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Chatty Member
150-300 for a night? That’s quite an average hourly rate in London 150 being a standard escort and 300 being mid range / top end in south west london. He was getting nowhere lol 🤣
Yeah but he felt it beneath him to be bait and just use a more clear cut working girl IMO. I think he wanted the trophy girlfriend experience, and more... But ultimately was too broke 😂
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Oh wow it was only 2 years ago in my head I was thinking it was a lot longer than that

That’s what the person who deleted their comment said that she’s from Leicester and something about a girl called Millie? Apparently they used to say they were sisters but they weren’t.
I thought it was more than 2 years ago too. I remember the picture of flawless cosmetics her showing the transformation pic on her insta one time but couldn’t imagine her doing it now. I wondered what happened with her and Millie. Millie just disappeared
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Tell us more, have followed her on Instagram for a while and really wanted to know where her money comes from and her background as there seems to be nothing
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Exactly, I had a friend contract it in college and it was horrendous, the pain she had from the sores both vaginally and cold sores was mad!! she’ll get them any time she’s over worked now or just randomly. So contagious, I’d definitely rather the clap than that!
yeah it literally affects your life/work everything. one of my friends has had it for nearly 8 years now and only has a flare up once or twice a year, but for the first 3/4 years it was so awful. also you cant share drinks/towels etc with them as it can be passed via salivia, so all their family members and friends had to know, honestly so heartbreaking, and a condom cant protect you either. Wont ever have sex with a man now til I have seen his genital area in full view in the light :LOL:
one of my friends saw a Chinese doctor and got told heat can make you flare up, she does everything to keep the down below cool and has had a lot less flare ups as a result, don't know if it will help?
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Me to....all these new members popping up, she is an escort, she’s not an escort, she is on SA, she’s not on SA....she’s a normal person not an influencer but has nearly 7k followers 🤷🏻‍♀️
Yeah, and apologies because I'm a new member as well. I'm not saying I know a huge amount, but come from the prospective of someone using SA. She was an escort, isn't active on SA any more and doesn't do the 'hey I got this stuff from brand x' content on her instagram so doesn't come across as an influencer. So I don't feel its definitely right to put her name out there. My point was just that the anti-bayley stuff and pro bayley stuff has bs on both sides. I'm guessing most of the shady stuff came from Bayley but there must have been a falling out for some reason.
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This doesn't seem genuine. The way it's laid out, grammatical errors and would a solicitor really write that without proof it was Bayley? And to post here surely would jeopardise any position Paul is in. Ruins his credibility in my opinion.
Not at all. Pre-Action letters are released to the media all the time, especially in defamation cases. Papparazzo, with respect, has probably never seen a genuine Pre-Action Letter in his life.

How about addressing the Substance? If "Louise" is not Bayley, then Bayley can identify herself on here and say so.
Bayley can also address the proven lies, for which she is notified of pending legal proceedings.
She could alwats just apologise and then it's over with !
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Bonnie Bisou

Well-known member
But why did he slip up on his story then by changing it?
What was the slip up?

Food for thought - she scammed him and used this £40k to buy herself the bracelet and that’s why Tex doesn’t mind saying that he didn’t buy it for her because he actually didn’t. This girl is a con artist so anything goes really

Perhaps she did pay the dr and then forged an invoice and sent it to him via her or a fake email
Yeh I can’t decide if the BF was conned or if she actually flew a doctor over to treat her herpes....40k herpes WTF 😳

She just posted this on her story.. successful In scamming people
What’s it say?
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Her mum is alive but she has a restraining order against her due to drugs etc. Her dad much the same is mentally unwell hence why they don’t talk
. To lie about your parents being dead is sick and I was shocked when I found out the truth.
omg tysm this is so shocking because i’ve been following her since she was 17 bad she moved into a London apartment all by herself so i was shocked and she said they were dead so i was confused bc she said she had no finical help at 17 and her ask fm people were asking her if they were dead tysm for telling the truth !
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Bayley's Genital Herpes. Contracted it 23 March 2019, in Dubai. Had a bad attack of it in September 2020, in Dubai. Was at 5 Palms. Didn't dare go to a Dubai doctor. So got a UK doctor to fly to Dubai to treat her.
She never paid, of course, so now is in debt for this as well.
I'm just wondering why the millionaire ex wanted to be with her when there's all this dirt about her?
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Yeh we know that, as far as we know they’re both terrible.
Paul is a gross sugar daddy but bayley is also a prostitute who seems to enjoy threatening other prostitutes with outing them once they do her wrong / callin her friends fake via a forum even though she’s up their bums in RL?
Yeah you’re along the right lines tbh. But I guess if your friends are selling stories on you then you’re gonna be mad.

neither myself or henearne19 have made any slut shaming comments in regards to Herpes?????
Not either of you, prev comments in the thread.
Have you even read any of my pervious comments? I never met the girl, don't even follow her, don't even judge her for escorting. I'm just here to read the drama, what exactly have I exposed?
my point now is that we’ve got the story across but do we need to keep bullying her. I don’t know maybe I’m the only one that feels sorry for. She’s clearly damaged why are we carrying this on