Funny Christmas party stories??

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Working in the public sector typically means that our Christmas parties consist of a meal at pizza express and a few drinks in the pub 😢. However, I love reading about people’s funny Christmas party stories where they’ve completely embarrassed themselves/kissed their boss/told their managing director that they’re a head.

anyone got any stories they care to share??😬
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Years and years and YEARS back.

We caught our engaged manager getting a little too close to a married work college. (Sandra** the lil hussy had a 2 year old!)

We were only 19 and he paid us in alcohol to keep quite. It came out this wasn’t a one off 😬
They were good times 🤣🤣

it was retail, we were young, i wasn’t gonna break up any relationship or have any kid crying over their sprouts because mommy doesn’t love daddy....
We accepted the Jack Daniels and said nothing to nobody


(**not her actual name, definitely a hussy)
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An old place I worked at allowed ex colleagues to come back for the Xmas do if they wanted to, it was a super small company and had a real family feel so loads of people kept in touch after they moved on.

My engaged female colleague who had recently left came and she hit it off VERY well with my new single male colleague and they both got extremely drunk together.

She told me the next day that after everyone had gone home they’d ended up in a park together, carrying on drinking till god knows what time where he apparently had tried to kiss her and she turned him down.

When he got to work the next day I told him what she said, mainly because I didn’t believe a word of it and asked him what his side was, he told me that they had a snog and that she was well up for it and hadn’t turned him down at all, he said she actively encouraged him. I 100% think something more happened between them and that she rang me first to try and cover it up!

I’ve also had a colleague who was dating another colleague of mine drunkenly tell me at the work do how much they fancied me, when his girlfriend was sat literally a few seats from us, I had a boyfriend at the time that he knew personally as well, the next day he messaged me to apologise, it was so awkward from then on.
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We had our party last week and one of my colleagues spent most of the night in the corner of the room with her boyfriend’s hand right up her skirt. It was SO unsubtle! And it wasn’t like a nightclub setting, it was a black tie dinner at a five star hotel 🤣 Also last year our HR Manager was busy snogging one of our employees on the dance floor most of the night while a group of boys from work were busy hiding these posh statues all round the venue (which was a massive town hall). The party finished at midnight but one of our Director’s and his wife had to spend until FOUR AM searching the venue and returning the statues to where they were.

And that is why a free bar is a bad idea at a work function 🤣
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I was quite piddly at works do. There was a table which was small in height - with a huge hole in the middle (I presume for ice and bottles of vodka/champers etc) Peoples drinks (including mine) were round the rim of the table.

I was dancing, and the table was just the height of the back of my knee. I danced too far back and knocked the back of my knee on the table - causing me to lose balance and fall in the hole. Taking everyone’s drinks in it with me.

I didn’t know there was a hole at the time - all I felt was glass under my bum. So I sat in the hole, with my legs hanging out, crying that I was so fat I smashed a glass table 🤣
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I was at a works do at a posh hotel, the director of the company was very pompous, you could never tell him a dirty joke or swear in front of him. Anyway a colleague of mine had too much to drink started dancing on the table and took his clothes off, he then fell out of the fire exit taking the Christmas tree with him.
The director wasn't best pleased and refused to attend any future xmas parties.
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Oh and I sold my colleagues down the river in my earlier comment but let’s not forget the year when our coach home got pulled over by the Police and drunk me thought they were strippers 🤣
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I had to replace a manager who’d taken his whole team on their Christmas night out and thought it would be a good idea to get tit show drunk, stand at the head of the table and go round the table of 14 people and tell each of them what he thought of them. It ranged from offensive tit about how tit they were at their jobs to really nasty stuff about families and character. Apparently he got round the table to one of the young girls who had really largs boobs and said “you’re so bleeping ugly you’re an absolute waste of a pair of tits”... most people were crying and the whole situation ended in a group grievance, disciplinary for gross misconduct and an eventual sacking. Bloody nightmare!!

I’ve also seen far more of my colleagues bleeping each other than I ever care to think about. Christmas seems to turn everyone into wrecked, slutty messes.
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I had to replace a manager who’d taken his whole team on their Christmas night out and thought it would be a good idea to get tit show drunk, stand at the head of the table and go round the table of 14 people and tell each of them what he thought of them. It ranged from offensive tit about how tit they were at their jobs to really nasty stuff about families and character. Apparently he got round the table to one of the young girls who had really largs boobs and said “you’re so bleeping ugly you’re an absolute waste of a pair of tits”... most people were crying and the whole situation ended in a group grievance, disciplinary for gross misconduct and an eventual sacking. Bloody nightmare!!

I’ve also seen far more of my colleagues bleeping each other than I ever care to think about. Christmas seems to turn everyone into wrecked, slutty messes.
Gosh sounds horrendous and eerily like something from The Office!
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My hubby was very drunk, stood up and called his boss a bleep for no reason at all. The funny think was he started it, then everyone joined in and they were all so pissed no one remembered it. I was the designated driver that night so remebered everything. best entertainment ever.
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Gosh sounds horrendous and eerily like something from The Office!
It was a hard one because the manager had a host of mental health problems which were clearly exascerbated by his drinking and had to be afforded the extra protection that the DDA gives him but there was no coming back from that.

I love a bit of Christmas spirit and I’m not immune to having a few too many myself but that’s just no way to behave. Absolute disaster!!
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I was quite piddly at works do. There was a table which was small in height - with a huge hole in the middle (I presume for ice and bottles of vodka/champers etc) Peoples drinks (including mine) were round the rim of the table.

I was dancing, and the table was just the height of the back of my knee. I danced too far back and knocked the back of my knee on the table - causing me to lose balance and fall in the hole. Taking everyone’s drinks in it with me.

I didn’t know there was a hole at the time - all I felt was glass under my bum. So I sat in the hole, with my legs hanging out, crying that I was so fat I smashed a glass table 🤣
Dyinggggg 😂😂😂
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Not strictly a Christmas party story but happened around Christmas so still counts.

Public sector. Small team, not replacing staff. Overworked team doing 2/3 people’s jobs etc. One of my colleagues was working (unpaid) one evening. Decides “duck this” and starts drinking. Calls our managers manager directly. Leaves a series of ranting voicemails. Big boss calls back and arranged to meet the next morning cancelling all his appointments (quite good actually in fairness)

Colleague goes full on AWOL. Big boss running around coffee shops in the city looking for him, calling hr, turning up st his house. Car there, no response. Turns out co worker was hiding in his utility room 😂😂

Then after seriously 8 hours, full search parties my colleague calls big boss and... starts shouting and ranting all the exact same tit he did the night before. Full on refuses to accept that they had talked and is claiming a fugue state.

He’s still there though which is surprising after the abuse he kept giving big boss. Ah public sector eh.
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I was quite piddly at works do. There was a table which was small in height - with a huge hole in the middle (I presume for ice and bottles of vodka/champers etc) Peoples drinks (including mine) were round the rim of the table.

I was dancing, and the table was just the height of the back of my knee. I danced too far back and knocked the back of my knee on the table - causing me to lose balance and fall in the hole. Taking everyone’s drinks in it with me.

I didn’t know there was a hole at the time - all I felt was glass under my bum. So I sat in the hole, with my legs hanging out, crying that I was so fat I smashed a glass table 🤣
It takes a lot to make my husband laugh but he is proper guffawing at this. Thank you. 😂🤣
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I got so drunk at my first ever Christmas party I fell of a bar stool and cracked my head open.
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Literally on Friday a couple ladies I work with got so drunk, decided to roll around on the floor of a rather lovely hotel, with some drunken, old Irish men taking photos of them whilst their legs were in the air....... you can imagine what they probs got photos of.....

Just can't see myself ever getting hideously drunk at a works do... and i like a drink lol
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Not a Christmas party but went to a work do with hubby a few years ago. They were celebrating a big anniversary or something so food, free bar and hotel were all laid on by the company.
We made full use of the free bar before taking ourselves to bed. Hubby passed out on the floor but at some point managed to make it in to bed.
I got up for the loo in the night but forgot to put my glasses in. Stupidly couldn’t see where I was going, tripped and face planted the door frame. Knocked myself out in the process, broke my nose and gave myself a massive concussion.
When I came round, hubby had gotten up, gone to the bathroom and puked EVERYWHERE! It was like a scene from the exorcist...but somehow he hadn’t noticed me knocked out on the floor!

It was a very long night of me trying to wake him up etc but eventually in the morning he realised what had happened and used every towel in the hotel room to ‘clean’ the mess he had made.
We went down to reception to ask for some first aid/ice for my nose and the receptionist took one look at my face, one look at my 6ft 6 hubby and offered to call the police for me if I felt like I wasn’t safe.
Went to a&e to get my concussion checked and they thought I was still drunk 🤦‍♀️
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Yes, two things have stuck in my mind for many years and I still pee myself laughing about them now. (1) When I was about 21 a group of us from work went for a Christmas meal one evening at a local restaurant and ended up very, very drunk and ended up having a food fight at our table. Someone's desert ended up in the Christmas tree, at which point we were asked to leave and told never to return. 😆 (2) My sister's husband has no "filter" and often embarrasses her. She had been seeing him about a year or so and she'd started a new job about 2 months before Christmas. The Christmas do was held in a function room at a hotel and the room had a small stage at the front. Her hubbie got completely hammered during the meal, mounted the stage, turned his back to the room, pulled his pants down and treated the entire company to a moonie. 🤣
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Yes, two things have stuck in my mind for many years and I still pee myself laughing about them now. (1) When I was about 21 a group of us from work went for a Christmas meal one evening at a local restaurant and ended up very, very drunk and ended up having a food fight at our table. Someone's desert ended up in the Christmas tree, at which point we were asked to leave and told never to return. 😆 (2) My sister's husband has no "filter" and often embarrasses her. She had been seeing him about a year or so and she'd started a new job about 2 months before Christmas. The Christmas do was held in a function room at a hotel and the room had a small stage at the front. Her hubbie got completely hammered during the meal, mounted the stage, turned his back to the room, pulled his pants down and treated the entire company to a moonie. 🤣
Haha he sounds brilliant 👏 🤣