Experiences with setraline

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So in all honesty, it was a life changer for me but I've since switched to something else.

I had a lot of side effects like teeth grinding, sweating, dizziness, headaches and nausea. Nausea was only for A week after starting or increase. Sex drive was non existent and I did put on a lot of weight. I stayed on it for about 8 months as it gave me mood stability and decreased intrusive memories. As I felt more stable, I got Dr's advice and gradually came off it, which was similar effects to starting. My moods are horrendous now so going to start ant.

In short, I had a lot of side effects but knowing what I know now, I'd still have went on it for that 8 month relief to get stable to manage a switch.
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Supposedly it makes you get drunk/drowsy quicker, but personally I can't say it feels much different to me. In my not-a-medical-professional opinion it might be best to avoid alcohol completely for at least a few weeks while you're still adjusting to the meds, then start by drinking a small amount in a situation where it's not the end of the world if you accidentally get twatted, just to make sure - but it'll probably be fine.
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The benefits out way the side effects for me! I sleep better on Setraline, I used to get terrible insomnia but now I’m out like a light!

Yes, you do feel a bit weird the first few weeks of taking it but try and ride it out, it gets better. Once it’s settled into your system I wouldn’t say I notice it anymore. Although I do feel a bit hot and sweaty a lot of the time and my memory has gone to shit!

I did put on weight but have managed to lose it by doing Keto which I also feel benefits my mental health!

good luck!
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Another one here who thinks the benefits far outweigh the side effects. I used to get three hours sleep on a good night but now I can sleep for England! I’m so much more organised now my head’s clear and I’m no longer overthinking and spiralling (I have anxiety and OCD). I’m similar to @Chewingthefat - crap memory and sweats! Particularly in the morning! Also occasionally get the odd brain zap but it usually passes within 15 minutes. Definitely worth it to have a “normal” way of thinking again!
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I've been taking it for six months and feel a bit robotic if I'm completely honest - which is better than feeling anxious all the time as I did before.

But I do still have days where I panic a bit ... mainly about the state of the world/where I live (lots of crime) ... things that are mostly out of my control.

I gained about 3kg so have scaled back to two meals a day (which has seen me stabilise at my regular weight).

I think it's too early to say it's absolutely amazing but it's definitely helped.
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Sertraline has changed my life for the better! I am on 200mg which we have realised is the perfect dose for me. The first 6 weeks were rough and I wanted to give up so many times but i'm glad I stuck with it. It's been 18 months now and I am a different person! I was previously on citalopram but was told that it isn't good for anxiety so they switched me to Sertraline
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I’m three days into my increase from 50-100. I feel a little numb, have a terrible headache and just sleepy.
Life is tough at the moment and every day is a struggle. Without Sertraline I’m not sure how I would have got through the last couple of months.
Thanks all for sharing your experiences.
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You’ve got this. Take each day as it comes and know that there are better days to come. I never thought I would need to rely on medication but here I am! I couldn’t be without it right now.
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I asked in the depression thread the other day about alternatives like ashwaghanda gummies as sertraline makes me feel so sick, I ordered some on Amazon and they’re great! My mood is fab and no sickness what so ever. Also no heart palpatations from anxiety

I noticed my memory has been poor on both sertraline and ashwaghanda, why is this I wonder? I can’t find information online.
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I’ve just switched from sertraline 150 to venlafaxine. My brain fog was absolutely horrendous on sertraline. I’d been on it for three years with the brain fog getting slowly worse and worse. It helped massively with my anxiety, didn’t do much for my depression as my main symptom is lethargy anyway, so in some ways made it worse. My anxiety is a bit worse in venlafaxine but at least I can function, I’ve started reading books again and my memory has improved x100 (it was absolutely horrendous on sertraline). I’m glad I went on sertraline, it helped me at a time when my anxiety was killing me but I’d rather not ever go back on it.
At first I didn’t relate my memory loss to the setraline and started to think I had early onset dementia! My memory is so bad it really affects my day to day.

I’ve never heard of that one but I’m considering switching to something else purely due to my memory loss! But I’m apprehensive as it really does help my anxiety. Did you have to wean yourself off setraline first before starting another?
No you can do a direct switch, so you take your last sertraline one day and take venlafaxine the next. You obviously start on a low dose of the venlafaxine so I found my anxiety was pretty bad for the first few weeks. I’ve been on it nearly two months though, and my anxiety is still not as controlled as it was on the sertraline, but I honestly think it a bit of anxiety is good. The sertraline was stopping me from feeling any anxiety, to the point where I’d just procrastinate important things and then have a full blown panic attack when it all snowballed. I’m getting much more done on the venlafaxine and no panic attacks so far.
I would definitely recommend switching when you’ve got less stuff to worry about just in case, like don’t switch when going through a period of high stress.

The only thing I don’t like is because I am very forgetful I do often forget to take my meds. On the sertraline I could miss a day and it wouldn’t make much difference. If I miss the venlafaxine, even by just six or seven hours, I start to feel really unwell and get very teary. But I basically just need to get better at taking it I guess.

Like I said, my bad memory is basically gone, I can focus, I’m less sleepy and just generally feel more like myself so I would recommend a switch.

ETA: I’ve seen some people mention weight gain on sertraline so I thought I’d mention I put on 3 stone over two years on it. I couldn’t lose the weight unless I starved myself which I wasn’t prepared to do. Since I’ve switched to venlafaxine I have lost two pounds over two months, doesn’t sound like a lot but considering I haven’t changed my diet or exercise routine at all, I think it’s pretty great.
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God I’m tired of being sweaty the whole time!!!!!
That’s what I was like when on Setraline - the sweat just poured off me. There were days in work where it would just start and in a minute I’d soaking hair at the back of my neck & clothes stuck to me. I was so self conscious about it. That, combined with putting on over a stone in less than a year, were deciding factors to come off it.
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Two weeks in to my prescription of Sertraline. Due to move to 50mg tomorrow, after starting on 25mg. First week I feel numb, very cloudy headed but now feel loads better, much happier and less anxious/paranoid.
Worried about the weight gain aspect but will start an exercise regime in the new year to hopefully help that.
My anxiety is definitely easing barring one night where I was awake all night convinced someone was going to break in to my house (don’t listen to true crime podcasts before bed, kids )
So far I’m really glad I started taking it, but will monitor how I feel/any side effects
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So it’s been almost 3 weeks on 50mg.. i don’t think I feel any better and I’ve completely lost my appetite. I also had sex today and I’m so upset that it just doesn’t feel the same !! I just feel numb in every aspect if that makes sense? Anyone else or just me

my doctor is a going to review again in a couple of weeks so hopefully some sortof positive change is coming my way
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I wish I had lost my appetite
Definitely speak to your GP about your dose lovely! I still felt absolutely horrific on 50mg and quite nauseous to boot. I was moved up to 100mg and the anxiety finally (mostly!) subsided and the nausea seemed to vanish too!
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Definitely speak to your GP about your dose lovely! I still felt absolutely horrific on 50mg and quite nauseous to boot. I was moved up to 100mg and the anxiety finally (mostly!) subsided and the nausea seemed to vanish too!
Thank you! Yes we are going to review in 2 weeks and he said he might up my dose so fingers crossed it works!