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The arrogance of him.....I can just picture him stamping his feet & screaming "if it's not my mum it should be my wife"
He needs to get over himself..
"he refuses to bend"? 🙄 Go without then you dumb shit

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Who's even asking him, TBH? He shouldn't even get the opportunity to "refuse to bend". There's been way too much pandering to this little git and it needs to stop.

PC will be crowned King in WA in due course.
He is married to Camilla.
TQ has given her blessing to Camilla being crowned Queen Consort.

Who gives a flying fuck whether it upsets Hazza?

He left the RF to make money.

The ins and outs of a Coronation are nothing to do with him.

He doesn't have to go.

The country won't miss him.
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hmmmm there may well be cultural differences between the UK and the US, but none of us like or respect someone who trashes their country and their family in public and then uses their family name to grift money for their own personal gain. A traitor is a traitor no matter what your culture.
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Couldn’t comment on the last thread as it was closed but just wanted to say I don’t see why anyone would really have an issue curtsying or bowing for Royalty, as it’s not the individual person but the position they hold within the institution. It’s like an example once given to me during my military days. There was a particular Flying Officer who was an absolute prat, if you didn’t salute him he’d shout at you from across a parade square even if you hadn’t seen him. As I said, a prize prick but I remember the advice from a wise older WRAF who said to remember I wasn’t saluting the man I was saluting his commission. That did make a difference when I thought of it that way. Anyway just felt like sharing that for what it’s worth.
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Apologies if already old news
From JustJared

"Meghan Markle's project is going away.

Netflix has quietly dropped Pearl, the working title of an animated series that was created by the 40-year-old royal through Archewell Productions, via Deadline.

Pearl was meant to be Archewell’s first animated series, and was described as a "family series that centers on the adventures of a 12-year-old girl who finds inspiration in a variety of influential women throughout history."
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As far as I know the only rule change was when Royalty was no longer allowed to throw you in the tower for disrespecting them but that was a while back now 🙄 It’s an etiquette thing, old fashioned yes but something that has remained with the monarchy. Some people choose not to bow or curtsy, they no longer get beheaded if they choose not too.
Cherie Blair was determined not to curtsey just to make a point. The Queen found this funny and was reported as saying it amused her to see Mrs Blair stiffen her knees each time they came face to face. 😂
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I think people are too quick to blame every little thing in life on a mental health issue .. Yes there are some who really do have issues and I feel for them they should be the ones that receive good therapy and it should be free of charge to them... Others suffer a loss of a close family member or other traumatic experience and they need help to cope with the grief or situation so they can function properly again....but they should be helped by real therapists that know what they are doing and can actually help not cause more harm....but the younger generation these days use mental issues as a cop out... so they don't have to deal with every day situations.. dealing with the little things in life and moving past it and then just getting on with life is what I consider a stiff upper lip.. I've interviewed people for jobs at my shop and one woman I really lost my temper with... every bit of the job she would either be too scared to do or it would stress her out,, after about 20 mins of this shit I said to her tell me something are you too scared to fucking breath as well... does that stress you out too? I said this interview is over you've just wasted 20 minutes of my time with bullshit excuses when you could have just said I don't want to work.,.. because that was the reality of it... she was on workers comp after a work place injury and wanted to sit at home and be paid for doing nothing... when she was perfectly capable of working a few hours a week,..
Harry has no business advising others on mental health issues and neither does better up... they should be renamed to We'll Fuck You Up...

My husband has Bi Polar 2, he works every day, works over time, studies, writes exams conducts meetings, interviews for new staff, mentors colleagues.

We have been together now for over 20 years, when he was first diagnosed he was a little upset he would have to take medication for the test of his life and he had to come to terms with that. He has hard times, suffers seasonal affective disorder, has a wobble for a few days and can really only focus in one things at that time and he usually saves that energy for work because we understand at home, and give him the space he needs to ride the wave.

He knows he cannot consume much alcohol, so he doesn't, we all rarely drink. We have to control our salt intake because it counter acts his medication but he has had to find ways to manage and we have had to find ways to support him. Thankfully it is not something we have to deal with all the time.

Over the years we have met people who suffer similar issues he has had to, he has been there to support people going through the same thing and they have learnt from each other.

What he has also found is that some people simply cannot take advice, think they know more that doctors because they have googled things and what we have come to realise is that there are alot of people in the world with the wrong diagnosis and taking the wrong medication.

We have a friend who is quiet similar to the wife and she claims to be bi polar too. She tries to "prove" she is "worse" than him by comparing medications, and strength of medications, and how bad this was for her and its like medals on her chest. And nothing is "helping".

We have a 20 year old daughter and we have noticed there is alot of pressure on kids to tick certain boxes now days, because others look down on you. There are also people who make one thing their whole identity, sexuality, race or illness, and what we have come to the conclusion is they are the ones applying the pressure.

We honestly think with the rise of social media narcissism has drastically increased, there are multiple pages on this site alone where you can see that. I just hope this starts to calm down soon, cause it is too much now.

If Harry has mental health issues, he needs to be in a stable dependable environment to cope with that. He won't be in that now, those kids are going to have issues because they don't have a stable home life and could easily develope the same things. I can tell you it is hard being a parent having to monitor your child incase she too has Bi Polar and it hasn't started to show yet, she is at the age it starts and it is a daily worry, but she has one up that atleast we will be able to help her.

I worry for those kids, some people should not be allowed to have kids, and the "generational" pain Harry keeps going on about won't be stopped.

Kate has done studies to understand the "generational" pain, she has found ways to help that, people do not give her the credit she deserves, and that has come from the same worry I face, why did her brother suffer, will her kids inherited the same?

All I know is the same thing I said to my husband when their engagement was announced, this wont end well. And I had no idea who she was.
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Happy Lady

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Catherine DID work before marriage.

She worked as a deckhand at the Port of Southampton in the summer preceding university. She worked part-time as a waitress during her studies.[

She held jobs in retail and marketing and pursued charity work before their engagement was announced in November 2010.

In November 2006, Middleton commenced part-time work for twelve months as an accessory buyer with the clothing chain Jigsaw. In 2007, she curated a photography exhibition to mark the book launch of "Time to Reflect", by Alistair Morrison, to raise funds for UNICEF. In 2008, Middleton made several trips to Naomi's House Hospice, where she brought gifts and read to children. Later that year, she organised an 80's-themed roller disco fundraiser which raised £100,000, split between Oxford Children's Hospital, for the construction Tom's Ward to treat paediatric cancer, and Place2Be, an organisation which provides mental health counselling to school children. Middleton also worked until January 2011 at the family business in catalogue design and production, marketing, and photography. While working for the company, she launched the firm's junior brand for toddlers, and began working with the Starlight Children's Foundation, which helps terminally ill youth, providing party essentials for sick children. Middleton also helped coordinate the Boodles Boxing Ball, which raised money for the charity.

So ... I think she was one hell of a busy lady.
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If Meghan and Amber Heard ever meet or join forces I think it might cause a rip in the fabric of space-time, our universe couldn't handle that concentration of narcissicm in the same space at the same time.
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Mock Turtle

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William and Charles shouldn't wear uniform for wreath laying ceremonies because they have never seen active combat, nor a war zone.
But Anzac is not uniformed.:
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Not sure I agree with that. They were both prevented from entering war zones by their positions as heir. Not their fault and both, especially William, made the best of other roles. Arguably hovering a helicopter over rough seas in a storm is almost as dangerous as doing the same in Afghanistan.

And if we apply that rule, we’re basically saying that any member of our armed forces who doesn’t serve in a war zone is less valued than those who do. They serve where they are sent. So many never see hot zones but surely a navy sailor who spends their entire career monitoring the coast of Africa for pirates is no less vital and valued?
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The funny thing is Meghan coming into the family saying she would " hit the ground running" is exactly what made me know she had googled everyone in the family and constantly did so.

She wanted to be the anti-Kate so bad. And be seen as "the working Princess" - This rhetoric was the same thing her fans regurgitated. But then come to the end of year tallies and we saw that working hard isn't as easy as it seems.

For one, charities/businesses/cities/countries need to invite you - And a lot goes into a royal visit some may not just want you to "just show up".

Secondly, the family is made up of many people, you don't want to rush in and act like you know everything when Princess Anne has been doing it all along and much better (e.g. Save the Children).

Thirdly, you absolutely do not want to take attention away from future King Charles... He does not handle that well. So don't be in the news every single day.

And lastly, who actually wants to be in the news every day? Meghan, probably but not everyone else.

I stay home with my child but I did not sign up to work for the institution of the monarchy like Kate did. She can do both! Even before the kiddies she was lazy and workshy because she never had to

Kate technically did not sign up to work for the Monarchy between 2011 and 2017 (And William!).

The Queen gave them permission to be part-time royals for the first years of their married life. She had her reasons. Looking back, she was right. (Michelle Obama allegedly gave Meghan and Harry the same advice - Build your family first! - They didn't listen - Look where they are now.)

I understand it is frustrating to some mothers that Kate wasn't doing 9 to 5 and then rushing to George's nursery school to pick him up and then making dinner for her search and rescue pilot husband and then doing it all again tomorrow and only resting on Sundays.

But these people need not be 'angry' at Kate, it is the world's system that we should be angry at because what I just described is not a way to live. If the cost of living was decent, I don't see why women would be shamed into doing both.

And of course, Kate will be working till the day she dies. Her role as Queen may mean she will still be working long after everyone else has retired.
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