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“Tell the world Johnny, tell them Johnny Depp.
‘I, Johnny Depp, a man, I’m a victim too of domestic violence.’
You’re going to get up on the stand, Johnny, and say, ‘she started it’? Really?
And see how many people believe or side with you.”

Well you have your answer now Amber. The majority believe him.
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How DARE she turn this into it being an anti women thing. I am a DV survivor, she does not speak for me.
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Chatty Member
I think the jury made a really sensible decision. If they'd found all for Johnny it may have appeared bias. They found one statement by his lawyer to be untrue & therefore defamatory, this makes sense as there was no evidence of a 2nd call to the police & the bodycam footage showed no damage.

They awarded punitive damages to Johnny which should hopefully send a message to AH & all liars! They knew she was making it all up!

Unfortunately though AH will continue to peddle & probably believe her own lies, those of us who have experienced people like her know this all too well.

Well done Johnny & team 😍
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What's your point

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Maybe I am in the minority but I hope she disappears into obscurity and lives a pleasant life with her daughter.

She has done some vile things and put JD through so much turmoil but I don't wish harm on her, far from it and I certainly don't wish her daughter to have any trauma growing up so my wish for Amber would be some time reflecting, serious therapy and just be a good mum.
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A lawyer has just mentioned the fact that Ambers statement could be defamatory aswell 👀👀👀 stupid woman
Here comes Johnny id sue her AGAIN 😂😂
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Just William

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Bless those jury members who recognised the truth & gave Johnny his life & his name back. 😁 🥰

Us Tattlers right now!


Group hug -
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It's the first item on all TV news channels, yet funny enough Dan Wootton is not talking about it yet
In the movie version of this, Johnny comes back and takes down Dan Wootton, The Sun and the entire Murdoch empire.
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Sorry but this has nothing to do with her being a woman i use the lose terms it takes a lot of courage for a man to admit he’s been hit by a woman due to my job I have spent a lot of time on courses talking about dv men don’t tend to go to police when they are abused Jonny stood up there for every man who is a survivor it’s not sexism it’s no different to a man or woman or if your famous I hope today marks a day in history where the idea of men being abused is not a tubo subject and they can speak out with out feeling less of a person of there gender amber everyone saw thou your lies in court be humble and don’t turn this into I’m a woman I’m the victim
Thank you for this.
I’ve never written this down before.
Several years ago my eldest son was a victim of physical abuse from his then girlfriend.
He never told me. I think he was too ashamed. He still has no idea that I know.
Thankfully he confided in his younger brother after he walked into my eldest sons room and saw the bruises on his body.
My youngest son only told me about it a couple of years ago, years after it had happened. When he told me he sobbed and sobbed for 2 hours. He’d been carrying that weight around with him and I think it was just a huge relief to unburden himself.
I can’t tell my eldest I know because he’d never trust his brother again and I want them to still have a good relationship. I also promised my youngest I’d never tell him that I know.
My husband still doesn’t know. I decided to not tell him because I fear he’d see his son as less of a man because of it. That’s the stigma abused men have to deal with.
I feel guilt because I didn’t see the signs. Then again she punched him places he could cover up with clothing.
Looking back on their relationship, she tried so hard to turn him against me. He said some vile stuff to me/about me when he was with her. I know they were from her mouth not his.
Thankfully they broke up and she has moved to the other side of the country.

There is STILL stigma and shame attached to men being abused by women.
Hopefully this case will help those men find their voice.
If he, Johnny Depp, can tell the world that he, a man, is a victim too of domestic violence then let’s hope other men can find the strength to report their abuse too.
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Her testimony was trash

Most of her witnesses were trash

Almost all her expert witnesses were trash

Her lawyers were trash (Rottenborn only behavior-wise, but this isnt good either)

Her relationship to her legal team seemed to be trash

Even if you are guilty you can win your case if you keep a cool head and make the best out of your case. I wonder if she was too arrogant for this, knowing that she actually had the better legal position.

Depp's team on the other hand was near perfect. And you could tell that they and Johnny were a real team. It's really nice to see.
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VIP Member
It's the first item on all TV news channels, yet funny enough Dan Wootton is not talking about it yet
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Chatty Member
Ffs. I cannot believe how rigid minded some people are.
I am a Gender studies scholar so I have knowledge of feminism - intersectionality and gender and power and how this plays out in the world we live in.
Im also a social worker and work with victims and survivors of every kind of abuse you’d imagine everyday.

All those saying that this trial will put women back years are correct. It will. All those people saying that no women would have got this justice like Johnny had are correct. It’s because Johnny is male, rich and powerful that he has been able to get justice for himself. Most victims are female and in a position of subjugation to their male oppressor and very few get justice.

However, what was Johnny supposed to do? Allow his life and those that love him to be deeply affected by the lies that Turd put out into the world because it would be bad for female victims moving forward?

Why do many people expect Johnny to be the sacrificial lamb for the benefit of women all over the world who are telling the truth?

Why are so many refusing to understand or acknowledge that the person responsible for putting women back years is AMBER HERD.
Amber has weaponised the stories and the real experiences of women who have suffered domestic violence to further her own career and to make money.

Amber is responsible for making the courts a more difficult place for victims and survivors.
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I am really baffled by the amount of people on twitter saying they are disgusted at the outcome, it's a setback for women etc as it shows women won't be believed. Surely it shows that truth prevails and liars will not win? I'm actually finding it really depressing the amount of people on there who seem to have wanted her to win purely because she is a woman.
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Chatty Member
God help any woman who finds herself in a toxic relationship with a powerful man from now on. If she is a flawed person. If she fights back. If being in an ugly relationship brings out defence mechanisms that seem ugly to those who stand outside and judge. If the world decides to vilify and condemn her to such a degree that her life is destroyed and may in fact be in danger from those who have decided they will avenge their hero. A hero who is also flawed and seems to be in the grip of substance misuse. However a hero with the resources to unleash hate and anger to a woman he loved once. He could have used his resouces to rehabilitate his career in kinder more thoughtful and creative ways. I feel sad for him as he cannot believe deep down that he emerges with honour from this deeply damaging court case. Hollywood is unlikely to come running to him because of this verdict. I feel more sad for her. She didn't stand a chance against him. She does not present as a flawless victim and that has been weaponised so so effectively. I feel sad for the next woman who finds herself in a relationship with him. I feel sadder most of all for women who come forward in the future with the knowledge that the me too backlash is in full swing and justice for women..for I know it isn't only women, men can be abused too..but it is mostly women...will be more elusive than ever. I expect many posters here will disagree with me but that's ok. We are all entitled to our own take on this. I just felt compelled to post anyway. Peace and love!
She lied under oath. She has done untold damage to victims that might speak up.
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Why are so many people talking from their back bottoms?

JD won, it's a victory for victims of life ruining liars everywhere. It's a victory for victims of DV, and a positive influence for other victims who have yet to speak out. Next time an abuser tells their victim "no one will believe you" like Amber told JD, maybe, just maybe they will think of JD and this victory and find the strength to get help.

Male, Female or non-binary people everywhere are abused by their partners, parents, brothers, sisters, etc. and EVERY SINGLE ONE deserves justice.

Amber is NOT a victim, she is a person who needs help and treatment, she deserves pity, but she is not and never has been a victim of abuse by JD.
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My friend's gardener also works for JD at one of his UK homes. He says that JD is a lovely guy, who likes spending time in the UK because "no-one bothers him" in the village where he lives.

As an aside, I've met two people who have worked for Dan Wootten at the Sun. One called him a "tosser", the other said that he is "a complete cunt", and the worst boss that they have ever worked with. (And they worked with Rebekah Brooks!)🤣🤣
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