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There are a couple of organisations offering support to men, many years ago I worked in a refuge & there was nothing for men, it wasn’t seen as an “issue, because women don’t beat their partners, she’s only a girl” and all that stereotypical crap :rolleyes: fortunately things are changing).

24 hours in police custody followed a male victim of DV, the police officer was really concerned that his abuser would kill him if he didn’t get out, in the end he had a heart attack in hospital whilst recovering from a beating. It’s tragic

edited, not sure if I should have included the links or put them behind a spoiler, (dont actually know how to do that). Hope this doesn’t upset anyone
I am a male victim of DV. I always refused to hit back and this was also used against me. I am glad that I am out of that relationship and have a wonderful woman in my life. DV against males is very real and its embarassing and likes ton be quickly hidden and downplayed.
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Very sad news. The Major General of the Marines, (the man who gave H&M serious side eye at the Albert Hall) has taken his own life. He was also a pall bearer for Prince Philip. He was only 54. So very sad. May he RIP 😔
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Scotch Mist

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Hazno and Smeggy only care about money, and in Hazno's warped mind the newspapers/media are responsible for Diana's death. They won’t make any comment about this trashy musical.

I'm just leaving this funny exchange here because it made me laugh 😅 Nothing to do with the Harkles but we all need a laugh

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Thanks to @SweetSummerChild for the new thread title

previous thread

Diana the musical has hit Netflix
Hazzno threw his dummy out of the pram for being caught on another private jet
He is presenting an award to real hero US Military personnel - we are emailing to let them know some truth
SS have complained and closed down yet another Twatter account - Murky Meg has gone the way of YW and others - but will be back
Hazzno and Greta - Christmas No.1? ‘I’m dreaming of a woke Christmas’
Magazines trying to convince everyone that Smegzy is on trend with her fashion while in NY
Were they shown the door from their meeting with the UN dept. ambassador for being wired up and recording for the Netflix documentary ? we hope so

The Duchess of Cambridge stunned us all at the new Bond premier - we wondered how much crockery they have left in California
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Apologies if already posted. I follow Adrian Edmondson on Twitter and just saw this,lol. I know we have seen this photo, but the fact that Adrian reposted it made me chuckle.
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Scotch Mist

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If you seek fame in this day and age your life is laid open to scrutiny. Some people will love you but some will dislike you and criticise. If you can't take criticism then seeking fame should be avoided in the first place.

Smeggy is typical of the person who wants all the up sides of being famous like adulation but without any of the drawbacks because she is thin skinned and doesn't react well to criticism. how can a person like that even entertain the idea of going into politics 🙄

Its understandable that some criticism must be unfair, difficult to take and that people can be nasty online. She should try to avoid all the worst stuff instead and ignore it instead of spending hours on social media getting angry about it.

The Harkles pretend that they aren't on social media but we all know that Hazno can't resist the Daily Mail comments section and we suspect that they have accounts on social media in different names. It has been suggested that StrongWrite on twitter is Meghan. Who knows 🤔 perhaps it is her. She's certainly nasty enough 😃

They think that everyone who criticises them is a 'troll' or a 'hater'. A childish response.

The thing that most concerns me is that they think they can shut down criticism by getting their minions to 'cancel' dissenters. This is an atack on free speech.

When Smeggy did the Orca interview she had a platform to address certain things but kept her whining narrative about the royal family. For example she could've used that opportunity to try and debunk the surrogacy rumours which they must know about. She could've asked for people to lay off her mum and she could have made some moves to make up with her dad instead of claiming that she had lost him, when all she has to do is phone him to sort things out.

She's basically a self centred egocentric greedy grasping cunt with no self awareness.
Oooh , things might get interesting😂😂 could it be true???
View attachment 795579
Wow this is interesting 😳
She also just tweeted this:
'Word is … H & M are planning a legal battle against The Queen to get access to Prince Philips will. Harry is demanding access and wants his share'

WTF? A legal battle against your gran!!
I truly hope that Prince Philip cut Hazno out of the will before he died.
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Scotch Mist

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I also wish the press would ignore Harry and Meghan and let them combust themselves into forgotten members of the royal
They won’t whilst we are all clicking the links
Sorry don't agree. We have a right to call attention to the wife's con artist behaviour and the Harkles rank hypocrisy. If the press ignore them, there's hardly anywhere left that you can go now to vent about them.

I am furious that another account on twitter that has criticised the Harkles behaviour has just been shut down (Harry's Grey Suit). Soon twitter will only be a zone for sugars and race baiters who want to attack us. These bullying cunts must not be allowed to win.

The sugars have now piled on to the Daily Mail comments section - again to bully and intimidate and to make everyone think that their view is the correct view.

We must fight back against these bastards and call them out for their vile behaviour along with the totalitarian bullying behaviour of the sugars.

If you want the press to ignore them you should pray that the Harkles go bankrupt soon because they will continue to harangue us all with puff pieces until that happens.

As long as we are able to criticise we should keep on doing it. The press should continue to fight back against their relentless suck arse publicly.
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Someone posted this about Meggy's white Lego dress in NYC under one of HG Tudor's videos about her rivalry with Catherine, I hooted 🤣🤣 really getting into this series when I should be doing just about anything else...
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TBH she started the flipping ANL debacle. She's been asked repeatedly for phone and email evidence and she has ignored all requests. It's her bloody case. If she won't provide what has been asked for, the case should be chucked out, she should get a very public bollocking for wasting everyone's time, and she should be made to pay all the costs.
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Airport announcement. I'm taking a break. Nothing wrong.
Keep posting and sleuthing, I may be lurking sometimes.;)
In the meantime share these out among you fabulous folk :m:m:m:m:m:m.
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“He personally researches his mother’s life”.

Research? Hazno? 🤣🤣🤣
No chance. This is the guy who shocked the staff at sandhurst by failing the very very basic computer literacy test. More than once.
And we're expected to believe he was safe at the computerised controls of a multi million squid death machine and can delve into complicated records concerning events that happened back when the pope was an altar boy.
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I've been saying similar for ages. He's going to get screwed over by someone without doubt (not just his wife) and he's not clever enough to do shady financial stuff and get away with it.

She's running through all his money with her grandiose plans and they haven't produced anything of value. Its all going to go tits up soon.
Also bear in mind that HRH Prince Harry having 10million squid in his personal funds pre marriage is very different to Just-call-me-harry having that same 10 million squid. Once they shat on the family I imagine one of the first things to go was the top notch financial wizards looking after his money , investing it wisely and adding to it year by year ... and knowing him he probably threw a wobbler and demanded control of his own fortune. No6 had never had to lift a finger. God knows who is looking after it now. Certainly not himself, I doubt he ever read a bank statement in his life, much less a complicated financial report. He will have to employ top investment wizards. and accountants. He probably reads his financial reports (or smeggy resads them to him) and thinks "great, my money pot is still healthy, so fuck you daddy" ... but then the new Murican financial advisors bills come popping through his letter box and probably eat up any profits on his investments.That's probably part of the "daddy cut me off and took my free security" rage. The economic results of their absconding were finally sinking in. No more free money admin, no more glancing at his financial report just long enough to count the noughts and then buzzing off to Vegas and sending the bills to daddy. He would never have factored in things like free financial advice, free legal advice, security costs health costs, therapy bills etc etc.
So yeah, he's a sitting duck for scam artists and that's when the shit will hit the fan. She'll deny any responsibility, cos " Im just a little mommy housewifey. I know nothing of financial stuff and YOUR BEING RACIST!:cry:" . Left eye one tear ...right eye two tears.
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I disagree with this to a certain extent. I don't think that even a cheap Prom dress would be like a wedding dress, because let's be real that would scare your prom date away. I like the idea of a prom, in the US, but hate that we are starting to copy it here - makes my blood boil
Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to submit exhibit A, my prom dress and wedding dress. Adjusted for inflation this would cost about $265 today, or £194.74. Of course that was when dinosaurs ruled the earth and I haven't seen anything like this on these prom websites or in stores since. For the record I also think prom is stupid and I apologize for America-- every day of my life. 😛

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So, ex-pimp and lover of weed, Snoop Dogg has invited 6 and wife for Thanksgiving.

I wonder what common interests they will have to discuss over the dinner table :unsure:

Fashion obviously 🤣
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