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VIP Member
There do seem to be a lot of awards ceremonies. Usually with Emilie Sande singing. They all seem to have the same name only very slightly different.
Are they lucrative things to keep staging?
They must be, or Big Lin wouldn't keep doing them. As despicable as she is, she seems to have found a niche, namely pinkwashing wealthy organizations who can say "oh look, we won a diversity award, aren't we inclusive" and not actually do anything constructive to support real diversity in their workplaces. They give Big Lin money (e.g. buying a table at the ceremony), Big Lin gives them the plaque, and that goes into the social responsibility part of their annual report and they pat themselves on the back. Win-win.

Apology-o's if I sound cynical about this.....but it's because I am. Big Lin and her ilk give companies a way to appear progressive, and in many ways that diminishes the pressure on these companies to actually be progressive.
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zetta buttons

VIP Member
All this is fucking annoying. I’ve kept my mouth shut about this recently because quite honestly, I knew you were all getting bored with me and I cared about that (a bit).

However, Jack is hiding out in a locked down Twitter, idiots are suing her for 5 grand (he could have a least asked for 7 and got a Breitling out of it ffs) and us having to resort to Lingreenie for our lols has left me no choice.
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Goddam, Mr Beacon is coming home after a week away (he LEFT for work) and I will need to pay him some attention. I can't be doing with a chaos right now
Yeah it’s my first night with my Harold in about a week today as well. I’m afraid I’m just going to have to make him his tea and tell him to have a wank as I’m BUSY.
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At this stage I think I might be the only woman who hasn’t had an award from BigLin.
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pumbilical cord

Chatty Member
Does Linda host an awards ceremony every month? What a joke. I'd want everyone to boycott purely cos she's a shifty, grifting, dickhead, even if BP/She'll etc weren't involved.
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I had a horrible argument about jack yesterday at work. My ultra woke colleague started telling about how amazing the VBI was. I literally screamed.... It doesn't exist!!!!! IT DOESN'T EXIST!!!!!!

... And then I felt all small and hot and angry. I despair. I really do.
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Chatty Member
Im really grateful for a day off the permachaos I must say. When I got my weekly screentime report on Monday I about shat myself.

Do we know the whereabouts of Jenny Numbers? Haven't seen her around in ages. Sorry if already been discussed.
She popped up a few threads ago and the canal went wild. As a baby Frau it was like Prince had walked into the room; someone whose body of work I’m too young to be all that familiar with beyond the big hits, but whose overall impact on the zeitgeist has been so huge I don’t need to know every song to know I am in the presence of a cultural icon. It was very overwhelming - how do you say hello to Prince?! (hello Jenny Numbers! Yes I know this is mega cringe, I promise I’m not Jack)
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Apologies if this has already been posted, but I hope the canal appreciate why I saw this and thought of guest?
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That's such a fucking stupid point by Riley. Yeah some of us get on planes. So what. You don't know what else Joe Lycett is doing to offset his plane journeys. And aside from anything else it shouldn't matter.

This kind of purism whereby you can't complain or be against one 'thing' without being against them all, whatever their overall so dumb and reductive. Just a poor attempt to distract from the real issue at hand.

No wonder she and Jack are friends.
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I wonder which side Jack would join? Sugar mama Linda who is clearly on the decline or Joe Lycett who doesn't seem to be able to put a foot wrong with Jack's target audience (and in fact many people beyond them too)

Remembering now the squig that dared to challenge Jack for her unnecessary flight to Dublin last year. She immediately brought it back to cost ("cheaper than a train" or w/ever - when the cheapest option would be the video call the journo asked for) rather than the environmental/middle class entitlement mentality the squig criticised.

Also...why was the thread title not "Slop, thief!" and who do I complain to?
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Chatty Member
I feel like Big Lin starting shit with Joe Lycett, who seems to be a really lovely person and a bit of a national treasure in waiting, might be the start of her end. Good. She's a fucking grifter who surrounds herself with grifters. All of her friendships are superficial business transactions but I imagine that guest really does think that they're best mates, because she's as thick as a boxing day turd.
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The great big swindle. There will forever be people who believe the VBI exists, Jack sued Lee, etc. they'll believe the ONS changed their methodology because of Jack and that she called Boris a liar on air. They'll believe she's working behind the scenes and producing economical recipes for people for free. It will be ever thus. What I've learned over the last few years both in relation to this and life generally, is that a lot of people don't delve beneath the headlines. There's a lack of curiosity. Quite why I don't know.
Ppl who think these threads are purely negative and just a nasty way to waste time miss a very important point about critical thinking which I've learnt a lot about since reading here. Some ppl just don't interrogate ideas if the 'right' sort of person is espousing them. And because we're all from different walks of life, different socio-economic brackets, different political sides, you get a interesting cross pollination of opinions you wouldn't necessarily be exposed to otherwise. What I'm saying is I friggin love yiz.
Words don't just mean whatever we want them to; they mean what everyone else thinks they mean. Lesbians do not have sexual relationships with men. When she calls herself one despite boasting about riding willy for 6 hours it helps prop up that terrible idea of 'all she needs is a good dicking'. I have no skin in the game here being straight as a roman road but lesbians are routinely treated like the uncool naff side of the rainbow people and it's shitty.
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Can someone give me the rundown on JennyNumbers?

I, and at least one other Frau, chanced upon Tattle after local Legend Vonny [Insert surname(s)] here featured heavily. I of course noticed the Jack threads, and was a bit disappointed. "She's that friend of the poors who won a case against Grotbags Hopkins" etc etc

But there was so much to Grunk! So many threads. So I simply went away after Vonny exited social media. But the other Frau persevered, and said I should come back. And I did. I came back. And wowza. The gift that keeps on giving.
Jenny is a legendary poster on here. She's taking some time away from here for personal reasons but we know she visits occasionally.
Hope we're keeping you giggling Jennynumbers x
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