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It'll be Diana's ghost.
She goes with them everywhere.

But being in a new place, she mistakenly walked through the wrong wall and knocked over the candles Harry uses for his tantric trauma therapy.
May be it was a candle in the wind.
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Churchill's Ghost

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Um, I was in the Army when all four of my kids were born (active duty for the first two and Reserves for the second two)...I literally worked until the day before or the day I delivered. I had six weeks of maternity leave (the Army has since upped it to either 3 or 4 months). I got weighed in the day I got back to work and had to take a PT test at 3 months postpartum. We were living either overseas or far away from family and my husband was often gone on training.

SO fucking miss me with your fucking boo-hoo about how hard things were for you cupcake. I literally pulled on my boots and strapped on my backpack and went on with the mission. And my job wasn't 1 or 2 half hour events. It was PT at 6 am (so do your backwards planning as to what time I had to get the kids up and fed and dressed and to their babysitter) and then a 8-12 hour day. So did thousands of other women in the military. Most of us had to deploy a time or two also, where we were in actual danger.

I knew what having a family and a career would entail and I made my choices and made it work.

I also didn't have a mansion and staff and unlimited money.

ETA: Oh and I just wasn't in charge of my kids, I also had 50 (or more) soldiers who I had to lead (and keep alive) and millions of dollars worth of equipment that I was signed for...anyone responsible for soldiers knows that they can be more troublesome than kids!
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She has taken a lot of deserved flak about the "no one asked me if I'm ok" interview. The general criticism, as we know, being that this was a tone deaf hyper privileged person playing victim amongst some of the poorest people on the planet. I am sure Meghan is aware of this criticism and, in order to manage it, this story about the fire crops up via the reliable strategy of emotional manipulation i.e. she was upset when an unwitting Bradby interviewed her because the fire incident and Archies safety was weighing heavily on her mind at the time. She was worried about her son. Now this helps explain and square away the reasonable tone deaf criticism outlined above and continuing such criticism now makes you an unreasonable asshole attacking a mother who was emotionally raw and protective of her son. It is so calculated but transparent once you grasp how narcissists balance being the hero and the victim at the same time.
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A heater caught fire in Archie's room, although he was in another room when the fire started.
Another thought has popped into my head.

Remember that market visit? (where was it Australia?) where she binned it off after 5 minutes because she was pissed off? No way in hell would she have gone to any engagement if she didn't bloody want to.

Room on fire? Pants on fire more like!
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Bel Mooney has a good article in the Mail Online and points out that meg misuses the word 'archetype', confusing it for 'stereotype' which has a totally different meaning.

(Quote) By the way, it’s a pity nobody told Meghan that she mixed up ‘archetype’ (which means a very typical example of a person or thing) with ‘stereotype’ (meaning a popular, simplified image or generalised expectation), so let me oblige.

Queen Elizabeth II, for example, is an archetype of disciplined, determined duty, which is why most of the world holds her in such high regard.

Whereas Meghan, abandoning the worthy topic of ambition and spending over half of her podcast gushing about what it felt like to be pregnant, what it means to be a ‘mom’ and how ‘brave’ and ‘hard’ making life decisions can be for us girls who are always victims…that’s a perfect illustration in my book of stereotyping, Duchess. (Unquote)

How funny that the whole ill-conceived, expensive, over-hyped, project hangs on the word Archetype (and the similarity to Archie etc) and she's so utterly uneducated and oblivious to advice that she's misused the word and will continue to do so, making the same error again and again throughout this podcast series. I'm laughing..gutterally.
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Chatty Member
It’s like she’s got a Rolodex on ‘dramatic and alarming stories’ to pull out when needed. Interesting that none of them ever got told closer to the time they actually happened.
Furthermore, M’lady seems to be lacking any base resilience - when you consider how many mothers and others have just FUCKING GOT ON WITH IT when faced with adversities - she is affected by everything and can’t COPE with any of it and has to SHARE all of it. Pathetic.
During her time as a working Royal she said it wasn’t her job to coddle people, yet all she ever seems to want is to be coddled by everyone 🙄
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I think it’s a new one on most people.

Having children is a blessing. She could have used a surrogate. She could have adopted. She could have decided not to have children. She had her first child in her 30’s towards the end of her career, not at the start of her career whilst she was still making headway.
She had a international career AND children and she still manages put a negative spin on it. No wonder this lot a drawn to each other. What a pity fest.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall at Gatcombe right now. Anne and Zara must be rolling their eyes.

Funny how both of them managed to have successful international sporting careers - right up to Olympic level - and have a family, and never felt the need to whinge about it.
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Thread suggestion : Liar, liar the grifter’s housing unit wasn’t on fire.
Great title but you have to put it in the right format so the next threadstarter will see it in the thread.

Harry & Meghan #218 Liar, liar, the grifters housing unit wasn't on fire.
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It should be pointed out that Meghan's guest Serena is a bit of a knob herself.

She recently claimed sexism was causing her to retire because women have to do the "physical labour" of pregnancy blah, blah, blah and it was because she wanted more children that the 41 year old was retiring from tennis.
They make pregnancy sound like a crime for fucks bleeding sake when I was 7 months pregnant I was helping to mix cement in a poxy cement mixer with two young kids as well.

They haven't got a poxy scooby about how working class Women manage,fucking whining, whinging,moaning fishwives and the slapper never gave birth and the other one is built like a brick shithouse with millions in the bank so how did it affect her life. A great tennis player but age got her and she can no longer compete,tough titty stop fucking moaning and enjoy your pampered,privileged lives or give money to really poor women who are struggling.

Whining victims of wokery.
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How self involved is she? Serena actually said something interesting about how her daughter had an accident and broke her wrist on her watch, how she had a match the next day and she barely slept all that night because of the worry and guilt about it all. I can actually relate to that, we’ve all been there and felt that parental guilt.

And then Smeg tries to one up her with the ‘fire in Archie’s room’ story and how everyone was crying about it…they were crying coz a fire broke out in his room even though he had a full time nanny watching him and in that particular instance they weren’t even IN the room??? 🙄 AND THEN she complains she had to go on a tour engagement the next day. Erm, sorry Smeg but that’s just called being a working mother! Shit happens and so long as no one was actually hurt you get on with life!

She’s all “me me me me, I I I I” honestly she makes me so mad. And Harry is absolutely pathetic, honestly he should be so embarrassed of himself.
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Churchill's Ghost

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I was ranting discussing this calmly with my husband. He pointed out how he and so many people we know had to watch their friends literally get shot or blown up in front of them and were not only expected to carry on with the mission, but take care of the other soldiers who had witnessed it and face the families when they got home.

I was a staff weenie, so I was rarely on patrols or convoys or in serious danger during my deployments (I was a little better than Harry as I didn't have gurkhas and was not able to stay in my trailer playing video games), but my husband and I both lost our fathers while deployed (a few years apart). We both continued to do our jobs, despite being heartbroken.

"Literally shaking and crying" is such a woke trope (dare I say...archetype) It is the woke reaction to everything, including when someone misspells their name on their latte.

What would this bitch do if she actually had to face something difficult...oh wait, we away and complain
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Churchill's Ghost

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So now she is claiming that there was a fire in the nursery of the house they were staying in in South Africa...miraculously no one has heard of it until now? She and Harry have never once mentioned it, not even when Tom Bradby was interviewing them. No one from their staff or security ever mentioned it.

And she had to go to TWO events in one day???

ETA: It was warm enough that she was wearing a sleeveless trench dress, but there was a heater in the nursery?
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If that fire had happened, the press would've been all over it at the time.

Let's face it, it would've been a PR goldmine and EVERYONE would've been asking if she was OK...

I don't buy it.
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