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What I don't understand is that being black seems to be a 'thing' in America. In the UK, you're just British or whatever. In America, you have to be African American. In the UK, you're just a person, in America, you have to be a Person of Colour. In the UK, you're mixed race, in America you're black, even if you're only 1/8 black (or you were until idiots like Lewis Hamilton decided to ignore half of his ethnicity) etc etc.

All this shit has caused no end of racial tension, where it didn't previously exist. Can you imagine the outcry if there were award ceremonies limited to white people, or Asian people or whatever? What about white people living in predominantly black Countries? Do they have white history month, or need special recognition?

Shouldn't the Harkles be about integration and acceptance, rather than endorsing difference?
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Thread title by @planetmirth with 94 likes! (here:

Carrying on from here:

Since the last thread started they have had their Sunshine Sicks minions go out and buy them an award based on their "humanitarian work".

A fake award for faux humanitarianism.

And people aren't happy about it:

She wore blue, and didn't look too shabby for once, but strong vibes of copying the Duchess of Cambridge's hair, and one of Diana's dresses. And she forgot to put the fake tan on her ear.

They also did a papwalk at a restaurant - where locals say it's impossible to get in front of the window they used without being roughed up by the restaurant security, so had to be by arrangement with the restaurant.

Also Eugenie has shown her true colours, by appearing at the Superbowl with a glum looking Hazbeen, but also at the restaurant papwalk - but was it her husband Jack in the restaurant, or was it Markus? As there are no pictures of "Jack" arriving at or leaving the restaurant with the three of them ...

Oh yes, @Doodlebug005 post reminds me that Dorito was wheeled out at the awards. Presumably to prove that she is not in prison. Unfortunately for Smeghan, Dorito looked better than her! I suppose the nannies were minding Aldi and Lidl that night.

Various rumours and blinds claim that Smegatron is already throwing herself at other rich men, possibly in an attempt to get money to pay back Netflix and Spotify before they sue. To this end I have added a poll, predict how long until they split!
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Pickle Princess

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As a longtime lurker, normally about 5 pages behind lol, this is my first post 😊. I just wanted to say, if it's true about them keeping the children out of sight of everyone, do they not realise the damage they would be doing to them? My daughter is 3 yrs old so has spent so much of her life in lockdowns and without life being 'normal' that she's still scared of people she doesn't know. She's alot better now but at one point, even if another child came over to play with her, she would cry and try and hide. To see her going from an extremely articulate child with a great sense of humour who runs rings around her two older siblings at home, to a child who would hide and refuse to make eye contact, was heartbreaking. Why would a parent deny their child a 'normal' social upbringing if they didn't have to?
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recollectionsmayvary said:
🤣🤣🤣I'm a mixed race American (Asian/English/Scotch) that's experienced some pretty reprehensible and vile racist shit. The best thing about America? You can have your opinion and I can have mine.
I ALSO live in the West Coast in the most liberal area ever WTF does your personal experience have to do with my personal opinion? Yeah... Thought so.
Your personal experience doesn't equate to the entire country being racist. There are bad actors everywhere including UK. It doesn't mean the entire country is racist.
Long, sorry
Yikes! I grew up poor, white religious trash, my high school became integrated for the first time my freshman year, tempers were high, we had the occasional school closures for riots, but it was an important step for everyone in our community. I have witnessed many inter-racial squabbles and worse. Is there racism in America, you betcha, but it is NOT limited to small minded Caucasians. I have led an interesting life, I was smacked around in high school for being a ditzy blonde by angry, why do I have to ride the bus for 2 hours a day African American girls in gym class and I have been blessed by beautiful friendships with people of other ethnicities and belief systems. I am not naïve, but I remain idealistic. There are good and bad and in between people, cruel people, kind people, ignorant people, frightened people and amazing people in this world regardless of ethnicity or culture. For over 10 years, I lived in a neighborhood in Southern California that was dangerous and unique, it's where the Rodney King Riots began. Below one main street the neighborhood and gangs were predominantly Hispanic (where my little apartment was) above that street the neighborhood and gangs were predominantly black, and twain the two should meet. I experienced many kindnesses in that little neighborhood, where even the chain link fences were covered with graffiti. It was under the flight path of LAX, so every 60-70 seconds, conversations would pause until words could be heard again. I had a tiny little poodle, that I routinely walked, and since I was clearly a local, not a part of the gang world, and I was respectful, it was in 'relative' safety. One day, about a week after I had to euthanize my little dog, when I walked to the corner market to get some beer, a young man who was clearly a gang member based on his tattoos, approached me and said "Hey man, where is your little dog? I haven't seen you walking your little dog." I said "Oh, she died." He said "I'm sorry, that was a cute little dog." It was a moment of unexpected kindness. I have experienced many such times in my life. And I have seen violence and brutality because of race, color, blah, blah, blah, but mostly because the perpetrators were nasty people. I am a all lives matter, quality of their character kinda gal and I am glad I am old. To make this applicable to our topic, hairy and sméagol are still what Frida says. Frida, where are your? Your wisdom and wit are sorely missed. Please be OK.
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Ran out of edit time on the first post so here's a bit more I was going to include:

We await the outcome of Hazbeen's attempt to sue his grandmother's government over his demands for free global security. But while we wait he's decided to throw in another court case with the Mail, this time over them having the cheek to report on what was said in that legal action? This guy needs a permanent court room just for him!

They "stand with Ukraine" apparently, we're still waiting to see what that actually means.

While all of the above was going on, here's a list of the fine charitable, humanitary, and other work they did in pursuit of an end to poverty, racism, and vaccine inequality:
  1. .
That's it
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I loved the New Orleans Mardi Gras float on the weekend, when Hazbeen was given the throne he rightly deserves - the toilet, with his head appearing out of it !! And a shocker of a caricature of the wife on the Side of the float with the label "whinging Windsor". Truly great and imaginative, and to top it off the music blaring from the float was the carzy circus music / hurdy gurdy style ...... the crowds were loving it and It appeared all over the internet.:love::love:
Sunshine Sucks had spent a load of dosh on the Naccp awards and managing the narrative for them.... and low and behold in a blink of an eye the good folks of New Orleans depicted them just as they really are and there was nothing SS could do about it !! That's what we need more of individuals and groups calling out this woke-ry .
They think us peasants can be played like puppets, like the wonderful brave people of Ukraine we're fighting back against Princess Pinocchio and 6. 🤥🤥🤥🤥
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Was it not a very similiar message though? William and Kate said "Today we stand with the President and all of Ukraine's people as they bravely fight for that future." Harry and Meghan said "Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and all of us at Archewell stand with the people of Ukraine etc...".
I know that Will and Kate's has nicer words but the sentiments aren't that different.
The biggest difference is the Cambridges speak as a future head of state and his wife; they represent the British monarchy. The Snarkles represent no one but themselves, so their message reeks of pretention and self importance.
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Well I hope that you're all happy! :mad: All this talk of chocolate meant that my poor husband had to go to a shop and buy Maltesers :mad::mad: And to add insult to injury, I'm now eating them!! :mad::mad::mad:
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Scotch Mist

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Well I think we can all agree that Smegz and Hawwy are still cunts for many reasons and the way they've betrayed their families is just part of the picture.

I don't honestly care exactly what Thomas Markle paid for because its clear he doted on her as a child and gave her everything he could afford. He earned a good salary when Smegz was young and certainly paid for her to attend a private school plus drama and dance lessons.

He most likely paid for her university education but even if he didn't, it doesn't change the fact that she has treated him really badly.

I'm not under the illusion that Thomas Markle is without fault. I'm sure he has some issues of his own and it could well be that he's not good at managing money.

Ultimately Smegz is very ungrateful for whatever she did receive, which in terms of money is far more than I ever had from my family when I was young.
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Where are all the congratulations and praise for Smegatron from her black celebrity colleagues and peers, on her award? Anyone?

Anything from Michelle? Serena? Oprah? Ellen even? Has Eugenie said anything on her insta or twatter or whatever she has?

It's been 36 hours now and looks like pet poodle ScobieDobieDooo is the only one to have followed orders and mention it.

The loons may have been able to buy the NAACP organisation and the award itself, but it's meaningless when not one important person has since come out and cheered for them!
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So their award was presented in an empty studio!

Nobody in any other category appears to have been to collect theirs.

Screenshot 2022-03-02 at 21.52.12.png
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So Harry’s ex Chelsey has given birth after no one realised she was pregnant.
Whereas the whole world and his dog saw how pregnant his wife was…but she didn’t give birth.
Oh the irony…
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Wackie Jeaver

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William will be alone at a certain point, that is the real problem.
He wont be though, because he has the ever loyal, never puts a foot wrong, mother of his 3 children and heirs to the throne Catherine by his side. I honestly believe she is worth her weight in absolute gold.
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Couldn’t help myself and went into ‘Facebook stalker mode’, checked out all the news pages (full of Ukraine and rightly so) so apart from that one announcement of their ‘award’ there’s nothing out there. I then checked out the NCAAP Facebook page, just one post about them again but I was so pleased to read so many comments condemning the award. Maybe my faith has been restored a little because I notice way more negative commentary about them now then even 6 months ago. People do seem to finally be waking up. The sugar bots still try to fight their corner but more and more people are standing up to them too. I wonder do SS think their PR stunt was worth it? The RF now need to finish them off (no I’m not advocating violence, hit them in their pockets that’ll hurt way more). That’s my input, for what it’s worth, today 😁
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Oh dear, the universe really hates H&M. First they plan on earning money with speaking gigs and tv/streaming productions and the world is hit with a global pandemic. So almost no gig and delays for productions/higher cost due to protective measures (not that it seems they were ever able to come up with good projects anyway). No back and forth trips to play up their royal connections (the Lilibet and Lilibet photo has still not happened). Crying about how his own multi million bank accounts is just not enough, while others are furloughed, complete business branches were stopped…
And now, just when it seems as if they could start playing on their celebrity status again- the next crisis. And who gets the official recognition- William and Kate. H, again, looks like an entitled brat, whining about police protection because he can’t visit his family while hundreds of thousands are fleeing from war and families are ripped apart.
And on top, their own fans have nothing better to do than trolling the guy that will very probably go down as a Ukrainian independence hero (or martyr). And they do it, clearly linking back to them, be it by tagging, handle or avatar. They only ever addressed the negative reaction thrown at them and failed to recognise their own fan base. They even let stuff go as far as obvious involvement (Meghans wardrobe, Scoobie..) so it’s save to say those crazies must think they are actually doing the right thing. Hard to step back from that now.
You really can’t make up how they carry themselves from one failure to another. I just hope some newspapers will put that screenshot into their reporting. Then they have no chance but address it. Getting slapped by your idol is just what those crazy fans deserve.

And at the same time HMTQ spends the afternoon with the Cambridgelings and Sienna. That must sting. I mean, we all know Kate will have snapped some adorable pictures and they will be utilised for good PR (no shame in that). All while no one found out beforehand or any pictures by paparazzi came out.
RE: the 1 year review period- I think it has happened and the RF realised, it’s easier to chop off the smallest things bit by bit. I mean, every time H pulls some new shit, something goes (military honour titles, patronages, patronages reassigned…). And the big stuff is either not in their hands or just not worth the drama. Basically, the RF probably realised H&M are doing a spectacular job at self destructive behaviour. They don’t need to interfere, those twats are perfectly capable to do it themselves. Looking entitled, looking insincere, publicly lie (on tv and in court) but get caught, incapable of fulfill all their great promises…….. They can’t ever go back but as private family members. We can’t really expect more if you look at the laws. And they are doing a great job at even screwing this up. At this point I just wait for whatever hilarious insanity they come up with next.
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Oh, @Nuttynana, have I said something that upset you or is disrespectful to Queen Elizabeth? My intent was to show the Queen's impeccable character and true open heart. I've never seen you give that emoji before. Now I'm worried!
No not at all I pressed the wrong emoji stupid old coffin dodger that I am, no one offends me on here my dear little Murican and if they did they would get the warning that Sir Tom is coming for them and to watch their bleeding cakeholes in the future.

All lovely people on here and we all cannot abide an arsehole especially Cunt and Cuntess of Cali.xx

They are now on par with the Putrid, pratting, pigfaced,pissbag Puckin.
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