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Quick summary: After some relative silent Alice went batshit over NYE again and claimed that Ioan called her brother's wife to inform them that Alice is impersonating him on twitter. She now prepares to introduce her "third" (well, actually 2nd, but she didnt inherited her dads talent for maths it seems) brother. She also apprently received a new lawyer letter on NYE. And yet again went on a lengthy insulting rant about Bianca (her looks, actions, how she ruined her life, etc. you name it). This happened to come just hours after Bianca posted a IG throwback of her year that included a picture of her in front of the eiffel tower and her and Ioan's shadows holding hands in Nice. After claiming for years that her mom was wonderful she has also accidentally admitted that she and her father cheated on each other during their marriage. Oh!

A reminder to not contact Alice over her social media (or any other means for that matter). Ultimately it will serve no ones purpose.
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New poster on this thread but have followed the horrifying saga here since Alice's first tweet was picked up by the Daily Fail, I am not proud to admit that I check the sidebar of shame from time to time 😞. Please indulge me in this lengthy post. I mean no offence and will slink away if this cause any problems.

As these threads progress, whatever compassion and empathy many Tattlers felt for Alice have dissipated to a great degree, mostly replaced by pity and anger. I truly believe that this thread would have been non-existent had Alice behaved like an adult, because most people here are kind and feel for those in distress. This is evident to me by the stories many of you have shared detailing your own pain, loss, horrific illnesses, personal struggles and determination to get on with your lives. I am very familiar with crushing grief, and I know how easy it is for that feeling to permanently change one's outlook on life. Relationships with loved ones, close friends and family can be irrevocably altered. "They" cannot walk in your path and do not know what to say or how to help you, so they unwittingly or deliberately extricate themselves from your lives.

Alice has suffered the death of a marriage. It must be soul crushing. No one really knows what happened . What we do know is her behaviour since the separation. It is well documented here, and Alice herself has provided the ugly details. Alice (or her Twitter followers) spends far too much time on this site , when she should be investing her energy in reclaiming her agency. Sorry for that cringe term, but I have a bit of a sore head today 🥴

Dear Alice,
You have two beautiful children, a home, financial stability (not buying your story of money woes), and if you so choose, a bright future ahead of you. You are an intelligent, attractive, articulate woman who is utterly lacking in self-confidence. I am no psychiatrist and will refrain from armchair diagnoses, but it is very clear to an outsider that you have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. This will destroy you and those around you. Your girls will be grown before you realise it, so encourage their childhood joy whilst you have the opportunity . You have opportunities for fulfilling employment, but you must seek them out. No one will arrive at your doorstep, career offer in hand. Make use of your skills as a multilingual. Speaking and writing in multiple languages on a daily basis keeps the cobwebs from overtaking my grey matter, is the basis of my career and gives me immense pleasure. You have connections. Make use of them. Accept empathy but reject pity. Do not allow your rage to be weaponised against you. You can find peace and fulfilling new relationships, but your Twitter is poisonous. Regards, a Twattler who wishes you well.

(Fellow Tattlers, I apolgise for my rant . I must read like an awful self-appointed life coach, but I cannot self-edit today. Promise to never do it again 🤞🏻🤦🏼‍♀️
Love and peace to you all, and a happy and healthy 2022.❤☮)
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Alice, I believe the “filter” BW has used is called ‘Not being a resentful, jealous, bitter, hypocritical old trout’
You should try it 😉
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The thing is about a nose (and there is nothing wrong with hers) but a nose can be fixed relatively easily and inexpensively.
No amount of money can change a fuck ugly personality though.
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Just looking at Tone's tweets - working backwards from this morning.
This is all UK time. And despite having been up having dialysis at 8am and having been up three hours previously for NYE with Rache and the in laws.
He may have kidney failure but he has some stamina.....

2nd Jan
5.59am (request for AE to DM him)
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And where did you borrow your pea head from Malice?
This woman is truly pathetic. Borrowed a nose from a joke shop? How.Old.Is.She.
Her insecurities are showing loud and clear. Confident people don’t hate, and certainly don’t drag someone’s looks to make themselves feel better 🤢
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Why would they choose now to be papped? She even seems to be wearing the same clothes from the last time they got papped. If they're the ones who set it up I think the timing is a bit mean, as it's the date of the official break up. Sad all round.
Seriously? A "bit mean"? This woman has been conducting character assassination upon him relentlessly, and you think he should care one iota about a day and her feeling? She has single-handedly tried to destroy his career, and we all know everything she says is an extreme exaggeration or total distortion off of a minor fact. Cocaine user, trying to bring cocaine back to the U.S., but decided he couldn't. That's what she said. That he talks bad about all of his co-stars. That he called co-star Ella a fattie. She has gone on for a year that he does not care for his kids, lies about everything regarding him, trying to paint him in the worst possible light.

And you think he should care what day he should, if true, set up a dog-walk pap? LOL If I were him, I would hate this woman with every ounce of my being because of what she is doing regarding his children and their relationship.

I would agree with you if it was anyone other than Alice. What a horrible woman she is.
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I know, I am always catching up, so I apologise if what I am I am saying is already being said.

AE is speaking as a separating parent - I know how that feels. And, after a great time and self resprection, it was difficult but I appreciate how difficult it must have been for my children's step mother to be there for them and for them to love them.

You know, as a step parent, it's not always easy - especially when you're dealing with a narc biological parent (again, I refer you back to someone who actually told their children their father had died - and the children eventually came to live with their father and I legally because of their mother's shenanigans).

I was the father's first partner after his marriage fell apart - because she found someone else and and had a baby. She was raging when he found out he was in another relationship that may be more beneficial to him (we have now been together 30+ years).
She tried to play games with the children and pets, abused the legal aid system in the UK by changing her story & using 5 different lawyers/solicitors, then went on to have another 2 relationships and other children.

I am not trying to slut shame this woman. She was clearly - to my mind - emotionality and psychologically unhinged.

My point is that she has always tried to play the victim, to be in control, to get her ex to finance her because of the children. When this finally failed, she started manipulating her exes and her children (some of whom are my step children - this upsets me greatly!).

This last paragraph is what, in my experience - personally and professionally (not divulged in this post) - triggers me about AE.

SHe is so self absolved, so narcissistic, that that all other considerations - even those of her children who are totally dependent upon her - are cast aside.

AE is a selfish Twunt!!!
Oh my god, this is literally the life I am currently stuck in! I’m you but 4.5 years in and engaged to my OH who has been trying to divorce his ex wife since we met. She left him for someone else 9 months before we met and went BATSHIT crazy when she found out about me (why?)

she was always trying to get my fiancé round to fix her lights in her house and other odd jobs her new partner should really have been doing, buying My fiancé pants and work trousers gifts for his birthday (as presents from their son, but they are very wifey gifts aren’t they) and blaming me for everything she possibly could. Very controlling and “I’m still the wife” behaviour. Basically marking her territory to make me feel inferior.

2 years in we had a baby. When she found out I was pregnant she cried her eyes out (by this stage she had been with her new boyfriend 2years 9m and said to my fiancé “you never wanted any more kids??” (Side note it was her that didn’t) “she begged him not to rub it in her face on Facebook…

being the bigger person I didn’t write ONE thing or post ONE photo on Fb for the entire pregnancy as I(weirdly) felt sorry for her and her distress (something I do now regret) and when I had my baby I did post an arrival post andso Many people were shocked as they didn’t even know we were pregnant!

a year later she and bf had a baby - (congrats but she never wanted any more so odd) bought the exact same pram as us too amongst other odd things

All the while this direct narc behaviour was going on the worst (IMO) bit was she was openly slagging me
Off infront of their son and a previously brilliant relationship I had with him began to crumble and he started being quiet and funny when I was around. Poor little thing probably felt guilty to have fun with “daddy’s other woman”.

I’ve worked really hard since to build it back and we get on great now but now and again you can definitely tell when she’s been going on about me and it’s shit. Feel so awful for him. It is so upsetting to be a part of💔

NYE we took him to stay at a really fancy hotel for the night went out for dinner went swimming watched a massive fireworks display, until she rang and kicked off about us taking him, shouted to my OH that she wanted more money as he must have had a pay rise (he pays her loads each month btw) and ruined our evening. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOUR SON??? He was having such a great time! 🥺😭😭😭

sorry for the ramble but I had to get that off my chest to someone and I felt so triggered by your post. If you’re still reading T H A N K Y O U for getting this far and sorry you went through this too. It’s making me so miserable.

*side note* we wanted to get married this year (been engaged for 2years) but she’s REFUSING by being as awkward as she possibly can 😭

*she’s since split up with the guy she left my fiancé for and she’s been worse since 😭😭😭

sorry again for the ramble xx
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You have to hand it to her though, when she says she’s going out with no dignity, she really means no dignity.🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
I'm doomed :(
Me too. I’ve always looked like a cow kicked me in the face and then bought the rest of the herd in to finish me off.

Not convinced I’m gonna look better with age either.

On the positive side, people sometimes compliment me on my choice of earrings, so that’s nice.
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
Exactly. Especially the way she hassled the production company to "let him home"
What wife would do that? That must have been mortifying for him. A bit like your mum going up the school and having a go at the home economics teacher because you only got 5 out of 10 for your cheese scones.

(I still die a little bit inside whenever I recall that incident).
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Alice wanted to continue to live together with an "alleged abuser", you moron
View attachment 955805

maybe an argument over how he is supposed to see the kids over Xmas, and Alice insisting on in the house and then he threw that line?
Alice's argument that she can't be an abuser because why would they live in the neighbourhood of an abuser is about as convincing as Prince Andrew saying that it can't be true because he doesn't sweat
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I absolutely believe that Alice abused Ioan for years. She's shown herself to be an abusive woman just based on her SM interactions alone. And her perfect mother and wife narrative is tiresome. She orders takeout for them more often than not, drunk Tweets almost every night, and causes trouble at their schools. She's belittled and likely bullied Ioan for years and has spent months defaming him, trying to ruin chances of getting more work, and alienating him from his daughters. I really hope there is appropriate action taken soon.

View attachment 956101
I feel very sorry for him (and anyone in his inner circle) because AE is actually dangerous IMO. This isn’t just petty mean girl internet stuff. She’s a danger to him, herself, and anyone in her trajectory. I dread think how far she will actually go, because she’s continually proving she doesn’t have any boundaries and nothing is off limits. You have to be very sick to behave this way, and I’m not putting that lightly. This behaviour isn’t the result of being some scorned woman that’s developed an internet alter ego, letting loose and going crazy online. She’s been a nightmare in real life as well as online for MANY years, as we’ve seen time and time again. Horrible, nasty piece of work
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I don't like dissing someone's looks and also honestly think that AE was really, really, properly beautiful not so long ago. She could be very good looking again, even if she is what my dear old Nan would have called " not in her best features" at the moment. Pretending that BW is anything other than a very attractive young woman with a great figure does nothing other than make her look ridiculous. Concentrate on yourself, Alice
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Serious question, if the house is in his name and he has paperwork to prove it, can't he just ask a locksmith to get in to the house and change the locks? Surely it's still marital property?
Okay, I'm going to give an example.
My ex-husband, Satan, and I owned a garage/service station among other properties. I was technically the sole owner of the business through an LLC. And the physical property was considered a joint asset even with his name on the deed. Our house was considered a joint asset with just my name on the deed. I did not yet have a protection order but when he was ordered from the house, the judge also ordered him to not go back to house or face serious consequences.
This was a three year long, big money, multiple property multi-lawyer divorce with no children involved. We had private detectives yada yada yada.
Family also worked for us when this divorce started. Something particularly heinous happened between Satan and my retired Dad that had me spinning.
I drove myself up to the business THAT I SOLELY OWNED onto property the judge had not yet decided who would own and I marched my ass through the door I had gone through for 14+ years with my head spinning like Linda Blair in the Exorcist.
My ex called the State Troopers who willingly came and physically dragged me out out of there spitting mad.
We were before the judge in two hours with my husband demanding I be locked up for trespassing, harassment, domestic abuse, breathing etc etc.
Judge already hated my husband and told him to go fuck himself but the judge and my lawyers gave me a stern talking to. 🙄
Sorry so long but THAT is why IG can not and should not bust up in there and drag those girls out screaming.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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Funny how this is not a natural response but saying "sis" after every word or "your loving brother Tone" "my wife who I met at your wedding" is a completely natural speech pattern ?

Suggestion if Alice wants to make a fitness video

"How to Tone your abs"

Too early for a thread suggestion?
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What does posting an old photo prove? You don't look like that anymore you coil necked freak
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