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Chatty Member
I’m SO glad to have found this thread! I’m getting more and more frustrated with Sheerluxe for their blatant refusal to cater to anyone outside of the London bubble. Just because they all live there and are so rich they can seemingly afford WTF they like (or they’re gifted copious amounts of stuff anyway), doesn’t mean they should only cater to women in the same extremely fortunate position as themselves. Why don’t they do trips to other UK cities to see what else there is in the country? That could be really fun! I remember years ago, Georgie, Lu and Charlotte went on a day trip to Brighton and it was really interesting to see them somewhere other than London. Or they could invite notable fashion/beauty folk who reside elsewhere. I remember commenting on YouTube that they could have ‘roving reporters’ who do occasional features from Not London and was blocked for the suggestion.

It’s also rather frustrating that the only guests allowed on The Sheerluxe Show are other plummy voiced, extremely privileged residents of London. The fact that on every episode there has to be at least one face of colour and/or a token fatty, to show how inclusive they are, feels performative and too intentional to be authentic. I used to look forward to each episode whereas now the most entertainment from it would be to bring out a Sheerluxe Bingo card!
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Has anyone watched the video on their trip to Manchester? Seems like the SL ladies haven’t been very far outside of London before. It’s probably opened their eyes that there’s a lot going on in other cities, not everything happens in London!

The staff they met from the other brands seemed to be much more down to earth. Totally different vibe in their offices compared to SL.
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Louise Roe’s hair. How can they let her film with hair like that. It’s giving Lego in the worst possible way. Please can someone at SL engineer a segment where a hairdresser styles Louise’s hair so it looks softly tousled rather than a rigid helmet that she puts on her head each day just before she leaves her house. I can’t be the only person who’s noticed how bad it is, surely…?!
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It’s my belief that Sheerluxe and associated influencers should keep well out of politics. We don’t all need to declare to the world where our support or enmity lies. It’s none of your business. I don’t use Sheerluxe as an information source on the politics of the M.E. I look to them for fashion and lifestyle and other frivolous stuff. If you’re desperate to know celebs’ opinions on such important matters, you need to ask yourself why you have elevated them to such a height that their view is of any consequence to you.

Back on topic, they’ve taken my idea to venture Oop North! Now, Georgie, your next task is to find a couple of Northern influencers or fashionistas to do the same stuff that you’ve employed your token black employee to do in London. They can film stuff and send it to the office to be edited etc. Nana is only one person, after all! Don’t wear her out!
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New thread, and adopted my prior name suggestion given a) the likes and b) it was the only candidate.

As a brief recap of the events towards the end of thread 2…
  • SL were called out for their recruitment processes around Christmas, especially for having intern/assistant-level candidates provide content ideas and for not being clear about pay.
  • There have been a whole host of departures amongst the ‘LuxeGen’ girls of late, including Bea, Elizabeth, Hattie and Kate.
  • SL has been on a notable diversity push lately, but this has led to accusations of 'window dressing' given their prior record.
  • Georgie is overseeing an expansion to the Middle East, targeting the Dubai demographic. Trips have abounded.
  • The 'veteran crowd' of leaders (Georgie, Laura, Lu, Hodge, Charlotte, Mia) hasn't changed, although job titles remain with an ever-present likelihood of changing on a whim.
The old thread went on from November 2022, so there's certainly more, but that's all the recent and/or top-line stuff. Let's crack on...
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VIP Member
I agree with all of the above but in the interests of balance I’ve been meaning to come on here and say that I really like Nana, her bright style is such a contrast to the try-hard neutrals all the rest of them sport, and she also seems to be really enjoying what she does.
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Tbh. I don’t love Nana. She probably knows they’re flogging her to death for a reason, but also knows it’s good for her career, so win win.

I just watched the 48 hours in Dubai ME episode and I like the ME team a lot more. It’s clear the new ME editor in chief is a moody brat so let’s see how long she lasts, I saw no chemistry between her and Georgie and the other blonde pixie. I thought Amrita and the social media editor were really likeable. Also love amritas style.

I know Georgie is marmite but she did make the early BTS days with her personality, these lot are so boring it’s insane. Mia is clearly the office bitch and pixie just knows she has to stay in with Georgie.
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Why is georgie wearing that hat
Why has mia strapped her hat down like that
Victoria, the bag tag is showing love
Nana, the suit should've gone to a tailor

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Chatty Member
Of all the women in the world who could have ended up working at Sheerluxe…. Harriet?! How? Why? How old even is she? The whole concept of her amongst all the other Sheerluxe ladies just does not compute. What on earth does she bring to the party? Anyone know?! 🤔
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Charisma hampton 1

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I remember Charlotte went to an Israel march a months back. She posted on her insta, not sure if it's still there now. Also loved to reccommend tel aviv as a great holiday destination pre 7 oct. Make of that what you will

SL are very non political so I'm very surprised they posted too. Tbh if this weekend was the first time you decided to speak about Israel Palestine war as a brand/influencer, I cannot take you seriously. Bit like the BLM black square, just virtue signalling on the back of a bandwagon
Nope Georgie has been commenting and posting and sharing for months now about the situation .. Charlotte is Jewish and is like some Jews ( not all) loyal to Israel … as for Georgie given that she spent time on the Middle East she got to read papers other than the daily mail that are still posting about October 7th but never of Gaza in past 8 months ..

The media control opinion , if you live in the Uk /europe you probably think that daily bombing is a fair response to October 7th , because you never actually saw a face of a Palestinian casualty and you watch daily videos of Israeli family hostages and you feel for them .

If you live in the Middle East , you are “bombarded” with thousands of pictures /videos of burnt/beheaded children / corpses , rubbles , bombing realise the real number goes way beyond 40000 casualties
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I have seen Georgie 'like' a number of Motaz's posts as well as other Pro-Palestinian posts months ago. So kudos to her for not being performative like so many influencers.
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Chatty Member
I see Georgie has read my post above about making things a little less London-centric. Quite a few in the comments also thought it was a good idea. Funny how when I suggested the same in their YouTube comments, I was blocked, yet now Georgie has read here, she appreciates the idea. You’re welcome Georgie. 💅
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