Autistic Interpretations #22 Smoke and Mirrors, Secrets, Schemes and Scams

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Todays video. Jess made sure to make her public service announcement in plenty of time for the minions to shop! . “ My Birthdays Coming up”!!!!
And a REAL caring Mother would have said yes, it’s coming and this year we will ask “friends” to donate to ………. In honor of your birthday
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Do you think Val is in hiding? Do you think she has finally given up her scams? I would like to be able to hear from a crispies of her secret society. What is going on behind the scenes. What has happened to the camper? It was her dream for Jessica and Val to travel the country. I don’t call visits to a park 20 minutes away from home, traveling. You giving up Val, too much work keeping your lies straight? No help from anyone with the travel scene. You aren’t as big a camper as you portrayed.
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It's obvious Val has been hiding ....after being outted for all the lies, scams, negligence and abuse being told and proven by hundreds and HUNDREDS of people she did make her threat video about seeking legal council , shutting down other pages and or platforms for saying bad things about her....but found out that people revealing your lies and scams using freedom of speech and proving those claims isn't illegal so....obviously nothing Val can do .

However she did cry to Madison and Sara....being that Sara has been in the online adult entertainment industry for 15 years....knows her way around making money online , selling HER self, and her " products " she and Madison helped Val create her layered pay for info pyramid plan .....all we are really seeing from Val now in basic food videos , while her main focus is on her tier paying customers ....much like Madison and Sara...they have " free" online sex videos but if you join, and get better, longer and more nasty stuff to chose from.
Well Vals taken the same steps in marketing Jessica for cash.

If your comments are good, supportive and defend Val then you're good, hand go on a list, if your comments are bad..well you also go on a list and are banned.
If you read the contact info Val says to contact her and when you do they refer to their lists ...see how you've commented on public posts, see if you're a member on Autistic Interpretations A Joyful Scam page, see if you're on a banned list. Etc...
They check profiles , new account also.

If you pass abdicate found to be a good one you are invited to join the tier " Patreon" group it has 2 levels the $34.99 and the $84.99 monthly payments ...then you get more videos , lives, texts and calls from Jessica , FaceTime and all the Disney trips that no one sees now on the boring public AI page.

This is how Vals hiding in plain site now....she feels more protected and can run her lies and scams in private to people who are paying to spend time with her, Jessica and Hannah.

Goodpooch Badpooch is the business and that's where Vals hiding....AI, DSGP are just some of the platforms ... Madison and Sara bailed Val out.
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This popped up as I was scrolling my page. Instead of Val or whoever answered this had a perfect chance to say why dont you donate to a good cause but nope just gave out the address! This lady works at McDonald's for petes sake! They are the greediest group I have ever sceen!
Isn't that pyramid scheme illegal because she is exploiting a disabled person? And even if she "asks" Jess if she wants to do it how legit can that be? Jess does not have the mind to understand that they are making money off her ridiculous babbling!! All she cares about is chicken tenders, hot meals 3 tines a day and chocolate cake! They bribe her and we all know it!!


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@Susan830 you're absolutely right, Val has full guardianship or conservatorship of Jessica at age 18 was deemed by a court to require someone to make decisions for her best interest as she was found incompetent.

So... Jessica is not legally permitted to make her own medical choices, financial choices, can't vote of marry, etc....
every state has variants to this and may differ state to state.

knowing Val as we do....she works every loop hole. Her " asking" Jessica on cam if she wants to make a video purely for the viewers to make it appear Jessica has choices. In reality Vals choices, Vals decisions.

With guardianship comes responsibility....especially for someone like Jessica who requires medical visits regularly , requires her trusted guardian to see she gets regular dental cleanings, check ups, has proper hygiene needs met including hair brushing and cuts, that her body is clean, her sore, picking rubbing areas are properly treated to prevent infection.... Her diet and nutrition also Vals, the court appointed guardians, responsibility to ensure she gets proper nutrition and doesn't eat chicken fingers and chocolate cake every meal...
Val loves to say on cam Jessica is an adult and can make her own decisions .... But yet Val applied for guardianship so SHE could make those decisions for Jessica .

everything Val does is for Vals best interest only....everything else is al! Smoke and mirrors .
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I believe you are absolutely correct. There is no way this conscienceless person is going to stop exploiting her severely intellectually delayed daughter and a very naive and gullible audience. In addition, since they figure they’ll lose people on their regular pages now due to boring, senseless content, they are now employing auto play and fake profiles to comment to boost income. Atrocious, trashy people.
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Send the info to APS and IRS- let’s get their attention
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What exactly is the purpose of posting a 3 minute video heating frozen pancakes in a micro wave and scrambling an egg on a breakfast video from over two weeks ago?

And 36 year old Marlow saying how cute the scrambled egg flip was....

Cute??? I am speechless at the stupidity of these two, adult women, was Marlow not a teacher when she met the Brooks?? Working at the same school as Hannah?? please tell me I'm wrong...this idiot was not teaching children???!!!
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Whispers..... " they are at Disney btw! " notice all these videos are weeks old? The galaxy cupcakes were made a while ago...but they want us to believe Jessica got them yesterday !'s a secret.
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I find it interesting watching jessica and her behaviour with other family members grandad in tonight's posted video...( Which we know is from almost 2 weeks ago they hoarded videos to post while away at Disney.) Anyways's interesting to see jessica opening her mail..we can see the caution she has,normally she's grabby, greedy, rude, whiney....handsy.....interrupting Val etc...but when she's with Hannah or Grandad....she's a little different ...because she knows Grandad all not take her shit. Period.
And Hannah will argue with her when Vals not around.

She use to behave " better" with Nathan also and he would get her to do more ,touch more until she got comfortable enough and mommy backing her making excuses for her and letting her get away with doing nothing .

It all goes back to zero discipline for Jessica ...because she has autism and a vision impairment and another 50 ailments that Val randomly brings up to excuse Jessica and her bad behaviours.
According to Val there's no one in the whole wide world like her Bessy!!

Jessica use to spend entire weekends with her grandparents, then it went to one night, then a full day it's from 9-1.... Breakfast ,store to buy cds, P.O...lunch then home. All within 4 hours....because that's all they can now handle her for.
She use to have sleep overs at Marlows, but no more.
She use to have a volunteer job till she became so obsessive and violent they asked her to not return.
Use to ride the bus, use her cane independently, attend adult classes..all until her temper. And inappropriate behaviours became too much for people to deal with.
Not because of autism , or stimming, or visual difficulties ...all because of bad inappropriate behaviours and tantrums .....attitude not autism.

There is incredible information on disciplining our autistic children ....step one is knowing the difference between temper tantrums and meltdowns .

Val has refused to discipline Jessica and that's why she's unwelcome to many things, that why she's been asked to leave places like school, bus dentist office etc.... And that's why she's so unlikable...even by some of her own family members.

Sadly ....Jessica's temperament , attitude and behaviours will only get worse we already see it and the decline and regression in her abilities .

Eventually there will be no one except Val to deal with Jessica ..... And she will be Nonnies age.....

Good luck with that Val.

Here's some great reading material on autism and discipline.


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Just a couple things off the AI scammer page. HH and Marlow are quickly becoming worse and worse! How can 2 women in their 30's act like they do??? Like Marlow with everything being cute and HH just being obnoxious and looking half in the bag most of the time! She is really taking after Val in every aspect of her life. Plus both of them with all their phobias. I can't stomach either of them anymore!


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She kisses decks of cards now...?
Seeing this reminded me. Did any of you see a video recently where Jessica said Donna was sending all the cards home with her from her Aunt Sue’s? I looked for it but can’t find it. How far is Val going to let this obsession with cards go? Is she already throwing cards away? Where could she keep them all?
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Next, they will finish off the garage with a card theme.
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Val doesn’t see Jessica’s bad behaviour as needing dicipline. “ she only displays these behaviours when she provoked or pushed too far” sure thing Val, losing her phone at Allison’s, verbally threatening everyone around her, making a scene and abusing her cousin, Grahame, a young child, was being provoked, or maybe she was just misunderstood! Take off the blinders Val, she’s a feral, unlikeable baby in an adults body, who you’ve never taught to act appropriately in the real world. Go rock her in the rocking chair Val, until you’re too old to do so, then she will suffer the consequences of your shortcomings and failures in the real world who will have no tolerance for her actions.
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Just watched their video of the week, a couple of things caught my attention. It looks like Jessica has teeth that are broken off.
Another morning video taken of Jessica with no bra on and hair all over her head.
Val purposely takes videos of her looking all homely for sympathy and for people to feel sorry for Jessica in hopes of getting gift cards and gifts.
What kind of decent mother let's their disabled child go around with broken teeth? She's such a POS.


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A week in the life is boring as hell. These people are so dull and Jess is getting more and more dense. I am sorry but it's true. She is becoming so scattered. Video starts out with Val saying it was sleep over night, they didn't sleep well because they had Benny too and the dogs had been eating the nuts from the tree that they apparently never cleaned up! And Jess announced they were eating out the next night and mom what's for dinner tonight!!! Food, food and more food.
I shared a picture of a gross velvet couch they found and Val and HH just loved!!! Even Nonnie said why?? They have no taste!
DollarTree video with Jess smooching her mother. Then back to the house and Jess back in mommy's bed saying what is this picture over and over looking at her new coloring books...yup she sure needed more just like the frickin cards!
PO day she got just desserts to make so she can be independent! Ya right...a grown up!
Same crap with cooking but why do they need to cook 10 hamburger patties? No Balls seems to be MIA so I guess they will nuke the leftover cooked patties. Nothing worse than left over nuked burgers...yuck.
All in all Jess trying to kiss Val on the mouth seems to be a regular occurrence again...sick!
Oh and who of you eat pancakes and sausage with your fingers??? No utensils even given to Jess so she just shoves it in her mouth!


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