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VIP Member
Whilst we’re all having a reflective moment, can I just add that I believe I have more reason than most to be utterly peed off.

We relocated over 3 hrs drive north in January 2020. As part of the move we managed to pay off a decent chunk of our mortgage and I was going to be a lady of leisure for 12 months before finding a new job. I was going to ‘do lunch’ and mooch around the shops. I was going to go to the gym, watch TV, read books and explore new hobbies and interests. I could watch daytime TV, maybe enjoy the occasional daytime cheeky wank 🤪 I was SO excited for my new relaxed, stress free life of no paid employment for 12 months. Financially that was all we could manage, but boy was I grateful, and so blooming excited.

As it stands, I’ve had to homeschool 3 of my cherubs irritating children, manage a developing drink and binge eating problem (#lockdown), and now contemplating work again due to the uncertainty of husbands job. My career break of joy has been exchanged for 8mths of enforced cohabitation with my fucking children. It’s a cruel joke people.

And before anyone says it I am well aware of how #trulyblessed I am (no one I know impacted by Covid, no financial impact etc, I love my kids they are amazing etc etc ad infinitum.) but FML after 20 odd years of bringing up 5 children I was just embarking on a brief 1 year fucking break to catch my fucking breath in this crazy life.

I WAS ROBBED. Please only quote this post if you are willing to offer me your condolences and unreserved sympathy- I can’t be doing with all this ‘people have died’ stuff -I’m a narcissist and it’s all about ME 😜😝

[to add insult to injury we moved from the SW to the NW, now one of the most Covid ridden areas of the country. We are still locked down while all you other cleanly southern fuckers are mingling. I knew we should have stayed South]
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Sorry in advance for the long post!

I used to love having a debate about current and social issues but it's such a minefield nowadays. I find everything so vicious. I am very non-confrontational and getting into debates about politics is not good for me anymore because there's so much rudeness and reactionary statements about, not so much in person but certainly on social media. I think this is one of the biggest, if not the biggest problem facing politics today. Everything is so divided and ad hominem attacks are slung left, right and centre. Karen, Boomer, Snowflake, Gammon, Remoaner, Sheeple, etc. It's so much easier to throw an insult and then press block, than have a reasonable debate about things.

You can be as Left as they come, but dare to display an opinion that differs slightly from the norm (see JK Rowling), then you are 'literally worse than Hitler' and banished from the holy kingdom of wokeness forever. I consider myself generally a centrist, who at times can agree with political stances of both the Left and Right, so the last few years have been a struggle to feel at home on either side because there is such polarisation.

Therein lies the problem we have with the extremes in politics today. Its just so divisive and black and white. There's no nuance and everyone seems so rabid about their particular opinion.

Social media really brings out the worst in people and has contributed to so much of the hatred that's about today. It's so easy to just shut someone down and block them with no right of reply. It's no wonder everything is split down the middle. Intelligent, measured debate is sorely lacking. Brexit, Trump and now Coronavirus. Everything is just split down the middle these days and it's not doing any of us any favours.
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I’ve seen a few posts on here saying ‘today is the highest figure since April’ , which it is but I just want to mention again that we were pretty much only testing exclusively in hospitals in April.

So when 4000 people tested positive a day in April almost all 4000 were hospital admissions. There would have been tens of thousands more community cases we were not picking up.

If we used the same measure today and did not have community testing the figures would be below 200 positive tests (circa 140 hospital admissions yesterday which is what I’m basing this off.)

we are no where near where we were in April right now despite the same amount of positives. Therefore it does not have the same implications.
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Unpopular opinion (maybe?) but the prospect of legal restrictions being put in place in relation to socialising over Christmas genuinely makes me happy.

I would never wish anyone ill, and I want Covid to piss off as much as the next person, but FML the festive season is exhausting for us introverts and I would bloody love an excuse to bin everyone off except from immediate family.
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I sense the government are trying to, once again, play the “blame game”. It’s our fault we’re back in lockdown, and if we’re still in this situation by Christmas then it’s all the peoples fault. Of course it couldn’t be anything to do with a naturally occurring virus that will spread regardless of whatever half arsed SD measures you try and implement. Or could it be that you ACTIVELY ENCOURAGED people back to work and into restaurants, onto crowded public transport and back into offices? Could it be to do with the shit test and trace system? The fact that STILL no one can get a test quickly? Or the fact that there are such inconsistent messages being relayed no one really has a bloody clue what they can/can’t do. No of course, it could only possibly be our fault. :rolleyes:
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VIP Member
Daughter tested negative. Feel like a weight has been lifted. Such a shit week with both her and my son having symptoms but at least we can relax for a bit again now
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Look guys I don’t wanna hurt anyone’s feelings with my impassioned mask litter posts so I apologise if I did, the whole plastic pollution thing is something that REALLY riles me is all.

Covid is also affecting this in other ways because more places now have to offer single use plastic items like cutlery, coffee cups, etc. Just feel in so many ways we are going to damage the planet further and take some huge steps back because of this pandemic 😞
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VIP Member
Sorry but I can’t believe someone actually wants to report their neighbour to the police because they were taking wedding photos in their “very small garden” with “at least 5 people”!!! I mean fucking hell get a grip 😂

This has been going on for 6 months and will be going on for 6 more. People need to be sensible but there is a bit of give a take here. Of all days not cutting someone slack when they have to have a covid wedding
We can’t actually follow the rules to the letter for an entire year. If I have to cram next to a stranger on the train then in going to give my mum a hug. If I was having a 5 person wedding then I wouldn’t be 2 meters away from my parents for a couple of photos. This is insane.

If someone phoned the police because they saw me take a photo close to my mum in my very small garden I’m afraid I would have to tell them to get a life.
There are the people obviously taking the piss and having massive parties and then someone trying to make make the best of a shit situation and deserves to be given a fucking break in my mind. I mean wedding photos for 5 in your own garden and some Karen is peeking through the blinds frothing at the mouth 🙄
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Yet only 37 deaths, same as yesterday; despite the hysterical nonsense spouted by the government, there's still no sign of a significant rise in mortality rates from Covid-19. This proves, as I've been saying for a long time, that Covid-19 is now a very mild virus that at worst might leave you feeling a bit rough for a couple of days. There really is no need to panic.
There is absolutely no need to panic, panicking is not helpful in any situation.
You do keep mentioning, repeatedly actually, that the virus is much milder and I would love you to once post a source for this. Valance and Whitty have directly addressed this and said that there is no evidence that is the case. The reason deaths haven't had a significant rise is because we have only very recently seen a rise in infections and even more recently hospital admissions. The deaths lag behind these numbers, so a rise in infections is the first hint to a rise in hospital admissions, which we have now seen and then this hints to a rise in deaths weeks later.

We are nowhere near the numbers of April, however numbers are rising and in order to keep the NHS running then we have much lower capacity to deal with covid this winter compared to when we cancelled everything back in March.

The NHS needs to be able to run a normal service along side covid and for that to be the case we need to slow the spread of the virus. Some restrictions are absolutely necessary.
I personally have never suggested people need to panic, or they will die if they leave their house but don't spout nonsense that the virus has actually got milder.

We need a balanced approach so we can maintain some resemblance of normality, along with limiting the damage to the economy and protecting jobs but that doesn't mean pretending the pandemic doesn't exist at all and doing nothing.
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i don't want to come across as rude but what makes you think you have such little risk? i don't know where you are but even young people where i am have died/suffered badly/had horrendous effects for months and months after despite not being seriously ill initially . you may well be of a lower risk but this virus is stillso spills unpredictable your statement sounds a bit careless
I don’t think it does sound careless.
I’m in my 20s, slim, active and healthy. The reality is I can’t be afraid of catching every virus that exists.

Almost no one around my age has died unless they have an underlying condition. The same risk is there that I could have a bad reaction to meningitis or the flu, or some other viral infection.

As I said I’m not saying this to downplay covid in the slightest and I understand the risk it poses to many people across the country and the risk to the health service.
I’m not in the anti mask camp or pretending it isn’t real but I’m not sure why you would seem to prefer that I live my life in active fear of something when the risk is so incredibly low. I can’t go around every day of my life worried that I could have an underlying health condition that I don’t have symptoms for yet.

I’m all for protecting the vulnerable and controlling e spread if the virus but I’m not afraid day to day, not sure why that’s a bad thing.
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Well-known member
I don’t care what your opinion is, I’m fed up of everyone turning on each other lately. People believe what they want to believe, no one is right or wrong. All I see on these threads are arguments and I’m right you’re wrong oneupmanship.

I’ve just been food shopping which I find stressful at the best of times, but it was awful. It is not and never will be the ‘new normal’ for people to have half their faces covered, not knowing if someone is smiling at you or sneering at you for daring to step into the same aisle, not being able to tell what people are saying because they’re muffled. People jumping out of the way, judging people not wearing masks. Being encouraged to tell on your neighbours, being cut off from your own family. The young vs old arguments, laying the blame on certain groups for rises, I’m better than you because I’m doing things differently to you.

It’s just a ridiculous, surreal situation and I’m done with it. I’m not going to read these threads any more and I refuse to watch the news, I’m banning myself from reading news sites because it’s like there’s nothing else going on in the world and the whole thing just makes me angry and stresses me out.

Anyway off I trot back to the airhead influencer threads ✌
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Chatty Member
I’m so fed up of covid deniers/tin foilers. Yesterday a previous work colleague was posting stuff on Instagram stories about it being fake and I just feel really disappointed in her. Went on Instagram now and she’s posting more. I despair.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I had no idea how down right stupid some of the people I know were until I hear them talk about Covid 👀😂 When Boris said last night “we’re relying on common sense of the people” I thought, yup and that’s a problem. The minority can cause a disaster for the rest of us here 🙈
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Mrs McCarthy

Chatty Member
We have already thought about getting married again on Christmas day. All the family would still be under 15 people, so all I need is to just squeeze myself into my wedding dress 😂
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VIP Member
When is this fucking shit going to end?! What if we don’t get a vaccine for YEARS?! Are we expected to live like this for years?! At what point will they just have to give in a accept we have to live with this virus? How will there even be an economy after 3 years of stop-start lockdowns and curfews? I don’t get it.
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Iconic Member
I don’t care what your opinion is, I’m fed up of everyone turning on each other lately.
I stroll onto this thread lately and think

“Oh Valid point”
“Fuck off already”
“Can’t be arse”

and leave 😐

Its arguing for the sake of arguing at times.
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I just wish I could rewind to January before we had even heard about any of this. Life was so much simpler then and I actually felt happy.
Aside from there being a pandemic, I am happy. I am a ball of anxiety one moment, but I feel incredibly blessed and have pockets of my day and the last six months where I’ve really felt peace.

When lockdown was looming, but not announced yet, I walked through the park after dropping the kids to school and it was so peaceful. I can remember wondering if that walk would be taken away from me. Thankfully we could still go out once a day.

I am lucky that I am not in an abusive relationship and I have cherished having my kids at home having real quality time bonding and watching my children cement relationships they may not have being at school.

I am lucky that Covid has not yet touched my immediate family. I am lucky that two members of my family are able to still seek support with cancer journeys, despite the pandemic. Another family member had a heart attack and still was able to have the procedure that saved their life. Another family member had a stroke and still had the procedure that saved their life.

I am lucky that I still have a job that I love.

Huge uncertainty of the future. I want to remind myself to count my blessings.
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I’m watching the news and it’s been recommended that unis deliver all lectures online. So why get the students into their halls? It can be really difficult for young people starting out at uni for the first time. Mostly the first time staying away from family for a prolonged period. This can lead to the increase of mental ill health, self harm and suicide. Throw a 14 day isolation into the mix and it’s a recipe for trouble. This needs serious intervention.
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