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So Jade "found" a homeless guy, put her PayPal up to get him some warm clothes (allegedly his stuff has been stolen) and then she went to buy him some hot food. Her mum was trying to get through to Lancashire council emergency line re accommodation.....Ryan just HAD to be the "big I am" and also phoned the council....he was answered first and despite knowing nothing about the guy, and not spoken to him and being the other side of Lancaster proceeded to keep the woman on the phone whilst driving to find him!! I laughed out loud when he eventually got to the bloke and he said he didn't want, in a nutshell Billy big bollocks kept an emergency line busy FOR NO many other genuine emergency calls were delayed for Ryan to try and remain relevant? "Reporter"? My shitting arse are you a made yourself look like the absolute tool that you are!!
Jade raised £23.25 into her PayPal, bought food and some warm gloves and stuff for the guy and that came to £24.40....and she showed the receipts.
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Why the fuck are they protesting on a bank holiday 🤣

It will make zero difference anyway he made himself intentionally homeless
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I see Dorans has turned on him now for this whole Del Boy mess. That will hurt. There’s only so long you can get away with this shit. And unfortunately, Buzz has some big outgoings to meet at the moment and desperately needs the gifts. I’ve kept away from it all tbh, mainly because I’ve been blocked and because his cult are beyond help. If being associated with ANOTHER sex offender doesn’t sway them, I’m not entirely sure what will.
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Marmalade Atkins

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BUZZ: Join me on YouTube from now on, guys! No, wait, join Clapper! No, hold on, Twitch! I'm going back to TikTok! TikTok is shit, Twitch is where it's at! Fuck Twitch, go to Clapper! No, Clapper is shit! TikTok is the best! It's YouTube from now on, guys! NO, GO TO TWITCH! TikTok is the best! Twitch! YouTube! Clapper! TikTok! TWITCH!
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Thursday Dave Doran’s is going to Lancaster with some other lads to sort it out face to face apparently. Meeting with Martin too 🍿
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Going off the discord, he’s been banned for bullying and harassment and apparently Sonny is behind it. its only Sonny that reports you Ryan? I don't think so.....there's a whole "community" of people that think you're a twat.....its also called karma....remember trying to get DHB banned when he was doing a comp? Remember sending all your cult members in to make vile comments? Remember getting Gracie banned so you could win a comp? Play with fire you will get burned!!
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VIP Member said today it was day 1 of not talking about Martin, Sonny, Tam and all the have been chatting shit all day....repetitive bollocks ALL DAY....shut the fuck up....what does it take to silence you? A punch in the mush mush? Cos I'd willingly offer.....stop manipulating your sad sack, mentally challenged, desperate fuckwit followers.....and they have the nerve to tell us to get a job whilst lining the pocket of a jobless, lying about YOU get a job you scrounging, low life piece of 1 on Tattle if you think Ryan is a cnut 🤣🤣
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Lets see him acting the hard man now around the dogging sites when he has no backup it would be a great time for him to get a "scare".
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He bought john a tent from the lasted beg. Second hand 20 quid and it's in shite so he is looking for someone to give him one now.
He's putting John in an hotel for the night......well the moronic followers are!! Someone has paid for a new tent to be collected from Argos tomorrow....I thought Ryan was going to buy the tent? He said he would buy it and then everything else in the PayPal was his, to do what he liked with!! So he had PayPal open yesterday, again today.....the only receipt he showed was for £46.....then he said there was £300...but didn't show it...why does no one question this scammer? He's asking people to send vouchers too....and stuff off the wishlist....he needs his PayPal account reporting for misappropriation of "charity" money and use of a personal PayPal account for business.
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Marmalade Atkins

VIP Member
Sonny was live sharing the photo of Buzz’s car so now his car and reg plate is out there,
Buzz has done that himself many times. He gave out his own reg number before he'd even put it on the car and has shown his own car and plate on screen multiple times.

Plus, he shows cars and plates all the time - calling them doggers when they're not (a rambling club, ffs, were they?).
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He took John to two dogging sites last night, there was a caravan at the first one (Bull Beck) and Ryan said they were travellers and very quickly departed!! At the second site (Crook of Lune) there were 2 cars in the carpark, one looked "abandoned" as it obviously had a broken front window that was taped up. The other car had people in....straight away Ryan accusing them of being doggers, John started grabbing the full beam and flashing the lights....making lewd comments, suggesting a threesome, laughing hysterically. I don't wear the "John has learning disabilities" shit, John comes out with derogatory, sexist and vile things, he is, in my opinion, a "dirty old man".....I don't think he's as needy as Ryan makes out....he is a typical addict, lies, manipulates and plays the system. For many years I worked with alcoholics and drug abusers....I see through them all!!
Going back to the couple in the car.....did Ryan never take a girlfriend for a bit of "private time" as a teenager/young adult before he had his own place? I know I used to go with boyfriends for a bit of slap and tickle when I still lived at home!
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If Miss Red can't see what the greedy manipulative bastard is doing she needs to go look at his target for this lion competition....2000 lion £5 don't need to be slow to know that's £10,000.....yes TEN THOUSAND POUNDS!!! He's expecting his cult of not rights to chuck 5 quid a time at him.....the only five I'd chuck at him is a fist of five....straight in his nose!
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New thread for the Lancaster Ripper aka “buzztex reports” aka Ryan Donaghey
Still perving on doggers
Still stalking vulnerable women
Still scamming his cult followers
Still a grass

have I missed anything??
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Someone commented on his live earlier, said it was his birthday, Buzz commented Happy Birthday along with a few others. Then they said they couldn't enjoy it as they had no money for food or leccy, at this moment Alex the evil bitch blocked him....Ryan then said something along the lines of he isn't a cash dispenser.....but its OK for HIM to use his minions as cash cows? So much for a caring, helpful community....they're a fucking joke!!!
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Two mods, apparently. Sammi (sammy?) and Alex.

For anyone who didn't see Martin's live...

Ryan, Martin and some of Ryan's mods were out in two cars. The mods were in Martin's car because Ryan said Shona would lose her shit if they were in his car.

Somehow (?), Alex eneded up in Ryan's car (please correct this if you were watching). Martin drove left with the other mods, Ryan drove right with Alex (down a dead end, I think?)

Fifteen minutes later, Ryan and Alex were nowhere to be seen, so Martin and the other mods went to find him. When they found Ryan's car, Martin zoomed in with his camera...

Martin ended the live on that cliffhanger.
Wait, So the guy that goes out filming and exposing Dogger's is a genuine Dogger himself and has at least one Mod who is a Dogger, wtf.
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Jumped on the very sad news about the passing of Riley.....getting all his sad sack followers to put red hearts in the chat.....have you forgotten your desperation to beat Vicky (Rileys mum) in a competition once.....the only time she did a Tiktok raise funds to make memories....oh, and the time you did the same to Tash when she was raising money for Zachary.....but we'll forgive you the time you sent all your brain dead fuckwits into DHBs lives when he was doing the comp for charity....we beat you anyway, you vile, fat, ignorant gobshite!!
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