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I always noticed in Lives she would always rotating her head to emphasize her neck hurt. She’s the worst whine ass I have ever watched or met . Even if Hannah has depression and anxiety the best thing you could ever do for herself is keep placing one foot in front of the other because once you surrender that hill becomes a mountain and it’s so much harder to reach the summit. But like myself and most of us here we didn’t have the option to quit because bills had to be paid and children to be provide for. As long as all of them keep avoiding reality they will be left emotionally empty and unhappy.
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I think I discovered her on the scam page because she’s coming at me in the same ridiculous way she did here . At first I brushed it off and then I knew right away who I was dealing with and she hasn’t changed. I am just going to have to block her on that page. She was absolutely wrong in the way she would describe Jessica it was vulgar and unacceptable. It wasn’t a mild case of certain aspects of Jessica it came from a place that no one in their right mind would describe a disabled individual or the family. She’s not doing that on the scam page but she’s right at with the other bull crap . I would love to put her name out there but I am sure if you follow that page you can identify her by her nasty confrontational attitude.

I finally just came out and said I think I know you from Tattle as Messy Bessie? Because she sure writes just like her . What a friggin trouble maker that they need to block . Arguing with me over calling Jessica last pool a pool vs a kiddie pool. . All I said it was an above ground pool but not a blow up kids pool. She won’t let it go so it kinda got under my skin because she was being demeaning and a smart ass . Molly Weiner check her out on scam to see if you get the same vibe . It wasn’t the first time she’s done this me on a post so that’s why I became defensive. This isn’t a blow up pool but the second one is her older one which I consider more a kiddie pool. I get they are both probably kid pools but me I think of the blow up style more of a baby pool. Her theory if you can’t swim in it and it’s not 4-5 feet deep it’s a kiddie pool. I know I it’s all petty but I am not a fan of her spiteful behavior.
I had difference of opinion on this page and I just had to tell her to let it go . So I think she thought she could come at me on the new page.
She is a huge PIA!!
That PIA is actually being nice


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Dumb and Dumber are live right now test tasting ice cream!!!! Well Hypochondriac Hannah your lactose intolerance must be on vacation today!! I just can't watch this. They look grimey and have their finest clothes on. 🤢🤢🤢
So gross - they have no self pride, be online looking so disgusting and dirty - and the lies they tell - lactose intolerant. . . . . But not on Friday if I want to eat several kinds of ice cream and cheese on every meal every day of the week 🤮
I’ve heard her mention Hashimoto’s a few times. But she does little to nothing diet-wise to help it…
It’s sad she talks about it and does nothing to be an example of the RIGHT things to do in your diet and lifestyle 🤮
These people all have as much couth as roadkill!!!!
2 packs of cards with HH wooping in the background while filming. No sign of mommies dearest again. Marlow lurking in the background. Why doesn't she just move in????
Look at the amount of likes on this one! The most I have ever seen them buy!!!! Maybe that's what mommies dearest is doing in her room! With her not being on camera much something is going on...
I think maybe marlow is a part time live in and the other times HH lives with her
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I agree....I think she's " punishing " her simple minded followers using Jessica as always ..if you want more Jessica you have to PAY the private group because too many people are exposing all the lies! So Vals charging people to spend time with and see Jess ..Vals the Munchausen Pimp of Ringgold!

you have to PAY to play she learned that from her pornboy son and his a*s munching wife..🍑💩
Wait ✋️ ✋️ ✋️ ✋️
There is a private page now? If so is it on Facebook?

🤣🤣 You have me busting a gut at a$$ munching wife!! 😂🤣
The house belonged to her mother. She didn’t have to pay anything.

Marlow said in the first (I think) video about her moving there that her mother locked her cats, plural, in that room. She even commented about the floor. Stink!! 🦨
🐈⬛🐈⬛ Yes, she said that was the "cat room" and that there were litter boxes there but the cats pissed and shit all over the carpets. She would have to replace the floor boards or spray a TON of KILZ before putting carpet down. 🐈⬛🐈⬛
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What is the purpose of posting cryptic " moving" videos ...?(( DSGP))

If anyone asks a question the Merry Band of Assclowns answer and rip people apart, yet no one outside the inner circle ( aka...people who PAY) are privy to know why is Marlow moving .....again, where ? She keeps saying WE...whose WE?

So if no one can ask, and you don't explain .... Then why post tight closeups of your sweaty red face and yellow teeth ... Careful not to show the house, yard, any people , etc... And ramble on about another move.....
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Why does Val have to go along for everything??? Camping when HH was, painting and wine tasting with the girls, HH get togethers at the house and everything they do. Val get your own friends and let your daughters friends be her friends!!! And I almost didn't recognize Val in a real shirt, not a dirty t-shirt!
And how does Marlow separate her job and being friends??? She is always at their house or out with HH. And what's with the sick days almost every week? And they are all headache days! She needs a drs appointment to get that looked at!!! I still think she drinks more than she let's on.


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I’m wondering….on this last video on FB where HH is cooking yet another chicken casserole, I noticed that she had to stop to let the dogs out. When finished only she and J were eating. I wonder if VAl & Campbell went somewhere together? I haven’t seen him lately either and when he answers comments he always puts -BD at the end.
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Chatty Member
Plus who makes meatloaf???
DSGP is failing quickly. Very few comments. And like y’all said it’s the stupid cooking! In younger years we did a lot of tent camping. We cooked everything on an open fire. We went to places no one else went. I’m talking there was not even restrooms. But, boy was that fun. These goons have no idea what fun is.
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Friday nights video is from Thursday. A gift opening that Jess could have cared less about. Stickers, sticker books, a magic coloring pen and book which they had to show Jess scribbling in...oh sorry coloring! Why do these people even bother. They are all little kid things and Jess will have no idea how to do stickers!
Oh and Jess got a shoe tool....good god Val it's a shoe horn!!! Are you that daft? Tell her the right name of it!
And all the gifts including No balls and HH came from someone named Lisa. She should have saved her money since none of them looked that thrilled! She could have very easily donated that money to Make a wish or another charity for kids. Jess is an adult Lisa and will never touch that stuff. She was to busy looking at the cds they got from McKays! And she just got up and went to her roombwith nothing but those cds!
Plus Jess was out of it and coughing through part of it.
Was surprised that no pizza video was on. But Val probably had a long week of resting so she was to tired.


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What does "refresh " mean?.it says 2022? Does that mean they never went ahead with the divorce all they years ago? I'm confused as don't understand what it means .
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An older Dr Phil show - this mom is Val to a tee! She argues with everyone, knows more than everyone - SHE diagnosed because Drs don’t want to work with her! SHE decides medicine because she knows her child more than drs do! both Drs keep saying stop exploiting your child, stop posting videos of your child to bring attention to herself. Ex husband mentions Munchausen by proxy - maybe Dr Phil who is a mandated reported will get on board and stop Jess being exploited, etc.
I saw part 1 of that last week! She was a piece of work...
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Looks like she did 🤷🏻‍♀️
Here the proof she was there that week in Norway . What’s her job diaper wipey girl in between the 💩 scenes?

No, porn girl didn’t go. She said “Leo just got back from Norway”.
Yeah pictures speaks a thousand words
Didn’t Hannah go to Norway a few years back and I believe that’s where she sprained her ankle. Does she think she think she can hide about her true profession and it won’t be figured out ? This video of 💩 girl in Norway taping was August 2022. Looking to see when Hannah was there ??
Oops I read it wrong but it’s just hard to believe they aren’t promoting something over there in Europe.
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I'm sure he has his degree, since it shows he graduated, but don't they also have to do so many years of residency?
i think so, and I think he cannot practice until his residency is completed. I don’t know this for sure so if someone here is or knows a MD personally check and see.
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Sorry I didn’t read it right but I still believe the trips to Europe are connected to the porn industry and she’s some way possibly connected. No way all of them have all they do off of content creating if that’s what you call it .
Further digging look what I found maybe it’s connected but August 2022.
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Million dollar chicken which is fattening as hell....but all Jess was worried about was will their be cheese on the rice and what kind of rice. And she definitely was not in the mood to help. She couldn't pour in the sour cream and ricotta cheese because it's " breakable". My lord she is such a liar like the rest of them.
She was eating huge bites and Hypochondriac Hannah did the same size bite and food was falling out her mouth. She sure as hell wants to be disabled just like her sister.
And again in this recipe really needed more spices and SALT!!!!
I added a comment from under the video!!!! The followers are are learning.....
I’m wondering….on this last video on FB where HH is cooking yet another chicken casserole, I noticed that she had to stop to let the dogs out. When finished only she and J were eating. I wonder if VAl & Campbell went somewhere together? I haven’t seen him lately either and when he answers comments he always puts -BD at the end.
I wondered the same thing because it's very obvious Val is off on a vacation and odds are it's to Disney! So if she went with no balls she can drink her way all the way through the parks!!!!


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Just to clarify ..Vicki...was the one Joanna was trolling. She was sharing the info. The " second" lady had removed herself from the group as I was writing and I forgot her name.
" Michelle" something I didn't add her name because I couldn't remember Barclays name

Regardless....I don't normally post about individuals like that...but it again amazes me when someone defends abuse, neglect with intention! Then starts attacking someone who is proving them incorrect.

Anyways... So do hope everyone enjoys this long weekend and spends time with loved ones.
I'm cooking all day for family gathering of 15 tomorrow!! I will drop in as time permits.
Thanks WallFly...I didn't understand the relationship of the two. Now it makes more sense. It was late and I had insomnia 🙃
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Grabbed this from an article on the AI scammer page. I have told you in the past that I am in recovery from alcohol. I also had talked about spider veins but this shows a pretty good example of Vals face. Now the other picture is definitely Marlow! The flushing she always seems to have. And Val also has the flushing that she claims are hormone related! Nope Val....
It's a good read on the other page if you have time.
I am not watching DSGP at this time since it's still from camping and a cooking video. They apparently have to cook inside the camper because there are to many bugs! Hello ladies you are camping!!! There are bug rappers, citronella candles and fogger. But nope they prefer to stay inside! Goobers....


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