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Chatty Member
Come on....she flew a uk Doctor out to Dubai at a 40k cost cause she had a herpes flair up 🤔
Maybe this girl is smart and VERY good at fleecing men....this was either paid upfront by the rich BF or it’s her homemade receipt to con another 40k off the rich BF...
it’s blowing my mind that on one hand she gets Doctors flown out for 40k to attend to her then she sleeps with men at night for 💰💰💰...It’s insane
and I don’t get why £40k would be spent so easily on a dr appt but she had to literally BEG for that £45k bracelet...?! I’m sorry but unless the guy was a billionaire / trillion with money to literally burn, £40k is a lot of money when she could have just easily taken a flight back to the U.K. for 6 hours and had an appointment same day? Makes no sense to me, she’s pretty but she’s not £40k worth of pretty... she’s not Russian standard.
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Active member
That's an interesting point of view.
So in your moral judgment, it is fine for Bayley to live lies, then post more lies about the lies on here. And that should not be responded to with the truth.
If the lies were not told, there would be nothing to respond to.
Most people would not view that as "obsession": but justified balance.
At what point do you let her go?
She is a young girl with questionable/0 morals
You shouldn’t of been paying young girls for sex or girlfriend status and let this be your lesson to it!
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Lying about parents being dead is sick but they are probably dead to her. She obviously hasn’t had anything to do with them for a long time and they sound like bad news so maybe as a young girl rather than answer questions as to where they were and having to explain the truth it was easier for her to say they were dead. Not saying that’s the right thing to do but I can see why a young troubled girl might.

Unless she breaks away from all of this madness now she will spend her entire adult life going through dramas & being used by men. I know we have assumed the Ex millionaire bf was maybe a good guy but in the end she went with the bad guy so that’s telling enough that she is always drawn in by men who take advantage of her and probably go along with her drug habit. I realise shes taken advantage of others and is a bully not excusing that but she’s clearly a very troubled girl beneath it all who needs therapy and away from that lifestyle.
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Don't thank us, thank Paul Baxendale-Walker. The man with the Midas touch.
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New member
Funny because I’m pretty sure her and Laura knew each other a while? People that sell out anyone for money just shows how desperate and scabby they are
Familiar username..miss Jacobs please kindly remember you have a harassment order against me so I’ll screenshot this and send it over with your police. As I’ve said over and over my family, boyfriend nor do I want any further contact from you.
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Chatty Member
Ohhh!! I’m totally invested in this thread now! I always wonder do these nobody instahoe’s families not be ashamed of them like do they know how their precious girl is affording all this designer gear and holidays etc. If I told my ma I was an escort or getting shat on by fat Arab princes she would disown me, she would prob ask for a lend of a few grand first though! another Instahoe from my town is Kamila Kostka her handle is dubaibarbiedol if any of u want to nosey and absolutely LOL at how much she edits her grid pictures. She’s like a ****** in real life but a Victoria secrets model in her grid posts. She had stories up the other night of her in a taxi and getting a small boat to what seemed to be an empty yacht and leaving again an hour later with a “gift bag” wee gift bag of goodies as a thanks for taking someone’s brown trout on their chest 🤮 how do they live with themselves?!
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Chatty Member
This thread is what I imagine it to be like going down one of these rabbit holes people talk about.............stick ya head in and it comes out like drop dead Fred’s wen his head got stuck in the fuckin fridge! 😅
Mop ya brows lads.......shit is brewing! 💩☕
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Smh does anyone remember the pics she used to post where she had a WALL of Chanel bags and Loubs etc. and her only tasks for the day was doing daft shit like getting elocution lessons and eating out in Mayfair lol

I fully envied her! I knew what she was up to but ngl I did assume it was clean / harmless fun. How wrong can I be

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That is a lot of shoes to have collected in a short space of time. I can’t help thinking they were passed down from another honey bunny and came with the apartment.
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But Tex didn't know what Bayley's lies were. So he tried threatening her millionaire BF (who owns a security company, apart from other things).
Oops! Tex didn't know what lies Bayley had told. So she got him to lie about them, so that she could try and keep the BF money coming in - for both of them (the poor Fat lad needs it too):


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Chatty Member
But, she went back to her old habits. She was escorting, and doing a lot of drink and drugs: mainly Pink. She's one of Kiki's Star Girls out there:

Then it got complicated. Her BF came out to Dubai for New Year's week 2020. Booked a fabulous villa at a swanky hotel. Bayley checked in for Xmas. Then checked out to go live with her new "boyfriend" Tex Spencer Jacks. When her BF arrived, she was nowhere to be seen.
She had been shagging Tex's mates. They have videos of her doing it, while jacked up on coke / Pink. A familiar story. But Tex got obsessed with her.
Tex is a 25 year old loser from Romford, Essex. He's fat, stupid and careless. He does minor drug dealing, of course. But he got into doing investment frauds: "spanking". He's made bits of money out of that.
Bayley asked her actual millionaire BF to get her that Cartier Cleau bracelet. He told her No: given he'd already spent way more supporting her Dubai lifestyle under their "Exclusive" arrangement.
So she asked Tex to get it for her. Because he's obsessed with her, he actually got it or her for xmas day. Bayley told Tex a pack of lies that the actual BF who was supporting her Dubai lifestyle was an obsessive ex who used to beat her up, and she'd come to Dubai to run away from him. Being a bit thick, and obsessed, Tex swallowed it.
In the meantime, Bayley was telling everyone (including her millionaire BF) that Tex was 'just a friend' and was her 'Personal Shopper'.
Then the truth about all that came out:

Bayley keeps everything real off her Instagram. But Tex is so obsessed, that he couldn't help bragging about his new "Mrs":

Even after that, Bayley was still trying to lie to everyone, including the BF that paid for the dress she was wearing, that Tex is "just a friend". She was still blagging money:
well now that is tea 😂

what type of guy do you have to be to be ok with your Mrs shagging other men for money
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So Laura aka LB snaked Baylea to her ‘millionaire ex’ for 5k after a suspicious weekend trip to Monaco.
Thanks for making sense of that part of the jigsaw puzzle.

So presumably Paul knew Laura as Bayley's friend, or just reached out to her on Insta to find out what Monaco was all about as Bayley is dumb enough to post all her shenanigans on Instagram.

Paul's obviously obsessed enough to want to find out the details, so waved £5k under LB's nose to get them. Given Bayley's reaction to being outed, we can assume LB had been well-warned to keep her mouth shut and not fuck-up the Paul-funded gravy train, which was her main means of support and income.

Thing is, LB was on SA. She knew the score. Maybe didn't know how deep the rabbit hole went, but when she hopped on that plane with Bayley, I have difficultly believing she didn't know what the price of the ticket ride was. Maybe she just came along as the 'companion' and Bayley had pitched to the sponsor(s) that her mate would be up for it at the right price, and maybe she would've been but "it" was just some beyond the pale shit. Whatever, but it looks to me like she climbed the high-dive board and then froze when she got to the edge.

Bayley, in retaliation for being grassed-up to Paul, then threatens a similar outing of LB's shenanigans to her nearest & dearest. Which backfires a tad. Tex, being the pussy-struck white-knight, ill-advisedly joins in.

My main takeaway from all that is that Paul hardly needed to spend £5k to figure out what Bayley was at in Monaco 🤡
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This fella needs his own thread 😂 honey bunnies come forward we want the tea.

Here’s some afternoon tea for you guys, make sure the kettle is boiling....

I know who escort Bayley's ex is. The nice guy. The one who's not a drug dealer! He's a serious multimillionaire businessman. He looks about 40. His GF before Escort Bayley was a well-known Love Island girl. Bayley used to live in her old apartment In St Katherine's Dock. Him and Escort Bayley used to be all over each others' Instagrams. They got a cute little dog together. But she gave it away, after he dumped her, and she moved in with the drug dealer John in Manchester. Even when he dumped her that time, he still got her an apartment in West Kensington. Which she used for escort jobs. And shagging Sam Gowland. Then she went to Dubai on the Ex's money, shagging and moving in with her drug dealer Fat Tex. Lying that she was there on her rich parent's money. Yes, the Ex has got a helicopter, just like Christian Grey. Was in the newspapers a while back about it. One summer, he flew her down to Friends Fest in Brighton in his helicopter. Caused a stir!
Cannot stop cry-laughing rereading this..OH 😂 What a loser! He clearly wrote that himself!!

Glad I stumbled upon this thread, one of the best ones on tattle...
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VIP Member
Good tea! It’s possible that someone dropped the 50k on the jewels but let’s not forget we can’t believe everything we see on Instagram and those Cartier bracelets are easy to pick up fake in Dubai much like the handbags.
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Well-known member
Any more Insta ‘independent bossbabe’ thots on that site? Looks like legalised prostitution to me
It's escorting-lite. No guy is giving you a four figure sum every month just for your sense of humour and the pleasure of getting to sit across the table from you once a week at lunch. The 'sugar' goes both ways.

All that "be direct with what you want" is another way of Bayley saying "how freaky do you want to get, so I can charge accordingly".
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Well-known member
Few questions from me:

- know for a fact bayley was shagging someone with links to Five Palm which is why she was staying there since she moved. Who was/is this guy?
- who the hell is Dave
- who is the geezer she was pictured with Che with for dinner
- how many girls has she threatened as I’m now fully lost

Anyone else want to summarise for me 🤣
I'm still trying to work out who the grandad in the Gucci top is?

And is the sugar daddy that was on the go around the time of the Faces nightclub incident, Paul or a different guy?

You know you achieved Tattle immortality when we're essentially arguing over our 'fan theories' in trying to make sense of the drama.

Bayley's operating on more levels of bullshit than a Lars Von Trier movie at this point.
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