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VIP Member
Good to hear some positive stories.

Mine are 13 years old now and starting to feel uncomfortable. I had a mastoplexy first time around but have breast fed my kid plus gained some weight since having the implants in so I’m expecting some sag too. Just want to get it done now, the more I dither about it the more anxious il get!
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Can I ask how much it roughly costs please? I’ve had mine in 14 years and I definitely need to make a decision sooner rather than later! 😭
I’m in the south and the surgeons secretary told me £4-7k as an estimate
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VIP Member
Oh wow i didn't know that. I have got all my info still so will have a look at mine. I really do want them out now, and I don't want to replace with smaller ones. The big decision is to have an uplift or not. I'm 38 now and had a baby so things have....changed!!!!
But it is nerve wracking, it didn't bother me having them in but this seems a massive thing. Let me know how you go on xxxx
I’m the same age as you and also had a baby and breastfed him so things aren’t as they were and I don’t want to replace either, just want them out and will try and embrace the sag after 😂 will keep you posted! Xx
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But Seriously?

Active member
Hey.. jumping on this thread. I really want my implants removed. But not sure where to start. Well, I do I would need to see a surgeon. But feel overwhelmed. Ive regretted my Implants since I got them 5 years ago.
Same here. I keep putting it off. I vow to make an appointment next week.
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VIP Member
Hello. I’m in the same situation - had my implants done just over 10 years ago now and want them removed without replacement. I’ve been researching surgeons in my local area as I went through a company last time and had to travel to London but that was pre children so want to be closer to home this time. I haven’t had a consultation yet but will look to do that in the next month. I’m more scared about surgery this time around before especially the anaesthetic, I wasn’t bothered first time around but am more anxious these days. I have enjoyed my boobs and the confidence they gave me but wish I wasn’t so vain back then, my priorities are totally different in my 30’s than my 20’s. I also found out from researching that I’ve got implants that have been recalled so another reason why they need removing.
Sounds exactly like me, my priorities have changed too and I'm abit more anxious as well. Where did you find out your implants have been recalled? Be interesting to see if mine have.
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VIP Member
Can I ask how much it roughly costs please? I’ve had mine in 14 years and I definitely need to make a decision sooner rather than later! 😭
the hospital I’m looking at is about £5k but it seems to vary (I’m in south west England).
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But Seriously?

Active member
Thank you for replying to this. I almost feel ashamed after reading your situation, that my implants were just an unnecessary vanity project. I truly hope you are doing well and I send you lots of love and hope you are well and healthy now. Il admit that mine have never been uncomfortable....until now. One in particular seems to hurt a little and I feel something has changed or moved. I really can't wait to get mine removed, I feel like I made a bit of a foolish mistake when I was younger by getting them. As iv never liked the look of them, I did it for all the wrong reasons.
I live in the UK, but thanks for being so helpful! Really lovely to meet you too 🥰🥰🥰 and I wish you all the best too. Maybe we could come back to this thread and do an update when we have had them removed! Xxxx
Hey, don't feel ashamed about it. I got reconstruction out of vanity, too. I thought I could get the perfect, smaller boobs that I always wanted. But I was never happy with them. I'm doing good. I'm being bad and putting it off until Summer because we want to go on vacation in the Spring.
Yes, let's keep each other updated with our surgeries. And give each other support! Hopefully others will join us here. 😘
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But Seriously?

Active member
Glad it went ok for you and you are doing well. So sorry you have cancer though.
How was the recovery from the surgery? Was it easier than having the initial surgery? I’m a single parent this time around so can’t just chill at home quietly post op 🤣
The one a year ago was a little harder because of the drains. But over all not bad. This recent one was pretty easy, no drains. The worst part was sponge bathing instead of showers for two weeks. But it was really good. Thanks and good luck to you.
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VIP Member
Hey, don't feel ashamed about it. I got reconstruction out of vanity, too. I thought I could get the perfect, smaller boobs that I always wanted. But I was never happy with them. I'm doing good. I'm being bad and putting it off until Summer because we want to go on vacation in the Spring.
Yes, let's keep each other updated with our surgeries. And give each other support! Hopefully others will join us here. 😘
Ahhhh 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Well I think you are allowed to want perfect boobs after what you went through. Yes I will definitely keep you updated on here, iv been researching surgeons so hopefully I can book a consultation in the near future. Good luck 😘😘😘 and enjoy your vacation xxx
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VIP Member
Just back to update this thread - I’ve finally booked for the consultation with the surgeon. It’s tomorrow after work. Need to get them out now I’ve procrastinated too long. Nervous but just want it done.
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Just back to update this thread - I’ve finally booked for the consultation with the surgeon. It’s tomorrow after work. Need to get them out now I’ve procrastinated too long. Nervous but just want it done.
How did the consultation go?
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VIP Member
Glad it went ok for you and you are doing well. So sorry you have cancer though.
How was the recovery from the surgery? Was it easier than having the initial surgery? I’m a single parent this time around so can’t just chill at home quietly post op 🤣


I had a mini consultation this evening about explant. Surgeon was so incredibly nice & informative and will 100% go ahead with him. I just need to decide if I want to have an MRI scan and leave them in or go ahead with removal and fat transfer.

Have no idea what to do, if I take the plunge and just get them out now so it’s done with or keep them for longer


VIP Member
I, too, have implants that need to be removed. I should have had it done at the end of 2020, but Covid happened and I put it off. I definitely have to get it done this year. My implants are due to reconstruction after a double mastectomy. Cancer sucks! Due to the fact that mine is cancer related my insurance covers it. If you live in Southern California I would recommend my surgeon.
I do have a question for you and others though. Do you find your implants uncomfortable? I do. I've found them uncomfortable since almost the beginning. They get really cold when the weather is cold and sticky (inside my skin) when it's hot. I cannot wait to get them out.
It's nice to meet you and best of luck to you on your surgery.
Thank you for replying to this. I almost feel ashamed after reading your situation, that my implants were just an unnecessary vanity project. I truly hope you are doing well and I send you lots of love and hope you are well and healthy now. Il admit that mine have never been uncomfortable....until now. One in particular seems to hurt a little and I feel something has changed or moved. I really can't wait to get mine removed, I feel like I made a bit of a foolish mistake when I was younger by getting them. As iv never liked the look of them, I did it for all the wrong reasons.
I live in the UK, but thanks for being so helpful! Really lovely to meet you too 🥰🥰🥰 and I wish you all the best too. Maybe we could come back to this thread and do an update when we have had them removed! Xxxx