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I will have a look at them thank you! Did you look at a couple before you decided? We’re going to save for a bit longer but it’s good to know they do finance if we need it!

Have you found them to be ok so far? Yeah I like the more natural IVF idea!
They’ve been great so far. They recommended a mild cycle for me as I have polycystic ovaries so I wasn’t injecting for very long but still ended up with OHSS. They were so lovely at my collection and kept me up to date with what was happening and how our embryos developed. I haven’t had my transfer yet so can’t comment on that but so far so good. It’s also good that you can use their Liverpool clinic as a satellite clinic for scans/bloods if it’s closer (which it is for me) and then just travel to Manchester for treatment.

There’s an ABC/Create support group on FB if you use it, which is quite helpful.
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I kept this in the freezer to ice my tummy before injections still stung a bit at times but I’m probably in the minority and actually looked forward to doing them everyday I never had anyone else help me, other half would probably have been the one to F it up!


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Same for us having to go private, it doesn’t feel fair when it’s the woman who hasn’t got children herself. I have managed to get some of my blood tests via my GP though which clinic will accept if less than 3 months old so at least a tiny saving there.
It does feel like a massive kick in the teeth sometimes, I have a terrible habit of saying things like “it’s not fair when I’m the one with the issue/ I feel like I’m being punished etc” but always get told to remember it’s not an issue, it’s not my fault, it’s just a speed bump in our journey!

We’re very lucky we’ve found a clinic about 50 minutes away from us that do an all inclusive package the price is set (incredibly cheaper than all other local clinics) and they accept all the nhs test results we’ve had within 12 months.

It looks like we could possibly be going through it all at similar times so here if you ever need a chat!
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Hi 👋🏻

I'm 38 this year and it will be 2 years TTC at the end of March. I was prescribed Clomid 50mg in November for 6 months (unmonitored) and I haven't finished the course yet.

I'm now booking a private consultation with a fertility specialist and this involves an AMH blood test, semen analysis and fertility scan but if I'm on Clomid, I assume the fertility scan won't show the "natural" position. So shall I come off Clomid for this? Or book it when I finish Clomid? (I don't really want to wait) Or have the scan anyway? I don't know what to do!

I already ovulate according to day 21 bloods (before Clomid) so not sure why I'm on it in the first place... 🤷🏻‍♀️ Any Clomid success stories here?
I was on Clomid when I had my first scan at my IVF clinic and I just told them about it so they were aware. It didn’t affect my treatment.
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Just had my first scan since starting all the meds and everything is looking good so fingers crossed for egg retrieval on maybe Monday and then transfer on Sunday week, after almost 4 years of trying it doesn't even feel real. Anyone else here had their egg retrieval? Would the day off be enough? Sometimes I do a bit of driving in work so would I be ok to drive the next day? Also what did ye tell your employers? I've no issue saying to other women we are trying and even that we having difficulty which is pretty obvious given the age gap between our first but not sure if telling them specifics is helpful, I feel like they will be watching out for me being pregnant then and if it doesn't work you feel like you have disappointed them
Also my boss is a man so might just say I am getting a tooth out :ROFLMAO:
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Just had my endometrial lining scan and I’m all booked in for frozen embryo transfer on Tuesday next week 🫣
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So happy to have found this thread❤

I wondered if any of you could help. I am in a same sex marriage and about to attend the fertility clinic. I have absolutely no idea what to expect, what will happen in the first appointment etc.

Can any of you share some of how your first appointment went?

Also once I am there, are there any reasons as to why they could say no?

Thank you, sending you all lots of luck ❤
My wife and I are currently in the middle of IUI treatment so I can give you my experiences! I'll preface it with saying that as we're in Scotland we get 6 rounds of IUI on the NHS (and will then have the same IVF entitlement as straight couples if they don't work), so this will be from the perspective of someone doing it through the NHS and private clinics may be different.

We were referred in late September, and the first appointment we had was mid-November. This was via video chat as our clinic is 100 miles away from where we live, and here they went through basic health checks for the carrying partner, checked I had an up-to-date smear test, did a visual check of BMI, explained the next steps in the process and answered any questions we had. After this, we were referred to implications counselling, as we will be using donor sperm and this is a requirement of HFEA, and we were put on the list for a HyCoSy.

I had the HyCoSy last week and they were happy with everything they saw there. At this appointment they also did my height and weight to get an actual BMI, and this came out fine too so we're now on the waiting list for sperm donation and when we reach the top it will be IUI.

As we are NHS we have to fit the NHS referral criteria, so those are mostly the things that could have caused them to say no, as far as I know. So those are things like BMI has to be under 30, you can't smoke, they told me to stop drinking entirely, there are age limits. If you're private these may be different than NHS so it's worth checking those out if they have them online.

Hope it all goes well for you and your partner!
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Hey, I booked me and my husband in for testing with create. I’ve got pcos and we’ve been ttc for 4 years. I had my scan this week and everything is fine, I’ve got a consultation coming up but my husband’s sperm analysis isn’t for another few weeks after this. I asked are the treatments not dependant on his results too and they just dismissed it. My husband had a test a few years ago and it came back as below average. Obviously I won’t know until the consultation but at the scan he says I can probably just have medication to help ovulation, but if in a few weeks my husband tests shows we need further then the treatment plan would change.

I’m new to all this but it seems a bit strange to me that they would come up with a plan without even testing him first? I understand they can just update the plan but it seems a bit backwards to me!

Just wondered if anyone else has experienced this as a couple of people I’ve spoke to who went elsewhere said they were both tested before they got given any result/treatment plan!
Hi, I'm new to the process and have just booked in for a couples fertility check. The places I researched do all the tests first, including semen analysis, and then you speak to the doctor about the results. It therefore does seem strange to me too. Hopefully someone else who has actually been through the process will provide better insight.
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So I’m meant to test on Tuesday 20th , I know it’s going to be negative as I’ve been bleeding and getting pains in my left side. I just feel like why am I prolonging the answer holding on to a bit of hope that it’s positive! I just feel like such a failure that my body can’t even hold on to an embryo through ivf! All I wanted was a second chance at being a mum to raise a baby in a happy home, I’m grateful to have my son but anytime I try and think back to his first few years I just think of all the dv I went through! Sending good luck to you all!!
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Good luck! How did it go?

I’ve got my phone consult with the doctor today to get the ball rolling 😀
Thank you for all your good luck wishes! It went okay so fingers crossed! I just get anxious and question why it never happened naturally! I have a 9 year old who I had with my ex partner and never really got to enjoy his first few years through a blur of dv! So hoping I get a second chance at being a good mum and my husband gets the chance to be a dad as he has shown how good he is with my son.
Good luck with your journeys 🤞🤞
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Hey, I booked me and my husband in for testing with create. I’ve got pcos and we’ve been ttc for 4 years. I had my scan this week and everything is fine, I’ve got a consultation coming up but my husband’s sperm analysis isn’t for another few weeks after this. I asked are the treatments not dependant on his results too and they just dismissed it. My husband had a test a few years ago and it came back as below average. Obviously I won’t know until the consultation but at the scan he says I can probably just have medication to help ovulation, but if in a few weeks my husband tests shows we need further then the treatment plan would change.

I’m new to all this but it seems a bit strange to me that they would come up with a plan without even testing him first? I understand they can just update the plan but it seems a bit backwards to me!

Just wondered if anyone else has experienced this as a couple of people I’ve spoke to who went elsewhere said they were both tested before they got given any result/treatment plan!
I’ve had about four fertility treatments and that is a red flag for me. Your husband might have a low count, poor motility or poor morphology and IUI might be a waste of time and you might need ICSI. Obvs if the issue is PCOS related it would be cheaper but tbh if it’s not going to be long until the results then I would wait
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How did Egg retrieval go? are you feeling OK?
Egg retrieval went ok we think, I was so nervous before it was horrible, they couldn't get the canula into one of my arms so had to do the other and youre like lying there feeling very exposed with not a clue whats going on, I just started shedding tears but then next thing i woke up and was back in bed, didn't remember anything and i was like oh I'd do that again :D bit of pain afterwards yesterday but feeling fine now

The doctor didnt have a great bedside manner, I know for them they do egg retrieval everyday but for us patients its a big deal! She made some comment after which I think was about not all my follicles had eggs or something so she was like 'there could be an issue there with your eggs', I honestly have no idea what she was talking about but I think they got about 15 eggs, waiting on a call from them today, they rang yesterday afternoon but I was asleep and missed it

It definitely will be a frozen transfer and she said to wait for one full cycle to pass before doing a transfer so 2 months from now, seems so far away but yeah shouldn't have to do injections for a frozen transfer which is good to know

How is everyone else doing?

At @angrysue did they say what the next steps are?
Yes I'll be doing Cetrotide from tomorrow, I'm shitting myself but watched few videos and I'm sure I'll be able to manage it.

So sorry to hear that you're disappointed, it's such a draining process. I can't say anything to make you feel better but I'm sending lots of love your way! Are you feeling any better this morning?
Also I felt better Tuesday morning until I was in work and my husband text me, friends of ours had called over and announced they are due their second baby so had to feign excitement for them when I got home...
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Wife and I have just started the IUI process and the clinic have already got us mixed up after our first appointment and sent something through to our GP under her name instead of mine (I will be the one going through the IUI). I cannot be arsed with this kind of thing this early in the process.
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Oh best of luck for Friday, is it your egg retrieval? Not sure if I came on to say it cos I was just so upset at the time but after we got 14 eggs, 8 fertilised but by day 3 they had all stopped growing, it was devastating, timewise it pushes it back again, the thought of having to go through egg retrieval again, the injections the scans, the only thing that got me through the last time was like well in a few weeks they will be putting an embryo in me

I honestly don't know how I am going to get through that again if there is a possibility of no embryos again which there is cos our clinic is like that's really unusual that none of them developed past day 3, they think it is an egg issue, there is no tests they can do. I don't know if any of ye follow the fertility detective on insta but she has a Q&A each week and i asked her and she said 100% that is down to a sperm factor, cos my husband has poor semen dna frag results, she gave me an article to read on it and now I'm like I wonder would it be appropriate to send it to the clinic? But even if I do sure what can they do, we have decided to give up alcohol for 6 months, not that I drink much anyway, 3 drinks once a month max but I am supporting my husband doing it :D I've had two pregnancy announcements in the last week, one of them I had only got the thank you card from her wedding in the post the day before so that will show you how long they were trying and it is a real kick in the gut and I am just sick of it

We have spent thousands and nothing to show, we are even more clueless than ever, I feel so down about it, I cry almost every day over it but there is still nothing I can do, no support in Ireland for anyone going through this, just private clinics who are more than willing to take your money and then shrug their shoulders when it doesn't work
Hey lovely xx aw thank you so much - sorry for the late reply to you. Yes, eggs collected last week and had my transfer yesterday - so now I'm just waiting! Trying to stay calm and as 'normal' as possible - however possible that is. What was so nice was that I was with 3 other women on Friday and we were all v supportive and chatty with each other so we all now feel very invested in each other!

Oh love I'm so sorry to hear this - sounds like such a rough time for you. Did you send the article to the clinic? Maybe worth seeing if you can get it investigated a little further?

Sending you a massive massive hug, I'm sorry you feel so alone - you're never alone, we're all here and I'm sending you all love and strength xxxx
Thanks so much! I did ring this morning but they said until it was red and fresh it wasn’t day one. But I’ll ring again tomorrow. I’m just scared it won’t start, that the timings will be terrible, of OHSS and other side effects, and then of course it not working.

I know what you mean re finding it hard to accept. I’ve always known I’d be having IVF but suddenly I just feel really sad about needing it.
Best of luck! Mine was a bit of spotting and then I came on the day after - so might be the same for you! Sending you tons of love and luck xx
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So, I'll be starting the stimulation process, aka injecting hormones, very soon (my period is predicted on Friday), and I'm extremely nervous. This will be my first time doing IVF (after four IUI's, one of which resulted in a pregnancy and, sadly, a miscarriage). I know what to do and how to do it (I watched a really good video about it), but I'm a negative Nancy, so I can't stop thinking how I can screw this up.

For those who have gone through this, is injecting as straightforward as it seems?
I found the injections quite straightforward. One of mine was the pen type injection (Gonal F) which was super easy and one had to be mixed together (Cetrotide), which was a bit more fiddly. Just take your time when you start, and make sure you’re somewhere you feel comfortable with space to set out what you need. I got my husband to do mine initially as I was a bit squeamish but I started doing a few myself after the first few days.

If there’s any sting, you can hold an ice cube on the area you’re injecting for a few seconds before you go ahead which can help. Good luck! X
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You’re not evil at all! I hope your round of Ivf works, fingers crossed for you x

We have just had our appointment to go over why the ivf failed and honestly it just makes you feel so disheartened! There is nothing really we can do differently which will make a difference on the outcome. My husband says I shouldn’t be so negative as I just feel like a failure, being told we had no issues and ivf should work for us and then it doesn’t!
Thank you everyone for being so kind in your responses ❤

The feeling of failure is so huge isn't it?! We have "unexplained infertility" and we know everything is good with him, and everything is ok with me except for a low AMH level (1), but we've been trying for 4 years!

I've tried to turn everything around in my mind and am thinking that all the pregnancy announcements this week and the birth of my friends baby this weekend are all good signs that we will have success, so crossing everything my period will come tomorrow and we can start the round, although it's actually due Thursday / Friday so might have to wait until Monday to start the FSH injections.

I hope your appointment went ok and sending lots of hope your way and to everyone else on this thread.
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My bosses are men and I just told them, I get on really well with both of them and I trust them both. They were so understanding and flexible with any appointments i need to go to.

Going for my day 3 scan again tomorrow but not getting my hopes up after the disappointment of not being able to start the treatment last month. If nothing else, at least I'll be able to ask what this pesky cyst is and why it means we can't start treatment while it's there. Keeping my fingers crossed that we can start treatment tomorrow!
Hope your scan goes well tomorrow. Getting to start treatment would be great but then if you don't it's like well at least I don't have to deal with all the medication and appointments for this month

I had my next scan this morning and looks like it will probably be Wednesday now for my egg retrieval. I didn't say anything to my boss, feels like such a strange intimate thing to have to tell him, though I know he would be understanding anyway, just so awkward isn't it, so much easier for men
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Can always count on Mother Nature to strike when you least expect!
Haven’t had a period since February, 3 days before I was due to start medication to induce a bleed, Aunt Flo decides to show! 😒
Unfortunately there wasn’t enough time to arrange the injections with the clinic as it was all planned for Thursday this coming week. So gutted this has delayed it.
But positive mindset from now.. My hubby said this is my body saying “I can do this” 💪🏽
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I wonder would anybody have some advice.. I’ve been using ovulation tests for 3 months and never seen the hormone surge. The first month I thought ok maybe I just missed it by a day but now thinking it’s quite weird. In 3 cycles I’ve never seen the 2 lines. I Usually start testing at about day 9 and test right through to round day 16.

I have a very standard 28 day cycle that sometimes varies by 1-3 days but no more than that usually. I have a regular period every month. Anybody experienced this? Am I just doing something wrong?
Hello, are you just testing once in the day? Sometimes it can be so quick you miss it, I did an unmedicated frozen embryo transfer last year and for this had to do home ovulation testing for the surge. I used the premom ones and also the clearblue digital as I didn’t want to miss it. Did both morning and evening, and it was actually the evening it appeared so I would’ve missed it come the next morning if I hadn’t. Best of luck ❤
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Hello all warriors (if you're struggling with infertility you're a warrior!).

An insight on my story.
TTC for 7 years got brushed with the same old paintbrush "pcos symptoms will go away if you lose weight"....I was even under clinical trial in UK (bambini trial) I lost weight under the trial but did it make my symptoms go away? Like f**k did it! Gynaecology/fertility won't even touch you for 1st 2 years of ttc. Even when I was reffered to fertility I waited a year for my 1st appointment. Partner was tested and has low count. Booked 2nd appointment got cancelled 3 times in 1 year then opted for IVF abroad. Appointment was ready April 2020....COVID LOCKDOWN!

Fast forward April 2022 had HSG blood tests etc ready for IVF in May. Everything looked good (apart from 1 blocked fallopian tube). I arrived for treatment May had USS and found a polyps the size of golf ball (this is what was blocking my tube) so I had polypectomy and had to waited for next cycle to transfer embryos (retrived/fertilised 12 eggs and 7 made it to day 5 embryo). Transfered 2 embryos. 1 split to twins so ended up with triplets!....unfortunately miscarried. Had tests on endometrial lining etc and have very abnormal endometrial function (95 percentile) which means I'm prone to miscarriages & need steroid treatment for FET. I have also been diagnosed with estrogen dominance endometrial hyperplasia (atypical cells). On high dose of steroid treatment & progesterone to suppress estrogen. Got 2nd endometrial ablation in and biopsy in March to check progress. If all clear then FET in May. If not then low dose chemo treatment or hysterectomy.

Throughout all this I felt like my Gynaecologist in the UK failed me for always brushing me off. Every appointment I had with Gynaecologist they didn't even examine me or ultrasound it was simply check height and weight then tell me I'm too fat lose weight. I lost weight got BMI to below 30 then they said get it to 25. So was always pushed away for my weight when my sister in law is size 22 had IVF and it worked for her.

That's my story. Please tell me yours 🥰🥰
That is typical of GPs for all conditions not just infertility, fob you off if you’re overweight. People who are overweight get pregnant every day of the week as do people with PCOS. It’s enrages me that it’s used as an excuse to get rid of you rather than be weight neutral and do the required testing. I would recommend saying something like “if I came in here as an average sized woman what tests would you refer me for and request they’re done anyway while you take care of improving your diet and exercise regime in the mean time”. Precious time is wasted waiting on proper treatment and when you’re fighting against your biological time is of the essence. I hope you get better news in the months to come as this is one of the most stressful thing you can go through.
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