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VIP Member
OMG. Not only is it completely unprofessional, it’s dangerous! Can you report him/her?

Somebody on the general enquiries line has decided that they are actually a switchboard operator in 1986, employed to sound posh when speaking to men in three piece suits and bowler hats.

Despite having task oriented email addresses specifically to allow for differentiation of tasks, sharing of workload, monitoring AND protection of individuals from absolute basket cases who can and do hunt you down if they take exception to the font you've used in an email, never mind emailing them something they don't like, this absolute tool has unilaterally decided to give angry randoms my full name, the work 'personal' email address, the direct telephone number, the precise working pattern, that I'm alone in the building from x o'clock because it's easy for me to get home in (just off the street where I live), that there is no security at that time of day so it's easy to just walk in off the street AND promised each one a personal callback during the period in which I am lone working to 'explain and apologise'. You've just fucking doxxed me because you don't want to do your literal fucking job.

Dickhead dickhead dickhead dickhead dickhead.
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He ended up sending his feedback request to other people in the team but I received none. I guess he doesn’t want to hear real feedback and is only looking for people who will tell him how great he is.

I’ll never forget the way this man made me feel (less than). How he dared to treat me like I don’t exist after I resigned and after I’d mentioned to him my dad’s passing in the last few months. No humanity whatsoever. I guess he knows the way he treated me is why I’m moving on and he’s afraid I’ll write a super negative feedback that will stick with him.

Vile disgusting individual. Hope karma does its work someday.
Can you not ask your colleagues for a copy of the form, and send it anyway 😇
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Chatty Member
When your witch of a teammate has sprayed so much perfume that you feel sick. My sense of smell is not great at the moment so for me to be knocked back by it, it must be really bad.
Im wearing a mask too and my nose is running and eyes burning from it.
Yet another reason to dislike her.
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For me I'm just getting annoyed with people not doing their actual job and making excuses (name a LinkedIn post, not my workplace colleague :)

But seriously, I'm Team A at work and needed Team B to help with something on Friday and heard the manager of Team B say ''Let's all slope off at 4 guys and get some drinks''. And I swear some people do nothing from home and it's okay.
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Norfolking Good

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My boss really pissed me off on Friday afternoon as I’m off this week on annual leave. She decided to collate a load of data herself, copy me in to take over when I return next week and then volunteers me to organise a load of events also on my return. None of this is urgent so why not wait a week until I’m back rather than her usual halfassed handover where she will no doubt not hand it over completely and make the whole thing a hundred times more complicated. She loves to retain a bit of a job and then huff and puff when you have to ask her about her bit. So frustrating
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DA Stella

Chatty Member
I've just sent a draft email to someone to send individually to certain staff and asked them to add information from the below email.
5 minutes later I get a call to ask if they can copy the same email and where do they find the info. READ THE EMAIL AND YOU WILL SEE!!!!!
I read somewhere people only read the first ten words of any written communication. Same with resumes.
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I supported a project which wrapped up today & asked for feedback to the project lead (we worked closely). Their feedback was “I like your attention to detail”.

I mean, I appreciate the feedback but attention to detail is a pre-requisite for our role given it has a sensitive nature. To be fair, I wanted something a bit more constructive than this especially as it was my second project in my new team and never got any training.
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Wow. Sounds like you won't get an apology from him then, he sounds unhinged to be acting so strange about an employee having their leave. Is there a boss above him and the GM you can speak to about it?
No, it's a private company owned by him and his wife. He's vindictive - I've seen him turn on other people in the past.


Sounds like a former boss of mine. We lost our biggest client as he "Got bored with them" (his very words) and so our competitors took all our business instead. He'd also shout abuse at anyone who resigned while using the immortal "I'll make sure you never work in this industry again!" as a final insult. We were a minor IT contracting company and nothing more.

Long story short, the boss was having a midlife crisis so took to cocaine and strippers while refusing to delegate to anyone. About 18 months after I'd left, the company went bust. Just checked him out now and it looks like he's gone back to his old job which is ironic as he used to tell us all about how they were useless and it was young guns like him who would outplay and outsmart the likes of them.
He sounds exactly the same! Not sure if he is having a mid-life crisis but he has been acting weird for the past few months ... he used to come into the office and just about sing "good morning" but suddenly started coming in at the crack of dawn and would stay in his office for most of the day with the door shut. He owns the company with his wife, who calls into the office now and again but otherwise keeps her distance ... who really knows what the situation is.


I was about to say, his behaviour sounds very strange. He had no answer when you asked him why others couldn't have taken on the work. He is in over his head, I imagine.

If this was a major account, about to be lost, surely it would be a case of all hands on deck whereas it seems like he looked for the non obvious solution, ie wanting you to cut short your holidays, then when that didn't work, threw the baby out with the bathwater.
Exactly! The thing is, there is at least one other person he could've asked to do the presentation - she's even been saying how she's hardly had anything to do since returning from holidays as everything is quiet with all her clients at the moment. I had a very successful year last year in bringing in new business but otherwise sit firmly in the middle of everyone ... this other lady is consistently good. I think his aggression stems from my turning down the role he and his wife offered me last year - which thank goodness I did, because I would've been miserable!
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DA Stella

Chatty Member
Scheduling a Teams meeting, then sending an email rescheduling the meeting ten minutes after the meeting start time, leaving all the people who showed up hanging. This person has done this four times. I didn't bother responding to the reschedule invitation because they're just going to do it again. Oh, and I was required to complete a 100+ item spreadsheet to prepare.
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Once again today, WFH this time, and I was told “You have your camera off again lol”. Again, a non-work related meeting where we were preparing a festive thing. I had to say in a joking but non joking way “I have a bandaid on my face, unless y’all want to see it?!”.

Enough with people crossing boundaries.

I always put my camera on normally. This is a rare I occurrence. Deal with it.
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Yep, and they start with “I know you’ve only just got in”. Then leave me alone!
This happens to me too and is particularly annoying as my official start time isn't actually until half an hour after I'm in - it's just that I like to be early. But give me time to get settled at desk and have a coffee ffs. The other one used to be when one of my managers would ring me after working hours but he doesn't seem to do that much anymore. My phone is my personal one and not a work one and I mentioned it to a colleague whom I reckon may have mentioned it to him and he's gotten the message.
I sometimes will go in an hour early or stay late if there is something urgent to be done. One morning I went in that extra hour early only to find out that the urgent thing was now not so urgent and there was an extension of time. My manager hadn't thought to tell me there was no need to come in so early after all and he knew I was coming in extra early to attend to it. I was annoyed at the disrespect for my time.
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I always think with feedback that it's sticking your neck out to provide it. And I won't risk that for someone else's development, especially if the root cause is their lack of self awareness.

In my work there's a big culture of '360 feedback' where everyone has to request feedback from everyone they've worked with during the appraisal year. I usually just don't fill it in.
Same in my place - it’s such a cop out for management.
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I worked with a shift partner who did nothing all shift but shop for shoes online and look at houses for sale he could never possibly afford. He even told people I was his "assistant" even though we were equals. This went on for months because he and our manager were of the same ethnic background and the manager said he didn't want to "bring down" a man of their race. Well, he wouldn't have been, the guy was bringing himself down, but whatever. Then it all became crystal clear when I went out on leave after having surgery and we got a different manager. Suddenly they realized he did NOTHING. Complaints came in from all over. I transferred to another location but heard he had been put on a PIP and had been written up two times. He finally quit when the third writeup came. I, on the other hand, got promoted twice more. So at least all my hard work paid off.
Excellent that all was revealed!
I'm annoyed with another barista who called our telco and arranged for the 'text my coffee order' texts to divert to her phone instead of the one kept at the coffee cart. (1) there was a charge of $25 for doing it - which she didn't seek my or my business partner's authority to do, and (2) she isn't in until Thursday and I had a very frustrating morning of people turning up to collect their coffees, only for me to look at them blankly.
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Hello Kitty

VIP Member
People acting like children - A password has been changed on our system which stops us from accessing files until it's updated by myself or a senior manager. I have just told someone to let me know of any changes in future (which they should do anyway) and the response was 'it wasn't us, it was IT'

Ok fair enough but still great to have abit of communication. I'm not actually bothered that the password was changed, it's the fact that no one has told us and now we have to waste more time to sort it :rolleyes:
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The absolute WORST are the ones who laboriously make you go through the whole “Happy New Year” rigmarole on like the 19th January. No, fuckettes. You get until the end of the first week, after which we MOVE ON.
I was just having a think about how long I’d need to put up with this for!
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Hello Kitty

VIP Member
Colleagues calling all day. There's 1 person in particular that calls me about 10 times a day.
I manage a team of 10 people and I'm currently covering for someone as they are on holiday so double workload. I do not have time to answer the phone to you every 30-60 minutes :mad:
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That’s fair enough but surely you have some recourse if it’s not down to you? Our carryover policy is a bit wishy washy but needs to be used by end of March and that’s pretty much the only clarity there is over it.
My manager told me the day is gone even though they’re aware I was misinformed on more than one occasion by my previous management. No recourse apparently. They suggested to reach out to HR which I did, still waiting for their reply.

To think managers are your go to for HR questions. Moving forward, I’ll just use up all my entitlements.
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