An old place I worked at allowed ex colleagues to come back for the Xmas do if they wanted to, it was a super small company and had a real family feel so loads of people kept in touch after they moved on.
My engaged female colleague who had recently left came and she hit it off VERY well with my new single male colleague and they both got extremely drunk together.
She told me the next day that after everyone had gone home they’d ended up in a park together, carrying on drinking till god knows what time where he apparently had tried to kiss her and she turned him down.
When he got to work the next day I told him what she said, mainly because I didn’t believe a word of it and asked him what his side was, he told me that they had a snog and that she was well up for it and hadn’t turned him down at all, he said she actively encouraged him. I 100% think something more happened between them and that she rang me first to try and cover it up!
I’ve also had a colleague who was dating another colleague of mine drunkenly tell me at the work do how much they fancied me, when his girlfriend was sat literally a few seats from us, I had a boyfriend at the time that he knew personally as well, the next day he messaged me to apologise, it was so awkward from then on.