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Hi all... I have decided to step back from MT. I only know the person of accused trolling is me cos I have been told, thats how good my triangulation skills are. I had never heard or triangulation til i saw it on here. I have no idea, still about crisps, snacks, whatever.
I wish I could legitimately say I am unaffected, but that wouldn't be true, its actually brought into sharp focus how my current/last few months existence has affected me. I had been brushing it off and putting on the I'm OK mask. I have been working on it and will continue to, but this has triggered a big wobble. I have to pull myself together and go to see to my ancient dad, how could I possibly explain when all he wants is his tea

Anyhoo, I'll pop in here and other 'off topics' from time to time
came on this thread in the hope just to catch you - honestly love you’ve done nothing wrong, you have a friendship with the mum and that’s that. Jack is a huge fucking bully and she’s waded in on something she clearly has no understanding of, made a ton of nasty assumptions, and threatened court with no fucking basis for it?! I feel so sorry for you as it must be horribly intimidating to be threatened & singled out like that, but you must remember there’s absolutely no valid grounds for this threat. Tbh if she ever took you to court (an impossibility) your fraus would turn up for support because it’s so ducking ridiculous.

Really hope you’re okay, please check in on us. Everything feels better after a sleep, hopefully tomorrow is a nicer day for you ❤
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have not been posting much lately, not attention seeking but I am unwell. Meeting with doctors for a diagnosis for my stomach this Friday. I am terrified.
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Hi all... I have decided to step back from MT. I only know the person of accused trolling is me cos I have been told, thats how good my triangulation skills are. I had never heard or triangulation til i saw it on here. I have no idea, still about crisps, snacks, whatever.
I wish I could legitimately say I am unaffected, but that wouldn't be true, its actually brought into sharp focus how my current/last few months existence has affected me. I had been brushing it off and putting on the I'm OK mask. I have been working on it and will continue to, but this has triggered a big wobble. I have to pull myself together and go to see to my ancient dad, how could I possibly explain when all he wants is his tea

Anyhoo, I'll pop in here and other 'off topics' from time to time
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I wrote a wee while ago about my upstairs neighbour and how he has a very different aesthetic from me and my downstairs neighbour (he's very minimal, we are ... not). Anyway, there's been an ongoing small scale drama going on wrt a little cherub I put in the garden (him threatening to break it etc). So a few days ago I noticed it was missing and confronted him about it last night (I say 'confronted' but really I was just like 'have you seen my cherub?' and he flat out denied knowing anything about its disappearance and said maybe kids had stolen it and I was just obvious in my scepticism). ANYWAY this morning he came out to see me on my way back from my walk and said he'd spent last night wracked with guilt 😒 and produced the cherub! I'm just glad he hadn't binned it! And so ends this chapter of #cherubgate

ETA How can you object to this little angel? The man’s a monster.


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Toffee finger

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Thanks for the love guys. Funeral went as well as they can. Weird not being allowed to sing and horrible having to wear a mask, though it did help soak up some tears! I’m just glad that bit is done. We’ve tidied up at my nans and my dad is staying with her tonight so home now for a cup of tea. Feel a bit drained but I think a read of the MT will cheer me up 😂
My husband has been bloody brilliant through this but I think he knows now I just need a bit of chill time and not to be asked if I’m ok every few minutes!

Our dinner will be some left over funeral sandwiches, scotch eggs and mini lemon cakes!
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Breakdance Badass

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I was learning the guitar but a boy in my class at school laughed every time I played a chord, and I gave up 😩

I’m currently hosting a party for my son at a golf range (the latest sporty phase, he also plays footy for 2 teams and snowboards). So I had my bake on early today to make his cake!

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Silver Linings

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Evening fraus.

Bizarrely JM inspired me to have rice for tea but I dished up before it was properly ready and once I sat down I realised it was undercooked. I should lie and say it was still lip smackingly orgasmic but it wasn’t. Oh well. I’ll have some crisps later!

Not wanting to get told off on the mother, but thought i’d share my favourite poem, which is about the dreaded black dog that plagues some of us here.

And for lols, I don’t remember my son’s hearing test unfortunately but when he was teeny weeny and the HV lugged her scales in to my show home clean front room while the rest of the house threatened to explode out of assorted cupboards, my son decided to wait until he was naked to do a projectile stream of poo that went up her sleeve while she squealed in disgust. He hated being naked and would scream until he was sick usually. Ah, memories. 😂😂
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@Silver Linings ❤ to you. Hope you're ok.

I feel like I keep dropping into this thread, leaving brief (if properly meant) messages and then dropping out again atm, but I do love reading you all, and it cheers me up to do this. I can get a bit lonely, I'm short on RL friends, I'm not sure how, I suspect it is my fault, and I don't live with my partner and he has a job and a volunteering role and a, you know, life and having you bunch of fraus over this weird time has been wonderful for my head. I worry that I am now losing touch with you lot because am struggling to keep up for various reasons, so I wanted to make a point of telling you that you're all awesome. x
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Fraus, today we went to view a house and we fell in love with it ❤ my mum is coming up on Wednesday to help me paint my flat and take away some of my toot for storing, and then I need to have difficult adult conversations about mortgages and selling.Second viewing booked for Wednesday with Mum, Mr PA says he doesn't need to see it again, he knows that he loves the place. There is even a mature apple tree in the garden covered in apples - pinch me, am I dreaming?

I really hope it all goes well. It never seems to. I bought my flat from a horrible lady, she even took the lightbulbs with her! When I got the keys from the estate agent I walked over to the flat and the previous owner was outside taking all her pots and plants and still appeared to be going in and out, I hid in a little alley waiting until she'd left and then I changed the locks ASAP. I hope the owner of this new house isn't so bad.

Just had (yellow label) baguette and butter for my tea. :) Nervous and excited.
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Silver Linings

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Evening friends. I watched A Few Good Men this aft and despite trying to forget he thinks he’s a tiny alien in a human body, or whatever it is scientologists believe, Tom Cruise is a bloody phenomenal actor.

Thanks for everyone being nice about me, all this too shall pass and all that. I hope our strange little coven spread across the world are all ok. ❤❤
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came on this thread in the hope just to catch you - honestly love you’ve done nothing wrong, you have a friendship with the mum and that’s that. Jack is a huge fucking bully and she’s waded in on something she clearly has no understanding of, made a ton of nasty assumptions, and threatened court with no fucking basis for it?! I feel so sorry for you as it must be horribly intimidating to be threatened & singled out like that, but you must remember there’s absolutely no valid grounds for this threat. Tbh if she ever took you to court (an impossibility) your fraus would turn up for support because it’s so ducking ridiculous.

Really hope you’re okay, please check in on us. Everything feels better after a sleep, hopefully tomorrow is a nicer day for you ❤
Thank you. Its such an effort at times to put on the 'I'm fine persona' somethings strip it away. I'll be ok. I lived with a narc for too long, I know i need to accept this is how I feel today but tomorrow is all new. I have a good friend in contact over this too, I am very grateful for it too. x
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I’m very excited today, fraus, as I’m off to stay in a castle! This is my first meal out and night away this year😂 And, like JM at a Harvester, I’m delighted not to be cooking for a change.

Can’t say which castle for ⚠triangulation⚠ purposes, obvs. Can you imagine if JM got wind and got there before me? A night at a JM-themed castle! A moat of dragon-puke mint sauce. A four-poster bed constructed from towers of rinsed baked bean tins balanced provocatively on a sideboard and strewn with a seductive outfit of battered granny control pants and saggy CK bra. Kept awake all night by rattling boxes of cursed engagement rings and the howling ghosts of lucrative-TV-opportunites-past floating through the walls.

And on the menu in the banqueting hall, a Yo Sushi!-style conveyor belt of greatest hits, including lingreenie with chicken without chicken, ye olde Roman microwave fave spaghetti-hoops cacio e pepe, plain sponge cake with a Hellmanns mayo jar baked in and a 90% vegan low-welfare hotdog platter.

No thanks.
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A salty and sweet congratulations to @blurstoftimes for the new thread title! 21 reactions 🎉
We can finally leave the old thread name behind us 😳

Food, drink, and love, my pretties!

All welcome 🌸

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Anyone else wondering about @crystaleyesd and if she wore her cute socks and shoes again for date two? 🤣 Just me?
Wonder no more, dear heart. I present to you - LAST NIGHT'S SOCKS (which I'm still wearing this morning so make of that what you will 😘)


Mash is freezable, I think - you could cook them and mash them and portion them up for the freezer for future use.
I for one would love to know the fate of the 3kg of mash that sadly haunts Jackie's freezer.

No meat free Monday for this frau (although I am basically 83% vegetarian at home THANKYOU 🙃). One last hurrah for eat out to help out and going to get lobster tonight!
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Oh frauen, my boyfriend has just been made redundant which is a bore. I feel sad for him because I know it’s going to knock his confidence. I’m also horribly feeling sad for me too. I earn a much higher salary and am super cool with that, as is he, but I just feel like for once I’d like everyone’s survival not to rest on me (caring for elderly parents, mgmt responsibility for 50+ etc). Selfish I know, will give myself sharp slap
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My mums still at risk of a blood clot and her GP is really worried, so shes in tears and we're worried. Then get a call to say the OH (still in limbo as a couple) may be made redundant next month. 😩
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Jay-cloth Cow

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Very late to this party (my attention has been on the MT recently) but just wanted to say congratulations on the job, @Jay-cloth Cow. Had been concerned at hearing nothing after the interview news, but didn't want to ask for obvious reasons. Delighted for you and good luck!
Ahh thank you lovely!! I'm very excited to start. I'm actually considering doing a JM and 'lawyering up' though as when I handed my notice in my horrible manager told me I'm a disloyal worthless piece of sh*t, and because I was 'lucky because the big boss likes you' I got full pay when I was signed off for 3 months due to a breakdown, she is going to 'make sure you get no more money from us' aka she doesn't want me to get paid for my notice period. I have a call with the big boss tomorrow though so I will tell him all, and if he doesn't sort it I will threaten legal action. Ugh why are people so gross?!
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I've not noticed @GrunkaLunka around? Hope she's ok ❤
Am here again, thank you lovely ❤ Doing a bit better today. I hope you are well.

Am going to have to Grunk the mother thread for dear life today as I've just seen the shimmering eye and I know there will be plenty of hilarious comments to brighten my day. Thank God I have a day off 😂

Hope everyone is well. Looking forward to catching up with everyone in real time soon. 😘
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