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(long rant alert) New poster here from the States. I've been watching Victoria's videos for a couple years now. When I saw the separation announcement video, I just had to find a site that was talking about it.

Ian was positively beaming in that separation video. He was so nonchalant and matter-of-fact. You could tell he is more than fine with his decision. The time where he popped his head in on that one live stream and asked her if she had told them yet and she said no. He was eager to get the information out then. She wasn't and didn't say anything. Clearly it was too emotional for her to talk about. Ian was like whatever, let's get on with it.

I wonder if Ian hasn't regretted marrying her for the past few years. He was always out every weekend doing his own thing, leaving her home alone to sit in her chair playing with her planners and, more recently, Animal Crossing. I always found that very curious relationship situation.

The last year or so I could tell Ian was fed up with her TM excuses too. Whenever she would throw that as an excuse as to why she couldn't/didn't do something, he was always quick to jump in to call her out on it. The days of him letting that slide we're over.

Speaking of TM excuses, I was astounded to see Becky literally on her hands and knees scrubbing Victoria's bathroom floor with a toothbrush while Victoria stood there and filmed. That told me all I need to know about Victoria. She has no shame and she not a genuine person. I would have to be paralyzed before I let a friend clean my bathroom while I just stood there and watched. Seriously, who does that?

And I noticed how fast she was back to driving all of a sudden when she had to. Whereas before she said it was TM that prevented her from driving. How convenient that her TM cleared up enough for her to drive again just in the nick of time when Chauffeur Ian left her.

I don't begrudge Ian for turning to virtual reality games. I mean we all saw his reality. You'd try to escape to some fantasy world too if you were married to a lazy, Disney obsessed woman who did absolutely nothing else productive but put stickers in a planner. Even her Victoria In Detail videos were filmed sitting in her chair. Rarely went anywhere to film anything of interest around her town or elsewhere. I mean she lived almost across the street from the train station, if I'm not mistaken. She could have hopped on a train once a month or so to go somewhere new for content. Either she is too lazy to be interesting or she just doesn't know how to be.

Her live streams were excruciatingly to watch without Ian. Eventually I stopped watching when he wasn't on. He would try to expound upon topics and her eyes would literally glaze over until she would get so irritated she would shut him down. Which always confounded me. It's like she didn't want anyone else to speak other than her, but then she wouldn't say anything. She had absolutely nothing to add. Often times the viewers would fill her in on Disney information. You would think if this was your one and only "job" in life, you would be pouring all over every website to absorb every ounce of Disney information. And every week you'd have a list of topics to discuss with your viewers. Not her. She just sat there like a blob reading comments and answering the same 20 questions over and over and over again. If that woman played with her hair one more time I swear to God I was going to kick my screen in. That would make a good drinking game. Everyone would have to take a shot every time she fussed with her hair. Unfortunately that would put people into a drunken coma.

And she's just as uninteresting in her Disney World videos as well when Ian or her friends aren't there. In fact, I can't stand watching her solo trips. It's like watching paint dry. She does absolutely nothing to be entertaining or engaging. Nothing to be informative. As much as she goes to Disney, she should be like a tour guide. Giving tips, inside information, pointers, interesting facts, trying different things on the menus to give food reviews. Nada. No, we just get coffee/doughnut videos. And People Mover rides.

And equally irritating is how she never follows through on anything. She'd be getting ready to do something and then the next edit would be hours later or the next day. And we'd get no follow-up. Just her making an excuse about either forgetting to film or whatever. I mentioned this in the comments to one video but in typical Victoria style, she never responded. This was not unusual, Victoria rarely, if ever, responds to comments. She can't be bothered; it's too much work. It always irritates me when content providers never engage with the people who support them. Just shows her true selfishness.

I don't know what people pay for. All those Patreon followers. I mean bless their hearts that they would try to support her but I don't see what they're getting in return. I foresee a lot of people dropping off now that Ian is gone cuz he was a heart of her live stream content. And I truly don't see how she is a will be able to go to DW like she did before for content. Her YouTube money likely paid for her plane tickets and maybe some portion of hotels too. But that was discretionary money because Ian was paying all the real life bills. She's on her own now. That money is no longer discretionary. She'll need it to live off of.

Truly, if Victoria was more of a genuine person I would feel sorry for her. Her life is going to change drastically for the worse. But it didn't appear from an outsider looking in that she tried to be more of a wife to Ian. We saw how fast she fixed up her office - her space. But glimpses we had of the family room looked lifeless. We got no house tour because I'm sure she couldn't be bothered to do anything else to rest of the house. I really thought the new house would be welcome source of content for her. But we got crickets.
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Just watched her new video. This was the most life she has put into a Victoria In Detail video I think ever. See what happens when you get out of the chair, Victoria.

I kind of feel more sorry for her now. Knowing how much she must be struggling. She has the sense of someone who's been shut up in the house and is just venturing out and seeing the world for the first time. It is shocking that a grocery store is such a wonder to a woman in her mid 30s.

Kate is a godsend. But why do I have a feeling Victoria is going to wear out her welcome. Even family would eventually get tired of the roommate situation. My brother had to move in with me once and I lasted a month before I told him it was time to go.

What I find interesting is she spent the whole video talking about Disney instead of talking about things she's going to do to get on with life. She is still stuck in that Disney World mindset. Life isn't fun and games anymore unless she has a secret trust fund we don't know about.

If I were her and had the followers she has, I'd be using that to my advantage to try to entice somebody to give me a job. I hope Victoria is flooding the market with resumes looking for a job. If I were Kate would I be tolerant as long as I saw Victoria working hard to get back on her feet. I would not be tolerant of her sitting around my house eating chocolate bars all day. A best friend is not as tolerant as a husband, no matter how close they are.

Might I say, I am not loving her hair color. It's washing her out and is doing nothing for her. Kinda ages her, I think. I would have gone with a red or strawberry blonde. Vibrant and fun. And she needs to put some layers into that hair. It's too heavy and long; that's why it's always falling into her face.
The length of her hair and her height reminds me of ET when the kids dress him up as a woman 🙈 it’s all i can see when I look at her.
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I think the issue though is many people didn't have any first hand experience with covid and it often takes first-hand experience before people take something seriously. I know many people who wanted to eliminate benefits....until their son lost his job. People who were very homophobic....until their granddaughter came out. People who objected to building council houses anywhere near them........but went sobbing to their MP feeling entitled to a 4 bed one instantly when their fortunes changed.

So many people didn't know anyone who even had covid and all the while they worked form home and saved loads of money or invested in the downturn last year and doubled their money. My job puts me in contact with account holders and for every person who suffered from covid, losing someone or losing a job, you have someone else whose biggest problem was getting a standing desk delivered and their bank accounts are bulging and they're mega frustrated that they couldn't get away and spend. Seeing footage from other countries where restrictions were less infuriated them and made them feel hard done by.

Victoria and many of the bloggers live very sheltered lives. She rarely left her house even before covid so of course, she never saw the bigger picture. The likes of the Lodge Guys fall into the group I'm talking about, they spent the lockdowns doing up a flat they bought to add to their collection of properties and just moaned and moaned and talked about Florida. Pre-covid they didn't get out much either. When you have little contact with the broader world, you're financially set and you spent your days watching other people in crowded parks showing you all the fun they're having then there's no chance you'll see the bigger picture.
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Funny how she can do a week at WDW and all the walking that entails but not take a dog out for a walk. That pesky TM, eh?
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Don’t forget she cooked a baked potato too haha.
Is she aware how much most people do? A lot of people also drive, do a food shop, cook a dinner and watch Love Island on top of 8 hours of working every single day. She said it was abnormally busy for her…

When she’s in her car pondering offline grocery shopping, it is really telling - that was an experience for her. It’s weird.

I felt quite bad for her, her new living situation feels so awkward. Going through a divorce is devastating. But then she starts whinging about America opening up their borders again. Other Disney vloggers like Charlotte Ruff were just so happy to be able to go on the cruise, not Vicky.
I think Victoria is so desperate to get to America as a way of escapism from the reality of the situation.

This divorce is awful. I would hate for Ian to be holding all the cards because I doubt he's the easiest person to live with. I wouldn't say he's always been such a driven/goal getting person himself. And he always looks like he smells foisty. I wouldn't always believe his little supportive act on the livestreams. Half the time I found him rather a know it all and a bit of a stinky prick.

Vikki needs to Beyonce up, get a job, get some independence and go and be happy in America. Live it up. she's got no ties to the Uk now.

edit - I asked Victoria loads of questions before going on a trip and she took the time to answer them all, gave really helpful information and was really kind. Not like 99.9% of the disney community who never answer and think they are too good for everyone.
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Victoria’s latest post… it always makes me cringe when ‘influencers’ who don’t work or have school-aged kids celebrate the bank holiday weekend. Like, fuck off. Every day for you is a bank holiday. Let us finally enjoy doing nothing all day like you’ve done your whole life.
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Ok this is random and please noone hate me for this, does anyone watch RuPaul's Drag race? The most recent episode my fav drag Queen Ginger Minj wore a blonde wig and I couldn't think why she looked familiar, then it hit me! My husband thinks I'm crazy, but does anyone else see a resemblance? This is purley an observation and in no means intended as an insult to either of them, Ginger is amazing and I do generally like Victoria. I'd love to find out I had a drag Queen doppelganger ^_^


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The Starbucks is really stinky horse pee from the horse show located behind it 🤢
Just to let you guys know the Starbucks is no longer stinky 😂 We got back yesterday and went in a couple of times. It's totally fine. Incredibly slow but totally fine 😂

Lovely being back at DLP again but did miss the fireworks and the characters being such a long way away for photo ops was sad. But we rode BTM three times so I'm a happy girl. I cried on main Street because I am the most basic of bitches.

Feels like France have got it right with the health pass to enter and masks throughout. Felt safer than I do here in the UK tbh.
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See this is why I couldn't fathom being so financially dependant on a bloke. My fella and I might get married one day but even if we did, I like having my career, my flat, my source of income.

I love being independent because it means if something does go wrong, you're not totally screwed. I'm happy now but shit happens, you know? You've always gotta have an exit strategy just incase.
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I definitely get the vibes from watching that video that;
- Ian made the decision to end the marriage.
- Ian is quite happy and content about his decision.
- Victoria looked embarrassed, sad and quite honestly in shock. Although I know she had clearly come to terms with it, you could tell the magnitude of building an entire life with someone, buying and decorating a new house, having this combined life for it all to fall apart is yet to hit her fully.

This is now the 3rd couple to split during the time where Disney holidays (from the UK) can't go ahead.
- Jade and Matt
- That Uk Disney Couple
- Disney in detail

Personally, I feel like Ian has had an injection of life into him. Whether that's through meeting someone else or having a mid life crisis but as many as have said he isn't prepared to just exist in a life where his wife paints herself as a doll, writes in her diary, re-arranges trip after trip and does little else. Maybe he wanted to explore the world not Disney related! Shocker.
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I think the fact she is focused on buying 'decor' for the room at her friend's house rather than panicking and thinking, I need to SERIOUSLY completely re-evaluate my life right now just shows she must be in just complete shock and clueless about the reality of the situation.

I'm sorry but I think it's grim if Ian holds all the cards. He fucking LOVED all of the Disney fame. He loved coming on the lives, took over them so many times and thought himself as a bit of a popular guy when in fact half of the time I found he needed a shower, needed to brush his teeth and shut the fuck up. I thought he came across as arrogant , annoying and REALLY FULL OF HIMSELF.

I think Victoria deserves better. Yes she is a little Peter-Pan esque. Yes she needs to get her shit together but I do not doubt she is a nice person, who had her fair share of health issues, found a way to make some money online and I reckon Ian has found some scrawny munter on VR who has told him he's gods gift and he's gone for it.

Sorry but I think he's just really grotesque and she can do so much better. Come on Victoria. Go Marry some lovely America and live your Florida dream!!!
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Charlotte Ruff did a (staff discount) U.K. cruise and it’s already up 🤣
She’s doing another one in a few weeks.

I’m delighted because she’s never been one who’s gone on line crying to get “home” during the pandemic, she’s been critical of others like that, even though she had no problem saying she missed Disney she’s an actual adult human 😐
focused on work and real life, not getting play suites that match masks and rebooking dining options, don’t think she was planning to go anywhere near the USA until it was safe. So I’m glad she’s got a vlog up before the Disney idiots of YouTube - includes and especially Vicky
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See this is why I couldn't fathom being so financially dependant on a bloke. My fella and I might get married one day but even if we did, I like having my career, my flat, my source of income.

I love being independent because it means if something does go wrong, you're not totally screwed. I'm happy now but shit happens, you know? You've always gotta have an exit strategy just incase.
it’s a real argument for feminism. It’s a massive mistake to rely on a man to support you. Especially with no children, he’s not in anyway responsible for her financial well being once the divorce is finalised. He’s probably making all sorts vague promises about supporting the channel in order to exit the relationship.

Frankly, she’s very financially exposed.
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Lost footage of Victoria and Ian on their last trip.... might explain the divorce (eeek too soon?) 😂👍🏻
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Very well said.

I was nodding throughout until I got to “she sat there like a blob” and I cracked up laughing.
A blob is how I see her. I don't mean her weight either. I'm not the thinnest gals myself. I just mean she's so lifeless. She just sits there not putting forth an ounce of effort whatsoever. And that reminds me of a blob. Pure nothingness.

I do wonder what the final nail in the coffin was for Ian. I don't think he would have purchased a house with her if he had divorce in mind given all the legal complications. And I don't think he is the sort who would have been mean enough to let her fix up her office, hang that wallpaper so perfectly, knowing in the back of his mind he's about to give her the boot.

My theory is once in the house, he saw what his life would be with her forever and it wasn't pretty. It was one thing when they were living in thatsmall apartment. But I think buying a house changes you. It makes you mature more. Like playtime is over. Time to grow up. He was probably excited about finally moving into a home and all that changes that would bring for them. A place all theirs. Once in a home, he probably wanted more of a wife and not dead weight. And what he saw was her continued endless obsession with Disney and planning those million ridiculous trips during a pandemic. Observing her not give an iota care about wanting to make their house a home. Being left to cook for himself in their new family-sized kitchen. Still living separate lives. Do they even have a dining table? Where they can sit down like a couple and eat together? And let's face it, she's no intellectual giant. I always thought Ian was probably starved for adult conversation about things other than Mickey Mouse.

Living this day in and day out working full-time from home was a wake up call for him. And since separation was so soon after they moved in, he probably thought why drag this out. Why let her get too comfortable and settled. Easier for her to move out when she's barely moved in. Plus being in his mid-30s I'm sure he is ready to get on with life. He might have even already met someone else. Which also could be the reason for him not wasting any time calling it quits. He might want children. I remember one video they talked about kids. It might have been the 24 hour live stream. But I can't remember what his position was.

Anyhoo, I'm happy for Ian. He is a likeable fellow. He sure took care of her and deserved better than what he was getting. Might as well test the waters. The grass is not always greener but I can't see how he could do worse.
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the ‘only an idiot would pay that much’ cruise will be entertaining, everyone I’ve seen who done it has worked in partne with a company or had their bill heavily disco because they’re staff/connected to Disney,
I did the Disney cruise last week and I’m far from an idiot. It’s been a hideous 17 months of this pandemic and we’ve been nowhere but a couple of long weekends local to us in all that time. The cruise was fabulous - as much gourmet food as you could eat, absolutely amazing service, loads of activities, characters everywhere, Broadway quality shows, bed was like sleeping on a cloud….For 3 days we had Disney magic back in our lives and my daughter has memories to last a lifetime. Fair enough if it’s not for you but it doesn’t make those it is for idiots. It was worth every single penny for me. I don’t doubt for a minute though that Victoria will not appreciate ANY of it and is only doing it for the views.
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New thread suggestion:

Disney/ Victoria in Detail #4: Desperate for a Florida trip just to sit down and coffee sip
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