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Actually surprised how much she still gets on with Cody, i.e. the photoshoot etc. I'm not sure I'd be able to look at my ex who's moved on to somebody else in what felt like days.
I know. I think it's absolutely HORRENDOUS that he did that. I'm 8 months postpartum right now, I can't imagine how insanely hard this time has been for her. You need so much support during the first year, and we can 100% assume his lack of support for her played into their separation. Then he's with someone else (who seems like a total idiot btw) instantly? Disgusting. I hope he at least feels an inkling of what she has felt on the nights he has Arrow and she's out with another guy.
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I for one am a total believer of Cody and his gf being druggies and the whole calling CPS on Cody thing. Why else would he delete all of his Arrow pics and reels? And whether or not Dev was the nanny. Who knows, but what evidence would there be anyways? If I was a vlogger I wouldn’t be vlogging my nanny. But based on how skinny she is and how high he always looks, the drug thing seems legit.
And I know nothing about Finn, I don’t even have a tiktok. He doesn’t exist to me outside of Brittany lol.
I highly doubt Brittany would be so inclined to allow her child to be around Cody if that were the case. I don’t believe she would ever risk putting her baby in harms way. Their relationship honestly seems great and she really avocates for it. I think you want something to be true when it probably isn’t.
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I feel what you’re saying, and I don’t wanna think badly of her Nor do I think she’s doing something intentionally malicious to Arrow. But she is exploiting her…just today she posted an ad for FinTech that was based around their day and she uses her in her marketing and promotion of her clothing line. How can Arrow consent to that? Even if she’s saving profits for Arrow, the little girl doesn’t have any say in whether she wants to do it in the first place.

I don’t mean to hate, I started following Brittany because I had a baby and I found her content super helpful and real. I feel like her pregnancy and birth story and postpartum journey gave me great insight into the parenting world that other resources couldn’t. However, as my child has gotten older and I see this little personality emerge, I now have a different view on this whole culture of posting stuff about our kids online, especially if you’re making money off them. I agree Brittany seems to post stuff that isn’t too over the top about Arrow, but regardless none of it is Arrow’s choice and I wonder how she (and all other children of influencers who are used for their parent’s content) are going to feel about having so much of their childhood eternally broadcast to strangers so that their parents could maintain thei influencer life in 5, 10 or 15 years….

You have some solid points there. I definitely get major ick feelings regarding several accounts I’ve seen where the context is solely the children, and the children modeling etc. I know that the trend (awakening?) has started for influencers to show less and less of their children and as Arrow is getting older I agree she should be shown less and less.

The mom stuff can definitely be shared without showing Arrow too much, which I do think Brittany already does as Arrow is more so in the background than in the foreground of her videos. I think it is inevitable that child exploitation on YouTube will eventually be halted by the law and big changes will happen.
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Guys, I really used to enjoy Brittany’s posts and feel for what she’s going through. But something is really nagging me: I feel very sorry for Arrow. Does anyone else feel like a child should have more rights about what’s posted about them online? It makes me sad to think about her right to privacy and that so much of her life is out in the open and she doesn’t have a say in it…
I find that Brittany seems to have a pretty good balance with what she posts regarding her life and Arrows life. She posts a lot of her meals but I don’t think that’s a big deal at all, just helpful for other moms. Anything medical should be off limits and maybe mentioning her speech therapy was a bit too far, but in general it’s just pictures like every other mom online shares. I get what you mean definitely but I don’t feel like she is exploiting Arrow, especially compared to what other influences post and do!
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I don't know why she's so friendly with him?

I get he might be a great dad and you want to keep that positive relationship for your daughter but there's no fucking way I'd be hanging out with the person who broke up with me 3 months post partum outside of a family event.

He seemed checked out all through the birth video, and she's barely had a chance to heal and she's the one moving out of the house, finding a new place to live and trying to buy new furniture all while juggling essentially a new born. I couldn't forgive that.
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I dont know if he physically cheated but honestly there is no way to know for sure. But ya he was mostly texting and stringing other women along from what I can gather watching the video.

also I went back and read some of the texts she had on the screen of the video. This guy was so cringe even from the beginning, some of his grammar was off and he kept saying we have so much in common and i am so excited wayyy too many times. Like bruh you just met. Literally he just was agreeing with whatever she said. Hes pathetic.

im glad cody and his gf posted what they did. I think some people hate on them too much here. Again, not sticking up for them but if you have no proof and want to believe theyre doing drugs because thats what you want to believe thats kinda dumb imo.

Also dating apps are not the safest or best way to meet a partner cus some really shady people use them. I know normal people do too but there is a sea of awful people you have to wade through to find someone decent. The fact that it seemed like everything was too perfect at first sends a red flag but also the way he spoke and had no evidence to back up his acting career or talent management. Ugh hes so cringe as hell makin up these lies! Point I am making - be cautious and careful if you use these apps!
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Thank you @bebegirl5 for bringing the tea! ☕

I am just SO not surprised that he was screwing around when he was still with Britt. It makes perfect sense. I don’t know how he got so lucky with her in the first place! She seems so pure hearted and a decent person and he just seems so bland and he even looks unhealthy and unappealing.
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He’s really pathetic and even though I feel bad for Brittany I am happy that she’s finally free of him. Unfortunately if she has a type then the new guy may be just as much of a jerk.

I’m fairly certain that Cody hated her new mom bod and the fact that she was giving all the attention to the baby instead of him. He’s looking for the “old” Brittany who did everything he wanted in the looks department and was just a yes girl. This new chick he’s with just bleached her hair, which I’m sure he had everything to do with.
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Also just made an account for this thread. Something doesn’t add up with these people who claim to have tea, or people who are trying to say they have inside info… but call Dev Devon. Her name isn’t Devon. It’s Devanna.
Clearly Brittany reads this site since she posted a screenshot of it on her IG stories. Wouldn’t be surprised if the person who has tea is one of her friends or her. Plus they just broke up so it’s not like the person spilling was wrong at the time they said she and Finn were still together. They literally just broke up.
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I highly doubt Brittany would be so inclined to allow her child to be around Cody if that were the case. I don’t believe she would ever risk putting her baby in harms way. Their relationship honestly seems great and she really avocates for it. I think you want something to be true when it probably isn’t.
This! Yes! I agree. Cody even commented that dad has everyones back on Brittanys latest post. Js I dont think Cody is that bad. Bad for Brittany relationship wise, sure, but I cant believe all the terrible things about him are all true because Brittany has a good co parenting relationship with him and he still shows support for her and his daughter. Finn, on the other hand, has shown himself to be complete slime of the earth.
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Sadly it looks like her type is asshole. I hoped this relationship would go well but clearly not. “Bad boys” is what she needs to get away from.
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And honestly, I completely empathise with someone feeling uncomfortable in their skin no matter their size, etc but I'm sick of her posting in bikinis / barely dressed as well. It's hit the point where it does feel like she's showing off.

And girl, show off! Just own it rather than under the guise of her 'mom bod' 😴
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I find her very boring now. And I get it, she's probably extremely busy however ALL her content is mum related, every insta story, every post, every YouTube video. I'd just love to see her shake it up a bit. Her whole personality is being a mum at the moment and that's not healthy.

Also when she's posting her and Arrow's meals, her portion looks the same size if not smaller than her daughters.
Exactly. She is so skinny, like in an unhealthy way :(

One thing that just annoys me is that when she gave birth to Arrow and was a bit bigger for a few months, she wore baggy clothes and claimed that she accepted the way she looks and is ok with that. She said that she loves those comfortable clothes and feels amazing in them. When she lost a lot of weight suddenly she started wearing all those tight shirts, skinny leggings and short skirts. So NOW, she wasn't so much into baggy clothing because she didn't have to HIDE any extra weight. That is sad. It just sends to viewers the wrong kind of message: when you're a bit overweight, you need to hide it, but when you are (unhealthily) skinny SHOW IT OFF :/
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Seriously. WHAT exactly happened to cause the divorce? Like, I was an overtired swamp person postpartum after my children (and sleep deprivation led to more fighting with my husband). But I never would have thought to leave, regardless of how “little” it felt he was doing. That’s honestly not a big enough reason.
And now the are besties with matching tattoos. Doing giggly YouTube videos on her bed in her bedroom while he chugs beer
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I had to make an account bc I have been watching Brittany on and off for like 10 years. Im sadly not surprised by her taste in men! she literally said she loves guys who use to be emo and have a bunch of tattoos. Girl you should definitely expand your tastes instead of just liking a guy who you like how they look on the outside because clearly these guys aint it.
Also why was the person a thread page or two back claiming they have the “inside tea” and that finn and brittany were still together when clearly they were wrong?? you should not trust their information lol.
Also made an account to comment, I completely agree that the “inside tea” account seems to be BS imo. For example dev being their nanny etc doesn’t seem right to me after going back and watching brits videos about getting a nanny. Strange.
As for her current situation, I couldn’t be more proud of her for how she has handled it and I’m infuriated by Finns tik tok. What a shit person.
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Also made an account to comment, I completely agree that the “inside tea” account seems to be BS imo. For example dev being their nanny etc doesn’t seem right to me after going back and watching brits videos about getting a nanny. Strange.
As for her current situation, I couldn’t be more proud of her for how she has handled it and I’m infuriated by Finns tik tok. What a shit person.
Also just made an account for this thread. Something doesn’t add up with these people who claim to have tea, or people who are trying to say they have inside info… but call Dev Devon. Her name isn’t Devon. It’s Devanna.
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I'm probably going to sound really harsh and I don't mean to, I enjoy Brittany's videos a lot and she seems great.

I wish she'd let this Finn / Tik Tok Swindler thing end... I appreciate she said there's more to it she couldn't say due to legalities but everything I've heard is he just seems like he was playing a lot of women at once which yes is hurtful but I don't think needs SO much rehashing, especially as she admitted he did pay her back and has now not reached out to her again.
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