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Pom Bear

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A quick one I thought off before I'm on later 🙂 x

Harry isn't in the best of moods...he says " Meghan is driving me nuts!"
Lol 🤭
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'The Queen also questioned why Meghan needed a veil for the wedding, given it was to be her second marriage'

LOL. She’s no blushing bride!
I must admit I was hoping for a Madonna at the Eurovision moment where they pulled her veil so hard her wig came off with it but alas...🙈😎
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The only time I've read it was in the Dan Wooton article in The Sun. Angela Kelly has a long convoluted job title which implies that she is in charge of the Queen's jewellery collection. I read her first book and have a copy of her second book. AK has to be present when a jeweller does repairs on the royal jewellery collection (there is a photo of her in the book sitting there while a jeweller is doing repair work). I take it that is to make sure that there is no substitution of any of the diamonds etc. I remember reading that Ms Kelly compiled a computer database of the Queen's jewellery collection which presumably would have details such as an item's provenance, who wore the piece when etc.

I think that anybody in the royal household would be wary about giving MM a loan of the royal jewels in case they end up in the local pawn shop or on Ebay.
Yes it seems the first time anyone has said that William and AK were against lending Megs any RC jewellery was Dan Wotton in his latest piece in The Sun:

He says it came after the Tiara fiasco that he was the one to originally break in 2018. Even Omid admits "tiara-gate" happened he (and I guess Megs) try to seem like they're shifting blame away from The Queen and towards "viper" evil courtier Angela Kelly instead who so nastily refused to give her the tiara she wanted and then "dragged her feet" in getting it out of the vault. Wow, you don't think she has a million other things to do than be a Meghan's beck and call do you? But if this is the worst of it, then it's pretty mild and just so petty.

The whole "revelations that meant they had to leave" so far are Wills "snobbishly" asked if he was rushing with "this girl" and he practiced what he preached there, petty disagreements and people not bowing down and acknowledging how lucky they were that Team Sussex was here to save the monarchy and be the most woke, amazing couple ever!

It's the Africa documentary all over again in book form.
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Gosh Meghan has a real issue hearing no from people she feels are beneath her (everybody). To stamp her feet to a member of staff that has worked for the queen for 18 years is an incredible affront. I don’t think we’ve heard anything of the true feelings of the royal family.... but Meghan just cannot keep her mouth shut. It really is a case of give her enough rope... oh to be a fly on the wall at family get togethers!!! She thinks it was the staff but it’ll have been everybody. They love by duty and obligation everyday for decades and she can’t do it for a few months without writing an f***ing book. It beggars belief.
I feel affronted by that rude bitch's behaviour - how fucking dare she?!!

There was a lot of speculation after the Wedding about whether or not this was the original tiara or a fake because of the colours coming off it when the light hit it. Whenever I see it nowadays I have a little smile to myself thinking they got away with giving her a copy ... : - )
Oh, please let it have been a fake.....!
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I’m sure they denied that tiara story originally? 😂 love how they try and blame the Queens dresser, as if she would be in charge of tiaras.
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Just tried to watch Harry speak, managed about a minute...painful. His facial expressions are weird, he just doesn't speak like his former self at all.
I couldn't watch it either. He could barely take his eyes off the script or auto-cue, zero charisma no presence it's embarrassing to watch.

Why didn’t they realise this lawsuit was a horrible idea? Why didn’t their PR and legal teams warn them? Everyone could see this was a bad idea from the beginning.
I mean, why didn’t she sue the newsgroup for not moderating the comment section enough? That might have worked. Because some people used the critical commenting as an excuse to write some really horrible racist and sexist comments. The authors of the articles were smart and capable enough to write in a way that might have racist and sexist undertones but it could never be proven. If she would have gone out and sued the shit out of the people that actually made racist remakes I would have supported it. There is no place for that. But that would have been unpopular (royal suing private citizens), a lengthy process and expensive.
I don’t think she cares about the actual racism. Maybe she really didn’t realised that she would totally be vilified by the media- like all of them from time to time? But Harry should have bloody known better. Maybe she really believes all the bad press stems from a deeply ingrained racist bias? Or maybe she thought that would be an easy card to play to shut down negative reporting? It all pretty mind boggling. Now it massively backfires, as does the book that was supposed to set the record straight. Why didn’t they realise this wouldn’t work? You cannot be so blind.
I actually hope they stay together and find a way to live peacefully and happily if not for anything else for their poor child. But please, without titles, without a place in the line of succession and financially independent (aka funding their own lifestyle).
In a nutshell, they won't listen, she's a schemer who knows it all and he follows along like the doting idiot he is.
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Uberrima fides

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Can anyone quote the actual article where the Angela Kelly accusation came from. Because I thought I read it but it never was said what she had actually done. So it seams very much like click bait. I am also not sure that Wiliam did anything.
The only time I've read it was in the Dan Wooton article in The Sun. Angela Kelly has a long convoluted job title which implies that she is in charge of the Queen's jewellery collection. I read her first book and have a copy of her second book. AK has to be present when a jeweller does repairs on the royal jewellery collection (there is a photo of her in the book sitting there while a jeweller is doing repair work). I take it that is to make sure that there is no substitution of any of the diamonds etc. I remember reading that Ms Kelly compiled a computer database of the Queen's jewellery collection which presumably would have details such as an item's provenance, who wore the piece when etc.

I think that anybody in the royal household would be wary about giving MM a loan of the royal jewels in case they end up in the local pawn shop or on Ebay.
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So apparently there has been some updates on the RF website to do with biographies of the different members. They've deleted most of Meghan's supposed background in philanthropy and just mention the fact she withdrew as a working royal and is in North America. Everyone else in the family has stayed the same on there...

One step left, final deletion ...
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The more I see about Finding Freedom the stranger it gets. If anything this whole thing reads like a massive fanfic (especially the writing style) and spreads out very intimate details that are of no ones business. I mean, I couldn’t care less if their first two dates were very chase? That’s completely irrelevant. And does that mean they got to it on the third date mentioned? Didn’t need to know that either. And who would know that but them? And what friends would be telling this to a journalist?
There are so many intimate details - either they spoke to them, Scoobie made it up or they should quickly drop the snitches and sue them and the authors of the book.

Some posts regarding her making him propose because she was pregnant made me remember something I forgot. When they stood there in garden, announcing the engagement, I actually thought she was showing a tiny bump. I also found it strange that they stood so far away from everybody. Why outside? Why the massive coat? Maybe she was, maybe she wasn’t. I do believe though that she indeed carried and gave birth to Archie. There is just no way they could have kept that a secret. A whole pregnancy is just too long to only keep that to a small enough group to pull it off. They were too visible for that. Has she enhanced her bump? Who knows. But bumps can change quite drastically over the course of a day and from day to day. People can do all sorts of things while highly pregnant, so her squatting a certain way means nothing. There also seem to be enough people that either they fall out with, or that are just too happy to talk to the media about them. “Refusing” a title was just window dressing. Let’s wait what happens when Charles ascends the throne- if they aren’t cut out till then.

A big part of the royal watching community is also not really surprised that we don’t see much from Archie. When the tabloids and the public complained that the Cambridge’s only allowed a very restrictive access to their children, many predicted that Harry would be way worse.

He does seem quite shell shocked though. Pretty sure he didn’t really think his actions through. Serves him well.

My biggest wish would actually be a complete stop in covering them in the UK. Nothing hurts people like them more than being irrelevant. Let them conquer America. If the US is crazy enough to endorse them- who cares. But as private citizens.
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I think Zara is a complete star, like her Mother. Remember at Merkin's wedding, she was just about ready to pop with a real baby (not a moon bump) and couldn't even sit straight, she was very uncomfortable, but she was still there in attendance smiling away. Very down to earth indeed 👍
Their love for all their cousins came through loud and clear. I would love to know what they really think of Meghan now that she’s broken the family up.
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I can't see how the gruesome twosome thought that the fact that Ms Kelly couldn't make it to London was a snub. They turned up at Buckingham Palace with no notice given and expect the woman to run from whichever part of the country she was in (I believe she lives on the estate at Windsor Castle). Well done to Angela Kelly for making sure the Queen found out about PH's behaviour and language.
Love Angela Kelly. Not to be messed with.
im glad there is a no nonsense person who has the Queen‘s ear.
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Do you recommend the book? It sounds interesting.
I was on a thread on mumsnet about Royal fashion for a long time; so from a fashion / tradition point of view; I found it interesting. There is however zero gossip; Angela Kelly is very discreet.
You do however see a human side to the Queen.
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Scotch Mist

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What's everyones thoughts on this ? I do believe she's got Harry and Charles by the short and curls over something,I doubt we will ever find out though .........
I've read his tweets but I don't buy it. There's no way Harry just married Meghan to protect his Uncle Andrew and I don't think anyone in the family would have expected him to sacrifice himself. He doesn't appear close to Andrew and frankly Meghan calling him out for being a lech is hardly big news. We've all known what sort of man Andrew is for years.
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The « 5 witches » according to the Sun; although I can’t find it in there
heres a screen shot from the Harkles instagram.


I hope Jessica Mulroney squeaks first after being ghosted....

ain’t going so well; is it megz?
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