photo’s of yourself when you have not long given birth and looks like you have had 10 Gary’s with your jaw on one side of you face and scary eyes!!
4, crack on and enjoy your precious time instead of posting tit pics.. we all know a baby fed is best.. all your doing is promoting the free breast feed equipment you got ‘given’ instead of bullshitting your 180k followers saying your doing both.. just own it!!
we all think our kids our beautiful.. but yours aren’t any better!! You not any better!! Just pipe down and enjoy your girls!!
5, stop turning on/ off you likes numbers!! PATHETIC
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