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Welsh Attack Squirrel

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Well, I have just learned first hand how your life can change without any warning. My relationship is over and I did not see that coming. Am I going to 'do an Alice?'. No, my pride won't let me. What I am going to do is come here for distraction and humour. The lurking FMs can enjoy this if they want to, I don't care, because I'll handle my personal devastation with privacy and class, unlike their queen. I'm not asking for sympathy and I'm not an FM (I'll accept anyone on face value until proved otherwise). I may lurk for a while because I can barely move, the grief is uncomparable to anything I have ever experienced, so any distraction is welcome. I cannot function, so I might as well read.
That is all 💔

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Well I think I was robbed on the thread title and I'm suffering a huge narcissistic injury to my ego. It's like a stake through my heart.

Nobody here has my back. I can't stop crying.

I'm going to write a 1000 word email to each of you to tell you EXACTLY what I think of you.

I'm all here alone and all I do is be nice and kind to everyone and I NEVER lie.

And I'm just SLAYED.
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I'm stunned. I never dreamed she would have an aggressive form of MS, and just assumed it was relapsing-remitting, which is the most common for someone in their 20s and the most favorable outcome for at least the near future and all through her 30s, with mild flare-ups, and with newer treatments that really help. That's what Jack Osbourne was diagnosed with in his 20s.

How devastating. He must really love her, because while someone will still love and support their loved one who is given a life-changing illness because they have a history, it is more rare for men especially to enter into such a serious relationship knowing there will be severe disability possible early on. And he can't begin to know what caretaking for someone is like (even with help), and it destroys a lot of relationships. I guess they are both following their hearts and having faith. I wish her health and happiness and hope Ioan showers her with a lot of love. No one can ever know what the future holds. She's right about that and living each day with as much joy as you can.

Shine on, Bianca. Post all the selfies and positive posts you want.
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Welsh Attack Squirrel

Active member
So sorry @WelshAttackSquirrel - the pain at being blindsided is bloody horrendous. Anyone who can do that is a heartless coward. I hope you have some good friends around you for support? I can't find the right words but still remember the pain, I feel for you, it's fucking awful, let it all out & take it one moment at a time, don't be afraid to vent to your friends & look after yourself. We're here if you need a cyber ear.
Sending you big hugs, ❤ xxx
Thank you so much ❤ In 2 days my life has irrevocably changed. I have a great support network. I'm lucky. I'm also aware that there are people here going through some awful stuff ❤ cwtches to you ❤ xxx I haven't told my friends or family yet, they're going to be as shocked as I am. I will welcome the anger when it comes, as I'm currently paralysed with shock. But, will I harass him, will I go on SM and make a tit of myself, will I paint myself as a victim? No, I won't. And that is for the benefit of the lurking FMs.
This is a nice community.
I truly appreciate the support I've had. You're lovely xxx ❤ xxx
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Have been sat on my hands all morning with my mother's voice whispering in my ear 'if you can't say something nice, then say nothing at all.'

But I've decided to say something and will be in a total minority here and am prepared to be shouted down or to walk away from here.

I won't go into my personal story here, but I'd just like to say that it has taken me many years to find my voice and I am still practising so please bear with me.

I am really sorry that Bianca is living with MS. I have people in my life who have it and many years post diagnosis they are well and living full and active lives. It is not the death sentence it once was and the prognosis is very good. Diet, exercise and lifestyle choices help to keep the people I know healthy and well.

I guess my problem with Bianca is from a moral judgement point of view and I am also including Ioan in this view. As Welp says above, she is not convinced of the nature of how their relationship came to be. We have no evidence of timelines either way and this is what plays on my mind. If Bianca knowingly had an affair with a married man, then in my mind that is really shitty behaviour and her diagnosis of MS does not give her a 'get out of jail free' card. I can have sympathy for her diagnosis, but I can also still say that her behaviour is appalling and totally shitty. Just as I can have sympathy for Alice because Ioan cheated on her but can also think her behaviour over the last year has been cruel and undignified.

I think the part that doesn't sit well with me about Bianca's behaviour is my ability to put myself in another person's shoes and feel the consequences of her behaviour. Before I continue, I will just state that if I find evidence she is totally innocent then I will apologise to all and sundry. I know myself well enough to know I could not be magnanimous to another women if she had an affair with my husband even if she did have a medical condition. I would definitely leave my husband if I found out and I know I would act with more dignity than Alice but I could not accept the situation just because the woman had a medical condition. I like to think I am pretty evolved but I aint that evolved, I have limits.

The other thing that I feel really uncomfortable about is Bianca's video about her condition. Despite trying to portray a message of 'positivity,' I got an undercurrent of 'poor me.' Poor me, this is what I deal with and leave me alone Alice and those that dislike me.

I am a lot older than Bianca and maybe it's a generational thing but I don't get the whole sharing your life on social media stuff. If you are a big movie star then yes, people have always loved looking into the lives of the rich and famous. I used to love looking at magazines with a relative, at the pictures and write ups of Hollywood stars, you dreamed, you aspired and it was escapism. But Bianca is or was an accountant who had done some 'extra' type work on a series, she is not a movie star. I do have an instagram account but it is private for my family and friends so we can share family and friends photos with each other. There is no need for anyone else to see them, they are private and we are private.

Some may say that Bianca is inspirational and I can see why they would say that. She was diagnosed with a medical condition and decided to make some life changes. I guess for me, I'm more an action kind of gal than a word one. I don't tell people about my achievements, words are cheap and plentiful, actions require hard work and speak from themselves.

I lost a very dear person a few months ago. I have known them for over 20 years. I didn't know until the end of their life that they were dying of cancer. They had been fighting it for 6 years. This very dear person was an action kind of person. I found out that once they had received their diagnosis they chose to keep it quiet. They didn't want sympathy, they didn't want to appear to be a victim. They took the treatment, they took the medication and the only people who knew were the people who were treating them. They raised over a million pounds for charity in those 6 years from diagnosis to death. Their focus was on service, on what little life they had left and how they could use it to serve others.

I could easily understand if they had gone into self pity mode and would have willingly comforted them in that place. But they chose dignity and service of others as their legacy. And that is how I will remember them.

Experience had taught me that actions speak so much louder than words. Yes, a wonderful piece of prose will transport me but actions will either earn my respect or disdain. Bianca's actions to date have not earned my respect. Knowingly choosing to have an affair with a married man to me is disdainful. You are choosing to hurt another human being with your actions.

You can rationalise your actions by telling yourself the recipient isn't a nice person or that they deserve the consequences of your actions. But do they? As evolved human beings with some semblance of emotional intelligence can we really say that the values that form out moral compass are dependent on other's behaviours? I despise violence unless you support another football team, then my violence towards you is justified. Are we so easily swayed? I'd like to think I wasn't.

I place high value on fidelity. It is important to me. If you want to be unfaithful then leave your current relationship, there are no exceptions. It will cause hurt, it will cause pain but it is about respect for the other person. You owe that other person respect not humilation.

Bianca chose to cause hurt to another human being because she considered her needs were more important than the person she chose to hurt. Her actions were not about service of others, her actions were and are about service to self.

All three parties is this sordid tale have questionable behavoiurs and as I've said before, Alice shouts the loudest and gets the most attention. Just because you shout the loudest doesn't necessarily mean you are the worst. More damage is often done in the darkness of the night than in glare of the sun.
Good morning, dear friend. Thanks so much for your transparency, it's both striking and sincere.

I think what tends to alter our perspectives towards Bianca's actions are our moral gadgetry—you seem to prioritize fidelity based on your personal experiences. Those life events and the musings that accompany them have shaped your moral compass in a way that deeply values fidelity. And that's fine!

Meanwhile, I personally am willing to forego the necessity of fidelity if the partner's spouse committed severe emotional abuse, because I believe that the trauma of being cheated on is absolutely smeared to nearly nothing in comparison to the trauma of being abused. I feel a handful of others in here bear that same opinion but it isn't my place to speak on their behalf. Do I think filing for divorce and then exploring a new relationship would have been proper? Yes, typically I would. It seems fair.

But if there was indeed infidelity at play, shouldn't I factor in the likelihood that Ioan had spent so much time partnered with Alice, enduring her attitude, appreciating her love—both of these creating an amalgamation of wild gaslighting and a marred understanding of healthy love—that meeting another woman and finally receiving (through her) the reality that his relationship was abusive, is alright? Despite his being married? That was a trailing sentence, forgive me, but I feel obligated to lend mercy to Ioan, a victim of spousal abuse, because he happened to begin the journey of learning through another person that he could end the harm committed against him.

As I said, our moral priorities are going to dominate our opinions of their relationship. And some of us are going to stay confused. And that's fine. We don't have to stand staunchly in our opinions. We can be conflicted and find peace in that.

Bianca supposedly asking for pity:

Truthfully, I don't see Bianca's pity plea in her video. I don't see it, and what I'm about to say might come across as an accusation, but I really hope it doesn't and I don't intend it to:

There is a serious stigma regarding our ability to discuss our health disorders/illness without be sympathized about it.

When people tell us what it is they suffer with, there can very nearly be a trigger within us to respond with immediate sympathy. Or, if we harbor negative opinions of that person, our internal reaction may be negatively geared towards the suspicion that they must be asking to be pitied for their ailment.

Once, my friend shared with me a very harrowing diagnosis she had received a few weeks before, and my first reaction was to say, "OMG I'm so so sorry!!!" but she looked me coldly in the eye and told me not to apologize, that she hates sympathy, that it pisses her off, that it feels demeaning.

I'll be short with this because it's an entirely different dialogue, but these days when I speak with my friends who are suffering from whatever illness and they tell me about it, I like to ask what it is they want from me.

"Would you like my love?"
"Would you like to tell me more about it and I just listen?"
"Do you just want me to know about this illness?"

Do you see where I'm going? There's a huge stigma intertwining health problems with pity: oh, someone must just be asking for it, or oh the poor thing wants me to give it to them, no doubt. Sometimes people don't discuss their illnesses to receive pity or to be pitied. Sometimes they discuss their illness to make people aware of it. Sometimes they discuss their illness to explain behavior they may exhibit. To inform others of what that illness entails. And sometimes they speak about their illness to make others aware of the importance of living their lives in the best possible ways.

So I hope you understand why I hesitate to agree that there are notes of "pity me" in Bianca's video. I'm trying to respect and trust the theme she is presenting to me, because not doing that could potentially be a dangerous breed of erasure. Does that make sense?
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Ally Pally

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Bianca's video kind of makes Lupines article re Alice fighting for everything she is and ever will be extremely nonsensical and pathetic.
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On the subject of cheating and affairs. We are human, we idolise ourselves but we have flaws. That’s why we have concepts of morality alongside concepts of forgiveness and redemption.

A lot of harm can come from cheating to all the parties. A colleague of my husband committed suicide not because he was cheated on but because he was found to be cheating. Of course there is a bit more to it but that’s many lives destroyed by a betrayal and then a series of these angry games that do no one any good.

Alice and Ioan had a bad marriage at the end. That they couldn’t fix and whatever they tried didn’t work and probably made things worse for both of them. I think he admitted it more than she did or does now. By not accepting it was over years ago they made it very messy and far more painful than it ever needed to be.

I also think the ability to accept a marriage is over and walk away is easier for some people. They have the financial resources and resilience to start again. Many men and women don’t and they cling to a bad situation until it becomes worse. Then they find an exit partner. Whether that is a conscious decision or not I don’t know.

A narcissist or someone with those traits won’t accept a marriage or relationship is over whatever the circumstances. They are dangerous and difficult to leave.
Thank you. Let me tell you what happens when you have been in an emotionally abusive marriage for a long time and why infidelity may happen. Mine was 15 years.

Over time, you lose yourself. You lose your self-esteem. You lose your ability to speak. You start wondering if you can spend the rest of your life like this. You wonder if it is even worth living.

The other person controls every minute of your time. I was in the hospital for seven days with the worst broken ankle/foot dislocation they had ever seen. My ex insisted on driving me himself to the hospital (after some friend of his wrapped it) and it took over an hour by the time he was ready. I almost lost the foot because blood flow had stopped and the injury and recovery became far worse than it should have been. He never visited but continually called the hospital because I had work at home to do and he couldn't find his sinus medicine. They had to wake me up in recovery to ask me where it was.

That's just one small incident. Years go by.

Then one day you just meet someone in a social setting. They are NICE to you. They smile at you. They laugh at your jokes. The only jokes your spouse laughs at are the ones you are the butt of. Any of this sound familiar? I bet it would to IG.

They casually touch your arm. Not to hurt you. All of a sudden you can't breath. You can't think. And you realize you don't have to live in misery the rest of your life. And you need out. Infidelity doesn't always happen in a vacuum.

Is being cheated on a horrendous feeling? It absolutely is. The man I have been with for 8 years now briefly moved to another state and stayed with an ex-girlfriend. Did he cheat on me? Yes. Are we back together and did he stick by me during a cancer diagnosis even when a foot and a half of hair (that he loved) fell out? He sure did. Did the love we have overcome the cheating? It took a bit but it did. Does a fatal (eventually) health diagnosis change everything about how you think, feel, live? Omg so very much. Everything. It changes everything.

I am not excusing people cheating on another or how people feel about it. I am just telling you how it can happen. ❤SPOILER]
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House of Tea

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She must really love IG to put up with all the stress of his situation with the knowledge it could make her health worse. I thought she was taking care of him, propping him up, but I hope he is taking care of her.
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House of Tea

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Also, this video shows a very sweet young woman. Not remotely the stuff of nightmares or potential child killer.
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I’m starting a Bianca’s Fan club that’s it.

I loved everything about that. She addressed the last few months respectfully and delicately and I’m here for that. She didn’t trash anyone, she doesn’t hate life despite the blow she’s been given and is positively glowing.
I’m not sure I can stop myself if any of those fuckers come for her, all I see is a beautiful woman, dealing with a debilitating and devastating prognosis.

I think she’d be a positive light for anyone.
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I'd be devastated if my fiancé cheated on me. At least I'll know not to expect any sympathy from this thread.
You know I’ve had 3 meaningful love relationships resulting in 3 children with the first 2. Both of them cheated and I had little kids but you know I never ever thought ‘what did I do ‘ it’s just not how I’m built … I look at it like … ok that wasn’t meant to be, I wish them no harm , I still love them as the fathers of my fabulous children… you know my eldest sons dad passed away recently at 40 .. a boxing trainer really successful never drank smoked … life is a journey and it’s how you react to ‘a new start’ as I look at it .. the universe had other ideas for me xx you guys are all so awesome… the FM’s have really tragic attributes and I couldn’t think of better people to be on social media with ❤💩 btw I’m pissed at a wedding typing this in the toilet ha ha … classy me 🎉🦸🏼‍♂️🦸🏻‍♀️🐀👠🐿


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Alice makes me want Alice to be a better person.

Bianca makes me want to be a better person.
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Well I found that video very touching. I’m quite moved by it. BW is definitely a ray of sunshine isn’t she. I can see why IG is so in love with her. What a moving story and inspirational woman.
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She will HATE that he has reposted this in his insta and said how proud he is of her
Waiting for the explosion.
I wonder how Tone will react too....
Also video taken in spare room? Two single beds in there. Not a 1 bed flat. Another lie....
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I think that's why it's all getting a little bit weird for me. We really don't know what happened, yet people are gushing over Bianca like she's a perfect person who's made no mistakes and who's actions get a pass because she has MS. That's honestly what it's come across like for me today reading through this thread. I have no problem with her sharing her story on SM, and think more power to her. But I can't get on board with the gushy comments over how amazing she is and people getting besotted and so on when we don't know her at all. It feels off to me. Sorry.
Nobody said she's perfect but we do believe having remained silent for so long she deserves a right of reply and has, to me at least, given this in a mature, intelligent way especially given everything that has gone on on social media recently.
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I feel genuinely moved by that video. What a brave and emotionally intelligent young woman (not a girl). Her strength and positivity as well as not constantly making a drama out of a crisis must be wonderful after all those years being drained by the psychic vampire that is AE. 🐝 seems so much more suited to IG with his deep love of family and quiet nature. I hope that they are both looking after and supporting each other in this time, while the swivel-eyed loon spontaneously combusts and disappears up her own arse.
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Also this is a shot across the bow to Alice with her fibro and inability to get up and do anything. If Bianca living with aggressive MS can take the dog for a walk and be pleasant to people, why can't Alice?
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Arctic Ocean

Chatty Member
I was thinking that Bianca must be made of fairly stern stuff to stand by IG throughout the attacks of AE & her Evil Clones and the alienation from his kids, but she is far stronger than I ever gave her credit for. Someone, I think it was Mad Betty, said that she was humbled - my sentiments exactly. I could never deal with this kind of diagnosis the way Bianca does, and I admire her deeply for her poise, her positive attitude and her courage. She could teach me a thing or two about life even though she’s 20 years my junior. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I wasn’t completely sure what to make of Bianca, but now my hat‘s off to her. Big time.

Oh, and not that it matters, but I found her far more beautiful in this video than in any glam/bikini shots. 🐝
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