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Not sure what you’re getting at? I do give a shit if we are locked down, as I’ve just said it would quite literally make suicidal, and no that’s not an exaggeration. But if it’s because people are refusing the vaccine then ill be massively angry. I don’t wish to argue I’m just making my point.
Vaccinated are spreading the virus. I don’t know how many times this has to be said?

I think we need a little reminder here that the vaccine does NOT stop you from catching and spreading covid, the whole point that you are all getting it is because it reduces symptoms if you catch it. Comments like ‘I will be furious with the unvaccinated’ are ridiculous. You get vaccinated for yourself NOT for others!
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@Poddular’s post #336 👏👏 Bravo!

Double standards and rank hypocrisy have been in abundance these last 2 years, especially all these people who have suddenly come out of the woodwork and lecture others to, “do your bit to protect others, protect society,” blah blah blah when prior to 2020 they’d have never given these issues the time of day.

I think as well as just falling hook, line and sinker for the propaganda for some of these people it’s like a form of projection. It’s the same sort of nonsense that people who lose a lot of weight experience from friends and family members, who don’t take steps to improve their health, and come out with, “oh you’re looking too skinny now” or “I preferred the old you“ and other BS like that.
The fact is there are some of us who actively take steps to try and stay healthy and/or boost our immune systems. I wouldn’t say my diet is perfect because I do treat myself but I know I eat more fresh fruit and veg a day than a lot of people I know and most weeks of the year I don’t drink alcohol at all. I’ve had colleagues roll their eyes and tell me I’m wasting my time in the past for taking Vitamin C & Zinc and echinacea from around late September onwards annually. Ultimately I‘ve avoided a number of bugs doing the rounds in workplaces since I started doing it though and on occasions when I have developed symptoms they’ve been short lived.

For over 10 years I’ve either gone swimming or to the gym in the evening several times a week and especially during winter. When I was in school and at university my exercise used to fall off the wagon every winter and low and behold I was always coming down with bugs back then. Friends, colleagues and family members have said, “oh I don’t know how you can convince yourself to get up and go out again after coming in from work.” Equally I can’t understand how they can stay in and veg out in front of the TV night after night.

All in all I agree with what you said that the fact there are people like us, who take more steps than a lot of people to stay healthy, should be afforded just a bit more credit for “doing our bit.” I’ve also yet to see any suggestion from even the government scientists that people in my age demographic are no longer over 98% unlikely to die or develop long term health implications if they catch Covid, which was one of the key messages from the get go last March. Based on that I can’t see that it would be therapeutic treatment for me to have the vaccine. As for “doing it for the common good,” well I could easily start berating anyone who isn’t taking steps like I do to boost my immune systems during the cold and flu period.
I totally wholeheartedly agree. We each individually have a responsibility to take a good care of our own health as possible. That's the best way of keeping a healthy immune system, and that is ultimately what is best for society, and 'protecting the NHS'. It astounds me the number of smokers and overweight people who you see ranting about getting the jab, as if they consider themselves superior now simply because they've been jabbed - and us unvaxxed loons who exercise, eat well, & take daily vitamins are killing everyone and a danger to society 🤔
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To every single person who is pro mandate.

When everyone has been forcibly vaccinated, or imprisoned in their houses or camps - who will you blame then when COVID still hasn't gone anywhere?
When you are on jab 103, for virus 12 - will you still be so willing?
When you are ultimately forced to have 'health' intervention for something else that you don't want, because that's the standard now - will you finally understand?
When you are tracked and traced to an inch of your life - will freedom be a word you understand anymore?
When you are denied healthcare or essential services because there isn't enough staff and you aren't priority enough - who will you turn to, begging?

You may think it doesn't affect you now, but one day (probably sooner than you think) you will realise and on that day it will be too late.
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This is very worrying.....

I need to back off from this shit show
. when you post real Drs, scientists etc saying the bad side of these vaccines, no one but those who already know, see it , they won't even look at it, but media "anonymous sources" printed articles about those in hospitals due to being unvaccinated and they believe it.

Brainwashed totally utterly brainwashed, don't have an original thought in their head. within moments of vaccination they feel dreadful and mentioned it to the GP, GP says ,don't know but we know its not the vaccine.. OK doc, shove another in. ( my neighbour)

I feel that these people who won't/can't see what is going on will be the % who will never see it. So much stuff out there about Fauci crimes and Gates dishonesty as well as our own governments' having shares in pharma, but they trust these people over a Dr or scientist with nothing to gain and everything to lose.

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I’m in Dubai right now enjoying my allowed holiday
I was about to reply sympathising as lockdown took a horrible mental toll on me too as I couldn’t see my family for a really long time but the cognitive dissonance here is real. Covid is airborne and you’re more likely to be spreading it about mingling in another country, airports etc than someone who is unvaccinated and therefore can’t really go abroad yet. Absolutely bizarre.
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A friend of mine works for the NHS and says 8 so far on her ward/department have handed in their notice at the hospital because of this forced vaccination coming into play.

It says it all really when everyone talking about the random deaths and side effects are censored online and in the press and them actual healthcare workers are quitting their careers after seeing what happens to people after getting jabbed.

My other friend got the vaccine and was in tears while doing so because she is a single mum and no way to pay bills otherwise without her job that has mandated the vax (also works for the NHS) she'd never get any other role that paid her the same.

Sad times are ahead of us I'm afraid.
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I honestly don’t even want to hear a single person whinging about lockdown or restrictions if they are pro mandate/passports etc.

You are literally allowing them to do this to us. Want it to stop? Stop fucking accepting it. Don’t put your hand on the fire then wonder why you are burned.
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More and more people are saying they are done with all this now, most people I know have had 2 and won’t get a third and now seeing many people say absolutely no way they will have 4. I actually don’t know anyone in real life that has said they will happily have more than 3 shots. The tide is turning 👀
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Erm so one of our local care homes (who have avoided covid throughout this whole pandemic) have had an outbreak of covid even though all the staff and residents have had their mandatory vaccinations. Shows what a fucking joke vaccine passports are. Im bewildered at this point seriously.
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I can't make up my mind whether some posters are being deliberately obtuse sometimes or ...?
It's the complacency in this country, UK, that depresses me. Most people aren't bothered about things unless it affects them. And trying to have a serious discussion in this country seems impossible.
I'm lucky that my job isn't at risk, although my life is drastically different as I normally spend the winter months abroad and now I'm not allowed in. In my real life nobody cares about my vaccine status but at the same time nobody seems to care about care workers and NHS staff losing their jobs or what's happening in Austria etc and that scares me.
I don't know if it's connected to the huge amount of prescription drugs we as a nation consume but we really are dumbed down Britain . Keep on the subjects of Bake off, football, soaps, favourite biscuit and celebrities and you will get their interest.
On a side note my scared of covid hermit mum had such a bad reaction to her 1st jab she said she would rather die than have the others. And she hasn't. Whereas my dad sailed through his 3.
My niece told me yesterday that she is thinking of shaving her hair off as so much has fallen out since her 1st vaccine. Her doctor said it was stress and told her to get her 2nd jab. She says she isn't stressed. She also had awful period problems.
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Seen an article yesterday that they are saying this new variant causes heart issues/inflammation. Well what are the are the chances, with all the negative press the vaccines are getting linked to heart issues 🙄 Make sure to get your booster shots then and if you have any heart problems you must have caught the new variant! Will peope really fall for this?
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So we've all come down ill at our house. Kids both have coughs but are otherwise ok.

Me and hubbie have chesty coughs, chills, I've also got an upset stomach and fatigue.

I've just done a covid test and it's positive.
I'm unvaccinated, but I caught this cough (which has turned out to be covid) of a vaccinated relative.

It seems like vaccinated people think they can just go out spreading their germs because they had the vax.
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Chatty Member
What happens if they need to tweak the vaccines does that mean we'll have to get the new one in 3 months time .
They'll try and force people but I'm now at a stage I'll be refusing a booster. I'm not agreeing to be injected indefinitely for something that some people only they know they have is due a test. I've been doubled jabbed but enough is enough.
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I truly don't understand why people are willing to jeopardise their careers over something so small as a vaccine.

I hate to say it, but I honestly think some of it's about stubborness. I think it's often a case of digging heels in and wanting to save face because they'd see it as having 'lost' if they take it now.

That said, I suppose maybe some aren't that committed to a particular career and were maybe considering changing anyway so this kind of helps them on their way.
I should not really take the bait really but, my friend died one day after her vaccine as have many others. Go to the painful period after vaccine thread to read a few stories there of young women having problems. go look all over SM forums and groups for people having problems right now

Your repliy is snide and nasty The lady is 20 working for monkey nuts as do most carers I put a lot of years in caring for others and I would never take this vaccine to keep that job or any other job. Carers are treated like shit when its a job most could never do,

If I could wish for one thing for you, its that you get you as a carer when you need care in your life.

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Chatty Member
A friend of mine works for the NHS and says 8 so far on her ward/department have handed in their notice at the hospital because of this forced vaccination coming into play.

It says it all really when everyone talking about the random deaths and side effects are censored online and in the press and them actual healthcare workers are quitting their careers after seeing what happens to people after getting jabbed.

My other friend got the vaccine and was in tears while doing so because she is a single mum and no way to pay bills otherwise without her job that has mandated the vax (also works for the NHS) she'd never get any other role that paid her the same.

Sad times are ahead of us I'm afraid.
My 20 year old daughter has just completed a health care apprenticeship with the NHS, she has worked for the last 12 months for £4 an hour (half of what she could earn working at McDonald's).

Yesterday she was told if she doesn't have her first vaccine by early February then she will be sacked, this is to allow enough time between the booster which would take you to fully vaccinated status in April. There are many people who she knows there that aren't having the vaccine including admin staff. Some areas of the NHS will be on it's absolute knees by spring unfortunately.

They are chronically understaffed already so I'm not sure how they will fill the roles when they can't get staffing levels right now!

She and us a family are absolutely pi$$ed off that she has given her all for the last year working 12 hour shifts to be let go in these circumstances. Just yesterday she was abused by a patient, cornered with a walking frame called a slag a c$nt and prodded. It's not an easy job but off she trots everyday never moaning about going to work.

From day one she has done bed baths, changed sheets when patients have lost control of themselves, washed patients when they have passed away, shown them dignity when they have needed help and now basically she has been told to fuck off. I'm sorry for the swearing but good luck in finding replacement staff 👍

We have told her to get in as many shifts as possible over the next few weeks to bank a bit of money before she gets her P45 🙄

**edit** just to say she was going to be going on to do a nursing apprenticeship, you'd think she would be an ideal candidate even without a vaccine! I'm glad she hasn't given anymore effort them tbh, they don't deserve her!
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Chatty Member
I'm familiar with the concept obviously. But I can't understand the mindset of someone who really wants a career (especially in healthcare) thinking the vaccine is a bad thing and refusing to take it.

I could only understand it if vaccines were brand new and didn't exist before Covid. Then there'd understandably be a bit of trepidation about them. But this is just the latest in a long line of vaccines and most people have had at least one in their lives before.

I've had jabs for the flu, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, tetanus, etc etc etc. This is just another.

I haven't wanted to go to any country and required a vaccine for entry (e.g. yellow fever) but I would if I wanted to travel to said country.

I think I'll just have to resign myself to the fact that I'll never get the opposing stance.
You don’t have to get the opposing stance. It’s not really about for or against the vaccine. It’s about bodily autonomy, freedom to choose and the fact that coercion and blackmail is never the right way to obtain free and valid consent. Being ordered to get vaccinated or lose your job is not a free choice, it’s blackmail.
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Another shocking headline if you take it at face value:

Anti-vaxxer vegan died from Covid in hospital after refusing jab

Then buried down at the end of the article is “19 stone man”. Even at 6ft 3 that is considered obese.

Same old same old same old..... Its the same narrative over and over how they begged for the vaccine they always make them out to be thick as shite.

Once again I will never regret not having the vaccine even if I get covid and fcuking die and I don't know anyone who had chosen this path not to feel the same. How strange how the media seem to find these people and thy all once again read from the same script
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Hard to ignore such a pathetic rant. Those taking tests are not morons, those taking tests are sensible in trying to ensure they are reducing the risk of possible transmission of asymptomatic/symptomatic testing. They test because they may be vulnerable, someone in their family is vulnerable or their work involves working with the vulnerable/immunosuppressed population.
They literally said unless you are made to by your employer.

Testing for the sake of it is just stupid if you don’t have symptoms it’s a waste of a test and taking up resources. What kind of society is it that it’s becoming normalised to take a test every 2 days to check if you’re sick. Surely we can agree the majority of people don’t need to test frequently it’s obsessive. So wasteful.
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Who said it was an either/or thing??🤷....
It's a personal choice thing...Or it should be!!
The actual point being that you only have to look around you to see a huge percentage of people do not look after their health and yet seem to want to have a say in other peoples all of a sudden.
100% this. My manager at work is OTT with mask wearing and was asking people if they’d had the vaccine and if they said no he would say why not!? He had it out for me for months because I wouldn’t wear a mask or use the hand sanitizer. This man is about 25 stone and sits in his office all day shovelling crisps down his throat and is always outside vaping. I’m off work just now but my colleague who is also anti covid vax tells me he’s made comments like ‘the unvaxxed shouldn’t be allowed hospital beds’ 😐 I bet he doesn’t think the obese should be denied healthcare or the smokers be denied chemo for lung cancer though!
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