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She’s intensely annoying to listen to on the pod, with the hand wringing and the sweeter than sweet arse licking she does with every guest and the “5 star moments” and the “asking for a sign” shyte. No offence to anyone but she sounds like those types that are obsessed with their horoscope / star sign / and go to visit psychics and mystic megs and take every word seriously. It’s hard to buy into because it’s such shyte and makes her seem like someone that has gone down a “wellness” rabbit hole and lost their marbles entirely.

Honestly, I’m someone who has done therapy myself and had my own reckoning and wholly believe in the importance of taking care of yourself body and mind. But making the “morning routines” and “wellness retreats” and “5 star moments” your entire personality and something to almost get competitive about - “who can be the best wellness queen” - just seems the opposite of healthy or balanced or level-headed to me. She’s made it her whole identity and the spiral doesn’t seem to stop. Next she’ll be levitating on the beach at 4am and selling “crystals” and setting up a commune for her wellness cult in the woods.
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Sell out these days. Look at me decorate my room oh check out my Emma mattress and my spotlight teeth ? Also, the podcast. I get that cancer changed her life, I get it. But god every interview is twisted back to ‘ when I got sick, when I had cancer’ there seems to be no Georgie before cancer anymore ! The accent is too much and she is a sneaky #AD and doesn’t show half the stuff
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Maybe I'm wrong but I think its really irresponsible and selfish tbh having another child when Jamie has MS a life limiting condition and herself with cancer that could reoccur. They are also nearing 40, could they not just be happy (and blessed) with one child?
Yeah you’re wrong. Having kids/not having kids, no one else’s business. Anyone of us could be hit by a bus tomorrow. There’s no guarantees for anyone just because you haven’t had a serious illness to date. That could all change in the blink of an eye.
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Anyone else feel Georgie brings everything to do with her podcast guests back to her. Her latest guest is someone who had her twin babies really premature and Georgie posts a photo of Pia and herself in hospital right after giving birth next to a photo of this lady. She does this all the time!
''ye it's like when I had my CANCER" News flash Georgie you don't have it anymore.....your cured!!!! Modern medicine is an amazing thing. Stop letting it define you. Your not sick anymore. Live your fucking life.

And the way she says wellness is enough to make me want to vom
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And after every story she seems to be knocked over by how enlightening or shook she is with it all. She’s a pain in the h*le. Most of us have experienced tragedy or serious illness. Yes it’s life changing but to make a career from that?! Surely it has to get boring going on about your story time and time again. Surely there has to be a point when you just need to move on.
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Wow some of these comments are harsh. Cancer is absolutely life changing. Beyond life changing. It's not as simple as just leaving it in the past and moving on or not being sick anymore and live your fucking life. Getting Cancer is like being given a pair of glasses where everything looks different and you don't get to take them off. Ever. It really is life altering and nobody will ever realise how much so until you are in that situation. Particularly as a young person. And I say this as a young person currently in remission from Cancer. I sincerely hope that you don't ever have to walk in mine or Georgies shoes.
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Anyone else feel Georgie brings everything to do with her podcast guests back to her. Her latest guest is someone who had her twin babies really premature and Georgie posts a photo of Pia and herself in hospital right after giving birth next to a photo of this lady. She does this all the time!
100% fact every time she interviews some one she tries make it all about her “oh you were being held down almost raped well I remember feeling the same during my cancer treatment” 🙄🙄 not a direct quote but you get the idea
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Oh god, another attempt to normalise buying babies. I swear we have learned nothing from the days of taking babies away from their mother and forced adoptions.
Yes, a lot has been learned. Surrogacy is legal and consensual
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How are these insta Huns always tired from all the work they do. This wan on today about pushing herself and she nearly burnt out in 2022. All they do is talk into a phone and get free stuff sent to them. I'd love to see them in a slightly stressful 9-5 job.......they would done for.
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Maybe I'm wrong but I think its really irresponsible and selfish tbh having another child when Jamie has MS a life limiting condition and herself with cancer that could reoccur. They are also nearing 40, could they not just be happy (and blessed) with one child?
Wow! Shocked at this. Jamie seems to be doing well with his MS - running marathons and all sorts. And Georgie is 5 years cancer free. They appear to have comfortable lifestyle - I can’t see any reason at all why they should sacrifice having another child, especially not “nearing 40”
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Oh please. Do you really need to buy a book to discover in 5 steps how you can live a fulfilling life that you’ve always dreamed of? Hand me the 🤮 bucket. Get a life people.
also how different does Sosu and Michelle McGrath look in that pic. Like completely different people.
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Vogue Williams latest guest on the good glow. That’s where this podcast is at. I wonder will she ask her about how she flew to St Barths last Christmas breaking every lockdown rules possible. Vogue is a pain and I’m afraid listening to Georgie and Jamie last week they aren’t too far behind her either
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Georgie and her breadcrumbing every week with the pod
‘You won’t believe who I interviewed This week and it changed my life’

It didn’t. You’re living in your misery of a 2017 cancer diagnosis that you luckily survived and now you’re trying to peddle toxic positivity on the rest of us. Fuck right off and stop releasing ‘courses’ . If you had cancer again in the morning none of this tripe would help you, you’d be back to science and medication so stop pretending that washing your Fanny before 6am or whatever it is - is something life changing.
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Just listened to the latest episode. I do think Georgie seems like her whole life revolves around her having cancer before. I think the concept for the podcast is really good but it is ruined by influencers. I know a lot of people stopped listening after the Terrie McEvoy episode where she is praised as a hero. I don’t think Georgie is a stupid girl. She knows Terrie is not the picture of a frontline hero. It would definitely be much more valuable if she had regular people on telling their stories. She’s even had repeat guests on it. It could be really great but she’s not making it the best it could be. I feel sorry for her having went through cancer but the way she talks about it and building a business out of it almost seems like she revels in the idea.
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This one has gone so fake and commercial .. it’s all sell sell sell .all very curated … they both now depend on the good glow for their income so all gone very commercial and inauthentic ..
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Ah here the accent is beyond belief. Does anyone else think it’s just shameful getting other influencers on her show. Wouldn’t she be better off getting every day normal people to talk on the podcast. And SORRY €16.99 for a water bottle. That’s robbery. I guarantee it’s only her buddies buying it first and then will promote it. Just like Audrey Hamilton art Give me strength. The fakeness of the two. Lot of negative feedback on both these days
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Sell out these days. Look at me decorate my room oh check out my Emma mattress and my spotlight teeth ? Also, the podcast. I get that cancer changed her life, I get it. But god every interview is twisted back to ‘ when I got sick, when I had cancer’ there seems to be no Georgie before cancer anymore ! The accent is too much and she is a sneaky #AD and doesn’t show half the stuff
The first couple of episodes I listened to were good and I was like “oh she’s so inspiring” but then I realised EVERY episode was the same. The guest talks about something.. Georgie “When I had cancer the same thing happened me” yeah ok cool
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Anyone else feel Georgie brings everything to do with her podcast guests back to her. Her latest guest is someone who had her twin babies really premature and Georgie posts a photo of Pia and herself in hospital right after giving birth next to a photo of this lady. She does this all the time!
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I'm very late commenting on this but Georgie's post about Pia's first day of school is all about herself. Is she going to do this about all of Pia's big moments...communion, confirmation, secondary school, leaving cert, debs, college, wedding etc. Of course those moments remind her of her cancer battle but Georgie seems to be making a career oit of having cancer. It was her girl's big day and yet it is all about her.
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