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As this is a new thread and my second title in a row, a special issue of Time to shut up & go away magazine has been produced.......

harry in orange Time magazine cover.jpg
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D. A.

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I have just seen this on twitter 😢

That fucking arsehole PWB prancing around trying to be liked, looking like a fucking carrot, dragging his Netflix crew at Invictus' expense, making money off veterans needs to bloody hang his head in shame. 😡
He has no morals, no sense of anything but himself & I am embarrassed to call him a Brit.
If he was family i would disown him.
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Well, the Harkles definitely won't like this, will they? Sophie doing all this right on their patch. Showing NY what a real, working Royal looks and behaves like. And looking smart, professional and appropriate. Not like a giant tomato. Or orange.


Planting a Jubilee tree in NY

Keynote address at the UN

Equality in the workplace? Isn't that supposed to be one of Smeg's big things?

NB: I'll be seriously pissed off with PC if he tries to sideline the Wessexes, especially if it involves rehabilitating the Gruesome Twosome.

Sophie in particular is worth ten of the Harkles anyday.
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Thanks for the new thread and title. :)

Re Backgrid, I was just reading this Twatter thread on the topic.

So, do I have this right?

Haz, who apparently hates the paps and sees them as a huge security threat (and responsible for what happened to Mummy), invited a photo agency who deal with said paps into his home. Inside his actual house to film.

So Backgrid own copyright and make the money off the pics, rather than Invictus????

Or am I misunderstanding something along the line?
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I want the Queen to attend the Commonwealth Day event and if she has to use a wheelchair I still want her to attend.
And is it bad of me to want the wheelchair to have sword blades sticking out of the wheels like Boudicca's chariot?
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From inside the new Time To Shut Up And Go Away Magazine - a special feature on shoes.......................

see through shoes.jpg
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A show biz correspondent in Australia has said if Harry was paid to attend his grandfather’s memorial he would be there like a ginger ferret on lsd!
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D. A.

VIP Member
Honestly they are in the depths of the sewers.
What they SAY they want:
Live in privacy & dedicate their lives to doing good
What they DO:
Lie, cheat, scam, blackmail....endless list of the worst type of human you can be....

On a lighter note
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It seems that whatever any of her relatives do they are going to be criticised.
Meghan took an entitre fucking country, not to mention The Commonwealth for a ride, lumped them with a massive bill and then labelled them all racists. It's laughable trying to make out that Samantha or Thomas et al come anywhere NEAR that scale of cuntitude. The only mitigating thing in Meganuts' favour is that she took that ginger waste of space away from us.
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Maybe it’s my inborn desire for things being ‘right’, but I’m encouraged. When I first found you in June, here was the only place not swallowing The St Meghan narrative. But slowly, months after it’s here, the truth is seeping out into mainstream news. They are beginning to be the subject of American late night monologues. It’s like the gloves are off. I think a lot of that is because of the lawsuit against the Mail? I think more and more will starting pouring out. Moral of the story? Don’t piss off the media.
BIB Don't piss off the media.
Don't piss off Tattle either.
I suspect that we would be very surprised to see who follows us on this thread anonymously. I think that our persistence in trying to get to the truth and our refusal to be cowed is slowly paying off.
We have a ferocious army of heavily armed animals here who Sunsux Sacs are terrified of. People who ferret out information and evaluate it intelligently. We have a Wiki full of priceless evidence, some since wiped, guarded by our soldier @JAR21. Plus we have our monitors @Yel guarding us against attacks, people trying to shut us down. Free speech rules and each one's right to their opinion.

I feel honoured to be on this thread, a member who's survived the initial scrutiny and is still here with my outlandish theories (to some) more or less in one piece.
I would not like to be an enemy of the posters here.

It's only when we look back when this is all over that we'll realise that overall we did pretty well, though it's been disheartening at times. I hope some original members of this thread who have left are still keeping tabs. Hello.
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I hope she's that stupid as it'll be the final nail
June for sure for the first episode. Not just the Jubilee, but William's 40th (TQ is supposed to be throwing a joint party for him and Kate), and also PC and Cam going to Rwanda for the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting. And George's birthday in July.

There's plenty going on to try and overshadow right there.

Then at the end of August it's 25 years since Mummy died, so the Harkles will probably try to own that. Haz the "true heir" to Mummy's legacy and all that.

And now time for a palate-cleanse. How adorable is this? Kate gave Gaia both bouquets.

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All this pouncing on every word people say and turning it into racism or transphobia or bullying or hate speech etc makes me want to retreat even more into my home and live the life of a semi hermit.

Talking to people is becoming so stressful that keeping to yourself is the only way to live your life.
What happened?
Where has our freedom to have an opinion and to speak it gone?
And don't type what you really feel on Twitter if you don't want to get ambushed by attackers.
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Off topic, but if you remember me saying a couple of weeks ago that my son got mugged? Well, they took his bike off him, tonight we got it bloody back :LOL:
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