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VIP Member
There are many reasons to want little OJ fired from the guardian (into a corner without internet) but mainly for his misogynistic glee at telling off women who think for themselves. It’s the journalists, academics, politicians and public servants who infuriate me with using their power to reduce women’s rights.

And the women who do this to all of us - ninth circle of hell is for traitors. The women who voted to let men into Hampstead
Ponds. The women who moderate and pander on Facebook groups. The women who hiss be kind at other women and insist they don’t have any problem with these perverts in their changing rooms. The women who believe a predator will never get them because they aren’t in need of a refuge or in prison. The women who would choose the bear but agree TWAW. I LOATHE them. I am fighting to protect them but I can’t forgive them.
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Regina Fellangi

Active member
Well today I have hit rock bottom. Anxiety about the future for women & girls has completely floored me. For context I'm 61 and admit I live a comfortable life in a very rural environment where I'm not troubled by trans issues daily. I'd like to see a she-man mincing around the farming community here! But I just cannot switch off from worrying about the future for my daughter and other female relatives, friends and women in general. I feel hopeless and helpless. Literally sobbed to my husband this morning. Having got that out of my system I became a member of Let Women Speak with a monthly donation and have made enquiries about local activist groups. My husband has said he will come with me to any big events as back up! I'm partially sighted so would be a little nervous without help. I'm so grateful for this forum, don't know what I'd do without it.
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Weebles Wobble

Well-known member
I can't remember if we've discussed the nurses who are "suing their employer for sexual harassment and sex discrimination because of a policy which allows trans women to use their women's changing rooms".

I've been following their story and listening to them on YouTube, and the summary is this.
All nurses have to change into their scrubs on the premises for infection control. The women's changing room is open (no cubicles for privacy). A male nurse called Rose has also been using the changing room.
Rose has apparently been taking female hormones but has stopped for now as he and his wife are trying for a baby. So we can conclude he is a fully intact male, no surgeries, and currently not suppressing his testosterone.

However, he continues to use the women's space to change, as he identifies as a woman. The nurses state that he makes them feel very uncomfortable, remains in the room longer than is necessary, openly stares at their breasts and makes inappropriate comments, such as "aren't you going to start getting changed?"

One nurse had her PTSD (due to past trauma) triggered after being alone with him in the room. Another nurse belongs to a religion which prevents her from being in the presence of a man while in a state of undress - so has resorted to wearing extra undergarments solely because of this man - and as a result being uncomfortably hot during her shift.

Apparently another male nurse has just began his transition, meaning that there's now potentially going to be two men in the female changing rooms.

When the nurses approached the ward manager and asker her to raise it with HR, the outcome was "their ward manager was called into a meeting with HR and senior hospital bosses and told that the nurses needed to be "re-educated".

26 nurses officially raised concerns, but the actual numbers of concerned nurses is higher. Now eight nurses are taking legal action and some (I think four of them) have waived their right to anonymity in order to speak out.

Today the case has actually been featured on Sky News, although - surprise! - the details of the man aren't mentioned in depth.
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Chatty Member
I wonder if the Tennants have any clue how stupid they have been in manipulating and advertising their parental narcissism in pursuit of career kudos?

They are both painfully dim, that much is clear, but is there any hint of a whisper in the back of their empty heads alerting them to the shameful impending outcome they’ve set themselves up for?

He’s tried to be clever; he’s tried to set himself up as the anti-JKR, as the articulate, brave representative of the ‘other’ side to her, but he’s made an absolute twat of himself.

I cannot look away. Such idiotic and misdirected chutzpah.
As nervous as I am about what an inevitable Labour victory will do in terms of gender nonsense being rolled out all over the place, I do think Tennant has overplayed his hand and misjudged where the peak level of public acceptance for this stupid trend was (it was about a year ago).

The optics of a straight white man mouthing off about a black woman who “shouldn’t exist” and should be “shutting up”, and receiving an “LGBT” award because his child(ren) are in thrall to a harmful social contagion, are quite awful. A smug, self-satisfied middle-aged man mouthing off because he’s sure he’s “on the right side of history.”
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Jane from London just called into the Radio 5 call in with Keir Starmer and ripped him to pieces on his position on women and trans rights. Jane, take a bow!!

I'll post the link when it's live.
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VIP Member
I’m wondering how many of all these LGBT award winners actually give a damn about LGB people? It’s all about gender ideology, which surely is the complete opposite. Isn’t transitioning pretty much gay conversion therapy?
The forced teaming of LGB and TQ+ is so stupid. The TQ+ are disgustingly homophobic, by telling lesbians they're bigots if they don't like "girldick." In a few years we went from "sexuality isn't a choice" to "homosexuality is bigoted." The celebration of the TQ+ causes great harm to the LGB. So many of them are heterosexual too - straight autogynephilic men calling themselves lesbians, straight "non binary" people calling themselves queer. They attached themselves to the LGB when they had no business doing that, and now decades of progression and acceptance is being undone because of these regressive idiots.
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Chatty Member
Tennant got together with a single mother in her early 20s when he was in his late 30s, and married her, after women he had dated closer to his own age obviously weren’t considered wife material.

I tend to think men who do this do not want to be married to a woman of similar maturity who will tell them when they’re out of line, and need to f*ck off. Tennant delighting in telling women standing up for women’s rights to “shut up” does little to change my mind on this point.

Time and again these blokes who present themselves as the “good guys” are actually questionable in how they think and conduct themselves. Tennant has shown his true colours.
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An interview David Tennant gave after announcing that Kemi Badenoch should cease existing:


Interviewer: What message would you like to send out to trans youth?

David Tennant:
Please don't feel like you're not loved. And that you're not accepted and that you're not, Y'know erm, most people in the world are good and kind and just want you to be able to be who you are. Most people in the world Don't really care, you know what I mean

Interviewer: They're all narcissists

David Tennant:
Exactly, everyone's so self obsessed that really the sort of noise that comes from a certain area of the press and the political class, it's a minority, it really is and please don't let that make you feel er diminished or or dissuaded or discouraged, because Y'know you have to be allowed to be yourself and you are yourself and you must thrive and flourish and we're all here for you

Interviewer: Amazing. I think that's so important because sometimes it feels like there's so many people, but it is a minority

David Tennant:
It's a tiny bunch of little whinging fuckers who're on the wrong side of history and they'll all go away soon
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Chatty Member
I can't remember if we've discussed the nurses who are "suing their employer for sexual harassment and sex discrimination because of a policy which allows trans women to use their women's changing rooms".

I've been following their story and listening to them on YouTube, and the summary is this.
All nurses have to change into their scrubs on the premises for infection control. The women's changing room is open (no cubicles for privacy). A male nurse called Rose has also been using the changing room.
Rose has apparently been taking female hormones but has stopped for now as he and his wife are trying for a baby. So we can conclude he is a fully intact male, no surgeries, and currently not suppressing his testosterone.

However, he continues to use the women's space to change, as he identifies as a woman. The nurses state that he makes them feel very uncomfortable, remains in the room longer than is necessary, openly stares at their breasts and makes inappropriate comments, such as "aren't you going to start getting changed?"

One nurse had her PTSD (due to past trauma) triggered after being alone with him in the room. Another nurse belongs to a religion which prevents her from being in the presence of a man while in a state of undress - so has resorted to wearing extra undergarments solely because of this man - and as a result being uncomfortably hot during her shift.

Apparently another male nurse has just began his transition, meaning that there's now potentially going to be two men in the female changing rooms.

When the nurses approached the ward manager and asker her to raise it with HR, the outcome was "their ward manager was called into a meeting with HR and senior hospital bosses and told that the nurses needed to be "re-educated".

26 nurses officially raised concerns, but the actual numbers of concerned nurses is higher. Now eight nurses are taking legal action and some (I think four of them) have waived their right to anonymity in order to speak out.

Today the case has actually been featured on Sky News, although - surprise! - the details of the man aren't mentioned in depth.
It would be very dehumanising to this male to make him use the male facilities, meanwhile he’s trying to impregnate his wife, therefore the most male action that can be imagined, indeed which is pretty much the definition of being a man. Horrifying to consider, having to change with men!!! — for him. The women have to suffer it, meanwhile he is fine with using his male body parts to get a woman pregnant, totally fine. Much like the FtM individuals who will suffer endlessly if their child’s birth certificate identifies them as “mother”, but are unfazed by conception, pregnancy and childbirth, deeply female activities…

This whole thing is NONSENSE. Trans identities are in SO many cases, not consistent and simply not true. They don’t make sense and the rest of us are meant to bend over backwards to constantly accommodate the jigsaw puzzle of what is and isn’t OK that simply does not fit together. Eddie Izzard plays men on TV whenever a pay cheque is involved and wouldn’t dream of cutting his todger off but is happy to make women uncomfortable in their loos. You’re the bigot if you call Eddie “he,” of course.

It’s a bit like me insisting I’m a lesbian and being in lesbian spaces but hey, actually I have a husband (I don’t, of course, have a husband). You’re a bigot if you question my lesbianism just because of Jeff (who safely doesn’t exist). People would overall think this was very silly and lesbians (I am actually one) might be quite annoyed. Except it’s quite a lot more serious as we are meant to indulge fetishes in prisons and refuges as well as throwing women’s sports into the woodchipper, and all for men who wouldn’t dream of throwing their precious sexual function away, meanwhile there’s a push to do this to children to validate adult feelings.

I am, in case the above were not clear enough, sick of it.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Well I’ve just been door knocked by a Labour canvasser. I think she wished she hadn’t by the time I’d finished.
She couldn’t answer the simple question of “what is a woman” (5minutes of waffling) and I then asked her if she could look me in the eye and tell me she genuinely believed that Eddie Izzard was a woman (5 more minutes of unconvincing waffling about feelings - so she couldn’t). By the time I got on to the dodginess of the Labour candidate and his links to private healthcare she was backing down the path thanking me for my time.
I STILL have no one to vote for. I’m going to end up writing FUCK THE LOT OF YOU on my ballot paper.
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Well-known member
That’s actually disgusting. The case of those nurses is horrific and beyond belief. The man is a bloody pervert, not trans. Women do not and cannot impregnate their girlfriends because it’s biologically impossible and I’d say very basic biology. Why is everyone falling over themselves to accommodate a straight man who wants to hang around a female changing room? If the Trust cannot see that the fact he is doing the most male act of all means he’s a man, then I despair. I hope those nurses win their case and start to bring this whole rotten house of cards tumbling down.
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zetta buttons

VIP Member
Living authentically as a women means constantly plucking hairs, constantly being held ransom by our hormones (the last few days have been torture), constantly being inundated by what to wear, what to eat, how to look and what to say (all by men in one form or another in the last case).

Men who claim they are women have no idea about living like this. They cannot feel the huge number of restraints that we do simply when we walk into any shop. Now when men are tell us that they want to feel like us “authentically” and we try to say no, we are told to “shut up”.

Each day this election is getting closer I’m getting angrier and angrier. I’m getting more and more sad because my Labour mp is fab as a person and does so much for my area. But I am so lost about how the party is treating women and our rights.
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Chatty Member
The forced teaming of LGB and TQ+ is so stupid. The TQ+ are disgustingly homophobic, by telling lesbians they're bigots if they don't like "girldick." In a few years we went from "sexuality isn't a choice" to "homosexuality is bigoted." The celebration of the TQ+ causes great harm to the LGB. So many of them are heterosexual too - straight autogynephilic men calling themselves lesbians, straight "non binary" people calling themselves queer. They attached themselves to the LGB when they had no business doing that, and now decades of progression and acceptance is being undone because of these regressive idiots.
As an L, I am totally sick of it. “Non-binary” and she’s just a bored straight woman. “Lesbian” and he’s a male. “Trans” and “in my community” and we are talking about a child. Let’s be clear, children are NOT in the LGBTQ+ community, ever.

I don’t want much to do with LGBTQ+ whatever anymore to be honest. If I say I’m gay then people start asking me about whatever the latest group that’s attached themselves to us is.
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VIP Member
There are many reasons to want little OJ fired from the guardian (into a corner without internet) but mainly for his misogynistic glee at telling off women who think for themselves. It’s the journalists, academics, politicians and public servants who infuriate me with using their power to reduce women’s rights.

And the women who do this to all of us - ninth circle of hell is for traitors. The women who voted to let men into Hampstead
Ponds. The women who moderate and pander on Facebook groups. The women who hiss be kind at other women and insist they don’t have any problem with these perverts in their changing rooms. The women who believe a predator will never get them because they aren’t in need of a refuge or in prison. The women who would choose the bear but agree TWAW. I LOATHE them. I am fighting to protect them but I can’t forgive them.
Reminds me of this, and I wish I could make the handmaidens see what they are doing by kowtowing to these aggressive men.
It's so powerful, so well written, and sums up this shitshow to perfection.

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Chatty Member
I would go so far as to say I don’t think much of Tennant and his wife’s parenting.

It is one thing to support their child and give them space to be themselves. I would never reject my child because they experienced gender confusion. However, nor would I be accepting awards on the basis I had thrown their confusion all over my social media. And especially not if I were straight myself would I be running around an LGBT award show like the biggest ally on the planet because I haven’t given my child a proper idea of the way the world is, and broadcast the fact.

All these “straight allies” will be scurrying away from these awards and the like, once the full physical and mental health consequences of trans ideology become totally clear in the next few years. The gay people and the children thrown to the wolves of this ideology will be left to pick up the pieces.
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VIP Member
Head of comms at the IOPC. Hates women and insists men have a right to watch us undress if they want.

View attachment 3025883
Imagine having to go on TV because your employer enabled sexual harassment and sex discrimination in the workplace and then gaslit you when you raised your concerns. Imagine having to go on TV because your safety, privacy and dignity was being usurped by a man's fetish. Yes it does stink.
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Well-known member
Authentic life is one of those stupid meaningless phrases that’s trotted out by TRA. There is nothing authentic about a man calling himself a woman, a lesbian, claiming to have girldick or demanding access to female only spaces. The entitlement is male behaviour and biology cannot be changed. I honestly don’t care if men want to wear make up, have long hair or dress in a more feminine manner. However, it does not make you a woman. Nor does chopping bits off. Just makes you a surgically castrated man.
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I’d like to christen this thread by saying that when this house of cards collapses, watching the idiotic celebrities who hitched their wagon to the gravy train frantically attempting to squirm their way back to reality will be utterly delicious.
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VIP Member
Another gaslighting advert from the Victoria State Government, this time shaming women who want female sports to remain single-sex. The size of the bloke…
Also I noticed in both adverts, they used indigenous Australian actors, the subtle implication being that if you object to these men being in your spaces, you are also racist. Trying to equate objecting to trans ideology with racism just as they did when trying to piggy back onto LGB activism to draw a false equivalence with homophobia.
Ffs, they're ALWAYS telling women to be kind. Anyone would think that the vast majority of sexual and violent crimes were being committed by women 🙄.
Here's a about telling men to "Be Kind" for a fucking change? How about telling men to accept blokes in make-up and skirts into their sports teams? Why not ask men to stifle their revulsion when a TIM rocks up in the men's toilets? Why can't men live their lives without attacking transvestites (or women for that matter)? Why is it the women that have to take all of the risks?
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