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This girl is so dumb tragic and confused that I want to shake her.

who wants to tell her that SPEAKING a language or living in a country or having half siblings from another country does NOT make that your ethnicity?? Also it’s Farsi. Also IRAQIS ARENT PERSION.

Sorry but her desperation to claim Arabic heritage primarily as her ethnicity just tells me she has deep rooted denial of her Jewish heritage. Most Jews have Israeli roots and are PROUD to identify as such especially given their history and so they should be. So why is she such a denier? Why claim she is everything under the sun with everything thrown in there from French to American to God knows what else, but not what she actually is? Mind blowing. And sad really.

Sorry but this is ridiculous and is actually very very concerning.

Edit: NOT saying there aren’t Arab Jews because of course of course there are - but then just say so. Also don’t start calling Iraqis Persian for the Good Lord on earths sake 😭🤦🏻‍♀️
There are Persians in Iraq. It’s a minority, because they would have migrated there from Iran at some point. But there are. Like there are people of all races anywhere in the world!

What I don’t understand is that Carol’s listed on the Farhi website, obviously married to Rick. But why are her parents listed? And their other offspring? Were they already distantly related in the Farhi family? Which would make them all Jewish, not Persian ethnicity?

Yes she says her mom is Persian and that her granma grew up in Iraq, which probably means she was born in Iran. I'm Persian myself and can spot a Persian grandmother from a mile away - Maman Rachel is straight-up Persian with the accent and everything (also maman is Persian for mom/grandma)
I wouldn’t assume she was born in Iran. I’m Persian but born in the UK!
I don’t know why she says Mama Rachel instead of Maman Rachel, though. We say Maman! I agree, if I met them I would straight away think - Persian, of Rachel and Carol. But the Jewish link is confusing.
If you marry in, do you have to convert? Does it make the rest of your family linked, as they seem to have added Carol’s family to the geneology website? Or would they need to be blood related to the Farhi bloodline to be linked?
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Not adding much to the conversation here, but can I just say that I personally really appreciate all these posts about her heritage because I must admit, I am very uneducated when it comes to the whole persian/arab/iranian and everything else you guys said here so it's good for everyone who might not have roots there or is simply not educated on the subject to make a difference in the future. After Black Lives Matter movement we definitely have to get educated and understand and celebrate these differences so I am very thankful to all of you :)
I also always find it interesting talking about this stuff but one should really also fact check topics like this aka do some real research not from a forum. Disclaimer: I don't mean to attack anyone in this forum or discredit them at all, just a suggestion for anyone interested in this sometimes sensitive topic.
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She is absolutely lying to avoid saying she's Jewish. It's probably one of the top 3 things that annoys me about her. I'm not going to say no Jewish person from Iraq or Iran never calls themselves an Arab. But most don't. I have family there. They would identify themselves as Jewish from that area. And she likes to say she's from India too. Sorry. Maybe she had family that moved there and maybe even represented the country in the Olympics (people haven't been able to confirm that) but she doesn't celebrate Indian culture. Case in point. Her jewelry line was just coincidentally launched on Diwali and she never even mentioned it. I'm sure somebody who strongly identifies with their Indian heritage would have mentioned the holiday. In her VLOG she often hides that she's having a Shabbat dinner by calling it a "family dinner" or attending a cousin's Bat Mitzvah or Bar Mitzvah is a "party." Or when she failed to say the charity that was honoring her mother for her work with them. It's a Jewish charity. Or when she gave her mother her "Christmas present" on Chanukah (so very early for a Christmas present). Calling herself a "fellow Arab girl"? I'm sorry. There's no way a Jewish person, even if they lived in UAE (for example) would say that. Especially somebody who comes from an obviously observant family. I'm sympathetic if she doesn't want to mention being Jewish because of antisemitism. It's on the rise, too. But why mention being Arab. Just say you're British. She is. It's the lying. I would never pretend to be Christian. I just couldn't do it. But I could avoid talking religion or background. That's what she could do. And while I'm sympathetic to her being scared to face antisemitism, I also think she should just be open about who she is. Maybe that's a step towards loving herself a little bit more. Sorry. I've been a lurker for years about this topic. Had lots to say!
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I came here after her recent vlog, where she is out and about with friends. In the UK you’re supposed to stay home. It’s fine to go out for a walk or exercise, and if you live alone you can meet one friend. But all the people she saw in that one day alone would’ve exceeded her bubble. And apparently she doesn’t live alone? So she is blatantly breaking restrictions.
I am so confused as to why no one has commented on the video or why she thinks it’s okay to do this.
There was comments when it was first posted... I wonder if she deleted them.
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means that about only 50% of her followers are real allegedly by this Insta account
What resource do they use to analyse this?

I can believe Amelia has bought her way to success. I always remember Amelia admitting when she first started out to pestering beauty PRs for invites to events. I think she liked to tell a story about a dior event and she kept bugging them so much they let her go in the end. She also used to be bffs with Tijan who also has admitted to bugging brands for invites and essentially forcing her way for a seat at the table.. They both likely use their connections and wealth to get ahead.
It's was quite normal 3-5 years ago to buy followers, loads of influencers did it before there were ways to find out.
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Hahhaha sorry, as English is not my first language I might haven gotten my point across incorrectly. I of course wouldn't expect anyone to follow a different countries rules, just mentioning that the UK's "permissiveness" might be what encourages certain people to bend the rules to their favor. There's been 3 lockdowns there, right? I mentioned my countries rules to show how differently influencers behaved -My post was basically written with influencers with a large following in mind- as I know the UK has a big issue with influencers in general breaking the rules (Dubai-gate).

As I said, I'm sure that the biggest majority will follow the rules and work together to beat this horrible situation, but the fact that someone with such a big platform is meeting people that aren't from their current household (or bubble) without a mask and excusing her behavior with clearly non essential work is just... surprising I guess. I know the mask is only mandatory inside, but if this person you're meeting is not from your bubble... wouldn't you just wear it just in case? Specially if you're uploading this to the internet?

I might be wrong but I thought that right now you guys could only meet one different bubble if you lived alone. So is Guy Amelia's bubble? She's not seeing her family or sister? That's already breaking the rules, right? + the boyfriend thing that might be living with her... confusing. I mean she did remove the "meeting friends" from the title...
Supposedly only essential workers should be the ones allowed to not work from home - or if your work requires your presence 100%. So was what Amelia did in this vlog really impossible to do via zoom? Again, not really collaborating.
I'm all about supporting small businesses, but I'm pretty sure you could either have it delivered or go somewhere local. It looks like Amelia drove her car there and sort of used it as an excuse to just meet a couple of friends. Again, not necessarily doing something terrible but just accidentally encouraging people to bend the rules. Other influencers such as Lily Pebbles and Estee are being criticized for driving to different areas right now so I thought that was a no-no.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, this is what I though was going on there based on what I read in different UK influencer threads.
(+ of course the nail situation that I didn't mention)
Don't worry!! I got what you are saying :)
I think in her head she thinks it's fine she saw Guy even if he's not in her bubble coz it was outdoors which is obviously so stupid. It's crazy to parade it like you said especially because in UK you can alert the government on their website and tell on people if they are breaking lockdown rules... so she should be careful on what she posts
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Does anyone else think she's actually had a breast lift/implants? She denied it in her recent video (and took off her bra for some reason lol) but as someone who had a lift that looks super natural (as in not super perky or implants) idk what she was trying to prove 🙃
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Why does she lie? Some people have suggested it's for business reasons. She says she's "an arab" girl or from India to curry favor with a client base. Maybe. I think it is two-fold. A big reason is anti-semitism, which is on the rise. It has always been and unfortunately has been getting worse. And alas, it comes from many sides. People to the right of the political spectrum bring up old tropes of Jewish people and conspiracy theories. On the left, people conflate Jewish people with Israel. And blame Jews for things the Israeli government does. I have no doubt that if Amelia showed Jewish customs and talked about being Jewish (along with all of her friends and boyfriends), she'd get comments on her posts, whether it's a non-sequitur of "free Palestine" (not debating the political situation, but I see this even when there's just a post about a Jewish person) or the old hate standby of "Illuminati." So I get she wants to avoid all of that.

And a more deeply personal reason, if I were to play armchair psychologist, is that Amelia has always compared herself to the aristocratic people she went to school with and/or rubbed up against socially. [...]
I 100% agree with those two points. I am sure if she were to "come out" publicly as jewish she'd face a lot of actual hate from all sides as you say. If I were her I honestly don't know if I'd introduce that aspect of my life to my social media, although she shows tiiiny snippets here and there.
The second point is also true imho, she has major problems with her looks as everyone can see.
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New member
I get it! :) Anyways one cannot become jewish or arab, you have to born as one. For example, Jews come from Isac and Arabs from Ishmael. But I have met people who are related to Abraham through both Isac and Ishmael(their families converted):
Agreed, you have to be born into this
But did you vlog a "What I got for Christmas" vid thereafter ? 😜

I really liked Amelia pre-2020, I was her biggest fan - however, 2020 opened my eyes to the "real" Amelia - the whole bullying of her pregnant hairdresser over MONTHS and then trying to sabotage the single mother's business - evidenced in Amelia's and Lydia's vlogs, the drama with the hotel she (wrongfully) put on blast and her never-ending breaking of lockdown rules plus her non-stop Ads (Raemi and every single other brand on earth). Previously, I had picked up the little white lies here and there but wow, once I looked closer, the bad behaviour was just something I could not ignore.
Her mask has slipped.
I'm not going to get into that side of things. I just wanted to set the record straight about her heritage.
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I'm sorry to bring this up again, not trying to start a convo about this but I was so naive, I really thought that when she didn't post her lazy sunday video that it was because she is seriously worried about the situation, maybe friends or family are directly affected or whatever but then she just keeps posting random shit on her insta! Going out for dinner, showing off clothes, ads and all the mindless bs she loves to shill. So I guess, whatever, she just skipped a sunday, how professional. Not that I am doing more than a short skip through of her ad videos but it just really annoys me somehow. :| The gall calling her shopping obsession showing a legit video, ok. Don't know why I expected anything different.
:/ I thought so too for a minute but then when she said she’s posting her usual Sunday video on Tuesday instead, I realised it was just so that it would coincide with the launch of her second jewelry collection. She’s just making sure to reach as many of her audience across all platforms so she can sell as much as possible, that’s the sad truth.

I’m sure she does care about what is happening but it’s an extremely sensitive and complex issue that I think she doesn’t have the confidence or courage to comment on. I hope that she is at least educating herself, she seems to have all the time in the world to do that, going to stupid dance classes, self tanning and going to restaurants.
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It's clear she's gotten tons of botox, fillers and plastic surgery. Not that there's anything wrong but at least be honest about it. These influencers and celebs who get lots of work done really want us to believe they are natural from head to toe when it's clearly noticeable when you see how they looked a few years back.
Lol, I cant tell if you're joking

If she's still a teen in some of these older pictures then age will have a little to do with the change in her face, or anyone's face. Cosmetic work aside she doesn't look that different
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So I use to work at a very famous venue that would be hired out for bar mitzvah and bat mitzvahs and what Amelia showed is literally what happened at everyone I worked. They all hired backing dancers and singers and sometimes the kids would perform or just stand in the middle whilst the backing dancers/singers danced around them and the crowd watched.

Yes they are definitely rich but what they did for Amelia isn't actually uncommon in some communities. (Especially as family members are expected to donate to this event)
Same. My cousins did something slightly similar but not to this extent at their Bar Mitzvahs. The venue had a sort of MC with a male dancer and a female dancer. It was a way to encourage people to get up and dance and help the kids with some dance moves. Let's face it, many 13-year-old kids (and some adults) are super awkward in those situations. But depending on the scale, it could be like those over-the-top extravaganzas seen on My Super Sweet 16.

re: Money. Like at weddings, the "presents" at a Bar or Bat Mitzvah is usually cash/check from the adults. Slipped surreptitiously to the Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah boy or girl. At the end of the night, the haul is counted. It sounds a bit crass but everybody involved knows the deal, so... It's very similar to an Italian wedding where the bride actually has a satin pouch people put the money/check in.
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