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So a while ago I posted that I was feeling extra miserable lately due to the fact that I really hated my job due to my my team members, I had applied for a new one (same company) in a lovely team which I got, but it was then pulled due to coronavirus causing a hiring freeze. Felt very hopeless and like I'm never getting away from the situation in this job market.

Well.. i just got a call saying it's back on and offering me the job! It has reminded me that maybe good things can still happen in corona world and nothing lasts forever. This too shall pass. Maybe I can still enjoy life, even if it's in a mask 😂
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I've had a day out!!!! Local village is holding a scarecrow festival this weekend so ventured out as a family on our first outing since March. It was all outside so felt it was minimal risk and although it was busy, people adhered to social distancing for the most part. Never once felt unsafe or crowded. One of the scarecrows ended up being my sisters neighbours so we knocked and spent and hour in the garden catching up and having a drink. On the way home we bumped in to my niece and my two young great nieces who ran up to me and gave me the biggest cuddle. Wasn't expecting it but I sobbed. After 17 weeks of shielding today I felt normal and like me again
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I did it. I actually did it! After 17 weeks I've gone to a shop. Only to Asda living and it was really quiet but it's done. Only went because my daughter needed bras and she was mortified at the thought of having to go with her dad! Never been so nervous in my entire life though. Sweaty hands and the shakes. Didn't know where to stand or if I was doing it right. It's 2 weeks earlier than my official 'release' date but so glad I've done it. No way I'm going to a supermarket yet though. That 2 enough excitement for now. Even treated myself to a new mug because it had giraffes on 😂😂.
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Having one of those days where I am just sick of thinking about coronavirus. I just want this to be done. I'm sick of it taking up space in my brain. Of having a background feeling of constant anxiety every minute of every day. I feel like I'm living in this uncertain limbo.

And honestly, please do not reply to this saying it is the new normal or I need to get used to it or we will be living with virus for years to come or that I should count myself lucky because I'm only affected by having to think about it cos I just don't care about any of that right now. Im not accepting this as my life. I want all this virus bollocks over and done with and my life back. Sorry for the rant.
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I just made a right fool of myself. The kids school are having a ‘transition morning’ where the kids can go in and meet their new teachers and see their new classrooms. Each year group had a specific time and entrance to be at. Me being thick as shit went to the wrong gate at first which meant one of my kids was late for their class and we had to wait a bit.

I ended up crying and I’m so embarrassed. I hate all this. I hate feeling like I’m walking on eggshells when ever I leave the house. I hate feeling like all these stupid Covid instructions are unnecessarily complicated or feeling thick because I’m the only one who doesn’t understand them, and I’m dreading pick up later because I’ll probably manage to fuck that up spectacularly as well. The thought of having to go through this rigmarole every day from September fills me with dread. I don’t want any of these measures to be considered normal because it’s not normal it’s ridiculous. My mental health is in tatters after all this. Leaving the house is an ordeal.
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My mum just rang to ask me if I feel confident enough to go meet her in town for a spot of lunch. I'm nervous but I've waited 19 weeks for this so 100% I'm going.
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A positive mask story. My 80 year old gran went out today to the local high street for the first time since the beginning of March. She has been out twice to hospital appointments but literally ferried there and straight back, she's been too worried to even take a daily walk.
Today she felt brave enough to go the butchers, the greengrocers, the pharmacy and a couple other little independent shops because the mask rule is in the place.
I really hope wearing masks, gives those elderly people who have been pretty much locked away for 4 months the courage to go out and get back to some sort of living.
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The day public sector workers turn on each other is the day that the government has successfully divided the nation even further. Just look around at the judgements everyone is passing on each other throughout the crisis... Mask or not mask, going out or staying in etc.

We can't start comparing public sector workers and who has "worked hardest" in a crisis. Everyone knows that the pay in public sector is well below what it should be for the hours and stress put in. Both health care and education are vocations not career moves.

To divide is to conquer so we all have to stick together regardless of what we perceive each others jobs to be like.
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Even when they do something positive the tories always manage to make teachers the scapegoat. It’s almost like it’s intentional.

It’s not teachers faults that nurses work silly long hours for shitty pay, it’s also not their fault that they get 6 weeks summer holidays That’s just how schools operate in this country, unfortunately we can’t close hospitals for 6 weeks over the summer as obviously that would be silly and dangerous. It’s pointless even bringing it up but it always gets thrown in the faces of teachers. Any anger should be aimed at the government. Teachers work hard in their own right they may not be saving lives but they are giving children an education so they can potentially go on to save lives in the future. It really shouldn’t be a contest over who has it worse, every public sector worker helps keep society ticking over in some way, but this is what the government wants. Public sector workers fighting amongst themselves means they’re spending less time putting pressure on the government for better pay and working conditions.
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I have been wearing a mask for 10 mins a day like someone suggested, it is getting easier. Thank you ❤
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Been soing some reading about pandemics from history this morning and I found it quite comforting to read that previous flu or flu-like illnesses which became a pandmic, the pandemic only lasted around 2 years at most.

This gave me some hope in terms of trajectory. (I feel most anxious or hopeless when I see people saying this is life for years to come/the next 5-10 years. It's the lack of knowing when this will end I find so hard.)

I know it doesn't really mean anything to look a previous pandemics but if this lasted 2 years then we are already 6 months into that and I feel like my brain can just about cope with that idea.
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I'm so sick of this goddamn disease. The country I live in had an early lockdown and was very successful in limiting the spread of it, to be point that daily cases were in single figures. They started to relax of course and now the figures are climbing really high. The last few days we've had between 500-1000 new cases. It's so dispiriting. We had 15 weeks of lockdown, like actually not being allowed to leave our house lockdown without permission from the military. No daily walks or any of that fun. My husband's business folded, I'm potentially jobless as well in a month and all for it to be rampaging around the country again and there now being talk of a second lockdown.

Sorry just needed to rant. I have my health and family are all still ok, I'm thankful for it but also, it's really shit 😓
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I sympathise with those genuinely hurting due to lockdown and its knock on effects it just me or are others reading some posts on social media and thinking these folk need to STFU, breath deep to clear the cobwebs in their head, stop moaning/whining/whinging and deal with it, its life warts and all, move on, stop making yourself a victim?
Unfortunately for a lot of people, particularly those suffering from mental health problems and depression they can't just 'clear the cobwebs in their head'. I suspect they wish it was that easy.
Coronavirus and the whole situation surrounding it has exasperated a lot of well hidden feelings for many people and brought them to the forefront.
Everyone deals with things differently, I don't think people who express their displeasure at any situation are trying to make themselves victims and they most definitely don't need to be told to shut the fuck up.
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I'm going out out on Friday night!! Hubby has booked us a table at the local restaurant. We can only stay 2 hours as that's their rules but we're in the adults only section. My son is almost 14 so he's looking after his sister although she's 12 and can look after herself. Table booked from 6 until 8!!! I'm so flipping excited.
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Anyone else finding that now lockdown has eased friends just aren’t around anymore - we were doing weekly zoom quizzes/drinks and making all these plans and now we can actually venture outside our houses everyone is suddenly very busy and I somehow have less social life than I did during lockdown :LOL:
My friends weren't even around during lockdown. Really seen the true colours of a lot of people during this
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