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Here ya go.

I've managed to work out how to do a letter on this bloody Mac thing.

Here is my first draft. I may not edit it, actually. The challenge now is to work out how to print the. bugger so I can post it.


As a resident of the UK, I am growing increasingly concerned about the behaviour of your son, Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan.
The disgraceful ‘interview’ they gave on the Oprah Winfrey show has done terrible damage to the reputation of the British Royal family and the British people.
The incendiary comments they made in that show and in their many verbose announcements since, are, in my opinion, creating a huge racial divide. Instead of helping to stamp out racism, they are making the situation worse.
Their use of titles to make money for themselves and their use of the state of Delaware to register their charities in order to keep 95% of donations is a disgrace. This is not how we want our Royals to behave. We require dignity, decorum and honesty.

I understand it is difficult to balance ones Royal role with ones personal family life but Harry and Meghan have, to use a football term, brought the Royal Family and the British people into disrepute. They have us all branded as racists and have been allowed to get away with it. Their slur has affected all of us and how we are perceived throughout the world.

The continuation of the Monarchy is hanging in the balance and your popularity plummets further as long as the Duke & Duchess of Sussex are allowed to use their titles for self gain, and to continue their disrespectful attacks without punishment or consequences.
Their deliberate attempts to overshadow other Royals by timing their announcements is just mean and nasty, and not the way we want our Royals to behave.

The Duke and Duchess stated very publicly that they wished to step down as working Royals and their request to be ‘half-in/half-out’ was, quite rightly refused. If that decision was to be changed, there will be a huge outcry and many Royalists would no longer support you and the Monarchy because you will be seen to have given in to blackmail.

The Sussexes opted out and public opinion is that,
1] their titles should be taken away,
2] they should be removed from the line of succession and
3] the children should not become Prince and Princess when you accede the Throne. Or at the very least, there should be an official announcement from Her Majesty to make it abundantly clear that they are no longer Royal and anything they do is as private citizens.
This message has not been made clear enough. Their visit to New York City demonstrated that. During that visit they behaved as if they were on an official Royal engagement and were treated as if they still represented her Majesty. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Regarding the children, there is huge unrest about the secrecy regarding their birth. It has not gone unnoticed that there were no Doctor’s signatures on Archie’s birth announcement or that there was no traditional birth announcement for Lilibet.
Tradition dictates that persons in the line of succession must be ‘born of the body’ and not having the usual announcements signed by the Royal Physicians to confirm birth from the body raises suspicion, and we, your subjects demand transparency.

Also, we have only seen one photograph of Lilibet and a handful of pictures of Archie, all of which showed signs of possible photoshopping. Which only serves to create more suspicion and fuel conspiracy theories. The internet is full of speculation and questions about why everything regarding the children’s birth is veiled in secrecy. What are they - and you trying to hide?
Of course the children’s privacy is important, but while Harry and Meghan remain Duke and Duchess and the children retain the birthright to later become Prince and Princess, the public have a right to see, at least, some ‘official’ photographs.

As onlookers, we view the Royal Family’s lack of action against the treacherous behaviour displayed by the Sussexes as a weakness and our support for you is waning. Therefore it is time the Royal family dealt with this situation.
Had the Sussexes been true to their word and retired to America to live a private life disassociated from the British Royal family there would be no call for them to have titles taken away or to be removed from the line of succession.

As it is, they peddle misinformation whilst purporting to campaign against it. They demand top level security and are seen as money-grabbing, self-promoting ‘celebrities’ trading on the status of the institution and the people they appear to resent and despise.

I urge you to take notice of the mood of the British people if you wish to retain our support when you accede the Throne. The Sussexes must bear the consequences of their actions and be stripped of all titles and be removed from the line of succession.
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This is why I love Colin Brazier (GBNews)


And all of that racism smearing is because of Harry Meghan and Oprah Winfrey.
They make the division worse.
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Flojo89 said:
Between Dan Wootens ‘BLM brigade’ and some of the comments I’ve just read I’m starting to feel uneasy about this thread.
It's true that race relations have come to the forefront of our group due to the Cambridges' tour. I will never understand what it is like to be a person of color, but I am a person isn't that is part of the equation?
Quick trip down memory lane- In the 1990's I bought the only new car of my life-a Geo Metro. Since it had a standard transmission (a very different kind of ******) it got over 52 MPG. I loved that little car. When I had 4 more payments left, it was totaled by a drunk driver. I was driving along on the harbor freeway when a Trans Am came across 3 lanes and torpedoed my little car in the rear, I endured 2 complete 360 turns surrounded by traffic and crashed head first into the concrete divider. (I still don't know how the other drivers missed me). I got out of my car which now resembled an accordion, slid down against the concrete divider and promptly collapsed into complete hysterics. An LAPD car quickly stopped and a officer came to check on me. I don't remember his face or his name, but he tightly held my hand and reassured me and helped me calm down. The thing I remember most about that adventure was the sight of my small white hand clasped within his large, black hand. I can close my eyes even now and see it. I know I am an idealist, but that is my metaphor of how race relations should be, hands clasped and helping each other through our mutual journey.
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Did a poster asked about Shola's royal parentage? Looks like somebody has done some digging

Jada apparently suffers from alopecia hence the hair loss. Had Will deal with this privately with Chris more people would have sympathise with her


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Happy Lady

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I'm getting fed up now of reading stuff complaining about W&K visiting here and there - of journalists reporting that they did the old fashioned ride along in an open topped car - and wondering why they visited in the first place.

So let me spell it out for those dummies.

We have the most famous royal family in the world, and other countries love them visiting - as was clearly witnessed by the throngs who gathered to see W&K. Her Maj is far too frail to travel and chose W&K to represent her family - a brilliant choice and it worked a dream.

The bit about it being old fashioned is total bollocks and only serves as criticism because they couldn't criticise anything else. They were on a tour, FFS, how else could they be SEEN if they didn't stand up in an open topped car? I loved it - and if it's to be called tradition, then I'm all for it.

They both did a fab job, looked relaxed and I feel as though the whole tour was very welcome and did our royal family well.

Stick that gruesomes.
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Im also a mix with a very Italian maiden name. I’m Scots/Italian/Irish so in my life I’ve had pelters from every direction. At school I got the blame for the Roman Empire. Then I was teased because my family must have been peasants who starved in the potato famine and had to seek refuge in Scotland (to be fair they did)
Then my ancestors were savages who had to be repelled by the English. It was a bit exhausting.
I never knew which side I was supposed to be on.
All I know from researching my family tree was that they were all decent hardworking people simply trying to survive.
I doubt half of them understood politics and even if they did they were too exhausted from trying to keep themselves and their families alive to pay that much attention.
So when I see the imagined woes of Mingey and her perpetual victim of a husband… well, you can imagine my thoughts.
Realistically, two hundred years ago all working class white people were also exploited and virtually slaves - paid a pittance, worked to exhaustion in gruelling, often dangerous conditions. Many died unnecessarily. Living in appalling slums. Realistically there was no way out. If you quit your job your options were find another just as bad, starve, or go to the workhouse (and then starve). I’m pretty certain my ancestors never benefited from slavery. And there was no emancipation for them until long after slavery was abolished. So I’m damned if I’m going to be made to feel guilty for something neither I nor my ancestors did simply because my skin is white.
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Thanks for being threadstarter twisted threadstarter.....

Reminds me of an old cartoon where Harry is dressed like Keith Flint (RIP) from The Prodigy in the Firestsrter video.......
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Scotch Mist

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I found a great comment in the Mail underneath the Whoopi cushion article:

'You would think given the depth of the hole Whoopi dug herself into recently she would realise it might be a good idea to stop digging. In the last 2 years alone Whoopi the UK has sent nearly 100m in aid to India alone. In fact last year the UK spent over 14.5 billion in aid to various countries around the world. Apparently that isn't good enough for you Whoopi. Tell you what, you carry right on digging. Who knows, you might strike oil the rate you're going.'
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Excellent, "Doctor" Shola is now being called out for her unkind comments about William's hair last week.

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Thanks for the new thread and title :)

Actual footage of Scabies the first time his boss saw him rocking his new eyebrows:

tbh I could watch this video all day 🤣

And talking of the Scrotus, Richard Eden's now picking up on the stuff about his company's finances.

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Yes they're not peacemakers, are they!

This is one of the reasons I came to change my mind about them.

They could have done so much to close the racist divide. They chose not to.
They have done a lot of harm.
They spout a meaningless jumble of words but DO nothing.
They fuel the flames.

They had a platform. They have thrown it away in favour of self-gain.
Where is THEIR reparation and apology?
They actually did this.
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Tangent Tiger

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One of my grandfather's was black American. The others (grandparents and parents) are white European.

I look white fair haired European. I would no way kick up a fuss about that, my parents were born in England and my grandmother had a fling with a black GI joe. In the forties.

Meghan is trying to create race division to make money. She's no more black than I am and I am white British.
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Ive totally tweaked the letter.

I've taken on board what everyone says about Camilla being the best person to contact.

So I've reworked it all and tailored it to address her instead of Prince Charles.

I decided not to use any @Nuttynana style vocabulary, however.
And I won't enclose any cartoons.

Ive posted the revised letter in a spoiler tag for anyone who wants to read the revised version.

I'll print it on my posh cream bonded notepaper and post it tomorrow.


As a resident of the UK, I am growing increasingly concerned about the behaviour of Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan.

The disgraceful ‘interview’ they gave on the Oprah Winfrey show has done terrible damage to the reputation of the British Royal family and the British people.
The incendiary comments they made in that show and in their many verbose announcements since, are, in my opinion, creating a huge racial divide. Instead of helping to stamp out racism, they are making the situation worse.

Their use of titles to make money for themselves and their use of the state of Delaware to register their charities in order to keep 95% of donations is a disgrace. This is not how we want our Royals to behave. We require them to behave with dignity, decorum and transparency.

I understand it is difficult to balance ones Royal role with ones personal family life but Harry and Meghan have, to use a football term, brought the Royal Family and the British people into disrepute. They have us all branded as racists and have been allowed to get away with it. Their slur has affected all of us and how we are perceived throughout the world.

The continuation of the Monarchy is hanging in the balance and its popularity plummets further as long as the Duke & Duchess of Sussex are allowed to use their titles for self gain, and to continue their disrespectful attacks without punishment or consequences.

Their deliberate attempts to overshadow other Royals by timing their announcements is just mean and nasty, and totally unacceptable. They are diminishing the sterling work the rest of the Royal family does.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex stated very publicly that they wished to step down as working Royals and their request to be ‘half-in/half-out’ was, quite rightly refused. If that decision was to be changed, there will be a huge outcry and many Royalists would no longer support the Monarchy because it will be seen to have given in to blackmail.

HRH Prince Harry is no longer popular with the people and he is not welcome back here in the UK, especially not as a working Royal who benefits from the privileges of that status.

The Sussexes opted out and public opinion is that,
1] their titles should be taken away,
2] they should be removed from the line of succession and
3] the children should not become Prince and Princess when HRH Charles, Prince of Wales accedes the Throne. Or at the very least, there should be an official announcement from Her Majesty to make it abundantly clear that they are no longer Royal and anything they do is as private citizens.
This message has not been made clear enough. Their recent visit to New York City demonstrated that. During that visit they behaved as if they were on an official Royal engagement and were treated as if they still represented Her Majesty. This cannot be allowed to continue.

Regarding the children, there is huge unrest about the secrecy regarding their birth. It has not gone unnoticed that there were no Doctor’s signatures on Archie’s birth announcement or that there was no traditional birth announcement for Lilibet.
Tradition dictates that persons in the line of succession must be ‘born of the body’ and not having the usual announcements signed by the Royal Physicians to confirm birth from the body raises suspicion, and we, the people demand transparency.

Also, we have only seen one photograph of Lilibet and a handful of pictures of Archie, all of which showed signs of possible photoshopping. Which only serves to create more suspicion and fuel conspiracy theories. The internet is full of speculation and questions about why everything regarding the children’s birth is veiled in secrecy. It begs the question, “what are they - and the Royal family trying to hide?”

Of course the children’s privacy is important, but while Harry and Meghan remain Duke and Duchess and the children retain the birthright to later become Prince and Princess, the public have a right to see, at least, some ‘official’ photographs.

As onlookers, we view the Royal Family’s lack of action against the treacherous behaviour displayed by the Sussexes as a weakness and our support for the institution of Monarchy is waning. Therefore it is time the Royal family dealt with this situation.

Had the Sussexes been true to their word and retired to America to live a private life disassociated from the British Royal family there would be no call for them to have titles taken away or to be removed from the line of succession and the truth regarding their children’s births would not be any business of the British public.

As it is, they peddle misinformation whilst purporting to campaign against it. They demand top level security whilst carrying out no Royal duties and are seen as money-grabbing, self-promoting ‘celebrities’ trading on the status of the institution and the people they appear to resent and despise.

They have done a lot of damage and have trashed Her Majesty’s good name and also destroyed the respect the UK once had from the rest of the world.
I urge all of the Royal family to take notice of the mood of the British people It would be a shame if all their years of dedication to duty and honour are besmirched by the Sussexes. If support for the Monarchy is to continue and if the institution wishes to survive, action needs to be taken to ensure the Sussexes bear the consequences of their actions. They must be stripped of all titles and all removed from the line of succession.

This action needs to be taken by Her Majesty because she still enjoys the full respect of the world and everyone will accept it because it comes from her, but, if it is left to HRH Prince Charles or HRH Prince William, the Monarchy is in danger of crumbling.

I hope your Highness will consider my letter and pass its sentiments on to their Royal Highnesses Charles Prince of Wales, William Duke of Cambridge and her Majesty the Queen.
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